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2014高考英语完形填空基础训练极品题(18)及答案 议论文型完形填空 (一)with excitement and enthusiasm we started our small business. no longer were we _1_ to have a weekly paycheck (工资). we now were on our own to _2_ an income to provide us with the money to live. i was a little _3_ about our ability to do this, but byron believed in our products, and believed in our ability to _4_we invested heavily in producing a number of products, _5_ none of them are popular with customers. the market gave us so heavy a _6_ that we hardly made enough money to pay our expenses.we now had our money _7_ in the booth (货摊) that we had rented for the summer and fall months. we had a lot of money _8_ up in materials. so we did not have enough money to _9_ our monthly bills. we were discouraged, and the thoughts of failure ran through our heads.as we discussed our _10_, i happened to read the words by mary pickford: “if you have made mistakesthere is always another chance for youyou may have a _11_ start, for this thing we call failure is not falling down, but _12_ down.”the words strengthen my determination and byrons _13_ that we could succeed. we did fall down, but we were _14_ not to stay down! so, we stepped back and refocused. we came up with new products using remaining _15_. we redesigned our booth. we reconsidered our pricing system. and, we started making enough money to pay our _16_if we had done nothing, if we allowed ourselves to “stay down”, then we would have _17_. but we made the choice to learn from our _18_, and we moved forward with more determination. these words _19_ a much better idea on failure a chance for a fresh start! the most important point here is “choice” because you decide how you _20_ your failure, you decide if you stay down.1. ahappy bwillingcsafe dready2. areceive bproducecwin dsave3. apatient bfondcproud dworried4. awork bsurviveccompete dsucceed5. aunless bbutcso dthough6. asurprise bgiftcpleasure dblow7. aspent blentcwasted dlost8. aput btiedctaken dused9. aprint bcovercwrite dsend10. aholidays bchoicescskills dtrips11. afresh bgoodcnatural dsudden12. alying bfallingcstaying dturning13. asuggestion bimaginationcbelief drequirement14. areminded bsupposedcdetermined dprepared15. atools bmachinescmaterials dgoods16. adebts bbillscproducts dprices17. adied bhurtcslept dfailed18. amistakes bdreamscperformances dpromises19. aexplain bcreatecoffer dprove20. aexplore bpreventcforget dview(一)【要点综述】本文通过作者自身创业的经历,向人们诠释了“失败”的真谛,即“失败”意味着有机会重新开始!1c每周领取的工资自然是“安全可靠的”。句意:“我们”失去了每周得以保障生活的工资。2b收入是靠挣来的,故选择produce“创收”。句意:“我们”现在只能靠自己来赚钱维持生计。3d因为刚开始创业,所以对未来充满“担忧”。句意:“我”很担心“我们”的能力是否能应对这些。4d拜伦对“我们”的产品非常信赖,不仅如此,他还相信“我们”的能力,相信“我们”一定能成功。5b句意:“我们”在市场上投入了大量的资金,生产了大量的产品,但是没有一种产品受顾客的青睐。6d句意:市场给了“我们”沉重的打击,结果“我们”几乎没有足够的钱来支出费用。a heavy blow一个沉重的打击。7a根据下文“we had rented for the summer”可知a项正确。句意:现在“我们”的钱都用来租货摊8b钱都用来买原材料了,所以都被捆绑住了。tie up此处意为“投放(钱、资金、储蓄等)使不能移作他用”。9b句意:因此,“我们”没有足够的钱来供应每个月的花销。cover此处意为“负担、支付(费用)”。10b这里指面对不利情况,“我们”要做的选择。11aa fresh start重新开始。