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嘉祥一中2012-2013学年高一下学期期中检测英语第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节 (共5小题,每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话,对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的a、b、c三个选项中选出最佳选项,并涂在答题卡上的相应位置。听完每段对话后,您将有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1 where is the womans brother now?a. in the hospital. b. at home. c. in the office.2 what are the speakers going to do?a. wait for mikes sister. b. have lunch together. c. move into a new apartment.3 how much will the woman pay for the hat and the dress?a. $3. b. $33. c. $36. 4 how did the man get there?a. by taxi. b. by car. c. on foot.5 what does the woman mean?a. the man has never been so generous before.b. the man is not willing to lend his bike.c. the man used to be very generous.第二节 (共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的a、b、c三个选项中选出最佳选项,并涂在答题卡上的相应位置。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第67题。6what does the man mainly use his computer for?a. playing games. b. taking notes in class. c. searching for information. 7what does the woman think he should do first?a. go to a computer store. b. get a part-time job. c. clean his room.听第7段材料,回答第89题。8which city has the woman visited recently?a. paris. b. london. c. new york.9what does the woman dislike about the city?a. city life. b. weather. c. environment.听第8段材料,回答第1012题。10what are the speakers talking about?a. visiting the museum. b. sightseeing plans. c. collecting coins.11why doesnt the man want to go to the museum?a. he isnt interested in museum.b. he isnt interested in birds.c. he isnt interested in coins.12what is the relationship between the speakers?a. employer and employee. b. friends. c. husband and wife.听第9段材料,回答1316题。13where is the man from?a. japan. b. america. c. vietnam.14how long did he study in hong kong?a. about six years. b. over two years. c. a year.15what must he know lot about?a. food in different countries.b. education in different countries.c. young people in different countries.16where do american teenagers like to hold parties?a. at their own homes. b. in pubs. c. in their classrooms.听第10段材料,回答第1720题。17why did the woman go to the bank?a. to buy a new house.b. to meet the manager.c. to make an appointment.18what happened in the parking lot?a. the woman shouted at a stranger.b. the woman came across an old friend.c. the woman backed her car into the wrong place.19what did the woman think of the man when she first saw him?a. respectful. b. helpful. c. selfish.20how long did it take the woman to find another parking place?a. twenty minutes. b. ten minutes. c. half an hour.第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从a、b、c、d四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并填在答题卡上。21helen said she would come to my birthday party, but she hasnt yet.adressed upbturned upcmade updbroken up22americans spend more money than they have by using credit cards, so they are always .ain peacebin dangercin reliefdin debt23many people have come to realize they should go on _ diet and make room for _ exercise aa; 不填 bthe; ancthe; thed不填; an 24i am feeling sick nowi _ so much chocolate aneednt have eatenbcouldnt have eaten cmustnt have eatend. shouldnt have eaten25nobody knows _ to visit our school awhen will he come b when does he come cwhen he will come d when he does come26he has been doing the job for many years, but has never felt _ it, though his workmates think it is a _ oneatired of; tired btired of; tiringctiring of; tired dtiring of; tiring27i was just _to go out when the telephone rang a/baboutclikelydoff28. please tell me the reason _ you didnt come here that day。 a. that b. which c. why d. for that29. dont be too _ about things you are not supposed to know. a. funny b. strange c. curious d. interested30. i hadnt seen him for ages, but i _ his voice on the telephone at once. a. realized b. recognized c. heard d. discovered31. i met my wife first in a shop quite by _. a. incident b. mistake c. misunderstanding d. accident32. i was still sleeping when the fire _ and then it spread quickly. a. broke out b. put out c. came out d. get out33. the sunlight came in _ the windows in the roof and lit up the whole room. a. through b .across c. on d. over34. the naughty boy _ to his mother that the eggs were _ by himself. a. lied; lay b. lied; laid c. lay; laid d. lay; lay35 how long are you staying? -i dont know _ a thats ok b never mind c it depends d it doesnt matter第二节: 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从31-50各题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。(30分)fire can 36many things. it is dangerous to everyone, but it is 37useful. we cannot live without 38 .in other words; fire is both the 39 and enemy of us. this 40 on whether we use it wisely or not. to the people 41 live in the forest area, fire is particularly dangerous. it is the location(地方)42 most of their houses are made of wood, which 43 catches fire. especially in winter the air is 44and the wind is often 45 .if one of these houses is on fire, the wind will 46 the fire to the neighboring houses quickly, and the fire wills soon 47 all over the area. if this happens 48 , it may not be too bad. 49 if it happens at night, the situation(情况) will be very bad, for most people are50 , and many of them cannot run away in time. if they can, they will just 51 all the things behind. some people even do not know 52 is