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中小学教师论文:新型中小学教师教育体系创建研究【中文摘要】在教育大发展的时代,构建新型的教师教育体系是一个全新的研究课题,它是教育体制深化改革的重要方面,也是全面提升教育教学质量的客观需要。比照国内外中小学教师教育发展的现状,尤其是研究和分析发达国家在教师教育方面的成功经验和做法,对于改进我国现行教师教育的发展现状,培育和建构新型的教师教育体系无疑具有重大的现实意义。本文在分析当前我国教师教育体系现状的基础上,对当前我国教师教育如何构建适合教师发展的教育新体系问题提出了若干构想与建议。本研究是在宏观层面上对我国教师教育体系进行的整体思考,又以无锡市锡山区构建新型教师教育体系为个案,力图就未来我国教师教育新体系的完善和重建提出若干路径选择。本论文共分为四个部分。第一部分是绪论,作为全文的引论,在分析现状的基础上引出本构建新型教师教育体系的必要性。第二部分对我国教师教育存在的问题进行梳理,梳理和分析中小学教师教育中存在的主要问题,既是完善教师教育培养体系、提高教育教学质量的客观需要,也是破解教师教育方面存在的现实矛盾和问题症结所在、进一步深化教师教育体制改革的前提条件。教师教育中存在的问题既有制度方面的,也有人为主观因素所造成的;既有需要教育主管部门和教育机构加以解决和完善的,也有需要教师提高认识、身体力行来完成的。第三部分以无锡市锡山区教师教育体系为例,从新机制、新阵地和新举措三个方面分析介绍了锡山区教师教育体系的构建,从制度保障、校本培训、培训者培训和品牌教师培养等方面为我国教师教育新体系的构建提供了必要的参考。第四部分在前文分析整理的基础上,试图勾画出构建我国教师教育体系的路径选择。新型中小学教师教育体系构建的路径选择应突出体系的科学性和可操作性,广泛吸纳国外发达国家和国内教育发达地区在教师教育方面的成功经验和做法,努力结合地方经济和教育发展的实际状况,在实践中探索出一条切实可行的构建路径。【英文摘要】Content: With the great development of education, building a new teacher education system has become an entirely new research subject. The system is an important part of deepening the education system reform. Besides, it is also necessary in improving the quality of education and teaching. Make comparisons between the current development about primary and secondary school teachers home and abroad. Whats more, research and analyze what developed countries have done and their successful experience in teacher education. If these two measures can be put into practice, definitely, they will be of great meaning in pushing for domestic teacher education development as well as cultivating and setting up a new system. This essay, having analyzed the present situation of domestic teacher education system, puts forward some thoughts and proposals about the problem how a new and proper teacher education system should be built. It is a holistic thinking based on the system from a macroscopic view. In addition, it also focuses on Wuxi Xishan District setting up a new teacher education system in order to offer some choices which may help improve and rebuild the future teacher education in our country.The thesis contains four parts. The first part is introduction, which introduces the necessity of building a new teacher education system based on the analysis of current situation. The second part mainly analyses problems existing in teacher education and the problems in the education of primary and middle schools. The analysis not only meets the objective needs of perfecting the training system of teachers as well as improving the teaching quality, but also points out the basic conflict existing in teacher education, which offers preconditions of deepening the reform of the teacher education system. The problems existing in teacher education are partly related to the system itself, and partly caused by subjective elements. To solve the problem, the educational administrative departments and educational institutions should make their efforts and the teachers should improve their awareness and ability to put theory into practice. The third part analyses the educational system of Xishan District in the city of Wuxi from the angle of new system, new area and new solutions. This example is taken to offer necessary references for building a nationally-scaled teacher education system, including system guarantee, school-based training, training of trainers and training of high-quality teachers. The fourth part tries to offer a new approach to building the nationally-scaled educational system based on the previous analyses. The forming of the system should lay emphasis on the scientific and practical principles. Successful experience and approaches in educationally developed regions in our country as well as other developed countries should be added to the system. Local economy and current educational situation should also be considered in the process of finding a practical way to build the system.【关键词】中小学教师 教师教育 教师教育体系【英文关键词】Teachers in primary and middle schools the education of teachers teacher education system【目录】新型中小学教师教育体系创建研究摘要4-5Abstract5-6第1章 绪论9-161.1 国内外中小学教师教育发展现状概述9-111.1.1 国外教师教育发展现状9-101.1.2 国内教师教育发展现状10-111.2 构建新型教师教育体系的必要性11-161.2.1 国际竞争和社会发展的现实需要11-121.2.2 教育现代化发展的现实需要12-16第2章 目前中小学教师教育存在的主要问题16-192.1 缺乏相应的法律法规和制度规制16-172.2 培养目标定位低172.3 教师职前培养与职后培训相脱节17-182.4 教学内容、方法和手段的滞后182.5 缺少有效的评价和监督机制18-19第3章 新型中小学教师教育体系的构成19-273.1 新机制构建教师教育新体系的保障19-233.1.1 管理机制193.1.2 新教师考录机制19-203.1.3 新教师三年考核机制20-223.1.4 学术荣誉称号评选机制223.1.5 骨干教师“教书育人政府奖”考核机制22-233.1.6 教师继续教育年度审查机制233.2 新阵地构建教师教育新体系的生长点23-243.


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