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学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考哭笑 早晚 出入 左右 上下4、偏旁加部件组成新字或连线。人 人字头(会 合 全) 门 门字框(闪 问 闻)“越”的使用一把尺 一双手 一个人 一群人 一堆土鸟 鸟字旁(鸭 鸡 鹅) 竹字头 (笑 笔 笛)足 足字旁(跳 跑) 亻单人旁(休 体 何)亮晶晶的眼睛 绿油油的荷叶 多彩的季节 金黄的稻子你是学生,我也是学生。2、近义词Passage 1Billions of dollars have already been spent in planning how to set foot on Mars. So why do we want to go there so badly? 1._Dutch organization Mars One wants to put people on Mars by 2027. The researchers say it is just the next step in human curiosity(好奇心). “Why did Columbus travel west? Why did Marco Polo head east? 2._” their website says. Mars One also thinks Mars exploration will improve the development of recycling, solar energy(太阳能), food production and even medical technology.Billionaire businessman Elon Musk runs a company in the United States. Its name is Space X. 3._ Musk, who was born in South Africa but is now a US-Canadian citizen, agrees that curiosity plays a part. But his main reason for going to Mars is the survival(生存) of the human race. To survive,we must learn to live somewhere other than Earth.4._ In 2011, along with Russia, China planned to send a probe(探测器) to the planet.Another probe will reach Mars by 2021.US space agency NASA is also excited to get to Mars. 5._ “Future exploration will find evidence(证据)of life, answering one of the biggest mysteries of the universe(宇宙): Does life exist beyond Earth?” the NASA website says. According to it, Mars and Earth have lots of things alike. Exploring Mars also helps us learn more about our own planets history and future.A. Japanese also hopes to do a project on Mars.B. Well, different organizations have different reasons.C. Its final goal is to help humans live on other planets.D. China has a long period dream of reaching Mars one day.E.There may be new species on Mars which can surprise us a lot.F. And NASA thinks it helps humans learn more about the universe.G. Because that adventure makes humans find new places to explore. Passage 2An international freight railway network ( 货运铁路网 ) is connecting China to cities across Europe. 1._ 2,000 years ago, it took a year to get goods from China to Europe along the ancient silk road. But today, goods from China can reach London by rail in just 14 days. It takes less time than before.Yiwu is a city that is located in Chinas Zhejiang Province. In Yiwu, it once took two hours by the road to send European goods to the nearest seaport(海港). 2._ But today, a new freight rail link connects Yiwu to Europe along an ancient trade route.Yiwu railway station is a big freight station now. 3._ Its part of the multi-billion-US-dollar Belt and Road Initiative ( 倡 议 ). It is set up in order to develop the international trade.4._ It spreads across 13,000 kilometers through France, Germany, Poland, Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan. Along the way, the train transfers ( 换乘 ) three times because of different track gauges (轨距规) in China, Europe and Russia.With transfers only taking 1 minute per container ( 集装箱 ), the rail link cut Europe-China transportation time by half. 5._ Now foreign products are easier and cheaper to buy for Chinese.A. Silk Railroad is very important.B. It is called as the new “Silk Railroad”.C. It will take a long time to travel to Yiwu City.D. Then it took a two-month journey across the oceans.E. It began to transport goods overland to Europe in 2014.F. And it only takes people three weeks to get goods from Europe.G. The Yiwu-Madrid railway is the longest rail link in the whole world.Passage 3In many big cities in the world, many people think the overuse of cars is one of the main causes of air pollution. Cars in the future must be environment-friendly. 1._Some experts think that todays cars are in trouble because they use too much petrol( 汽油 ). 2._ The car of tomorrow will be made without air conditioning. The tomorrows car will be very small, so that only takes up very little room. It neednt have a pollution control system because it wont use petrol. 3._ Very few people will be killed in accidents because the top speed will be very low. However, we are also warned not to ask for pretty colors because the cars will come in grey only.4._ They are sure that people will be happier in the future. They think that all our problems will soon be solved by car companies with the production of the supercar(超级汽车).5. The supercar will have four rooms, TVs, running water, heat, air conditioning and maybe a swimming pool. Large families will travel on long trips comfortably. The supercar will not学习资料pollute the environment because they will run on water.A. Whats the problem?B. What will cars be like in the future?C. Other car experts do not hold the same idea.D. I think the car on the future will be more useful.E. In fact, this car will be pushed by clean energy.F. They say the car of the future will be much smaller.G. Tomorrows cars will be smaller, faster, and more comfortable.Passage 4Smart wristband( 智能手环 ), a new welcoming product, is changing our lifestyle. Having a smart electronics gadget(小装置)on your hand can really make huge differences. So from now on it will be a great fun to maintain your health in a more interesting way. 1._ And there are also many different brands to choose, such as Apple or Huawei.Here are the reasons why people choose a wristband.2._ The wristband can also be connected to the mobile phone. You are able to use it to answer the phone, but a traditional watch can never do that.Besides, the smart wristband looks fascinating. 