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2014高考英语突破完形填空训练(5)及答案(*)(河南示范高中适应性测试)what would i do for carols 50th birthday? it was _1_ that she didnt want a party, certainly not a surprise party (that was an agreement at our marriage). “how about a small dinner with _2_ ?” i asked. “no,” she said,“i hate being the center of _3_”still, the milestone had to be marked. _4_ wasnt going to let her get away with a stouffers frozen dinner and a movie video, _5_ this was all she said she wanted. i thought and thought,and _6_ making my decision, i sent a letter to her friends, asking them for photos,poems,and letters. “carol doesnt _7_ a party in person.but im hoping to _8_ her a party in a book.” i bought a (n) _9_ with a friends advice, and what i wanted _10_. for a few minutes at the end of every workday, i _11_ pull out the marking pens and make up the _12_, carols.photos of her in junior high, pictures of us _13_ the boys, original songs, notes, cards, and poems. it made me _14_ for all the years we had had together. the _15_ was more than the album. it was the friendship and love she had given to me and to our kids and to all her friends and family. you could _16_ it on every page.i wrapped it up and _17_ it home. “happy birthday,sweetie,” i said. “its not a frozen dinner or a video, but its _18_ you deserve.” she cried. she doesnt _19_ like to cry, but i think she likes the book. shes said so many times. and every time i remind her _20_ putting it together was a gift to me. 用什么方式庆祝妻子carol的50岁生日呢?作者的做法很独特。1a. amazing b. clear c. unusual d. important答案:b。我要为carol的50岁生日做点什么呢?显然她不想举办生日聚会,当然不是一个惊喜聚会,这是我们婚姻中的约定。由括号内的内容可知,她不想举办生日聚会是显然的事实。it is clear that.显然。2a. neighbours b. children c. friends d. classmates答案:c。“和朋友们一块吃顿饭怎么样?”我问她。由下文征求朋友们的意见可知,此处不是指和孩子们吃饭,而是指和朋友们吃顿饭。3a. attention b. comment c. view d. interest答案:a。她回答道,“不,我讨厌成为众人注意的中心。”4a. she b. it c. he d. i答案:d。我不想让她50岁的生日就这么轻易地不声不响地过去。get away with侥幸逃脱。5a. for b. or c. and d. when答案:c。我不想让她吃一种普通的晚餐和看影碟度过她的生日,但是这正是她说她想要的全部。此处考查and的熟词生义,and在此意为“而,但是”,如:vegetable oil is digestible and mineral oil is not.植物油易消化而矿物油则不行。因为不知and的这一意思考生易误认为此处表示因果关系而错选for。 6a. before b. after c. when d. once答案:b。我想呀想,在打定主意以后,我给她的朋友们寄了一封信,向她们要照片、诗词和信件。7a. want b. have c. hold d. attend答案:a。信上说:“carol本人不想要举办一次生日聚会”。want sth.想要某种东西。8a. make b. choose c. find d. give答案:d。“但我希望在一本书中给她举办一次生日聚会。”give sb.a party为某人举办一次聚会。9a. album b. novel c. mirror d. overcoat答案:a。在一个朋友的建议下我买了一本相簿。10a. went on b. poured in c. turned back d. got away答案:b。并且我想要的东西蜂拥而至。由上文可知我向carol的朋友们写信要照片、诗歌和信件,这些东西现在像雪片似地飞过来。pour in大量涌入,蜂拥而至。11a. could b. should c. would d. might答案:c。在每个工作日即将结束的时候,我经常(“wouldv.原形”过去常常)抽出几分钟的时间拿起笔编写(make up)关于carol的书。12a. decision b. story c. mind d. book答案:d。上文空8后的book和下文空19后的book暗示了答案。13a. for b. around c. with d. except答案:c。她初中时的照片、我们和男孩子们在一起的照片。with sb.和某人在一起。14a. grateful b. worried c. nervous d. special答案:a。这些东西使我感激我们一起走过的所有这些岁月。grateful感谢的,感激的。15a. meaning b. gift c. party d. world答案:b。carol和我相濡以沫走过的这些岁月带来的这份人生珍贵的礼物远远超过了这本相簿本身。从上文可知这是准备送给carol的礼物。此处易误解句意为“它的意义超过了相簿”而错选meaning。16a. count b. read c. express d. improve答案:b。这是一份她曾经带给我、我们的孩子们和她的朋友们及家人的友谊和爱,你可以在每一页上读出这些东西。read读懂,读到,获悉。17a. took b. sent c. placed d. packed答案:a。我把这个相簿包好带回家。 18a. how b. why c. which d. what答案:d。“亲爱的,生日快乐,这不是你想要的一份晚餐和一张影碟,但它是值得你要的东西。”此处what引导表语从句。19a. normally b. merely c. really d. obviously答案:c。她哭了,她事实上不是一个喜欢哭泣的人,我想她是喜欢这本书。not really事实上不是。20a. whether b. that c. when d. who答案:b。