高考英语 新教材配套词汇检测系列 模块五 Unit 1 Getting along with others(学生版) 译林牛津版.doc_第1页
高考英语 新教材配套词汇检测系列 模块五 Unit 1 Getting along with others(学生版) 译林牛津版.doc_第2页
高考英语 新教材配套词汇检测系列 模块五 Unit 1 Getting along with others(学生版) 译林牛津版.doc_第3页
高考英语 新教材配套词汇检测系列 模块五 Unit 1 Getting along with others(学生版) 译林牛津版.doc_第4页
高考英语 新教材配套词汇检测系列 模块五 Unit 1 Getting along with others(学生版) 译林牛津版.doc_第5页
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2013年高考英语词汇检测系列 模块五 unit 1 getting along with others(与译林牛津新版教材配套,学生版)一、词义配对a1. cheerful a. admire very much 2. horrible b. say sorry to 3. guilty c. be full of happiness 4. quarrel d. having acute mental or emotional awareness 5.sensitive e. make or write a comment on6. envy f. the time of persons life when they are a child7. childhood g. showing a sense of guilt8. argue h. truly; with sincerity; without pretense 9. dislike i. talk angrily with sb. because you dont agree 10. awkward j. frightful 11. apologize k. the concentration of attention or energy on something 12. betray l. be tired of13. focus m. have a disagreement over something14. sincerely n. hard to deal with; especially causing pain or embarrassmentb1. stubborn a. having a determined will 2. amusement b. without hope 3. overcome c. ready to help others with money or goods 4. hopeless d. have a talent for something5. identity e. ready to accept new ideas 6. gifted f. determined not to give way; strong-willed7. strong-minded g. the individual characteristics by which a thing or person is recognized or known 8. open-minded h. get over; deal with successfully9. generous i. easy to get angry or annoyed10.bad-tempered j. a feeling of delight at being entertainedc1. security a. the subject matter of a conversation or discussion2. worldwide b. an expression of regret at having caused trouble for someone3. mercy c. a complex mental state involving beliefs , feelings , values and so on in certain ways4. respond d. a short stop5. regardless e. having or showing keen interest or intense desire or impatient expectancy6. attitude f. studying again sth. that sb. has learnt, before an exam7.cautious g. devoted, confirmed8.topic h. in spite of everything9.eager i. the state of being free from danger or injury10.apartment j. show a reaction to something11.pause k. being kind and not hurting somebody who has done wrong12.revision l. careful because there may be mitted m. a suite of rooms usually on one floor14.apology n. involving the entire earth二、根据句意和首字母提示写出所缺单词的完全形式1.they a heatedly, but neither could convince the other. 2.when offered the job, he accepted it e , for he wanted to gain some working experience.3.he is a s friend of mine and we are getting along well with each other. 4. its obvious that he is wrong. why should you b me?.5.different people have different a when they talk about college students joining the army.6.nothing is worse than feeling b by your best friend.7.if you p to know what you dont know, youll only make a fool of yourself.8.when much evidence was found, the suspect could do nothing but a the crime he had committed.9.with much noise outside, i found it hard to have my attention f on my homework. 10.i couldnt help f her after i learned the whole story.11.she is very c_ of/about giving offense to others.12.two guards looked after the s_ of the property.13.french cheeses are famous w_. 14.the future of the company will depend mainly on how consumers r .15.our teachers told us to do everything well to our s_.16.you must a to her for having kept her waiting for such a long time.17.we all want to make friends and develop f_ with others. 18.george felt very g_ about forgetting to post herberts letter.19.he was disappointed so often that he became h . 20.we need a confident leader to o these difficulties.三、译出下列词组(英译汉)英语汉语英语汉语thanks tokeep ones word be based onstare atregardless ofshout atend updevelop friendships with sb.rely oncant help doing sth.get throughshare withspy onapologize to sb. / make an apology to sb.keep pace withhave a quarrel withget along within conclusionbe proud of/take pride inlook back on四、从上述表格中选择恰当的词组填空1.dont going abroad for our holiday because we may not be able to afford it.2. your help, we accomplished the task ahead of schedule.3.we must the new development of modern scientific research.4.hes a bit quick-tempered, but not difficult to .5.he likes to those unforgettable years in the army.6.i had to it for several seconds to figure out what it meant.7.she accused moses of hiring a private detective to her.8.she would have liked to him the joy she had felt.9. how often i correct him, he always makes the same mistake.10.if you dont know what you want, you might getting something you dont want.提升练习一、单项填空1. i meant to tell you about it earlier and called you several times, but i couldnt _. a. call on b. take over c. go by d. get through2. if i find someone who looks like the suspect, my reaction will be to tell the police.a. physical b. immediate c. sensitive d. sudden3. as long as we are united, there is no difficulty we cannot _. a. go b. disagree c. overcome d. focus4. in spite of his serious andillness, he still stuck to his post until he was forced to leave.a. stableb. stubbornc. firmd. effective5.we should be very _ about giving our personal information to strangers. a. happy b. outgoing c. ready d. cautious6. jim entered the competition without much hope, not expecting he would_ the first prize!a. come up withb. put up withc. catch up withd. end up with7. readers can _ quite well without knowing the exact meaning of each word of the sentence.a. get over b. get inc. get along d. get through8. if you leave the club, you will not be to it again.a. allowed b. admittedc. permitted d. approved9. for most americans, their 18th birthday _ the end of one part of their life and the beginning of another.a. predicts b. tells c. marks