12c失败并不意味着跌倒,而意味着一直往下跌。stay此处意为“保持(的状态)”。13c根据文章语境可知c项正确。这些话使“我们”更加坚定信心。14c句意:“我们”是跌倒了,但“我们”绝不会一直往下跌!be determined to do sth决心做某事。15c根据前文的“钱都花在买原材料上了”可知c项正确。16bpay bills支付账单。17d句意:如果“我们”什么都不做,如果“我们”放任自己一直往下跌,“我们”就真的失败了。18a句意:但是,“我们”选择从错误中吸取教训,然后更加坚定地前进。19c句意:这些话给了“失败”更好的诠释有机会重新开始!20d事情完全取决于你对失败的看法,取决于你是否决定任其下跌。完形填空-(四)- (2011新课标卷)in our discussion with people on how education can help them succeed in life, a woman remembered the first meeting of an introductory _1_ course about 20 years ago.the professor _2_ the lecture hall, placed upon his desk a large jar filled with dried beans (豆), and invited the students to _3_ how many beans the jar contained. after _4_ shouts of wildly wrong guesses the professor smiled a thin, dry smile, announced the _5_ answer, and went on saying, “you have just _6_ an important lesson about science. that is:never _7_ your own senses.”twenty years later, the _8_ could guess what the professor had in mind. he _9_ himself, perhaps, as inviting his students to start an exciting _10_ into an unknown world invisible (无形的) to the _11_, which can be discovered only through scientific _12_. but the seventeenyearold girl could not accept or even _13_ the invitation. she was just _14_ to understand the world. and she _15_ that her firsthand experience could be the _16_. the professor, however, said that it was _17_. he was taking away her only _18_ for knowing and was providing her with no subsitute (替代). “i remember feeling small and _19_,” the woman says, “and i did the only thing i could do. i _20_ the course that afternoon, and i havent gone near science since.”本文通过一节科学课,向人们显示了教育是如何帮助人们成功的,并且这堂课向学生显示了人们不能凭感觉做事,对于一些无形的东西,只能通过科学方法才能发现。1a.art bhistorycscience dmath答案:c。从第二段第6空后可知,此处应填science。science course科学课。2a.searched for blooked atcgot through dmarched into答案:d。教授走进演讲大厅。search for寻找;look at看; get through完成,打通;march into走进。根据句意d项正确。3a.count bguesscreport dwatch答案:b。教授让学生们猜猜缸里有多少豆子。count数;guess猜;report报告;watch看,观看,因为豆子装在缸里,同学们只有猜一下有多少。并且4空后出现了guess一词。4a.warning bgivingcturning away dlistening to答案:d。根据上下文意思可知,同学们喊出答案,教授听到他们错误的猜测,而笑了。5a.ready bpossibleccorrect ddifficult答案:c。因同学们的答案错误,所以教授给出正确答案,correct与wrong相对。6a.learned bpreparedctaught dtaken答案:a。你们学到了关于科学的重要一课。learn.about.学会关于的知识。prepare准备;teach 教;take拿走。7a.lose btrustcsharpen dshow答案:b。根据上文可知,同学们凭感觉给出了错误的答案,所以教授说:永远不要相信自己的感觉。lose失去;trust相信;sharpen变锋利;show显示。8a.lecturer bscientistcspeaker dwoman答案:c。此处指上文提到the woman,也就是指说上面的人,因此填speaker。9a.described brespectedcsaw dserved答案:c。describe描述;respect尊敬;see看见;serve服务。当他鼓励他的学生对未知世界进行有趣的航行时,他自己看到了。10a.voyage bmovementcchange drush答案:a。voyage航行;movement运动;change改变;rush冲刺。根据9空解析,a项正确。11a.professor beyecknowledge dlight答案:b。未知世界对人眼来说是无形的,故b项正确。12a.model bsensescspirit dmethods答案:d。未知世界只有通过科学方法才能发现。model模型;sense感官,感觉;spirit精神;method方法。13a.hear bmakecpresent drefuse答案:a。17岁的女孩不能接受,甚至也不听他的激励。hear听;make成为;present呈现;refuse拒绝。14a.suggesting bbeginningcpretending dwaiting答案:b。对于一个


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