她好多次说过她喜欢这本书,并且每次我都提醒她说把它们合在一起也是给我的一份礼物。put together合在一起,把放在一起,组合。that在此引导宾语从句作动词remind的宾语。如:students are often reminded that understanding is very important.学生们经常被提醒悟性(理解力)是很重要的。(四)(西城二模) tired and exhausted,i came back home from work. i found the front door was _1_open and i felt a little scared. did i carelessly forget to lock it after i left? i looked around _2_ to see what could be _3_. why would someone come into my home only to _4_ with nothing? after searching every inch, i realized that everything was _5_ i had left it. no _6_ cushions,broken lamps,or _7_ emptied out on the carpet. feeling much _8_, i looked out my oversized window of my dinning room at ms. sullivans house. jimmy,the little boy next door was visiting her. jimmy cared a lot about ms. sullivan and was very concerned with her health after she became ill. she used to _9_ jimmy when he was just a baby.forgetting about the _10_ with my front door,i decided to walk over to ms. sullivans house to see how she was _11_. with a warm hello, she invited me into her home. i noticed twelve beautiful roses delicately presented on the table next to her bed. they looked exactly like the _12_ on my dinning room table in front of my oversized window. with a pleasant smile, she told me jimmy brought them to her as a “getwell gift”. suddenly jimmy _13_ out of his seat in an instant and said that he had to go home for a while to do some homework but he promised to be back to _14_ in on ms. sullivan.talking for a while, ms. sullivan began to get very tired so i gave her my phone number in case she _15_ needed help, and left her home. i thought about how _16_ it was for little jimmy to be so concerned for ms. sullivan. i got home,laughing at how _17_ i was that morning about what had happened over _18_. i walked past the dinning room and noticed my roses _19_ in the vase were missing. without a second _20_,i glanced out the window at ms. sullivans house and with a smile on my face. i turned off the light in the room and went to sleep.the next morning my doorbell rang. i opened the door jimmy was there.筋疲力尽地下班回家后,“我”发现大门稍微开着,进屋后也没有发现任何异常。“我”去看望生病的邻居时,看到两盆很眼熟的玫瑰花,邻居说是懂事的jimmy为她买的,回家后“我”意识到了事情的原委,第二天早晨门铃响了,jimmy出现在“我”家大门口1a. easily b. slowly c. slightly d. silently答案:c。筋疲力尽地下班回家后,发现大门稍微开着,“我”觉得有点害怕。slightly轻微地,微小地,稍微地。2a. tensely b. patiently c. eagerly d. calmly答案:a。“我”是不是离开时粗心大意忘锁了?紧张地环顾四周想发现是不是少东西了。tensely“紧张地”符合语境和逻辑。patiently耐心地;eagerly热切地;calmly镇静地。 3a. burning b. losing c. lacking d. missing答案:d。missing不见的,缺少的。4a. get b. deal c. steal d. leave答案:d。为什么有人进“我”家来,离开时什么也没有拿走?only to leave with nothing出乎意料地空手离开。因空后有介词with,故可排除及物动词steal“偷,偷窃”。5a. what b. where c. that d. how答案:b。在仔细搜索每个角落之后,“我”意识到一切都在原来我放的地方。此处where引导表语从句。6a. worn b. changed c. unwashed d. overturned答案:d。 地毯上没有被翻乱的垫子,没有打破的灯,也没有被倒空的抽屉。overturned翻倒的,弄翻的。7a. lockers b. kettles c. drawers d. coats答案:c。被翻过来倒空东西的在四个备选项里只能是drawers(抽屉)。8a. eased b. angry c. surprised d. curious答案:a。发现什么也没少心里轻松多了,透过餐厅的大窗户“我”向外看了看sullivan女士的家。eased放松的,悠闲的,安心的。9a. watch b. guard c. follow d. visit答案:a。 当jimmy是个婴儿的时候她常常照看他。watch守候,看,照顾。10a. accident b. experience c. incident d. condition答案:c。忘记了关于大门的那件事,“我”决定去sullivan女士家,看看她近况如何。incident事件。11a. working b. doing c. sleeping d. acting答案:b。 how is sb. doing某人身体、情绪状况如何。是how are you/how is sb.的另一种说法,尤其用于家人和熟人之间。12a. lamps b. vases c. roses d. gifts答案:c。这些玫瑰和“我”餐厅窗前餐桌上的那些玫瑰看起来很像。13a. stood b. ran c. stepped d. jumped答案:d。带着愉快的微笑,sullivan女士告诉“我”这些玫瑰是jimmy买来作为给她的祝贺康复的礼物。