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【步步高】(福建专用)高考英语二轮考前增分特训 活页练35 单项填空+完形填空+阅读理解.doc_第2页
【步步高】(福建专用)高考英语二轮考前增分特训 活页练35 单项填空+完形填空+阅读理解.doc_第3页
【步步高】(福建专用)高考英语二轮考前增分特训 活页练35 单项填空+完形填空+阅读理解.doc_第4页
【步步高】(福建专用)高考英语二轮考前增分特训 活页练35 单项填空+完形填空+阅读理解.doc_第5页
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活页练(三十五) 单项填空完形填空阅读理解.单项填空1you can go out,_ you promise to be back before 10 oclock.aunless bas long ascbecause dsince答案b解析unless除非;as long as只要;because因为;since既然,自从。句意为:你可以出去,只要你答应在10点之前回来。2hearing a scream,i rushed downstairs,only _ the hostess lying unconscious on the floor.aseeing bhaving seencseen dto see答案d解析only to do表示出乎预料的结果。句意为:听到尖叫声,我冲到楼下,结果发现女主人躺在地板上失去了知觉。3didnt _ ever occur to you what the source of this saying i just quoted is?athis bitcthat done答案b解析这是一个否定形式的一般疑问句。it作形式主语,代替what the source of this saying i just quoted is。sth.occur to sb.某人突然想起某事。句意为:难道你没有想起来我刚才引用的谚语的出处?4_ rise in carbon dioxide is causing _ steady increase in global warming.athe;a b/;acthe;/ da;the答案a解析特指二氧化碳的增加,所以第一个空填the;导致全球变暖的稳定增长是泛指,所以第二个空填a。5he slowed the bleeding by _ pressure to the wounds until the ambulance arrived. aassessing bapprovingcapplying dappointing答案c解析动词辨析题。assess 评定,估价;approve批准,赞成;appoint任命,委派;apply申请,涂,敷,应用,常用搭配apply.to.。apply pressure to the wounds 的意思是“对伤口施加压力”。6if you must strike the drum at whole night,_ then the neighbors complain you.ano hurry bno needcno reason dno wonder答案d解析句意为:如果你非要整晚敲鼓,就别怪邻居们抱怨你。no hurry不着急;no need没必要;no reason没理由;no wonder难怪。根据语境,d项符合句意。7my grandmother still has very _ hearing although she is already eighty years old.aallergic bacutecsensitive dsensible答案b解析allergic对过敏的;acute急性的,敏锐的,尖锐的;sensitive敏感的;sensible明智的,有感觉的。句意为:我奶奶虽然已经80岁了仍然有敏锐的听觉。8tim,you are leaving for jiuzhaigou tomorrow.why not pack your clothes and food up now?_.agood idea bhelp yourselfcgo ahead,please dme,too答案a解析why not.是提建议的句型。 回答用good idea。9dont interrupt me,kevin._ you force me to tell you the truth right now?amight bshouldcmust dwould答案c解析must必须。句意为:,你非得逼我立刻告诉你事实吗?10when she was in trouble,i did what i could to help her._ my help,she wrote me a letter of thanks.ain honor of bin case ofcin terms of din return for 答案d解析句意为:作为对我帮助的答谢,她给我写了一封感谢信。in honor of为庆祝,为纪念;in case of万一;in terms of依据,根据,在哪一方面,用措辞;in return for作为对的答谢。11we still remember the day _ we spent in the old house.awhat bon whichcwhen dwhich答案d解析考查定语从句。the day是先行词,关系词在从句中作spent的宾语, 所以选d。12hello!im calling to cancel the appointment i _ with dr.smith.aam making bhave madecwill make dhad made答案b解析句意为:我打电话是来取消与dr.smith的约会。因为是取消,所以这个约会一定是早已经订好了的,故用现在完成时。13it was not until he got to his office _ he remembered leaving the key home.awhich bwherecwhen dthat答案d解析本题考查强调句型it is/was.that.。当强调until部分时,如果句中有否定词not,需要把not和until放在一起构成it is/was not until.that.结构。14_tomorrow,our ship will set sail for macao.ahowever the weather is likebhowever is the weather likecwhatever is the weather likedwhatever the weather is like答案d解析考查whatever引导的让步状语从句。whateverno matter what修饰名词weather。15is your husband good at cleaning up the room?not very,but when it _ cooking,he is much better than i am.atalks about brefers toccomes to ddeals with答案c 解析考查动词短语。“when it comes to.”是常用句式,意思是“当谈及的时候”。.完形填空nowadays fashion speaks aloud.then do you choose what you wear or does the _1_ choose it for you?i am one of the million americans who struggle with _2_ the new trends.the newspapers and magazines work their hardest in trying to _3_ us to buy new things for home,work,and family.many large _4_ spend millions of dollars for a oneminute commercial on one of the _5_ stations such as fox and cbs.television and magazines _6_ carefully not only what to wear and when to wear it but also what others are wearing such as movie stars,_7_ and music artists.television,one of the _8_ mediums of the media world,talks with us about who is wearing what and what is fashionable for the _9_.television shows give us information on new trends _10_ all different types of people and in all different countries.designers such as calvin klein,levis and many others try to _11_ us to their cool commercials.indeed,they get _12_ from the commercials after their designs are sold.television influences the way we _13_.it searches each and every one of our wardrobes(衣橱) with telling us what is _14_ and what is not.teenagers,_15_,give a lot of their attention to these television programs.they even wish they could _16_ like the models immediately.the commercials try to _17_ the younger generation because they will have them in the palm of their hands for the _18_ of their lives.also teenagers are _19_ influenced by television with the billions of dollars spent on advertisements.these advertisements have them _20_ widelythey really know what teenagers like.1a.society bmoodcmedia dweather答案c解析从下文提到的媒体在时尚传播中起的作用可以看出此处应该选c项,media意为“媒体”。