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名词、冠词和代词1(2013四川省六校第一次联合诊断)both sides are determined to get what they want, and there seems to be no possibility of _.acompetencebcompositionccompetition dcompromise解析:选d考查名词辨析。句意:双方都决意得到他们想要的东西,似乎没有妥协的可能。competence“能力;胜任;本领”;composition“成分;作品”;competition“竞争”;compromise“妥协;折衷”。2(2013江西景德镇市一模)this online game has been intended to improve childrens _.aintelligence breputationcresponsibility dimpression解析:选a考查名词辨析。句意:这个网络游戏是为了提高孩子们的智力。intelligence“智力”,符合句意。reputation“名誉”;responsibility“责任”;impression“印象”。3(2013山东青岛一模)i was told that _ 10:20 flight would take us to shanghai in time to reach _ fudan university.athe; / bthe; a ca; the d/; the解析:选a考查冠词。句意:有人告诉我说10:20的航班会带我们去上海并及时到达复旦大学。“10:20的航班”是特指,故第一个空填the;复旦大学是专有名词,故第二个空不填冠词。4(2013江西重点中学高三一模)as _ rule, parttime workers such as babysitters or english tutors are paid by _ hour.athe; an ba; anca; the dthe; /解析:选c考查冠词。第一个空泛指“某一个规则”,用不定冠词a;by the hour是固定用法,表示“按小时”。5(2013重庆江北区一模)ive always wanted an iphone and ive just saved enough money to buy _.ait bthis cthat done解析:选d考查代词。句意:我一直想要一部iphone手机,而且我刚刚攒够了钱要去买一个。one常用来指代上文提到的同类事物中的“一个”,表示泛指。故选d。6(2013安徽马鞍山两校第一次联考)can i ask you a few straightforward questions about yourself?sure. i like _ when people are open and direct.athat bthiscit dthem解析:选c考查it的特殊用法。i like it when .是固定句式,表示“我喜欢”,此处it无实义。7(2013陕西宝鸡市一模)would you like to go shopping with me on saturday or sunday? im sorry. _ will suit me. ill be away on business during that period.aboth bnoneceither dneither解析:选d考查代词。句意:“星期六或星期天陪我去购物好吗?”“对不起。那两天都不行。我那段时间将正在出差。”从im sorry可知空处表示否定意义,且由空后内容可知,此处表示对两者的否定,neither意为“两者都不”,故选d。8(2013太原一模)who is standing over there? it must be _ from an express company.aeverybody bsomebodycnobody danybody解析:选b考查不定代词的用法。句意:“谁站在那儿?”“肯定是快递公司的某个人。”在肯定句中,表示不确定的某人要用不定代词somebody。9(2013辽宁大连第一次双基测试)mo yan, a most widelyread writer, takes a complete new _ to describing chinas rural and folk culture.away bapproachcpassage dentry解析:选b考查名词辨析。句意:莫言的作品被广泛阅读,他采用了全新的方法来描述中国的乡村民俗文化。 an approach to为固定搭配,相当于a way of,意为“的方法”;passage指人们行走的“通道,走廊”;entry意为“进入;进入权;入口处”。10(2013安徽蚌埠第一次质检)finding information in todays world is easy. the _ is how you can tell if the information you get is useful or not.aknowledge babilityccompetition dchallenge解析:选d考查名词辨析。句意:当今世界找寻信息很容易,但困难的事是你如何辨别你所获得的信息是否有用。knowledge“知识”;ability“能力”;competition“竞赛”;challenge: a new or difficult task“挑战;艰巨任务”。11(2013东北三校一模)the police managed to gain _ through an upstairs window.aapproach bwaycaccess dpassage解析:选c考查名词辨析。句意:警方设法通过楼上的一扇窗户进入。approach, way, passage都有“道路,通道”的意思,且都为可数名词;access为不可数名词,意为“通道,入径”。空处前没有冠词,四个选项中只有access为不可数名词,故选c。12(2013日照一模)music is _ universal language and it is one of _ ways to learn about another culture. athe; the ba; / cthe; / da; the解析:选d考查冠词。第一个空应用不定冠词,泛指“一种通用的语言”,universal虽以元音字母开头,但它的发音却并非以元音音素开头,故第一空用a;第二个空后面有动词不定式作后置定语,是特指。13(2013福建三明三校第一次联考)at the meeting the chairman appealed to us to take _ full advantage of the chance of hosting the coming yog to create _ better nanjing.aa; a bthe; /c/; / d/; a解析:选d考查冠词。take advantage of是固定短语,意为“利用”,故第一空不用冠词;a better nanjing表示“一个更好的南京”,表示地名的专有名词前面如果有形容词修饰,用不定冠词,表示“一个”。故选d。14(2013陕西宝鸡高三第一次联考)jogging every morning is _ good habit. stick to it, and youll make _ great progress.aa; / ba; acthe; a d/; /解析:选a考查冠词。