听到这儿jimmy突然从座位上立即站了起来,说要回家做会儿作业,但许诺会回来看她。14a. look b. check c. pick d. call答案:b。check in on sb.探访/望某人。15a. ever b. still c. only d. just答案:a。交谈了一会儿,看到sullivan开始感到很累了,因此“我”离开了她家,留下“我”的电话号码以防她随时需要帮助。ever即at any time(before/up till now)在任何时候(之前/直至现在)。16a. smart b. sensitive c. sweet d. thankful答案:c。“我”在想小jimmy如此关心sullivan女士,这是一件多么美好的事。sweet快意的,甜美的。17a. strange b. nervous c. careless d. wrong答案:b。“我”回到家,嘲笑自己今天上午关于所发生的事是多么地神经质。nervous神经紧张的,神经的,不安的。18a. everything b. something c. anything d. nothing答案:d。be nervous over nothing“杞人忧天”,凭空或莫须有地感到紧张或担忧。19a. growing b. sitting c. lying d. arranging答案:b。“我”走过餐厅看到放在花瓶里的玫瑰花不见了。sit: be in a certain position, lie“处于某位置,位于”。此处用sitting作后置定语。20a. thought b. intention c. expectation d. delay答案:a。不用想“我”马上明白了是怎么回事。without a second thought立即,马上。第*套完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(a、b、c和d)中,选出最佳选项。 “today is the day i start the big diet (节食),” i told my wife as i raised my hand and 36,“no chocolate today!” “oh, has the hospital gift shop 37 selling it?” she asked. “no,” i said. “ill just have to 38_ my strong determination.”but when i arrived at the hospital, my little friend benton had been there 39. i knew my promise would 40 disappear. because if benton had things his way, id always be eating a piece of candy from the 41 bag he often shared with me.benton was an eightyearold boy who was _42_ because of a kind of cancer, which caused him to live in the darkness, when he was fifteen 43 old. for the next twentysix months, he was in and out of our hospital. for nearly four years, it seemed 44 benton could beat the disease, until one friday afternoon in april 2009, when he 45_ a headache and lost 46 on his right side. his mom 47_ him to the hospital.over the next several months, benton came to our 48 many more times. each time he came, we 49 say hello, while benton answered the 50 by holding out a candy from his bag.so, on that first day of my diet, i went to his room and found benton lying in his bed, his eyes 51 but not looking into this world. “we brought his candy bag with us. would you like to have some?” his mother asked. without thinking of my diet, i 52 into the bag and pulled out the first piece my fingers touched. it was my favorite as if benton had saved one last piece 53 me. at home that evening, i answered a phone about bentons 54. as i 55 it up, i opened the candy and ate it.36. a. shouted b. answered c. stated d. promised37. a. stopped b. continued c. kept d. tried38. a. base on b. depend on c. insist on d. keep on39. a. once b. yet c. again d. early40. a. suddenly b. quickly c. quietly d. shortly41. a. bottomless b. countless c. endless d. beltless42. a. ill b. injured c. deaf d. blind43. a. years b. seasons c. months d. days44. a. even though b. as though c. if only d. as with45. a. found b. developed c. managed d. provided46. a. movement b. touch c. motion d. sight47. a. hurried b. brought c. rushed d. carried48. a. home b. room c. office d. hospital49. a. would b. could c. should d. must50. a. meeting b. greeting c. encouraging d. praising51. a. closed b. glimpsed c. glared d. opened52. a. ran b. touched c. reached d. felt53. a. at b. for c. with d. on54. a. illness b. blindness c. death d. sadness55. a. put b. hung c. set d. gave【答案与解析】36d。promise“允诺,许诺”。我举起手向妻子保证今天不吃巧克力。下文信息i knew my promise would.也有暗示。37a。stop doing sth.“停止做某事”。听说我要节食,不再吃巧克力,妻子诙谐地问是不是医院的礼品店不卖巧克力了。38b。depen


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