山东省高密市第三中学高中英语 Unit 5 First aid 限时训练(无答案)新人教版必修5.doc_第1页
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unit 5 first aid阅读理解 a when most people think of the word “beautiful”, they think of models and movie stars. i admiti used to be one of them. but now my view of beauty has totally changed. i discovered what true beauty really is the other day. i was with my parents and little brothers at mcdonalds. since there are only tables with four chairs, im always the one to sit at a nearby table by myself. usually, im a little unhappy, but not this time. a mexican woman was sitting at a table two tables away and i could tell that in her youth she had been pretty. her eyes were as bright as stars. she wore casual clothes. but none of this was why she was so beautiful to me.when she smiled, it was like all the good things in the world came into being. when her children spoke to her, even the two-year-old, she listened carefully as if nothing else in the world mattered more. the two-year-old spread ice cream all over her face, and the mother just kissed her nose, ice cream and all. she didnt get angry when her daughter got ice cream on her clothes. the love and warmth this woman generated completely changed my view of beauty. she created warmth like the sun, and her children were little planets around her.she made me realize that the truly beautiful people are those like this mother. she makes a difference in her childrens lives. instead of making them feel bad about themselves, she makes them feel great about everything. that is true beauty: to make a positive difference to others life through warmth and love. unknowingly, she has done that, not only for her kids, but the lonely girl, who had the good luck to sit near her and share her warmth.21. how many people are there in the authors family? a.3 b.4 c.5 d.622. how did the author form her new vies of the beauty?a. by learning from her mother.b. through an experience at mcdonaldsc. after being treated with kindness.d. from her work and social experiences.23. the mexican mother was beautiful to the author in that a. she changed her childrens lifeb. she was pretty and friendlyc. she generated love and warmthd. she never got angry at her children24. what did the author compare the mexican mother to?a. a planet b. a star c.a child d. the sun25. the author realized that beautiful people are those who_.a. make a positive difference to others lifeb. never point out others mistakesc. make a great contribution to the worldd. are successful in both work and familybi have lived and worked in slovakia for about three years. and i have talked to many people who had been working overseas for quite a long time. here are some of the things that i have found helpful to anyone preparing to live or work abroad. hopefully these tips will help.research: knowing about the geography and history of the place will help a lot. you dont have to be an expert but just know the basics. if youre going to be living there, t is worth the effort.find someone you trust at home: find a friend or relative you really trust at home to handle things that you might have to deal with when youre abroad. my parents were great at helping me with many things. they have been great at helping me to move to slovakia and come back to the united states.live simply: learning to live on a small amount of money is a skill. it takes time. living abroad can be expensive, so being able to live simply will help with costs. the other thing is that having lots of things to carry around is annoying.try to experience the culture: be open-minded and try your best to really experience the culture. learn the language, hang out with the natives and try to have fun. you may not like everything but making an effort will help you make new friends and make life more enjoyable. learning the language can be a challenge but most local people will see it as a sign of respect if you try, not only that it is just a cool way to impress your friends when they come to visit.26. before leaving for a foreign country, we are supposed to _.a. work out a traveling plan in that countryb. find out who will help us in that countryc. know something about that countryd. become an expert in geography and history27. in a foreign country, living simply can help us_.a. cut living costsb. give up our bad habitsc. live with less pressured. become friendly with others 28. by going out with the natives, we can_.a. make more friendsb. impress our friendsc. learn the native language easilyd. gain the respect of the local people29. from the passage we know that_ a. the author is an expertb. the author travels a lot c. the authors parents live with himd. the author comes from the us30. what is the authors purpose of writing the passage?a. to tell his experience of living abroadb. to give some tips for living or working abroadc. to show us the difficulties of living abroadd. to warn the readers of the danger of living or working abroad.cthere are hundreds of travel writers. it will not be easy for you to make a mark, unless you are different. reading the works of great travel writers and getting inspired by them are not a bad thing, but you should not copy their style and their approach. the world needs