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新托福听力场景汇总之CONVERSATION篇1. 课程相关事务场景 场景特点:主要涉及到一些和课程相关事项的解决方法。一定以conversation出现,常见话题有:安排考试,调课事宜,课程辅助材料等。 常见套路:(1) 和考试相关:考试分数;考试复习;安排考试;考试分数(2) 和课程相关:课程目的;课程类型;课程形式,课程作业(3) 和作业相关:作业类型;作业方法;交作业相关(4) 和论文相关:论文的分数 场景词汇:l Discussion课堂讨论, presentation课堂展示, topic主题, lecture讲座/课程, good choice明智的选择, slide幻灯片, library图书馆, collection藏书,资料收集, check核实, librarian图书管理员l Report报告, office hour办公时间, submit提交, on disk磁盘提交, hard copy打印版, soft copy邮件发送, computer计算机, print,打印 computer lab机房l Project作业, ton of大量, cover涵盖, re-write重写, research data调查数据, information信息, input输入, presentation课堂展示, complete完全的l Term paper学期论文, grade分数, complicated复杂的, terrible mistake严重的错误, edited version修订版, submit提交, overtired过度疲劳, stressed压力大的, rushing against the clock忙碌, mark分数, draft草稿, print打印, final paper终稿, maintaining average保持平均分, application申请, drop放课, re-take重修, due截止日期, extention延期, discuss讨论, check back核查记录, re-reading重读, submission提交l Information信息, exam schedule考试时间表, term学期, date日期, book预定, department院系, invigilator监考人员, sign up注册, sheet单子, bulletin board公告板, faculty lounge, square方格, draft,草稿 dean系主任, review复习, draw up结论, manually手工的, consult咨询, register注册l Physiology 生理学, sophomore大二学生, second year course大二课程, first year student新生, transfer转系转专业, begin my first lecture开始第一次课, introduce,介绍 complete完全的, approach方法途径, laws of physics and chemistry物理化学定律, process of life生命进程, vital force关键力量, philosophical approach哲学方法, scientific experimentation科学实验l Final exam,期末考试 midterm期中考试, multiple choice question多选题, essay question问答题, comprehensive exam综合测试, the subject,主题 review,复习 textbook教材, class note课堂笔记, the final will count for 50% of your grade期末考试占总成绩的50%, research project调查项目, run into problems遇到困难l School bulletin学校公告栏, required writing course必修写作课程, first year student大一新生, third year stuent大三学生, research paper调查报告, sign up注册, cover the entire process of writing a research paper涵盖论文写作的全过程, selecting topic选择性题目, final format最终格式, presentation课堂展示, hand in提交, assignment,作业 final grade最终分数l Class meeting班会, lecture讲座,课程, different concept不同的概念, hand in提交, issue发行, revision复习, grade分数l Research paper论文, due截止日期, proposed topics推荐的论文选题, make comment评论, the most frequent problem最常见的问题, broad广泛的, preliminary outline初步提纲, schedule计划表, available可利用的, appointment预约,约会, final outline最终提纲, no more than two pages long不得多于2页, thesis statement论文陈述, precise statement精确的陈述, conclusion总结l Workshop小型研讨会, intensive精读, techniques and skills技巧, personal attention个人参与度, register注册, advantage优点l Consecutive summer连续的暑假, community center社区活动中心, seminar研讨会, workshop小型研讨会, beginning students新生, advanced students高年级学生, last four weeks最后四周, credit is awarded学分奖励, information信息l Discuss讨论, schedule计划表, midterm期中考试, administer管理, attendance出勤, optional class选修课2. 相关事务+专业讨论场景 场景特点:场景性开场白+中间专业内容+场景性结尾。开头老师常见的会有几种寒暄,结尾老师会总结收场,中间的专业段落在专业场景中会涉及。 常见套路:(1) 开头寒暄套路(2) 结尾总结套路 场景词汇: 场景例题:见专业段落3. 选课场景 场景特点:一类是学生和学生之间讨论选课,一类是老师和学生之间讨论选课。开场白部分即可判定其为选课场景,文章内容和结构都相对固定。 常见套路:(1) 文章的主题:Why does the woma come to see the man? What is the topic of the conversation? What is the main subject of the conversation?(2) 老师对学生的疑问:What does the professor concern about?l 课程太难听不懂l 学生选课太多跟不上l 学生基础太差(3) 学生对自己情况的分析(4) 关于退课和放弃课程(5) 文章结尾的延伸:What is the teacher going to do next? What is the student going to do next? What does the student feel at the end of the conversation? 