3. _ We often see teenagers wearing wristbands.Thirdly, at present many people have realized the importance of health. Some people play sports every day to keep healthy. 4. _ The wristband shows the results every day and youll know whether you achieve your aim or not.However, some parents are still against using it. 5. _They think the teenagers are under the radiation(辐射) all the time.Each coin has two sides. Use it or not, its up to you.A. Its so expensive that few people can buy it.B. First of all, it can tell the time like a normal watch.C. A wristband is helpful to know how far they have run.D. Its very popular among teenagers because its cool enough.E. More and more people choose a smart wristband in their lives.F. For them, wearing wristbands for a long time may cause cancer.G. Now a British Intelligent Environment company has produced the software.Passage 5When throwing away trash, do you know which bin it should go in? Some of you might not be able to answer this question. 1. _ Not knowing how to deal with waste is harder to save energy and protect the environment.If you dont deal with your garbage, it will go to a landfill(垃圾场) and be buried (埋) together.2. _ The electronic waste you throw away can pollute the soil and groundwater. Other pieces of garbage can be used to make other things if they are properly recycled.3. _ For example, Shanghai announced in July that divide the garbage into four groups:wet, recyclable, harmful and dry.4. _ “ They are things you dont want but that pigs can eat,” Guangzhou Daily explained. Paper, metal, glass and other things that can be refused are recyclable waste.Harmful waste includes things like medicine, batteries and fluorescent bulbs(荧光灯泡). These things are not recyclable. 5. _Other Chinese cities, including Shenzhen, Guangdong plan to use this way to deal with their garbage. Lets encourage each other to deal with our waste well to protect the environment.A. They will go in the “ dry waste ” bin.B. Its our duty to protect the environment.C. “Wet” waste is also known as household waste.D. These landfills can take up large areas of ground.E. Studying how to stop throwing waste is a life skill.F. But its important to know how to deal with your waste.G. Many cities in China have already taken action in recent years.Passage 6Baobabs (猴面包树)are a symbol of Africa, and they are sometimes called “the tree of life” . 1. _ Nine of the thirteen oldest trees, aged between 1,000 and 2,500 years, died in the early part of this century. Researchers say there have never been so many old trees dying in such a short time.2. _ But they do not think baobabs across the continent of Africa are dying out. Baobabs will probably stop growing in some areas, and start growing in other areas.Baobabs are often found in areas where elephants, rhinoceros(犀牛) and other wildlife live. 3. _Baobabs take in lots of water during the rainy season and store( 储存 ) it in their trunks and branches. 4. _ Elephants can get water to drink from the trees.Baobabs are also important to people. They use the baobab fruit to make drinks and mix with milk to create a kind of yogurt. 5. _ Its like a kind of medicine, and people can get energy from it. The leaves of the tree are used for making soup and it has some medical purposes.A. However, some baobabs are dying.B. But baobabs become dangerous to people.C. And eating baobab fruit makes people strong.D. Researchers do not know for sure why the trees died.E. Large trees can store as much as 140,000 liters of water.F. Baobabs can provide rich food for people all over the world.G. Elephants help the trees spread when they eat the baobab fruit.Passage 7The word “cosplay” is made up of “costume” and “play”. 1. People wear costumes to dress up as their favorite character and express their love for fictitious(虚构的)characters.The word “cosplay“ came from Japan in 1984 at a science fiction conference, which began withthe first World Science Fiction Conference in New York City in 1939. 2.The idea slowlycaught on with customers. Thanks to the rising number of cosplayers since the 1990s, a popular culture has come out in Japan and some other Asian, even Western countries. And now thousands of costume players crowd into Comic Market every year.3. But with the development of the Chinese animation industry, an increasing number of cosplayers started dressing up as characters from Chinese cartoons and comic books.Many cosplays are being organized in many countries, making this kind of culture popularamong some youths. 4.As they grow older, they will give up the practice.5. And it is highly influenced by ACG(电玩游戏)products. Chinas ACG industry is likely to see higher growth in 2019, and Chinese animations will have greater influence on overseas markets.A. Most of them are very young.B. So “cosplay” means costume play.C. The cosplay culture is in fact a kind of performing arts.D. Many cosplayers are adults who are about thirty years old.E. Cosplay is a traditional culture which can date back to 200 years.F. At the very beginning, many students dressed up as foreign characters.G. In 1978, the manager of Comic Market first used the phrase “costume play”.Passage 8A new way of exercise, called plogging(跑步捡垃圾), is becoming popular around the world.1.Actually, picking up the rubbish in the forest or parks can also make you fit.The plogging movement(活动)was started by Erik Ahlstrom in 2016 in Sweden. After moving to Stockholm from a small ski-community in northern Sweden, he found there was litter here and there while riding his bike to work every day. He was shocked that the same rubbish could remain onthe road for several weeks without anyone picking it up. 2.And he felt good in his heart toclean up even a small place.Picking up rubbish became a habit, then a part of his exercise, as he introduced the activity tohis partners. 