江苏省盐城市大丰市万盈第二中学七年级英语下册 Unit 7 Abilities句子复习(无答案)(新版)牛津版.doc_第1页
江苏省盐城市大丰市万盈第二中学七年级英语下册 Unit 7 Abilities句子复习(无答案)(新版)牛津版.doc_第2页
江苏省盐城市大丰市万盈第二中学七年级英语下册 Unit 7 Abilities句子复习(无答案)(新版)牛津版.doc_第3页
江苏省盐城市大丰市万盈第二中学七年级英语下册 Unit 7 Abilities句子复习(无答案)(新版)牛津版.doc_第4页




unit 7 abilities句子姓名_1.不同的人有不同的能力。different people have different abilities.2.七年级一班的学生将去河边植树。the students of class1 grade 7 will plant trees near the river.3.你们本周五去拜访老年公寓吗?are you going to visit an old peoples home this friday?4.那个18岁的女孩回到她的座位并坐下。the 18-year-old girl went back to her seat and sat down.5.你能够在你7岁时自己写一篇文章吗?could you write an article by yourself when you were 7 / at the age of 7?6他们正在谈论筹钱的不同方式。they are talking about different ways of raising money.7.我们应该保护处在危险中的动物。we should protect the animals in danger.8.昨晚有一些消防员正在那幢大楼里灭大火。there were some firemen putting out the fire in the building last night.9.请不要粗心地把牛奶泼在桌上。dont pour the milk over the table carelessly.10.你做一些事情来保护自身安全了吗?did you do anything to keep yourself safe?11.当我长大我想当一名著名的记者。i want to be a famous reporter when i grow up.12.小心不要把热的东西放进冰箱。be careful not to put anything hot into the fridge.13.让孩子们远离火柴是很重要的。its very important to keep children away from matches.14.他上周病得很严重,现在好转了。he was badly ill last week , but now he is getting better.15.那场火烧毁了那工厂的一切。多么危险啊!the fire burnt everything in the factory . how dangerous!16他快速冲下了楼,身上披着一条湿毯子。he rushed downstairs with a wet blanket over his body.17.吸烟对我们的健康没好处。smoking is not good for our health.18.孙太太住院多长时间了?how long was mrs sun (ill) in hospital?19.你听说了关于莫言的新闻了么?did you hear the news about mo yan?20他写完推荐信后就去外边倒垃圾了。he poured rubbish outside after he finished writing a recommendation letter. 21.顺便问一下,你能随身携带手机吗?by the way, can you take your mobile phone with you ?22.去年他不会骑马,现在他会了。he couldnt ride a horse last year, but he can now.23.他学东西多快啊!how quickly he learns things!24.酒后驾车多危险啊!how dangerous it is to drive after drinking !25.如果他细心,下学期王老师将教他拉小提琴。if he is careful , mr wang will teach him to play the violin. 26.如果你尽力的话,你就能在地理上取得好成绩。if you try your best , you can get good grades in geography .27.让我们听这首美妙的音乐,好吗?lets listen to this piece of beautiful music, shall we?28.为什么不演示我看如何使用这部照相机?why not show me how to use the camera?29.当我五岁时开始弹钢琴。i started to play the piano when i was five 30.我想要推荐那个女士参加像为有需要的孩子收集衣服的活动。i would like to recommend the lady to take part in activities like collecting clothes for children in need.31.我认为他够聪明可以得到该奖项。i think he is clever enough to get the award.32.他是如此的粗心以至于伤到了我的胳膊。he was so careless that he hurt my arms.33.收到我笔友的信我是多么开心啊!how happily i am hearing from my penfriend !34.昨天在上学的路上我听见有人在叫救命。i heard someone shouting for help on my way to school yesterday.35.你离开时,不要让电灯开着。leave do not leave the lights on when you leave.36.超人有特别的眼睛能透过墙看东西。superman has special eyes to see through walls.37.他需要在跳舞上做得更好。he needs to do better in dancing.38.他把一切安排的好,他是考虑周到的。 it is adj of sb to do it is thoughtful of him to plan everything well.39.如果你不认真听警察说,你将会迷路的。you will lose


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