场景词汇:l Course课程, semester学期, summer session暑期课程, elective选修, bird course轻松的课, splendor大厅, lecture hall报告厅, lab实验室, tough decision艰难的抉择, pick挑选, choose选择, grade分数, relaxed放松的, paper论文, final exam期末考试, advice建议, sign up注册l Enquiry询问, credit course学分课程, off-campus校外, program项目, remote遥远的, access方法, internet互联网, degree学位, distance education远程教育, diploma证书, requirement要求, format格式, print materials打印材料, audio-tapes录音带, video视频, teleconferencing远程会议, deliver传输, cost费用, fixed date固定日期, history 490历史490l Drop放课, fail不及格, math 101数学101, rough糟糕, test考试, med school医学院l Use your advice遵从您的建议, do premed医学预科, introductory course导论, non-science major非科学专业, be weak in薄弱, do poorly in薄弱, meet at the same time同时满足, modern drama course现代戏剧课程l Semester学期, enroll in注册, graduate course能毕业的课, qualified合格的, hard time keep up, favorite interest兴趣偏好, challenging挑战性的, easy grade容易拿的分数l Permission to register允许注册, take the prerequisite满足先决条件, the beginning course初期课程, catalog目录, instructor导师, previous experience事前经验, formal training正式培训, decision决定l Signature签字, schedule card日程, advisors approval导师许可, quite a heavy load课业负担沉重, drop the course放课, seminar学术研讨会l Sign up for a noncredit course注册非学分课程, intermediate level中级水平, grade分数, regular meeting例会l Transfer转专业,转学, bachelors degree学士学位, associate助手, selective选修课, letters of recommendation推荐信l Hard course困难的课程, rehearsal彩排, extra time课余时间, once a week每周一次l Flight program飞行项目, degree学位, license执照,许可, excellent reputation好的声誉, selective选修课, 4. 迟到旷课场景 场景特点:一个学生由于迟到或者旷课而向另外一个学生询问上课的内容。 常见套路:(1) 学生旷课迟到的理由:why was the man late for class? l 车坏了l 得病了l 睡过了(2) 所缺课程的主题:what is the topic of the professors leture which the man has missed?(3) 学生补课的套路(4) 结尾的保证:what does the man promise to do? 场景词汇:l feel good感觉良好, cover涵盖, lecture演讲,课程, point out指明, chapter章节, textbook教材, part部分, divide分组, project作业,项目, focus专注, due截止日期, show up出现, note笔记, transcribe抄写, email电子邮件l oversleep睡过头, talk about谈论l trouble with my car汽车出故障, lecture series系列讲座, attend参加,出席, admission许可l fill me in something给我补课, dentist牙医, emergency紧急事件, missed somebodys lecture缺课, note笔记, make sense知道,了解5. 转学场景 场景特点:学生想要转学或者转专业,可以涉及的话题还包括转专业申请文书的写作等。 常见套路:(1) 学生转学转专业的理由?why does the student go to see the professor? Why does the professor consider unusual about the students background?(2) 学生转学的特殊情况(3) 学生应该怎样去做场景词汇:l Public university公立大学, private university私立大学, community college社区大学, reputation声誉, class size班级容量, personal attention/individual attention个人参与度, interact互动, group discussion小组讨论, tuition学费, expense花费, cost费用, afford支付承担, affordable支付得起的, location地理位置, environment环境, large city大城市, small town小城镇, college town大学城, top student尖子生, application申请, experience经历, special特别的,与众不同的6. 实验室场景 场景特点:有些课是在实验室上的,就会涉及到实验室专门的词汇和专业内容背景。 常见套路:(1) 实验室课程的专门用语(2) 实验室设备的专门用语 场景词汇:l Laboratory实验室, research procedure研究进程, lab assistant实验室助手, retrieve information检索信息, track the course课程跟踪, monitor监视器, track the progress记录实验进展l Lab instructor导师, lab experience实验经历, setup安装, equipment实验室设备, result实验结果, grade分数, lab notebook实验报告, proper precautions恰当的预防措施, protective goggles防护眼镜, toxic effect of chemicals化学品的毒性, lab procedure实验步骤, heavy metal重金属l Workbook实验手册, material实验材料, experiment实验, available实验可以进行7. 图书馆场景 场景特点:学生和图书馆相关的场景,包括借书还书,图书馆设施,图书馆内遇到的问题麻烦等。 