going on, and they 53 in their dreams. we should do our best to 54 the breakout of fire, which is mostly caused by peoples carelessness. therefore, not only the people of the 55 areas but everyone else should be very careful in using fire. 36. a. make b. build c. lose d. destroy 37. a. also b. too c. hardly d. not 38. a. water b. air c. food d. fire 39. a. help b. friend c. companion d. neighbor 40. a. happens b. lies c. depends d. decides 41. a. where b. which c. what d. who 42. a. because b. so c. why d. that 43. a. easily b. hardly c. carefully d. friendly 44. a. thick b. thin c. wet d. dry 45. a. cold b. freezing c. gentle d. strong 46. a. makes b. let c. blow d. give 47. a. cross b. passes c. happen d. spread 48. a. at night b. on sunday c. in the evening d. in the day time 49. a. but b. when c. so d. even 50. a. careless b. sleeping c. afraid d. frightened 51. a. leave b. take c. bring d. have 52. a. that b. what c. who d. which 53. a. think b. smile c. die d. live 54. a. help b. prevent c. develop d. keep 55. a. city b. developing c. factory d. forest 第三部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(a. b. c和d)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑ahomeschooling is the education of children at home, typically by parents but sometimes by tutors, rather than in public or private school. as a matter of fact, most childhood education occurred within the family or community.homeschooling is a legal choice for parents in developed countries to provide their children with a learning environment at home. parents see many reasons for homeschool, including better test results, improved instruction, to help the public system with fewer kids, poor public school environment, religious reasons, improved character development, the expense of private education, and objection to what is taught locally in public school.homeschooling can also be a choice for families living in remote (遥远的) locations, living abroad, and to allow for more traveling. also many young athletes and actors are taught at home, where a coach (教练) or tutor is with the child for many years and then knows the child very well.in some places, an approved curriculum (课程) is required if children are to be home-schooled. in some cases a liberal arts (文科) education is provided.56. home-schooled children are usually taught by _.a. teachers or neighbours b. parents or tutorsc. coaches or tutors d. instructions or officials 57. according to the text, some parents choose to homeschool their children because _.a. they are tired of taking their children to and from schoolb. their children are too naughty (淘气的) to go to a regular schoolc. they are not satisfied with what is taught at local public schoolsd. they have too many children to feed and educate58. which of the following is true about homeschooling according to the text? a. homeschooling is still illegal in developed countries.b. athletes and actors can not be home-schooled. c. there is no curriculum for homeschooled children.d. some parents have to homeschool their children when living abroad.bmr. harris used to work in dover, but then he changed his work, and he and his wife moved to another town. they did not have many friends there, but they soon met a lot of interesting people, and after a few weeks, they often went to dinner or to parties at other peoples houses.then mrs. harris said to her husband, “weve been to a lot of other peoples houses, and now we must invite them to our house, mustnt we?”“yes, certainly,” answered her husband, “a big party will be the easiest thing, wont it? then we can start to invite people to dinner in small numbers next month.”so mrs. harris said, “yes, ill invite all our friends here to a big party on 5th december.”“how many will that be?” mr. harris asked. “dont invite too many.”mrs. harris was beginning to write the invitations when her husband saw that she was writing, “party: 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.”“that isnt very nice, is it?” he said. “youre telling our guests that they must go at 8:30.” so mrs. harris just wrote “party: 6:30 p.m.”a lot of guests came, and they all had a good time, so they did not go home at 8:30. in fact they were still there at mid-night when the door bell rang and a policeman arrived. he said, “you must stop making a noise, because someone has complained.” mr. harris said he did not want to quarrel with the policeman, so everyone went home. they were sorry to have to go.when mr. and mrs. harris were alone again, she said to him. “that was a surprise, wasnt it? who complained about the noise?”“i did,” mr harris answered in a tired voice.59. why did mr. harris and his wife move to another town?a. they wanted to make some new friends.b. mr. harris changed his work.c. they wanted to meet a lot of interesting people.d. they enjoyed going to parties and visiting other peoples houses.60. what made mr. and mrs. harris hold a party at their house? a. it was easy to hold a big party at home.b. they could ask people to dinner in small numbers.c. they had gone to other peoples parties many times.d. they liked making friends with others.61. how long would mrs. harris like the party to last? a. from the morning till night. b. about fourteen hours.c. about two hours. d. till midnight62. when did the party end that evening? a. at about 8:30.b. when the policeman talked with mr. harris on the phone.c. about twelve oclock.d. when someone