广东省河源市中国教育学会中英文实验学校八年级英语下册 Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents导学稿1(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版.doc_第1页
广东省河源市中国教育学会中英文实验学校八年级英语下册 Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents导学稿1(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版.doc_第2页
广东省河源市中国教育学会中英文实验学校八年级英语下册 Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents导学稿1(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版.doc_第3页
广东省河源市中国教育学会中英文实验学校八年级英语下册 Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents导学稿1(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版.doc_第4页




why dont you talk to your parents学习目标与要求: 通过本课,我们能学到以下单词及短语 allow,wrong,midnight,guess,deal,look through,big deal,work out, too many,too much,get into a fight;能根据对方所提出的问题,给出一些合理的建议,并正确认识生活中的一些困难,能采用正确的方式解决生活中的问题。学习内容摘 记step1 :warm-up.1. talk about problems in daily life.2. learn how to give advice.step2:listening1. finish 1b/2a/2b.step3:品读 -读出理解(自主学习:独立安静完成) 一、完成下列短语或句型翻译(在1a,2d中找):闲逛_ 与某人打架_(太多)+不可数名词 _ (太多)+可数名词复数 快速查看,浏览_ 归还给某人_ 对某人生气_ 说对不起_its not a big deal_ hope things work out._ 二、语言点归纳1、my parents dont allow me to hang out with my friends.我父母不允许我和朋友出去闲逛。allow为动词,意思是_,常用于结构_( 允许某人做某事 ) .拓展:allow的其他常用用法:1.1i dont think she will allow it.我想她不会允许这件事的。(“允许某事”译为_)1.2we dont allow smoking in our house. 在我们家不允许吸烟。(“允许做某事”译为_)学以致用:( )1.1.1. we dont allow _rubbish away in our classroom.a. throwing b. threw c. to threw d. to throw( )1.1.2. my mother allows me _tv for an hour after i finish my homework.a. watching b. watch c. to watch d. watched2. why dont you talk to your parents? 为什么你不和你爸妈聊一聊?why dont you 是“_”的意思,后面接_(do/doing/to do),表示建议,等于_(学过的表示建议的句型还有哪些,请写在下面横线上:_)学以致用:( )2.1.why dont you _out for a walk after dinner?a. go b. to go c. going d. went3.i found my sister looking through my things yesterday.我昨天发现我的妹妹早翻看我的东西。found原型是_,“发现某人正在做某事”的结构为_,类似的用法有_,( )3.1.i found a wallet_on the road when i passes by.a. lie b. lieing c.lying d. to lie 第二段:【长课导学】 模块二:交流研讨研讨内容摘 记step 1:核对step3答案。step 2: role- play the conversation ( according to 2d ). 模块三:巩固内化学习任务摘 记step 1:背诵本节课的新单词。step 2:整理 语言点归纳 的要点. 课题:unit4 why dont you talk to your parents? 第1课时模块四:当堂训练 姓名:_一 、根据所给提示完成句子.1. how about_ (go) shopping with me this afternoon?2. why not _(踢) football with me?3. youd better _(stay) in bed until tomorrow.4. what should i _(买) for my sister?5. why dont you _ (get) her a scarf ?6.i found you_(play) basketball when i passed the playground.7. my mother allows me_(go) out for playing on weekends.8.the teacher doesnt allow _(talk) in class.二翻译。1.你为什么不给她一本书?_ _you give her a book?2.我有很多作业要多。i have _ _homework to do.3.我父母不允许我和朋友去闲逛.my parents dont _ _ _hang out with my friends.4.我和我的好朋友打架了。i _


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