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山东省冠县武训高级中学译林牛津版高中英语必修2unit2教案(project)teaching emphasis and difficult pointsteaching emphasis: help the ss master the way of introducing scenery and making a travel leaflet. develop the ss ability of cooperationdifficult points: help the ss master the way of introducing scenery and making a travel leaflet.teaching methodsinteractive teaching methoddiscussion teaching methodencouragement teaching method 教师看高考故事类-(二)2012西安一检 wherever she goes, molly leaves her mark. without saying a word, she speaks to people with her kind eyes. even when she walks away, she leaves an impression. mollys mark is a smile, stamped into the ground by the horseshoe at the bottom of her false leg. a few years ago, molly was badly attacked by a dog. the dog bit all four of mollys legs and left large cuts in her face. mollys owner, kate harris, took her to an animal hospital. doctors there were able to save mollys life, but soon one of her legs became very infected(感染病菌的). at first, doctors thought molly would have to be put to sleep. but molly changed their minds. this pony, doctors noticed, shifted her weight, and rested her good leg from time to time. doctors knew that molly had amazing intelligence, and that she wanted to live. several doctors operated on molly, and removed her infected leg. a false leg was made for her. the leg was a hollow cast with a pole at the bottom for balance. doctors gave molly a special horseshoe at the bottom of the leg. this horseshoe she had had a stamp of a smile face in it! after the operation, molly walked around on all four legs, as if nothing had ever happened to her! now, with every step she takes, she stamps a smile in the dirt. but she leaves her mark in other ways, too.kate harris took molly to the false leg center. there were children there who, like molly, had artificial arms or legs. they were amazed to see a pony with a false leg. molly made them smile and gave them hope. soon, molly began to visit schools, nursing homes, army bases and hospitals. a book was even written about molly!16molly is the name of a_.a.dog bhorsec.parent dchild17which of the following is true according to the text?a.molly can speak to people in kind words.b.kate harris took molly to a childrens hospital after the attack.c.in the beginning, doctors had planned to end mollys life.d.molly sometimes leaves smiling marks on peoples faces.18what is unique about molly?a.molly has a false leg with a horseshoe shaped like a smiling face.b.molly ran a race and won the first prize.c.molly often visits places such as schools and parks.d.molly has become a symbol of hope for people of all ages.19which is the best title for the passage?aa book on mollyba false legca successful operationdleaving her mark【要点综述】文章介绍了一匹名叫molly的小型马在很小的时候不幸受伤,依靠安装假肢顽强生活下去的故事。这给了那些在逆境中的人们以极大的精神鼓舞,引导人们在逆境中保持乐观,看到希望。16b细节理解题。由文章第三段“this pony, doctors noticed, shifted her weight”及倒数第三段的“doctors gave molly a special horseshoe at the bottom of the leg.”可以看出:医生在molly腿的底部安装了一个特殊的马蹄铁,所以推出molly是一匹马。17c细节理解题。由第三段的“at first, doctors thought molly would have to be put to sleep”可以看出:起初,医生认为molly会毫无疑问地被以人道的方法结束生命。由此可以看出:c项“in the beginning, doctors had planned to end mollys life.”正确。注意选项所说的“end mollys life”对应原文的“molly would have to be put to sleep”。18a细节理解题。由文章第一段的最后一句话知molly装有一个镶有笑脸形状马蹄铁的假肢,这是因伤致残的molly和它的同类相比特有的东西。故选a。19d标题归纳题。 纵观全文可以看出,文章开篇点题,也就是说,第一句话“wherever she goes, molly leaves her mark”就是文章的主题句。下文对此进行了进一步的阐述: mollys mark is a smile, stamped into the ground by the horseshoe at the bottom of her false leg. 然后详细解释了这个假肢的由来,故d项最能概括全文。其他各项都是文章的细节,不能概括全文。teaching procedures:教学步骤活 动 内 容设计意图step onegreetings and preparationintroduce the teacher & students to each other.divide the class into several groups.为教学活动中的互动做铺垫。step twodiscussion1the leafletwhat is a leaflet? why make a leaflet? how many types?(show the students some sample leaflets)简要介绍广告传单。step threediscussion2the travel leafletwhat are included in the travel leaflet?(get the students to notice the features of the travel leaflet)通过实例呈现,使学生对旅游宣传单有更感性的认识。step fourskimming match different parts with relative themes训练略读,并了解本宣传单结构。step five scanningdeal with detailed information in the leaflet:1. what does shangri-la mean? 2.which place could officially take the name of this wonderful land?3. what can you see in shangri-la?4.what is the weather like there?5. when is the best time to visit?训练学生跳读查找相关信息的能力和口头表达能力。了解文章细节。step sixlistening and careful readingfind some well-written sentences used to describe the kingdom, mountains and lakes etc:a beautiful kingdom where three rivers joined together, snow-capped mountains reached to the sky, and fields of long grass covered the earth.three mountains, meili, baimang and haba, which are covered with snow, tower over the land. these snowy mountain tops form a beautiful picture that will make any viewer speechless.lakes surrounded by vast grasslands, look like jewels. sheep, cows and horses feed freely on the green grass and the forests around are home to lots of birds and animals.nature has provided shangri-la with endless natural treasures, making the landa happy home for the local people.播放文章音频材料,学生跟读,在阅读的同时关注特定信息(描写香格里拉优美景色的句子)。step sevenlets do it ourselvesi . how to make a travel leaflet? step 1 planning 1. to choose a destination 2. to distribute the tasks step 2 preparing 1. to think about the layout of your leaflet 2. to decide what should be included in your leaflet? step 3 producing 1.to write the introduction 2.to write the detailed information step 4 presenting 1.report what you have written 2.present what you have madeii. a travel leaflet for wuxi lear


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