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unit 5 travelling abroad话题词汇1company n陪伴;同伴2available adj.可用的;可得到的3departure n启程;离开;出发4arrival n到来;到达5intend v想要;打算6destination n目的地7get lost迷路8feel at home感觉自在;无拘束9settle in安顿下来;迁入新居10at ones service为服务经典语篇假设由你接待一组来自美国的中学生代表团。该团经深圳、湖南等地,在北京只停留两天。团长向你征求在北京的旅行计划,请按以下提示给出你的口头建议:1首先去长城。长城是世界最古老最长的防御墙,是世界奇迹之一,有两千多年的悠久历史,全部由人工建成,令世人惊叹。2其次是故宫。它建于1406年,曾有24位皇帝在那儿居住过;皇帝在那儿发号施令。参观它,可以更多地了解中国历史。3对其停留时间短暂深感遗憾,否则,可以参观更多的具有历史意义的地方和景区,如颐和园、北海公园等。注意:词数100左右。参考词汇:发号施令issue orders;令人惊奇amazing佳作欣赏well,the first place that i advise you to visit is the great wall,the longest and oldest wall in the world,which is said to be one of the wonders in the world.it has a history of more than twenty centuries.it is amazing to see such a huge wall was made entirely by hand.the other place worth visiting is the palace museum,which was built in 1406.twentyfour emperors once lived there.from there the ruling emperors issued orders.you can learn a lot about chinese history by visiting this palace.what a pity that you cant stay longer!otherwise,you could visit many other historic places and beautiful scenes such as the summer palace,the bei hai park. 思维发散1仿照第句用“序数词that定语从句”完成句子随着嫦娥3号成功着陆,中国已经成了世界上第三个在月球上着陆的国家。with change3 successfully landing,china has been the third country in the world that has landed on the moon.2将第句改为and连接的并列句and it is said to be one of the wonders in the world.3将第句改为简单句the other place worth visiting is the palace museum built in 1406.4将第句进行句型转换otherwise,you could visit many other historic places and beautiful scenes like the summer palace,the bei hai park.重点单词a写作单词1draft (n.)草稿;草案;(vt.)草拟;起草2substitute (n.)代替者;代用品;(vt.)用代替3acknowledge (vt.)承认;确认;答谢4recommend (vt.)推荐;建议recommendation (n.)推荐5comfort (n.)舒适;安慰;(vt.)安慰comfortable (adj.)舒适的6occupy (vt.)占用;占领;占据occupation (n.)占用;占领;职业7apology (n.)道歉;谢罪apologize (vi.)道歉;谢罪8abundant (adj.)丰富的;充裕的abundance (n.)丰富;充裕9govern (vt.& vi.)统治;支配;管理 government (n.)政府b阅读单词10essay (n.)文章;散文11bachelor (n.)获学士学位的人;未婚男子12routine (n.)常规;日常事务;(adj.)通常的;例行的13destination (n.)目的地14parallel (adj.)平行的;相同的;类似的15enterprise (n.)事业;事业心16autonomous (adj.)自主的;自治的;独立的17numb (adj.)麻木的;失去知觉的18lecture (n.& v)演讲;讲课19queue (n.)队列;行列;(vi.)排队20qualification (n.)资格;资历qualify (vt.)使有资格qualified (adj.)有资格的21preparation (n.)准备;预备prepare (v.)准备22academic (adj.)学校的;学术的academy (n.)学会;学院23requirement (n.)需要;要求require (vt.)要求24contradict (vt.)反驳;驳斥contradiction (n.)反驳;矛盾contradictory (adj.)相互矛盾的25optional (adj.)可选择的;随意的option (n.)选择;选择权26agent (n.)代理人;经纪人agency (n.)代理27geographical (adj.)地理(学)的geography (n.)地理(学).重点短语1adjust to适应2keep it up保持优秀成绩;继续干下去3fit in相适应;相融和4out of the question不可能的;不值得讨论的5as far as one is concerned就而言6day in and day out日复一日7settle in(迁入新居、更换工作后)安顿下来8be occupied with忙着做;忙于某事物.经典句式1it was the first time she had ever left her motherland.这是她第一次离开她的祖国。2but i was also very nervous as i didnt know what to expect.但是我也非常焦虑因为我不知道需要什么。3you have to get used to a whole new way of life,which can take up all your concentration in the beginning.你得适应一种全新的生活方式,在一开始的时候这就会占去你的全部精力。4besides,as far as he was concerned,what other people thought was not the most important thing.此外,在他看来别人的想法并不是最重要的事。5i have been so occupied with work that i havent had time for social activities.我一直忙于学习,以至于没有时间参与社交活动。.课文语法填空six months ago xie lei boarded a plane 1.for london to complete a business qualification.2.when she came to england,she lived with a host family,3.whose members always helped her.at the beginning she had to face such difficulties of daily life 4.as how to use the phone,and how to pay bus fare.besides,she also 5.had(have) to face the difficulties of learning at the university.studying there was quite 6.different(differ) from studying in china and she needed some preparation first.she had to get 7.used(use) to a new way of life,which took up all her concentration.it was 8.beneficial(benefit) as well as difficult for her to study in london.she learned 9.how to fulfill western academic requirements.xie lei also learned that as 10.a student,she should not use other peoples work but try to express her own ideas.1. recommend vt.推荐,荐举;劝告做,建议(某事)(advise)应试指导(1)虚拟语气的考查;(2)后跟非谓语动词的考查;(3)推荐信高频词汇recommend sb.sth.recommend sth.to sb.向某人推荐某物recommend doing sth.