句意:每天早上慢跑是个好习惯。坚持下去,你就会取得很大进步。“_ good habit”泛指“一个好习惯”,第一空应用不定冠词a;progress为不可数名词,make progress为固定词组,表示“取得进步”。故a项正确。15(2013四川南充市第一次适应性考试)you look very beautiful in this dress and there is only one of this kind left here. i wonder if you would buy _. aone bitcsome dany解析:选b考查代词。根据“there is only one of this kind left here”可知,此处表示前面提到的那一条裙子,所以选b。1(2013陕西宝鸡二模)in his absence, i would like to thank all concerned on my brothers _.abehalf bpartcbusiness dinterest解析:选a考查名词辨析。句意:我弟弟没在场,我想代表他向所有相关的人员表示感谢。on sb.s behalf on behalf of sb.,为固定短语,意为“代表某人”,符合句意。for sb.s part“就某人而言”;on business“因公”;in sb.s interest“为了某人的利益”。2(2013烟台高三二模)it was a difficult job for him.he had tried everything but it made little _.ause bgoodcdifference dresult解析:选c考查名词辨析。句意:这项工作对他来说有点难,他做了各种各样的努力,但没有什么成效。make a difference“起作用;有影响”,此处的make little difference表示“没有多大作用”,符合题意。3(2013临沂二模)the patients family has expressed their _ to the press in letters for the money raised.apurpose bapologiescgratitude dsympathy解析:选c考查名词辨析。句意:病人家属为收到的捐款向媒体表达了感激之情。 purpose“目的”;apology“道歉”;gratitude“感激;感谢”;sympathy“同情”。4(2013江西六校二模)university is _ most worthwhile time of discovery and learning, and it is also _ very enjoyable and valuable experience for every one of us.aa; a bthe; / c/; a da; the解析:选a考查冠词。句意:大学是一段学习和探索的非常有价值的时光,而且对于我们每一个人来说也是一次很快乐很有价值的经历。第一空,因为没有明确的范围,故不用最高级,a most意为“很,非常”;experience意为“经历”时是可数名词,在这里是泛指,所以前面需要用不定冠词。5(2013安徽省级示范高中名校二模)as _ birthplace of huaxia civilization, xian is _ city with a long history and abundant cultural relics.athe; a ba; ac/; a dthe; / 解析:选a考查冠词。句意:作为华夏文明的发源地,西安是一座拥有悠久历史和丰富的文化底蕴的城市。birthplace后面有of短语作其后置定语,且“发源地”具有唯一性,故birthplace在本句中表特指,用定冠词the;第二空后的city为可数名词,但“拥有悠久历史和丰富的文化底蕴”的城市并非只有西安,故第二空应该表泛指,需用不定冠词。故选a。6(2013山东日照二模)the teacher praised me for _ progress id made, which was _ great encouragement to me.athe; / bthe; a c/; a d/; /解析:选b考查冠词。句意:老师因为我取得的进步而表扬我,这对我是一个很大的鼓励。progress后有定语从句修饰,意为“我取得的进步”,为特指;第二空a great encouragement意为“一件很鼓舞人的事情”,此处encouragement为可数名词,故选b。7(2013江西重点中学二模)the cultural background of china is totally different from _ of the us.aone bthatcthese dthose解析:选b考查代词。句意:中国的文化背景与美国的完全不同。that指代前文提到的单数可数名词或不可数名词,故此处用that指代the cultural background。8(2013陕西咸阳二模)listening to music can be very enjoyable, but _ can be appreciated unless you like it.anothing bsomethingceverything danything解析:选a考查代词。句意:听音乐是一件很惬意的事,但是除非你喜欢它,否则什么也欣赏不到。根据句意可知,答案为a,表示“没有什么”。9(2013辽宁五校协作体二模) i cant say which type of tea tastes better. its just a(n) _ of personal preference.aaffair bproblemcvariety dmatter解析:选d考查名词辨析。句意:我不能说哪种类型的茶口味更好。这只是个人口味的问题。its just a matter of .“这只是的问题”,符合句意。10(2013江苏南京二模)sometimes its a bit challenging to reach a _ between parents expectations and their kids desires.acommitment bcomprehensionccooperation dcompromise解析:选d考查名词辨析。句意:有时在家长的期望和孩子的愿望之间达成妥协有点困难。commitment“承诺”;comprehension“理解(力)”;cooperation“合作”;compromise“妥协;折衷”。11(2013承德二模)i found that she was unhappy and didnt say _ word all _ way home.aa; the b/; /ca; / d/; the解析:选a考查冠词。句意:我发现她不高兴,回家的路上都没有说一句话。word表示“说的话”时,为可数名词,常和say, understand, hear等词连用,故第一空用不定冠词a;all the way home意为“回家的路上”,为固定搭配,故第二空用定冠词the。12(2013福建名校二检)if _ of you is against the plan, we will carry it out immediately.asomeone banyoneceveryone dnone解析:选d考查不定代词。句意:如果你们当中没有人反对这个计划,我们就立即执行。none“没有一个”,符合句意。