2a.looking forward to bkeeping up withccaring about dreferring to答案b解析作者是努力紧跟时尚潮流的数以百万计的美国人之一,keep up with意为“跟上”。3a.follow bwarncforce dpersuade答案d解析从上下文可知,作为媒体的报纸和杂志应该是劝我们购物。persuade劝服;说服,符合语境。4a.supermarkets bhotelsccompanies dmalls答案c解析为了1分钟的广告而舍得花巨资的一般为大公司。c项符合语境。5a.major blocalccommon dsimilar答案a解析从句末提到的fox和cbs这两个电视台可以看出前面所填的词为major比较恰当,意为“较大的”。6a.choose bdescribecchange dwatch答案b解析上文提到电视和杂志都起着很大的广告宣传作用,它们在宣传时尚方面不遗余力。b项符合语境。7a.scholars bofficialscmanagers dmodels答案d解析根据movie stars和music artists可知,模特和他们同属时尚行业。8a.important bchangeableccultural dnational答案a解析电视是一种重要的媒体手段。a项符合语境。9a.day bseasoncmonth dyear答案b解析根据常识我们知道一年四季的时尚以“季”为单位,而不是天、月或年。10a.for bfromcof dwith答案a解析电视节目为不同类型、不同国家的人提供关于最新流行趋势的信息,故此处选for。11a.compare bfixcattract dconnect答案c解析calvin klein以及levis这样的大品牌用很酷的广告吸引人们的眼球。attract吸引,符合语境。12a.trust bpromotioncimprovement dprofit答案d解析根据后面的“.after their designs are sold.”可知,他们可获得盈利(profit)。13a.sleep blivecshop dlearn答案c解析从上下文可知,电视对人们购物有很大影响。14a.hot bcrazyccreative dexpensive答案a解析电视告诉我们什么是时尚的,什么不是。hot时尚的,流行的。15a.however bhardlycnearly despecially答案d解析根据下一句“they even wish they could _ like the models immediately.”可知,青少年应是格外关注时尚类电视节目。d项符合语境。16a.dress bwalkcexpress dgrow答案a解析句意为:青少年甚至希望能立刻像模特那样穿着。17a.avoid btargetcunderstand dwarn答案b解析因为商家了解青少年崇尚流行的心态,所以他们把目标锁定在年轻人身上。18a.whole bhalfcpart drest答案d解析商家将目标锁定在年轻人身上,是为了使年轻一代今后的消费理念在他们的掌控之中,所以rest最合适。19a.eagerly bslowlyceasily dhappily答案c解析商家投资大笔钱在商业广告上,是因为青少年容易受到商业广告的影响。20a.killed btrappedchurt dlost答案b解析从上文的内容和最后一句“.they really know what teenagers like.”可知,商业广告可以说是商家设的陷阱,青少年已经深陷其中。.阅读理解harvard researchers have created a tough,lowcost,biodegradable(可生物降解的) material inspired by insects hard outer shells.the materials inventors say it has a number of possible uses and someday could provide a more environmentally friendly alternative to plastic.the material,made from shrimp(虾) shells and proteins produced from silk,is called “shrilk”it is thin,clear,flexible and strong.a major benefit of the material is its biodegradability.plastics toughness and flexibility represented a revolution in materials science during the 1950s and 60s.decades later,however,plastics very durability(耐用性) is raising questions about how appropriate it is for onetime products such as plastic bags,or shortlived consumer goods,used in the home for a few years and then cast into a landfill where they will degrade for centuries.what is the point of making something that lasts 1,000 years?shrilk not only will degrade in a landfill,but its basic components are used as fertilizer(肥料),and so will enrich the soil.shrilk has great potential,the inventors said.materials from which it is made are plentiful in nature,found in everything ranging from shrimp shells,insect bodies to living plants.that makes shrilk low cost,and its mass production possible should it be used for products demanding a lot of material.work on shrilk is continuing in the lab.the inventors said the material becomes flexible when wet,so theyre exploring ways to use it in wet environments.theyre also developing simpler production processes,which could be used for nonmedical products,like for computer cases and other products inside the home.theyre even exploring combining it with other materials,like carbon fibers,to give it new properties.(2012湖南,c)1paragraph 1 of the passage is mainly about shrilks _.aremarkable designbinteresting namecmajor featuresdbasic elements答案c解析段落大意题。第一段中的众多字眼,如tough,lowcost,biodegradable,thin,clear,flexible和strong等均是用来描述这种新材料特点的。而关于它的设计并未提及;这种材料的名字在本段中有所涉及,但并非本段的中心;此外,本段简单介绍了制作这种材料的物质,并未大篇幅进行讲解,也不是本段的中心。2what has become a concern about plastic?ausing it properly.bproducing it cheaply.cdeveloping its properties quickly.devaluating its contributions fairly.答案a解析细节理解题。根据第二段第三句可知,塑料的耐用性让人们对如何合理、恰当地使用诸如塑料袋等一些一次性产品的问题开始关注。a项意为“恰当地使用”,是人们所关注的问题,符合题目要求。b项意为“便宜地生产”;c项意为“迅速发展其性能”;d项意为“公平地评估它的贡献”,均未在文中提及。3according to the inventors,shrilk has great potential partly because _.ait can help pla


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