something new. greatness is not achieved through following, it is achieved through leading, and to lead you need to choose your own approach!being a travel writer can be exacting you must realize that you will not be the first one in a long line. flights will not arrive on time for you, every hotel will not have a room for you, and you may not be able to make a living out of your work. so, you should be prepared mentally and physically before you begin your quest(追求) to explore the world. when you write a travel guide, you should remember that you are not the subject in your guide! you should always focus on the place that you are exploring. what is the difference between visiting a place and exploring it? the answer is very simple, when you visit a place,you ask the question where to go? and when you explore, you ask why to go there? your work should not turn out to be just a map which shows directions. it should explain why you chose a specific direction. if you are not curious while traveling, you will never have something new for your readers.i believe that every individual has a unique style of writing. you should dare to have a different approach. avoid long personal stories and do not neglect grammar and punctuation. you should also make efforts to promote work. you should make use of blogs, and popular social networking sites to promote your work. try to establish contact with major publications. once your work gets published in a big magazine, there is no stopping.there are many travel writers who say that this is the best job in the world. if you love traveling, you will love this job!31. according to the first paragraph, what do you need to do if you want to be a good travel writer?a. read a lot of others works.b. try to imitate others approach.c. develop your own style.d. get instructed by other writers.32. the underlined word “exacting” can be best replaced by “_”a. interesting b. exciting c. rewarding d. challenging 33. when you travel everywhere, what should you keep in mind according to para.3?a. curiosity. b. patience. c. judgment. d. excitement.34. we can infer from the fourth paragraph that _.a. no one really has the time to read books with hundreds of pagesb. places visited by thousands of writers have no untold storiesc. your reputation will be the same even with grammatical mistakesd. you can expect any miracles right after your first work is published35. what is paragraph 5 mainly about?a. making a good preparation.b. marketing yourself.c. visiting and exploring.d. remembering some writing tips.完形填空for most, getting a car opens up a new world of freedom and allows you to go wherever you want. getting a car did 41 this for me, and it also brought my best friend and me 42 . but then it tore us apart. my best friend lives three minutes from my 43 . since her 44 is in late summer, seven months behind mine, i seem to become her 45 when i turned 16 in december. and also i 46 her up for school and took her home. we made ice-cream 47 , went shopping and to the movies-all in my car. i would drive to her house just to sit on her bed, read magazines and have a good laugh. i went to her house so 48 that she gave me a key 49 her house. a week after i began to drive, she was with me 50 i had my first accident. she was there and 51 me and we kept it a 52 , since i didnt want people to 53 . from then on, through thick and thin (患难与共),it was just me, my car and my best friend. high school is a time of 54 , but i couldnt 55 for a long time 56 we became so distant. finally, my friend got her dream car: a green 2004 volkswagen new beetle. with its 57 , the passenger seat of my car became 58 . our car trips became less frequent 59 i didnt even drive down her street. its funny how a car can change a relationship so much. i had wanted her to get a car, but once she did, i 60 it. i wanted her friendship back, even if it couldnt be the same.41. a. some b. any c. none d. all42 a. closer b. farther c. luckier d. happier43. a.neighbor b. school c. home d. office44. a. holiday b. birthday c. course d. job45. a. guide b. follower c. partner d. driver46. a. picked b. woke c. called d. hurried47. a. parties b. trips c. plans d. classes48. a. happier b. frequently c. secretly d. suddenly49. a. to b. on c. of d. for50. a. while b. but c. when d. after51. a. saved b. suggested c. advised d. comforted52. a. favorite b. secret c. pride d. joke53. a. help b. see c. know d. laugh54. a. change b. disappointment c. friendship d. excitement55. a. believe b. answer c. imagine d. understand56. a. when b. where c. how d. what57. a. arrival b. dream c. return d. beauty58. a. broken b. crowded c. empty d. different59. a. however b. until c. as d. though60. a. lost b. received c. enjoyed d. regretted阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不超过3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 sometimes our emotions can seem to defeat us. when this happens, _61_ is possible to give people the wrong impression or do something we regret. learning to express your emotions effectively will allow you_62_ (communicate) clearly and carefully, without hurting those around you or _63_ (make) the situation worse. so its imp


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