建议(劝告)某人做某事recommend sb.to do sth.劝告某人做某事recommend that.(should) do.建议(某人)(1)i borrowed the book sherlock holmes from the library last week,which my classmates recommended to me.上周我从图书馆借了本夏洛克福尔摩斯,这是我同学推荐我看的书。(2014北京)(2)i recommend that you (should) go by subway.我建议你坐地铁去。多维训练单句语法填空(1)teachers recommend parents (should) not allow(allow) their children under 12 to ride bicycles to school for safety.(2)wed recommend you to book(book) your flight early.(3)we strongly recommend reporting(report) the incident to the police.2 .substitute v.替换(replace;take the place of);用代替;n.代替物(品);代替者应试指导作为高级词汇替换replace(1)a substitute for.的代替者substitute a for breplace b with/by a 用a代替b(2)substitute for代替;取代(1)water is not a proper substitute for wine.水不是酒的适当代用品。(2)they were substituting violence for dialogue.他们在用暴力取代对话。词义辨析substitute,replace(1)这两个词的含义略有不同,substitute强调“代替,顶替”;而replace强调“替换,更换”,即把旧的或坏的东西更换成新的(通常用take the place of更通俗些)。(2)在句型结构上,通常是:substitute a for b “用a代替b”(使用a);replace a with/by b “用b替换a”(使用b)。多维训练(1)用substitute,replace的正确形式填空the driver replaced the wornout tires with new ones.he substituted for the teacher who was in hospital.(2)单句语法填空can you replace the light with/by a brighter one?theres no substitute for that watch.3. requirement n.要求;必要条件;需要应试指导(1)同位语从句的考查;(2)虚拟语气的考查(1)meet/satisfy ones requirements满足某人的要求(2)require sth.of sb.要求某人某事require sb.to do sth.要求某人做某事sth.require(s) doing/to be done某事需要it is required that.要求(从句中用虚拟语气,即“shoulddo”,should可省略)(1)its products met all legal requirements.它的产品符合所有的法律要求。(2)all the members are required to attend the meeting.所有成员都被要求出席这次会议。特别提醒(1)require表示“需要”接含有被动意义的非谓语动词时,不定式表示被动结构,而动名词表示主动结构,即require to be done或require doing。 (2)require接that从句时从句中的谓语动词要用虚拟语气,即(should)do的形式;其名词requirement后的表语从句或同位语从句中也要用虚拟语气。多维训练(1)单句语法填空our goal is to satisfy every requirement(require) of our users.you are required to pay(pay) the money by next saturday.(2)同义句改写this wall requires repairing.(用不定式作宾语改写)this wall requires to be repaired.the situation required us to make an immediate decision.(改为复合句)the situation required that we (should) make an immediate decision.4. acknowledge vt.承认(recognize);确认;答谢(express thanks);告知收到应试指导(1)后跟非谓语动词的用法;(2)写作高分句式:it is acknowledged that.(sb./sth.be acknowledged不定式)(1)acknowledge sb./sth.to be/as.认为某人(物)是;承认某人(物)是acknowledge doing sth.承认做某事acknowledge that.承认it is universally acknowledged that.是大家公认的。(2)in acknowledgement of对表示感谢(1)they acknowledged having been defeated.他们承认已被打败。(2)i was sent a free copy in acknowledgement of my contribution.我收到一本赠刊,表示对我投稿的谢意。特别提醒(1)表示承认做了某事,其后可接动名词,也可接that从句,但通常不接不定式。(2)acknowledge后虽不能接不定式作宾语,但可接不定式作宾补。多维训练(1)单句语法填空he finally acknowledged having made(make) a mistake.it is now acknowledged by the movie industry as the most successful film series ever.there was no acknowledgement(acknowledge) of the extent of the problem.(2)同义句改写its universally acknowledged that he is the best player in the world.(改为简单句)he is universally acknowledged as/to be the best player in the world.5. occupy v.使用,占用;占领;使忙于;忙着(1)be occupied (in) doing.忙于做某事occupy oneself with sth./in doing sth.忙于做某事be occupied with sth.从事(忙于)做某事(2)occupation n.占领;职业;消遣(1)she is fully occupied in looking after three small children.她忙于照料三个小孩儿。(2)one of my childhood occupations was collecting stamps.我孩提时代的消遣之一是收集邮票。多维训练(1)写出下列句子中occupy的汉语意思during the war,germany occupied many countries,including france.占领his speech occupied only three minutes.占用(时间,空间)his work occupies him for the whole day.使忙碌he would have attended your birthday party but he occupied himself with a very important experiment.忙于(2)同义句改写she occupied herself with routine office tasks and had no time to attend to her children.occupying herself with routine office tasks,she had no time to attend to her children.(用现在分词短语作状语改写)occupied with routine office tasks,she had no time to attend to her children.(用过去分词短语作状语改写)6. keep it up保持优秀成绩;继续干下去多维训练短语填空(1)they lit a fire to keep off wild animals.(2)neither of them is telling the whole truth.invariably,they keep something back.(3)even wellestablished companies can scarcely keep up with demand.(4)you can use farm chemicals to keep down the weeds.7. fit in相适应;相融和多维训练(1)他过去从未干过这种工作,很难说他是否会与其他人配合得好。hes never done this type of work before; im not sure whether hell fit in with the other people.