13(2013山东省胶东示范学校二模)its dangerous to take photos of lightning.the challenge is not for _, but i think its worth attempting. aanybody beverybody cnobody dsomebody解析:选b考查不定代词。句意:“拍闪电太危险了。”“这个挑战不是针对所有人的,但我觉得值得一试。”everybody“每人,人人”,符合语境。14(2013陕西五校二模)will you take these shoes?no, they dont fit me. show me _.aanother one bany othercthe other dsome others解析:选d考查代词。根据句意可知,此处应用some others,相当于some other shoes,表示“另外一些鞋子”。15(2013福建龙岩三校二模)so, which would you take, the green sweater or the blue one, madam?_. can i see some others? i want a pink one.aeither bneithercnone danyone解析:选b考查代词。从“i want a pink one.”可知,这位顾客对售货员介绍的蓝色毛衣和绿色毛衣都不满意,所以用neither,表示“两者都不”。 1the boss showed his_ of toms hard work in the company by raising his pay to $ 5,000 a month.adistinction bpromotioncappreciation dreservation解析:选c考查名词辨析。句意:老板通过将汤姆的月薪提升至5 000美元来表示对他努力工作的赏识。appreciation意为“欣赏,赏识”,符合句意。2much to our surprise, the witnesss _ of the traffic accident differed from the official version in several aspects.aaccount bopinioncinstruction dexplanation解析:选a考查名词辨析。句意:让我们大吃一惊的是,目击者对这起交通事故的描述在几个方面和官方的版本不同。account“描述”,符合句意。opinion“看法”;instruction“说明”;explanation“解释”。3we all sighed with _ relief when _ plane finally landed safely.aa; / b/; theca; a da; the解析:选b考查冠词。句意:当飞机最后安全着陆的时候,我们全都如释重负地松了一口气。relief作“轻松;解脱” 讲时,为不可数名词,故第一空不填冠词;“_ plane”特指我们乘坐的飞机,故第二空用定冠词the。4how do you find the guy who took _ office last week?hes always finding _ fault with others.a/; a bthe; ac/; / dthe; /解析:选c句意:“你觉得上周就职的那个人怎么样?”“他总是找别人的茬。”take office“就职”,find fault with sb.“找某人的茬”,两者均为固定短语,故两个空均不填冠词。5its said that tom is a wise manager in your company.oh, no, he is _ but a wise leader. aanything banyone canybody danywhere解析:选a考查代词。句意:“听说你们公司的汤姆是个英明的经理。”“ 哦,不是。他一点儿也不英明。”anything but表示“一点儿也不”,符合语境。 6we are in great need of a more capable manager, _ with straightforward personality as well as good humor.athe one bwhocwhich done解析:选d考查代词。句意:我们急需一名更能干的经理,他要有直率的性格和良好的幽默感。分析句子成分可知,空处不引导从句,故排除b、c两项;而one a manager, the one the manager,这里指代的是a more capable manager,故选d。7the foreign ministry spokeswoman on thursday urged japan to stop making irresponsible _ on the incident in waters off the diaoyu islands.acomments bexplanationscarguments ddebates解析:选a考查名词辨析。句意:这个外交部女发言人周四敦促日本停止对在钓鱼岛海域所发生的事件的不负责任的评论。make comments on“对进行评论”,符合句意。8what does pm 2.5 mean?its a professional _ indicating the condition of air pollution.aterm bitemcnumber dmark解析:选a考查名词辨析。句意:“pm 2.5是什么意思?”“它是一个表示空气污染状况的专业术语。”term“术语”,符合句意。item“项目”;number“数字”;mark“记号”。9one reason for her _ for city life is that she can have easy access to places like shops and restaurants.areference bpreferencecperformance dconsequence解析:选b考查名词辨析。句意:她喜欢城市生活的一个原因是她能很方便地去商店、饭店这样的地方。preference“偏爱,喜爱”,符合句意。reference“参考”;performance“表演,演出”; consequence“后果”。10because of h7n9 bird flu, all the chicken markets in shanghai have been closed and wont open until further _.asign bsymbolccontact dnotice解析:选d考查名词辨析。句意:因为h7n9禽流感,上海所有的活禽市场都被关闭直到另行通知才能开放。sign“迹象;手势”;symbol“象征;符号”;contact“联系”;notice“通知”。根据句意可知,应选d。7i have learned that its taking _ long time to become _ person i want to be. athe; a ba; the cthe; the d/; a解析:选b考查冠词。a long time意为“很长一段时间”;“_ person i want to be”特指“我想成为的那种人”,第二空应用定冠词the。11_ relation between china and russia has developed steadily since vladimir putin was reelected


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