telephoned the police station.cmany people often lose their friends and they dont know how to keep a long friendship. so how can you keep a long friendship? the following passage explains very well about this matter.the first thing you need to do is to become a good listener. in this way, you show your friends that you are interested in their lives. you want to know more about them and you want to help them solve their problems. they will cherish (珍惜) the friendship more if they know you care about them.the next thing is that you should respect other peoples privacy. people usually dont like others to know about their private life, so you should show respect toward their privacy. sometimes, they need some suggestions from others, but this does not mean that others can know about their entire life. so respect for privacy is a must for keeping a long friendship.the third important thing is that you need to be able to forgive. you must remember that nobody is perfect in this world. it is important to forgive others and not to blame them for the mistakes they have already made. you are not perfect either. thus you need to apologize to others for the mistakes you may have made.pay attention to the three things above, and you will be able to have long friendship. 63. the purpose of the passage is _.a. why friendship is important b. how to make friendsc. what we can do for friends d. how to keep a long friendship64. to keep a long friendship, the first thing you need to do is _. a. to be a good listener b. to be a closed friendc. to be a useful helper d. just to be a looker-on65. in the third paragraph, the underlined word means _.a. 私有财产 b. 无官职 c. 隐私 d. 孤立66. according to the writer, when your good friend has made a mistake, you should _.a. blame him b. forgive him c. praise him d. leave him alonedrabbits(兔子) are easy to raise(养). they are clean and quiet. they dont need a lot of room. and it costs a small amount of money to feed them, but you get a big return.you dont have to be a farmer to raise rabbits. you can raise them in the city.rabbit houses are easy to make with wood and wire. they dont have to be very big. but each rabbit must have its own little room in the house. this is very important. each room should be about 75 centimeters wide, 60 centimeters high and one meter deep.fencing(围墙材料)is used for the sides and the floor of the rabbit house. the holes in the wire fencing should be about one centimeter square. waste from the animals will drop through the holes. this keeps the rabbit house clean and dry.rabbits need a lot of fresh air and sunlight. cover the sides of the rabbit house only to protect it from rain.rabbits eat mostly grass and leaves. hang feeding containers on the outside of the house to let the rabbits eat whenever they want. they simply pull the grass and leaves through the holes in the fence.each room should have fresh water. the water containers should be heavy so the rabbits cannot turn them over. or you can tie the containers to the fence.rabbits are valuable for their fur. it takes time, skill and money to prepare the fur and skin for use. skill is also needed to remove the fur from the rabbit.but rabbits do not have to be dead to be valuable(值钱的). many people enjoy keeping rabbits as friendly pets. and rabbit waste makes an excellent fertilizer(肥料). it can be mixed directly into the soil to improve the growth of vegetables, trees and flowering plants.67. what is important if you raise rabbits?a. holes are needed for waste to drop through.b. each rabbit must be given a separate room.c. each room must have clean water every day.d. feeding containers are hung on the fence.68. why should the holes in the wire fence be about one centimeter square? a. because the holes let in sunlight. b. because rabbits like these holes. c. because rabbits get food from them. d. because waste of rabbits drops through the holes.69. we learn from the text that rabbits_. a. need enough fresh air and sunlight b. produce a lot of waste every day c. feed on only fresh grass and leaves d. make better pets than dogs and cats70. what does the underlined sentence(划线的句子) in the last paragraph mean? a. you dont have to kill rabbits to make more money. b. rabbits cannot be sold to make money when they are alive. c. rabbits are more valuable when they are alive. d. rabbits have to be killed to be more valuable第二节:(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白出的最佳选项.选项中有两项为多余选项. is there anything more important than health? i dont think so“health is the greatest wealth,” wise people say. _71_if you have a headache(头疼), toothache, backache, or bad pain in the stomach, if you complain of a bad cough, or if you suffer from high or low blood pressure, i think you go to the doctorthe doctor will examine(检查) your throat, test your blood pressure, take your temperature, sound your heart and lungs, check your teeth or have your chest x-rayed. _72_the only thing you have to do is to follow his advice_73_an old gentleman came to see the doctorthe man was very illhe told the doctor about his weakness, memory loss and serious problems with his heart and lungsthe doctor examined him and said there was no medicine for his diseasehe told his patient to go to a quiet place for a month and have a good rest_74_in other words, the doctor advised him to follow the rule: “eat at pleasure, drink with


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