(2)运动有助于你保持健康,接触大自然。sports can help you keep fit and get in touch with nature.(3)这食物不适宜人吃。the food was not fit for human consumption.8. you have to get used to a whole new way of life,which can take up all your concentration in the beginning.你得适应一种全新的生活方式,在一开始的时候这就会占去你的全部精力。句型公式:be/get used to (doing) sth.be used to (doing).习惯于(做)be used to do.被用来做used to do.过去常常做(1)i am not used to eating so much at lunchtime.我不习惯午饭吃那么多。(2)the wood can be used to make desks and chairs.木材能被用来制作桌椅。(3)we used to work more than ten hours a day.我们过去常常每天工作十个小时以上。特别提醒含有used to的句子的否定式和疑问式有两种形式:主语didnt use to.或主语usednt to. did主语use to do.?或used主语to do.?he didnt use/usednt to come.他过去不常来。did there use to be/used there to be a hotel on that corner?那个拐角处过去有家宾馆吗?词义辨析used to,would(1)used to强调过去经常做,现在不做了,既可以表示动作也可以表示状态。(2)would多表示动作,并不暗示现在如何。多维训练(1)用would,used to填空the successful young man used to be a naughty boy.whenever tim was angry,he would eat a lot.(2)单句语法填空she used to wash(wash) dishes in a restaurant.youll soon get used to speaking(speak) in public.the information is used to develop(develop) games and quizzes for the site.语境填词1children with good academic(学校的;学术的) success do have involved parents.(2015陕西)2if we had booked a table earlier,we wouldnt be standing here in a queue(队伍)(2013北京)3and the town is fast becoming a popular weekend destination(目的地) for people in asia.(2015全国)4where the birds were most abundant(丰富的),people believed there was an everlasting supply and killed them by the thousands.(2014新课标全国)5in that school,english is compulsory for all students,but french and russian are optional(选修的)(2011江苏).单句语法填空1were i three years younger than i am now,i would strongly recommend that i (should) set(set) more practical and specific goals.(2015重庆)2without creative human occupation(occupy),people became disconnected from life.(2014浙江)3you help organize sports activities and other outdoor pursuits and you could end up with a qualification(qualify) as an instructor.(2014广东)4understanding(understand) your own needs and styles of communication is as important as learning to convey your affection and emotions.(2014湖南)5the family began making preparations(prepare) immediately after one of the members saw the boat.(2015湖南)6ive soon got used to living(live) without my parents around.(2011重庆)7he realized this and apologized(apology) to me.(2015重庆)8i think what impresses me about his painting is the colors he uses.(2014天津)9it is widely acknowledged that students should be evaluated in terms of overall quality.(2014福建)10i was so occupied with going over my lessons for my final exam.(2013山东).短语填空1when visiting another country,you should be aware of those differences and respect them.here are some tips on how to fit in.(2014重庆)2my work colleagues adjusted to my taking off at a moments notice for medical emergencies.(2015浙江)3as far as im concerned,riding bicycles is a good solution.(2011江西)4arriving in the sunshine state was rather tiring,but i managed to catch a taxi to my accommodation and settle in.(2014安徽)5i get at least half an hour of exercise almost every day.oh great! keep it up.(2014安徽).完成句子1给我一次机会,还你一个惊喜。give me a chance,and ill give you a wonderful surprise.(2014天津)2那是父亲第一次在紧急时刻依赖我。that was the first time dad had counted on me in a moment of emergency.(2011重庆)3据报道,吸烟者的数量在一年内下降了17%。the number of smokers,as is reported,has dropped by 17 percent in just one year.(2015江苏)4我在找纸,想在上面写下向母亲推荐的书的名字。im looking for paper on which to note down the name of a book i am recommending to my mother.(2010天津)5人们正在学习如何将大量的信息进行整理,以便以后使用。people are learning how to organize huge quantities of information so that they are able to access it at a later date.(2015安徽)写作素材(关于出国)1就我而言,我推荐年轻人出国学习。2出国学习可以获得未来企业中需要的丰富的经验。3起初,他们可能会忙于适应新的生活方式。4我相信,他们很快就会安顿下来。5他们会感觉如在家里一样舒适。提示:黑体部分用本单元词汇表达,并且请使用it is acknowledged that.,过去分词短语作定语等。连句成篇(将以上句子连成一篇50词左右的英语短文)as far as im concerned,i recommend the young people to study abroad.it is acknowledged that we can get abundant experience needed in the future enterprise.at first,they may be occupied in adjusting themselves to the new way of life.im sure they can settle in the new environment,and feel as comfortable here as at home.