常见套路:(1) 美国大学图书馆的基本制度(2) 图书馆的基本部门设置和常见设施(3) 借书还书相关以及遇到的各种问题 场景词汇:l Library图书馆, check out查看, spread out扩展, focus热点, jam阻塞, spot地点, crowd拥挤, comfy舒服, far away遥远l Due到期, finish完成, renew续借, check核查,确认, library card图书证, late逾期, mixed up错乱, request要求, fine罚金, overdue逾期, pay付款, process处理,用打卡机标示, sign签字, suspend吊销, privilege借书权利l Librarian图书管理员, facilities设施, reference room阅览室, reference material参考资料, dictionary字典, bibliography参考书目, literature guide导读, telephone book电话簿, periodical room期刊室, newspaper报纸, magazine杂志, academic journal学术期刊, current issue最新期刊, older issue过刊, card catalog卡片式目录(图书馆用), listed by title,按书名排序 by author and by topic按作者和主题排序, call number卡号l Return还书, shelves书架, check out查看, reserve book藏书, overnigh use过度借书l secondhand bookstore二手书店, inscription(作者)题词,献词, front cover,书的封面 signature署名, poetry book诗集l paperback section精装版, index索引l exit gate出口, check out查看l reserve保留,收藏, additional copy加印, article文章8. 课堂内容讨论场景 场景特点:学生课下对于课堂的某些问题的讨论,可能涉及作业、教师等话题 常见套路:(1) 讨论课堂留下的作业。(2) 讨论老师教学质量。(3) 涉及课堂内容,比如学生没有听懂课下讨论上课的某一问题。9. 奖学金场景 场景特点:学生与奖学金助学金相关的问题咨询工作人员。 常见套路:(1) 咨询奖学金的种类(2) 奖学金授予的资格:What can be inferred aout the qualifications to apply for bursaries?(3) 如何申请奖学金(4) 奖学金申请的材料(5) 申请到奖学金的可能性(6) 奖学金的网站:What is the student most likely to do after this conversation? 场景词汇:l Scholarship奖学金, bursary助学金, department院系, information信息, financial aid助学金, monetary货币的, grant授予/补助金,津贴, determine决定, committee委员会, donor捐款人, apply for申请, financially最终, in need贫困的, consider考虑, out-of-town乡下, requirement要求, website网址, on-line在线, submit,提交 official官方,正式, document文件, in person亲自l Scholarship奖学金, available可得的, maintain,保持 average平均分, mark分数, apply for申请, applicant申请人, committee委员会, honor荣誉, award奖励, exam,考试 candidate候选人, weight权衡, guarantee保证, grade point average (GPA)学习基点, percent百分数, website网址, address地址, rigorous严谨的, extra-curricular课外, hardship苦难, achievement成就, letter of recommendation推荐信, fill填表, time consuming job耗时的工作, recommend推荐, eligibility合格, enrolment注册10. 实地考查场景 场景特点:指学生fieldtrip野外实地考查的相关,或者外出的各种活动,比如采访等等。 常见套路:(1) Where? Fieldtrip的目的地(2) When? 要去多久?何时走?何时回?(3) Who? 哪些人去?哪个年级去?(4) How? 怎么去?(5) Why? 目的是什么?(6) 注意事项,比如带哪些东西,不带哪些东西 场景词汇:l List列表, supply供应, on site实地,现场, kit包裹, notebook笔记本, axe斧子, glove手套, instrument工具, measure测量, clean清整, cancel取消, weather天气, clothes衣服, outside室外, food食物, snack快餐,零食, transportation交通, transport交通, dig挖l Trip leader领头人, participate参与, report报告, field trip郊游11. 体育运动场景 场景特点:和学生体育运动相关的场景。重点掌握美国大学生所进行的常见体育运动。 常见套路:(1) 托福听力中曾经出现过的体育运动项目(2) 每个运动项目的标志词(3) 每个运动项目所常提及的话题(4) 每个运动项目的背景知识 场景词汇:l Spring cycling season春季骑车, regular hobby爱好, physical fitness routine日常体育锻炼, bicyclist自行车手, expert riders专业车手l Endurance test耐力测试, recreational cyclists娱乐为目的的车手, racers参赛车手l Ski patrol滑雪, ski patroller滑雪者, safety安全性l Physical education clas体育课, rock climbing攀岩, rope绳子, belt安全带, buckle安全带, safety equipment安全设施, climbing trip攀岩旅程,登山之旅12. 游玩场景 场景特点:和学生出游度假等有关。可以设计度假旅游、周末休闲、郊游活动、电影音乐会等话题。 常见套路:(1) 出游的目的(2) 出游的具体计划(3) 出游的内容(4) 出游遇到的问题 场景词汇:l Break休假, racket球拍, reserve a court预定场地l Rock concert摇滚音乐会, vacation假期, weather天气13. 打工场景 场景特点:一类是招工场景;一类是学生之间、学生和老师之间谈论工作的场景。 