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2013年高考英语二轮专题复习命题预测46阅读理解a.a qualified doctor who rarely practiced but instead devoted his life to writing. he once said: “medicine is my lawful wife, and literature is my lover.” russian writer anton pavlovich chekhov, was a great playwright and one of the masters of the modern short story. when chekhov entered the moscow university medical school in 1879, he started to publish hundreds of comic short stories to support his family. after he graduated, he wrote regularly for a local daily newspaper.as a writer he was extremely fast, often producing a short story in an hour or less. chekhovs medical and science experience can be seen through the indifference(冷漠) many of his characters show to tragic events. in 1892, he became a full time writer and published some of his most memorable stories.chekhov often wrote about the sufferings of life in small town russia. tragic events control his characters who are filled with feelings of hopelessness and despair.it is often said that nothing happens in chekhovs stories and plays. he made up for this with his exciting technique for developing drama within his characters. chekhovs work combined the calm attitude of a scientist and doctor with the sensitivity(敏感) of an artist.some of chekhovs works were translated into chinese as early as the 1940s. one of his famous stories, the man in a shell, about a school teachers extraordinarily orderly life, was selected as a text for chinese senior students.56. anton pavlovich chekhov _. a. had a lawful lover b. was an illegal writerc. used to be a lawyer d. was a competent doctor 57. in 1880, chekhov _. a. became a full-time writerb. studied medicine in moscow universityc. practiced medicine in his hometownd. published his most memorable stories58. which of the following adjectives cant be used to describe chekhov?a. sensitive. b. cool.c. quick-minded. d. warm-hearted.59. which of the following is the right order of the events?a. became a doctor b. became a full time writer c. started to publish comic short stories d. wrote regularly for a local daily newspaper.e. entered the moscow university medical schoola. ecadb b. dabcec. ecbad d. aecbdbeveryone has heard of the famous italian dishes of pasta (面条) and pizza, far fewer have actually had the chance to taste them in italy. but i was lucky enough to visit the country with my school and i enjoyed my fill of these and other lovely foods. we went to the town of vietri, salerno, in southern italy. on the first day, we were told that dinner would be at 7:30, but it actually began at 7:50. our teachers had told us in advance about the relaxed pace of italian life! but still, we were starving (饥饿的). however, once it did, it was worth all the waiting. the sea-food salad was delicious, not too sour and not too salty. the cheeses were a different matter; i had heard they were famous, but it took me a while to get used to them. the fruits were excellent, so fresh they tasted as if they had just been picked.as we had been banned (禁止) from drinking alcohol (酒类), we sipped (吮吸) water, instead of wine at meals. there were two types, one was ordinary, the other sparkling (发泡的) water. it tasted like a flavorless soda. during the visit, we discovered that real italian pizza was very different from anything we had tasted before. it was cheap, savory (美味的) and had a soft texture (质地). my favorite was a plain one with just a cheese topping. once i ate a whole one, almost 20cm in diameter (直径). i so stuffed (塞满) myself that i felt ill at the end of the meal. to be honest, unlike the others, i didnt much like the pasta. perhaps i am too much in love with chinese noodles to really take to them. my friend and i walked the whole of the town trying out different kinds of pastry (糕饼). the combination of sugar, cream and chocolate made them delicious. but if you hadnt had a sweet tongue, you would not have liked them, since they were very sweet. every day, last thing in the evening, we had ice cream at a local store. we tried all the flavors! it was so satisfying to go to bed on a full stomach with the memory of a whole day of eating fresh in your mind. heres hoping that you too get to sample the wonderful food of italy!60. in the article, the writer mainly tells us about _.a. italian pizza b. her experience of trying italian foodsc. the beautiful sights of italy d. italys mysterious traditions61. on the first day in italy, the dinner was delayed by 20 minutes probably because _. a. the food they ordered was difficult to prepareb. waiting would give them a bigger appetitec. italians have a relaxed attitude to lifed. the italians werent very welcoming62. during their stay in italy, the writer enjoyed all of the following italian foods except _. a. pasta b. pizza c. sea-food salad d. pastries63. the article tells us that the writer _.a. fell in love with italian cheeses at her first biteb. felt ill after trying many flavors of ice creamc. doesnt have a sweet tongued. was not allowed to drink alcohol in italy cwhy do men die earlier than women? the latest research makes it known that the reason could be that mens hearts go into rapid decline when they reach middle age.the largest study of the effects of ageing on the heart has found that womens longevity may be linked to the fact that their hearts do not lose their pumping power with age.