阅读理解ai was twentytwo,and in bolivia.id been to every other country in south america,and now i was set on getting into chile,the last on the list.after several days,i reached the hills.it was cold,and even the distant mountains were clear.the days were lonely,but one evening i met filomeno and his fellow teachers.they tried to persuade me not to go to chile,saying it was a bad place,and that i would be killed.i didnt believe them.i knew nothing of the current politics;i just wanted to go there.so i walked into the mountains,feeling excited,and came to a sign with the word “chile” on it.a frightening soldier appeared,stuck a gun in my back,and pushed me down a slope to the police station.the police chief then told me,“theres nothing for you here.” i explained that i had come to see this beautiful country.but he was annoyed.in the evening they filled me with food.there was laughter,and i was less tense.then the police chief took me to a tiny cell.i lay down on the mattress(垫子)even though i had no light and none of my possessions,i felt euphoric.at least i had arrived!and what a story id have to tell!the next morning i was released,and i was told that chile didnt want me.throwing my belongings into my backpack,i shouted and screamed at the soldiers.after all this effort i was being sent home!i stomped(以重踏步方式走) towards bolivia expecting to feel a bullet.but id be back!i told myself.1the author went to chile to .avisit his friend filomenobsettle there foreverccomplete his trip plandrisk his life答案c解析细节理解题。根据第一段中的“id been to every other country in south america,and now i was set on getting into chile,the last on the list.”可知我去过南美的国家了,现在我要去智利,这是我旅行名单上最后一个地方,故选c。2the underlined word “euphoric” in paragraph 4 most probably means “ ”aterrible bshamedcbored dexcited答案d解析词义猜测题。根据“even though i had no light and none of my possessions,i felt euphortic.”可知虽然我什么都没有,但是我很兴奋,所以选d。3according to the last paragraph,the author lost his temper because .ahe was prevented from entering chilebhe was badly treated by the soldiers in chilecit was his last chance to traveldhis friends had stopped him from going to chile答案a解析推理判断题。根据最后一段可知智利的警察们把我赶出去,他们阻止我进入智利,所以选a。4what is the passage mainly about?aan exciting fight with soldiers in chile.bhow the author escaped from chile.can adventure in chile.dwhy the author went to chile.答案c解析主旨大意题。根据文章总体可知,我不顾一切的来到智利,最后却被警察赶出去,可知这是一次冒险的旅程,故选c。bcontrary to popular belief,looking at someones face alone is not enough to tell us whether they are roaring in celebration or screaming in frustration,researchers claimed.while people may believe they have the ability to read each others faces,body language is the real clue that shows whether strong emotions someone is feeling are positive or negative.in a study,groups of participants were shown a series of facial expressions such as tennis players photographed just after winning or losing a point.in some cases the volunteers were able to see the players full body,but in others they were only shown either their face or their body with the other removed.participants could clearly tell whether the players were winning or losing when they were shown the full picture or just the body,but their guesses were no better than chance when based on the face alone.those who were allowed to see the full image were convinced they had made their judgment based on the players facial expressions even though results from the two other groups suggested otherwise.the researchers carried out a second study where participants were shown a wider range of faces showing emotions including joy,pleasure,victory,pain and defeat.using photoediting software,the researchers attached the faces to bodies expressing the opposite emotion,and asked participants to act out the emotions they saw in the photos.the resulting poses were like the body poses in the photographs but not the facial expressions,demonstrating that people base their interpretation of strong emotions not on the face but the body.dr aviezer,who led the study,said,“these results show that when emotions become extremely intense,the difference between positive and negative facial expressions becomes unclear.the results may help researchers understand how our body interacts during emotional


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