常见套路:(1) 托福中学生经常从事的工作l Teaching assistant, research assistant, lab assistantl 各种商业部门的工作l 家庭服务性工作l 与本专业、或比较有趣的工作(2) 工作的内容(3) 申请的手续和流程l 应聘的资格l 工作的待遇和时间l 手续问题 场景词汇:l Summer break暑假, work工作, job工作, offer提供, excellent opportunity绝佳机会, practice练习, wonderful非常好的, dilemma进退两难, difficult decision艰难的抉择, plan计划, volunteer志愿, NGO,非政府组织 chance机会, share分享, interesting有趣的, spend花费, accept接受, program项目, interview采访,面试, company公司, application申请表, apply for申请, money金钱, advice意见l Tough艰难的, exam考试, stressed压力大的, dread恐惧, cram the night熬夜, part-time兼职, money钱, board学费, balance平衡, hit the book温习功课, energy能量, tired劳累的, sleep睡觉, consolation安慰, get through度过, fun有意思, fondness喜爱l Announcement声明, hire雇佣, part-time assistant兼职助手, experience经验, research调查, daily日常l Laboratory assistant实验室助手, fill out an application填申请表, fit into my schedule与个人时间表相符l Variety of job opportunities大量的工作机会, responsible for负责, volunteer志愿, service服务, postions are open虚位以待, link of service服务链接, career training职业培训, program available可得项目, demand physical endurance要求体力好, receive no salary无偿, pay for living expense支付生活费, housing and food allowance住房与食物补贴, additional information额外信息l Internship program实习项目, advanced planning预先计划, career opportunities职业机遇, working experience工作经验, short term experience短期经验, permanent employment永久雇佣, full-time全职, academic credit,学分 supervise主管, hand out分发, career advisory service就业指导, living expence生活费13. 学生组织活动场景 场景特点:学生介绍自己组织或者参与的一个活动。 常见套路:(1) 学生经常参加和组织的活动l 班级竞选l 减肥l 公益活动(2) 活动的目的:What is the main reason for the woman to participate this activity?(3) 分发handout:(4) 活动的具体内容 场景词汇:l Run跑步, marathon马拉松, motivator动机, back into shape减肥, inspire激励, running buddies一起跑步的伙伴, positive积极地, sponsor赞助商, tons of money大量资金, cause原因l Introduce介绍, campus daily日常校园生活, volunteer,志愿者 salary薪水, ceremony仪式, alumni校友14. 报到注册场景 场景特点:新生报到注册时候遇到的问题。 常见套路:(1) 报到注册的时间(2) 报到注册的准备材料(3) 报到注册可能遇到的问题 场景词汇:l Registration注册, time时间, determine决定, first year student一年级新生, mail邮寄, designated date指定日期, specific time具体时间, admission letter录取通知书, continuing students, average平均分, previous之前的, session, pay,支付 credit card学分, bank银行, teller出纳, confirmation slip确认便条, in person亲自l Registration注册, date,日期 newly admitted student新生, undergraduate本科生, junior大三, sophomore大二, returning student在校生, senior大四, check核查, pay attention注意, time时间, register注册, designated time指定时间, pay支付, fee费用, financial aid助学金, financial officer财务官, sponsor赞助商, authorization letter, on-line在线15. 校园生活场景 场景特点:关于学生租房子或者宿舍相关的话题场景。 常见套路:(1) 房子条件差(2) 与室友很难相处(3) 找房子租(4) 学校房子的管理制度 场景词汇:l Move搬, accent口音, pod班级, international group国际小组, major专业, lucky幸运的, excellent优秀的, booklet小册子, regulation规定, rule规则, conductive有利的, quiet policy保持安静, self-policed自律, problem困难, allow允许, smoke吸烟, cook烹饪, plug插座, dryer吹风机, voltage电压, alarm警报, kitchen厨房, leftover剩菜, clean-up day扫除日, hot water热水, meter水表,电表, washroom洗手间, laundry facility洗衣设备, basement地下室, conserving energy节能, lounge area洗衣房, heat供暖, air-conditioning空调, atorage area储藏间, permit允许, hallway走廊, community space活动区, prior notification预先通知, safe安全, valuable值钱的, housekeeper守门人, vacuum cleaner真空吸尘器, lock锁, key钥匙, check检查, fire prevention equipment防火设备, cover涵盖, overnight visitor过夜的客人, arrange按排, in advance提前, religious propaganda宗教宣传, dorm组设, furnishing装修, park公园l Roommate室友, dormitory宿舍, unpacking our things摆放物品, neat整洁l Housing office房管处, living off campus住在校外, cost花费, rent租金, utilities设备,工具, need a car to commute需要汽车以通勤, noisy喧嚣的, peace and quiet安静祥和l Winter break寒假, dean院长, vacation arrangement假期安排, fill up the forms填表格, heating cost取暖费, temporary accommodation暂时住宿l Housing director房管负责人, checkout procedure退房手续, leave fo


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