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2013高考总复习闯关密训英语卷 unit04 pygmalion 必修8第一节 单项填空从、四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1. what have you been busy with these days? i _ that the speech contest has been brought forward, so i _ for it.a. was informed; have been preparing b. have informed; am preparingc. informed; have prepared d. was informed; prepared2. the course that beijing university offers normally attracts 30 foreign students per year; _ up to half will be from america.a. in which b. for whom c. with which d. of whom3. contrary to our _, the chinese mens football team lost to iraq.a. possessionb. expectationc. identificationd. destination4. i hear that you have won the lottery. not once in my life _ until now.a. good luck turned upb. turned up good luckc. up turned good luckd. has good luck turned up5. i really cant _ with the noise that is going on outside. it is driving me crazy.a. come upb. put upc. push aheadd. get through6. knowing office rules, whether _ or not, is always of great importance, especially for young job seekers.a. writtenb. writing c. being writtend. having been written7. when my parents were young, they had to _ several miles every day to school since they had no money to buy a bike.a. occupyb. coverc. get d. make8. this year the company has produced as many cars as the year before last, but the total profits are four-fifths _ they were then.a. thatb. whatc. whichd. when9. when we put the suggestion to him, he thought highly of it and was _ about its immediate application.a. curiousb. contentc. cautiousd. enthusiastic10. the time he has devoted in the past ten years _the disabled is now considered _of great value.a. to help; beingb. help; to bec. to helping; to bed. helping; being11. all the government leaders and policemen in thailand must see to _ that every citizen should stay safe and sound in the terrible flood.a. all b. everythingc. itd. themselves12.bad news?if you _ know, li na got defeated again in the first round!a. canb. willc. shalld. must 13. what time do we have to be at the gate of the museum? _ the visitors begin to check in.a. immediatelyb. quickly c. hurriedlyd. gradually14.alice, bent _ losing weight, increased the time of exercise to three hours_ a time.a. on; inb. on; forc. with; ford. with; at15. what lesson do you draw from his failure in the job interview? _. good preparation is very important.a. it is good to learn from another mans experienceb. one is never too old to learnc. it is never too late to mendd. it is no use crying over spilt milk第二节 完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(a、b、c和d)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。when i entered berkeley, i hoped to earn a scholarship. having been a straight-a student(优等生), i believed i could 16 tough(=hard) subjects and really learn something. one such course was world literature given by professor jayne. i was extremely interested in the ideas he 17 in class. when i took the first exam, i was 18 to find a 77, c-plus, on my test paper, 19 english was my best subject. i went to reason with professor jayne, who listened to my arguments but remained 20 . i decided to try harder, although i didnt know what that 21 because school had always been easy for me. i read the books more carefully, but got another 77. again, i 22 with professor jayne. again, he listened patiently but wouldnt change his 23 . one more test before the final exam. one more 24 to improve my grade. so i redoubled my efforts(加倍努力) and, for the first time, 25 the meaning of the word thorough(彻底的).but my 26 did no good and everything 27 as before. the last hurdle(障碍)was the final. no matter what 28 i got, it wouldnt cancel three c-pluses. i might as well kiss the 29 goodbye. i stopped working hard. i felt i knew the course material as well as i ever would. the night before the final, i even 30 myself to a movie. the next day i decided for once id have 31 with a test. a week later, i was surprised to find i got an a. i hurried into professor jaynes office. he 32 to be expecting me. if i gave you the as you 33 , you wouldnt continue to work as hard. i stared at him, 34 that his analysis and strategy(策略)were correct. i had worked my head 35 , as i had never done before. i was speechless when my course grade arrived: a-plus. it was the only a-plus given. the next year i received my scholarship. ive always remembered professor jaynes lesson: you alone must set your own standard of excellence. 16.a.take b.discuss c.cover d.get 17.a.found b.presented c.exchanged d.obtained 18.a.shocked b.worried c.scared d.anxious 19.a.but b.so c.for d.or 20.a.unchanged b.unpleasant c.unfriendly d.unmoved 21.a.reflected b.meant c.improved d.affected 22.a.quarreled b.reasoned c.bargained d.chatted 23.a.attitude b.mind c.plan d.view 24.a.choice b.step c.chance d.measure 25.a.memorized b.considered c.accepted d.learned 26.a.ambition b.confidence c.effort d.method 27.a.stayed b.went c.worked d.changed 28.a.grade b.answer c.lesson d.comment 29.a.scholarship b.course c.degree d.subject 30.a.helped b.favored c.treated d.relaxed 31.a.fun b.luck c.problems d.tricks 32.a.happened b.proved c.pretended d.seemed 33.a.valued b.imagined c.expected d.welcomed 34.a.remembering b.guessing c.supposing d.realizing35.a.out b.over c.on d.off第三节:阅读理解认真阅读下列短文, a、b、c、d四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ain 1971 a young man who grew up very poor was traveling across the country, trying to make a new start for himself. along the way he had completely run out of money and was forced to spend the night in his car. this continued until