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【状元之路】2014-2015学年高中英语 语篇提能22 新人教版必修2.完形填空mrs dermitt, my drama (戏剧) teacher, had chosen me to play an energetic boy, the leading role, in a comedy. luckily for me, she thought that i could handle (处理) the _1_.that afternoon my friend kevin and i talked excitedly about the play. i told him i was a little _2_ because i had a lot of lines to memorize (记住). “you can do it,” he said. i knew i could _3_ him: we had been friends since the third grade, and we made a good team.preparations for the play moved at a rapid pace. kevin _4_ hours helping me learn my lines. he often said my lines with me.but on the day of the play when i woke up with a fever and sore throat, the entire production came to a sudden _5_. everyone in the drama department was worried, for there was no way i could _6_. the play was due to _7_ in fewer than six hours, and we had no time to cancel (取消). i tried to think of a way to _8_. then it hit me kevin knew the _9_ as well as i did. i called mrs dermitt to give her my _10_. within a few short hours, kevin stood on _11_ in costume and makeup. the amusing lines he had practiced with me so many times made the crowd _12_ and cheer. in a strange turn of events, kevin and i had _13_ the day for everyone by working as a team.of course, i was terribly disappointed to have _14_ my chance in the spotlight, but i was extremely _15_ to have such a good friend.1a. part b. line c. situation d. play2a. disappointed b. excited c. nervous d. happy3a. count on b. catch on c. put on d. carry on4a. spent b. cost c. took d. paid5a. change b. turn c. stop d. end6a. perform b. learn c. arrive d. relax7a. finish b. replace c. open d. forbid8a. forgive b. help c. care d. face9a. steps b. lines c. points d. cases10a. introduction b. instruction c. explanation d. suggestion11a. seat b. top c. stage d. steps12a. cry b. sad c. laugh d. quiet13a. valued b. saved c. left d. kept14a. offered b. avoided c. risked d. missed15a. successful b. thankful c. trustful d. hopeful答案与解析语篇解读作者因为生病错过演出而失望,但是却为有一个好朋友而感到高兴。1a根据前文my drama teacher, had chosen me to play an energetic boy, the leading role可知,作者被老师选中在戏剧中扮演主要角色,说明老师认为他能扮演好这个角色,故选a项。2c根据后文because i had a lot of lines to memorize可推知,作者要记很多台词,应该会觉得紧张。3a根据后文we had been friends since the third grade可知,作者和凯文是好朋友,因此作者是信赖这个朋友的。4a根据后文hours可知,凯文花几个小时帮作者记台词,因此是spend“花时间”,故a项正确。5c根据前文leading role和后文with a fever and sore throat可推知,因为作者是主要角色,而他发烧,嗓子痛,因此无法演出了,故c项正确。6a根据上文,大家很担心,是因为作者无法演出。7c根据后文,演出无法取消,可推知是在不到六个小时之后,演出就要开始了。8b根据前文we had no time to cancel可推知,他们在想办法挽救,故用help表挽救。9b根据前文可知作者突然想起来kevin和作者都是知道台词的。10d根据上文,演出不能进行,作者想办法挽救,可推知作者应该是提议让kevin替他表演。故d项正确。11c根据后文可知应是kevin带妆上台表演。stand on stage“上台表演”。12c根据上文amusing lines及后文cheer可知是娱乐表演,应是让观众大笑,故选c项。13b根据前文知道由于作者的提议, kevin表演很成功,成功的帮助挽救了可能的事故。14d根据前文i was terribly disappointed可推知作者因为失去了机会而遗憾。d项正确。15b根据转折关系but和后文have such a good friend可推知,作者虽然失望,但还是很感激好朋友,故b项正确。.阅读理解七选五the history of american folk musicno one knows when folk music began exactly. _1_ the songs can be considered as oral histories. songs by traditional american folk singers tell stories that dont even appear in history books._2_ it seldom reflects the life of rich people. it is something anyone can understand and everyone is welcome to take part in. folk songs differ in subject matter from war, work, economic hardship and of course, love.from the very beginning of american history, folk music has shown up at times when people needed it most. the earliest folk songs rose from slave fields as spirituals (黑人圣歌), such as “down by the riverside” and “we shall overcome”. songs like these reflect both human suffering and the strength of the human spirit. _3_the 20th century saw folk music become even more popular in social settings. _4_ they learn songs together that helped them deal with their bad work environment. joe hill was an early folk song writer and union organizer. his songs were about the ongoing labor struggles. _5_a. they show there is always hope in life.b. they fought for equal rights.c. their origins are hard to tell.d. folk music became popular since then.e. folk music has been the music of ordinary people.f. his songs have been sung during worker strikes ever since.g. workers and folk singers gathered in churches and living rooms to sing music.答案1.c2.e3.a4.g5.f.短文改错last week, our school held an english week, that started on march 4 and ended on 8. all the students and teacher, including two foreign teachers, took part in them. we sang quite few songs and joined in english speaking contests to develop our interest in english during this week. in addition, we put on short english plays and watch english films, from which we learned a lot. besides, we had a wonderful time tell english jokes. it is very known that practice makes perfect. as a result of, we have become much interested in english and our speaking ability has improved. its a good way to learn english effectively.答案last week, our school held an english week, started on march 4 and ended on 8. all the students and , including two foreign teachers, took part in . we sang quite few songs and joined in english speaking contests to develop our interest in english during week. in addition, we put on short english plays


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