3. Since then, the movement has grown systematically(有组织地) around the world, thanks to the social media.Many people, like Emily Wright, had plogged for a long time. She picked up cigarette ends, plastic bottles and so on though some of them were smelly and even made her sick. Plogging wasntalways pleasant. 4. She thought it was worth doing that and even its terrible for a person not to take responsibility(责任) for it.5.And it also calls on everyone to do something for the environment in our daily life.Wed better do that from now on.A. So he started picking it up.B. The plogging movement is good to the old.C. In a word, this activity is good to our health.D. But what scared her more was to leave rubbish there.E. It requires people to pick up the rubbish while running.F. Young people are not supposed to throw rubbish everywhere.G. By 2016, other people were joining in it, and plogging became official thing in Sweden.Passage 9Many people are not exactly sure about what machine learning is. 1. _ Smart products have already come into our life in the following fields.On your phone. Its common to use the phone to carry out a search, call your friends and shop online. 2. _ For example, in Hangzhou, readers can borrow library books through WeChat. Its as simple as shopping online: choose, pay and wait for the books.In your shopping basket. 3. _ For example, a clothes store may remind you to buy a dress online, and Amazon recommends(推荐) some books that you may like.In your email. Machine learning can also be used to distinguish(区分) different objects.4. _ In this way, it can help you save some time to do other things and bring great convenience to you.In hospitals. Doctors are just starting to make a better examination by using machine learning, for example, finding cancer and eye disease.What mentioned above is just some parts of our life. 5. _ Our life is closely connected to it, which makes our life much easier than before.A. Machine learning is everywhere.B. Everyone often studies on the machine.C. But it has been a part of peoples daily life.D. Its good to search for the information on the ipad.E. Its common for you to find shopping suggestions online.F. This makes it useful to choose the emails you want to read.G. Those all depend on technology supported by machine learning. Passage 10When I was a little child, my parents took me to Germany. 1. _ When I came back, I could speak German fluently.During a holiday, I stayed at home with nothing to do. My father brought a German book. “Why dont you translate it into Chinese? It will be better than playing computer games all day,” said my father. 2. _I promised to do 4,000 words each day. But soon I found it was hard to keep the promise. After translating only three pages, I already lost interest in the book. 3. _ And I dont want to continue it.I counted the words again and again. I felt as if two people were fighting in my mind. One said, “Dont give up! Keep working hard ,and you will do well!” But then the other one said, “ 4. _ It will be more interesting than translating. ”I stood up and would turn off the computer. But then I remembered what my parents had told me,“ Whatever you do, dont stop half way.” 5. _A. I just wanted to give up.B. I agreed to do it happily.C. I had lived there for nine years.D. I just didnt agree with my father.E. Go and play computer games at once.F. I decided to play computer games again.G. So I sat down quietly and went on with it.Passage 11When I was about twelve years old, a girl in my class liked to point out my shortcomings(缺点). She said I was very thin. 1. _ I talked too much. I was too proud, and so on. At last, I became very angry.I ran to my father with tears in my eyes. 2. _ Then he asked, “Are those things true or not? Jane, havent you ever thought about what youre really like?” he added, “Well, you have got that girls opinion. Make a list of everything she said and mark the points that are true. ”I did as he told me. To my great surprise, I found that about half the things were true. Some of them were that I couldnt change, like being very thin, but others were that I wanted to change. 3. _I brought the list back to Daddy, and he said, “Now you know better about yourself. But you have to learn to listen sincerely(真诚地),not just close your ears and feel hurt. 4. _ Dont shut your ears. Listening to the truth and doing what you know are the right things to do. ”Daddys advice has made a great difference in my life. 5. _A. I wasnt good at math.B. He likes playing tennis.C. He listened to me quietly.D. She told me she was always right.E. Ive never had a better piece of advice.F. For the first time I got a clear picture of myself.G. You should be happy with the words someone said about you is true.Passage 12As parents, its our job to protect and take good care of our children, especially in times of meeting difficulties. What would you do if someone elses child was in trouble? 1. _A couple from Boca Raton, Florida, found out that over 70 children were displaced(被迫离开家园) during Hurricane Irma and had nowhere to go. 2._ Even if they were not their own children, they were there to help.During Hurricane Irma, over 70 kids were left homeless. They were hungry. 3. _ They lived in the gym for a week. They hadnt showered for a week. Even someone were already sick. Marc and his wife, Jennifer, generously(慷慨地)opened their home to the kids. More food and milk were needed. 4. _ Mo


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