one morning, after a week of sleeping in his car, he walked nervously into a restaurant and ordered a big breakfast.after eating his first good meal in weeks, he found himself lying to the waiter, telling him he had lost his wallet. the waiter, who was also the owner, walked behind the chair where the young man had been sitting. he bent down, and came up with a $20 bill that looked as if it had fallen on the floor and said, “son, you must have dropped this,” the owner said. the young man couldnt believe his luck! he quickly paid for the breakfast, left a tip, bought gas with the change, and headed west.on the way out of town, he began to understand what that fellow did. maybe nobody dropped the money at all. “maybe that fellow just knew i was in trouble and he helped me in a way that didnt embarrass(使困窘) me. so i just made a promise to help other people if i can.”later, he worked very hard and became a rich man. now he lives near kansas city. each year he gives away thousands of dollars. he is known as the “secret santa” because at christmas time each year, he personally hands money out to those on the street and at restaurants. last year, he gave more than $50,000 away in kansas city.36. the underlined word “this” in the second paragraph refers to .a. a wallet b. his luck c. the $20 bill d. his tip37. on the way out of town, the young man got to know that .a. it was very honest of the owner to return his moneyb. another man who had breakfast in the restaurant lost the moneyc. he could probably find himself a job in the restaurantd. the owner helped him in a way that didnt hurt his feelings.38. the best title for this text may be .a. secret santa of kansas city b. the key to success c. a kind waiter in the restaurant d. never give upbcalculus book for sale!thomas calculus weir, hass, & giordano 11th edition(版本)brand new, never been used but i will let it go for used price. bookstore sold at $150. call me and let me hear your offer.tel: 773-885-6604reading is good for you, people!why dont more people read today? i have so many great books for sale. if you are interested in any of these good book deals, email me or call me at 650-759-7174 to pick them up.all the days of my life(so far), by alison sweeney $5 all our yesterdays, by robert b.parker $1 the meaning of everything, by simon winchester $5 exploring language, by gary goshgarian $5 the little prince, by antoine de saint-exupery $1 jack at sea, by philippe dupasquier $1“the childrens classics” book set $200this is a book set that id love to keep, but just dont have any extra room on my already crowded bookshelf. it is an old, traditional set. the set is in excellent condition. there are nine titles in the set (see list below). i honestly have no idea what this set is worth, but ive been told i should sell the set for well over $200, so make me an offer and well see what we can do. please contact me by email if you are interested: book titles black beauty (276 pgs) tom sawyer (272 pgs)treasure island (270 pgs) heidi (278 pgs)alice in wonderland (276 pgs) andersens fairy tales (278 pgs) arabian nights (276 pgs) robin hood (278 pgs)king arthur (274 pgs)39. the purpose of the text is to .a. introduce some new books on sale b. advertise some books to the readersc. explain the benefits of reading books d. persuade the readers to read more interesting books.40. why does the owner sell “the childrens classics” book set?a. the owner thinks it too old b. the owner has bought a new set.c. the owner has read it for many times. d. the owners bookshelf has no more room.41. if you are interested in tom sawyer, you can .a. email b. visit the owner in personc. call 773-885-6604 d. call 650-759-7174chave you ever been sad because of failure? please remember, for often, achieving what you set out to do is not the most important thing.a boy decided to dig a deep hole behind his house. as he was working, a couple of older boys stopped by to watch. “what are you doing?” asked one of the visitors. “i want to dig a hole all the way through the earth!” the boy answered excitedly. the older boys began to laugh, telling him that digging a hole all the way through the earth was impossible. after a while, the boy picked up a jar. he showed it to the visitors. it was full of all kinds of stones and insects. then he said calmly and confidently, “maybe i cant finish digging all the way through the earth, but look at what ive found during this period!”the boys goal was far too difficult, but it did cause him to go on. and that is what a goal is for to cause us to move in the direction we have chosen, in other words, to cause us to keep working!not every goal will be fully achieved. not every job will end up with a success. not every dream will come true. but when you fall short of your aim, maybe you can say, “yes, but look what ive found along the way! there are so many wonderful things having come into my life because i tried to do something!” it is in the digging that life is lived. it is the unexpected joy on the journey that really makes sense.42. the older boys laughed at the boy because he was thought to be . a. brave b. impolite c. foolish d. warm-hearted43. why did the boy show the jar to the older boys?a. to drive them away.b. to show what he had found in digging.c. to show how beautiful the jar was.d. to attract them to join him in the work.44. what can be learnt from the fourth paragraph of the text?a. not dream can come true. b. all work will end successfully.c. goals shouldnt be set too high d. goals will make us work harder.45. the best


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