“we have found that the power of the male heart falls by 20-25 percent between 18 and 70 years of age,” said the head of the study, david goldspink of liverpool john moores university in the uk.“within the heart there are millions of cells that enable it to beat. between the age of 20 and 70, one-third of those cells die and are not replaced in men,” said goldspink. “this is part of the ageing process.”what surprises scientists is that the female heart sees very little loss of these cells. a healthy 70-year-old womans heart could perform almost as well as a 20-year-old ones.“this gender difference might just explain why women live longer than men,” said goldspink. they studied more than 250 healthy men and women between the ages of 18 and 80, focusing on healthy persons to remove the confusing influence of disease. “the team has yet to find why ageing takes a greater loss on the male heart,” said goldspink.the good news is that men can improve the health of their heart with regular exercise. goldspink stressed that women also need regular exercise to prevent their leg muscles becoming smaller and weaker as they age.64. the underlined word “longevity” in the second paragraph probably refers to “_”.a. health b. long life c. ageing d. effect65. according to the text, the uk scientists have known that _.a. women have more cells than men when they are bornb. women can replace the cells that enable the heart to beatc. the female heart loses few of the cells with aged. women never lose their pumping power with age66. if you want to live longer, you should _.a. enable your heart to beat much faster b. find out the reason for ageingc. exercise regularly to keep your heart healthy d. prevent your cells from being lost di had the meanest mother in the world. while other kids ate candy for breakfast, i had to have cereal (谷类食物), eggs or toast. while others had cokes and candy for lunch, i had to eat a sandwich. as you can guess, my supper was different from other kids too. but at least i wasnt alone in my sufferings. my sister and two brothers had the same mean mother as i did. my mother insisted upon knowing where we were at all times. she had to know who our friends were and where we were going. she insisted if we said wed be gone an hour, then we be gone one hour or less not one hour and one minute. and she always insisted upon us telling the truth. now you can see how mean she was. the worst is yet to come. we had to be in bed by nine each night and up at eight the next morning. we had to wash dishes, make beds, and learn to cook. we had to wear clean clothes and take a bath, while the other kids always wore their clothes for days. i believe she laid awake at night thinking up mean things to do to us. through the years, things didnt improve a bit. we could not lie in bed, “sick” like our friends did, and miss school. our marks in school had to be up to par. our friends report cards had beautiful colors on them, black for passing, red for failing. my mother, being as different as she was, would settle for nothing less than ugly black marks. as the years rolled by, we were one by one put to shame. we were graduated from high school. with our mother behind us, talking, hitting and demanding respect, none of us was allowed the pleasure of being a drop-out. my mother was a complete failure as a mother. out of four children, a couple of us attained some higher education. and whom do we have to blame for the terrible way we turned out? youre right, our mean mother. she forced us to grow up into educated and honest adults. now i am trying to raise my three children. i am filled with pride when my children call me mean. because, you see, i had the meanest mother in the whole world.choose the best answer:67. according to the article, the authors mother will ask her children to do all the following except _.a. eat as much candy as they want b. learn to cookc. be honest about what kind of friends they maked. go to bed and get up at fixed time68. what is the authors attitude toward her mother?a. hateful. b. grateful. c. worried. d. doubtful.69. the authors mother wanted her children to _.a. be top students in school and graduate with honorb. do their best at school and be educated and respected citizenc. stop seeing her friends who pretended to be sick to skip classed. bring home colored repo


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