d. signs 10. ill never _ you for what you have done to your parents.a. regret b. forgive c. comfort d. relax11. i want to leave now because i cant _ doing nothing useful here.a. stand b. experience c. suffer d. last12. the managing director was to _ the accident.a. be blamed for b. be blamed onc. blame for d. blame on13.a teachers _ to education is worth great respect of the whole society because it brings benefits to the development of societya. devotion b. principle c. identity d. guidance14.perhaps some day it will be pleasant to _ these things. a. lookdownon b. lookforward to c. lookbackond. lookon15. how are you managing to do your work without an assistant?well, i _ somehow.a. get along b. come onc. watch out d. set off16. now that bob has publicly _ he was wrong, he is sharing the child-raising and household tasks with pat.a. admitted b. suggestedc. agreed d. explained17._him and then try to copy what he does.a. mind b. look at c. stare at d. watch18. the patients illness _ the doctor because he couldnt find the cause.a. frightened b. interestedc. puzzled d. confused19.it was most _ of you to lend me the money when i was in trouble. a. gratefulb. generous c. gentle d. guilty20. _ of the consequences, he did whatever he liked and nobody could stop him.a. regarding b. as regardsc. regardless d. with regard二、完型填空阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(a、b、c和d)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。i often read of incidents of misunderstanding or conflict. im left _1_.why do these people create mistrust and problems, especially with those from other _2_?i was growing up in kuala lumpur in the early 1960s,_3_ children from different races and religions played and studied _4_ in harmony. at that time my family lived a stones _5_ from ismails. and no one was bothered that ismail was a malay muslim and i was an indian hinduwe just _6_ our differences. perhaps, our elders had not filled our heads with unnecessary advice, well _7_ or otherwise.we were nine when we became friends. during the school holidays, wed _8_ the countryside on our bicycles, hoping to _9_ the unexpected. at times ismail would accompany my family as we made a rare shopping trip to town. we would be glad of his _10_.when i was twelve, my family moved to johor. ismails family later returned to their village, and i _11_ touch with him.one spring afternoon in 1983, i stopped a taxi in kuala lumpur. i _12_ my destination. the driver acknowledged my _13_ but did not move off. instead, he looked _14_ at me. “raddar?”he said, using my childhood nickname(绰号)i was astonished at being so _15_ addressed(称呼). unexpectedly! it was ismail! even after two _16_ we still recognized each other. grasping his shoulder, i felt a true affection, something _17_ to describe.if we can allow our children to be _18_ without prejudice, theyll build friendships with people, regardless of race or religion, who will be _19_ their side through thick and thin. on such friendships are societies built and _20_ we can truly be, as william shakespeare once wrote, “we happy few, we band of brothers”.1.a. interested b. pleased c. puzzled d. excited2.a. parties b. cities c. villages d. races3.a. why b. which c. how d. when 4.a. together b. around c. alone d. apart5.a. drop b. throw c. move d. roll6.a. refused b. made c. sought d. accepted7.a. paid b. meant c. preserved d. treated8.a. explore b. search c. discover d. desert9.a. get through b. deal with c. come across d. take away10.a. arrival b. choice c. effort d. company11.a. lost b. gained c. developed d. missed12.a. stated b. ordered c. decided d. chose13.a. attempts b. instructions c. opinions d. arrangements14.a. anxiously b. carelessly c. disappointedly d. fixedly15.a.familiarly b. strangely c. fully d. coldly16.a.departures b. months c. years d. decades17.a.possible b. funny c. hard d. clear18.a.them b. themselves c. us d. ourselves19.a. from b. by c. with d. against20.a. still b. otherwise c. then d. instead三、任务型阅读when joe bates was twelve years old, he lost interest in school he stopped listening in his classes. some of his teachers began to consider him a problem.but a few of joes teachers thought that joe might have lost interest in schoolwork because he already understood it. they proposed that joe try taking a university class in computer science. joe did. he was the best student in the class. later tests showed that his intelligence and knowledge were far greater than most children of his age. he entered the university when he was thirteen, about four years earlier than most children. and by the time he was in his early twenties, joe was teaching computer science at a university.joes story shows what can happen when a childs unusual ability is recognized. sadly, however, not all gifted children get this recognition. and educational experts say unusually gifted children may waste their abilities if they do not get help to develop them.studies show that almost twenty percent of students who fail to complete high school in the united states are gifted children.this is because gifted children can have special problems as well as special abilities. teachers may not recognize their abilities, or may not know how to keep them interested. or they may consider such students to be trouble-makers or rebels.gifted children may feel lonely or different because they do not know other children who share their interests.educators say there are more than two million gifted children in the united states today. but they say fewer than half are taking part in special education programs designed for them.one of the most successful programs is held every summer at john hopkins university in the state of maryland, where joe bates went to school. it started in 1980 when educators


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