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section 1 填空 1.Initially a defender or democratic rule , the resident ironically soon began to employ the very dictatorsal power that he had once A.supported B.condemned C.created D.advocated E.recognized2. The artist was quite_:he not only painted portraits and illustrated books but also designed furniture and monuments. A.unsophisticated B.conventional C.temperamental D.exactingE.versatile3. Because of the likelihood that her new colleague would not approve of her political opinions, the reporter briefly considered remaining quiet, then quickly resolved that she would not _her personal views merely for the sake of _ A. flout.posterity B.suppress . concord C.recant .debate D.misrepresent.conflict E.advertise.affability4. The feminist poets extremely explicit and witty diatribes against social convention were so thoroughly_ other writers that her idiosyncratic brand ofrebellion eventually became the convention of her time. A.inimical to B.alien to C. emulated by D.resented by E.misunderstood by5. Although sermons retained their_ in religious life during most of her twentieth century, they are gradually _that central places as churches devote more energy to social activities.A.stature .occupying B.role.preempting C.preeminence .losingD.superiority .attaining E.marginality.ceding6. The same environmental process that long ago caused the original degradation of forest ecosystem are acting as_its rehabilitation; scientists therefore intend to try to _these processes in order to prevent future damage to the ecosystemA. signals of .eliminate B. irridants to.exacerbate C. precursors to .slow D.barriers to .counter E. obstacles to.facilitate7. The studies executive lamented the fact that experts who had tried to_the reasons why movies succeed or fail commercially had encountered great difficulty in producing mathematical models that could accurately future of unreleased movies. A.downplay B.falsify C.delineate D.circumvent E.promotesection 3 填空1.The noisy begging of a brood of baby birds a _ to biologist : why would any helpless, immature organism do something that seems so likely to adage it by _ predators? A.Conundrum ; attract B.Paradox ; outwittyC.Given ; drawingD.Signal ; startlingE.Puzzle ; repelling2.While still_, Juvenals staires_ a change of tone and some touches of human hadness, as though he had found some consolation at last.A.Pessimistic; avoidB.Embittered; showC.Hopeful; displayD.Sardonic; escapeE.Compassionate; embrace3.Upon reality that the indicators of a stressful situation can be extremely_, the psychologist reconsidered his claim that a reliable way to reduce stress is to recognize stressful situations and then avoid them.A.ActueB.StubleC.Well-documentedD.ExaggeratedE.Persistent4.The chief flaw of the work is that it dwell too long to matters that are_ to its main subject, learning_ space for treatment of heat of to topic.A.Germane; disproportinateB.Tantamount; equivalentC.Ancillary; scantD.Complement;compensatoryE.Integral; inade 5.For all the scathing precision with she stair the lines of social aspirants and moneyed folk, the writer appears to_ being part of the world she makes seem so_A.Abhor; shallowB.Disdain; glamorousC.Romantic;bysteriousD.Savor; intoxicatingE.Relish;instafferate6.The_ activity that usually accompanies annual conventious of professional scholars is in ill keeping with the_ and order befitting earnest intellectual edueavor A.erudite;laxityB.Firolous;dilettanteC.Frenetic; levityD.Dolemical;dilettanismE.Cerebral; sobricty7.contravy to the managers draconian reputation, most of the work rules and procedures she implemented were relatively_A.InnocuousB.PunctiliousC.OnerousD.TransparentE.UncomplicatedSection 1类比(感谢热心版友A_.S.H和cclir提供的题目以及讨论,原贴: /bbs/thread-887660-1-1.html /bbs/thread-887611-1-1.html)GUARD:VIGILANCEapundit:abduracyauthor:prolicitycomedian:topicalitygardener:fertilityacrobat:agilityDISGUSTING:REVULSIONsoothing:verationstimulating:envigorationderisive:goodwillaffirmative:gratitudeacrimonious:pityPOINRTER:ADVISEInvitation:entertainCoveat:warnWaiter:requireRebuff:initateDEFLATE:BUOYANCYScrutinize:clarityTerminate:closureDistend:discomfortDifferentiate:singularityNeutralize:effectivenessSTYLUS:INCISEDocument:readCock:storeStamp:inprintSeed:sowFabric:weaveFOREWORD:INTRODUCEAlarm:threatenDenial:allegeRehearsal:performAppellation:designateCondolence:dispritFISCAL:FINANCEPolitical:lawPedagogical:teathingTherapeutiv:diseaseArtstic:paintingExperimental:scienceDISCOURTESY:IMPOLITEDebacle:disastrousReunion:festiveRequest:urgentRevival:wellcomCompliment:sincereOBSTREPEROUS:CONTROLPretentious:annoySuccessful:criticizeRash:admonishCowardly:intimidateResolute:dissuade反义(感谢热心版友Wraithboy提供的题目及讨论,原贴: /bbs/thread-887592-1-1.html)NOCTURNAL:Living at seaActive by dayCommunalImmuneVegetariamGRUELINGCommonUnchallengingTraditionalSensitiveDisorganizedUNSUBSTANTATEDPermeableExcessiveConfirmedSupplementaryInterchangeableGLACIALCriticalInnocentAbnormalHonest and dependableWarm and friendlyDISQUIETFatitudeGratitudeTranquilityDominanceCongevityDIVISIVEUnifyingCompleteRestrictiveIntrinsicUncertainHEATEDIncisiveCogentMeanderingRemorsefulTemperedSERAPHICBrittleInsipidFiendishImmaculateCommittedGAMBOLAscertain ConserveSlogPrureBurrowAFFECTATIONInarticulatenesshubrisstaidnessingenuousnessreticencePROBITYTimiditySagceityImpertinenceDeviousnessuncertaintySection3类比(感谢热心版友cclir和草木版主以及dejavu.提供的题目和讨论,原贴: /bbs/thread-887610-1-2.html/bbs/thread-888075-1-1.html)1.heal :illA.Decipher:UnintelligibleB.Hinder:InventiveC.Evgross:ImpassiveD.Flatter:ProundE.Illustrate:complex2.Aquatic(亦有版友说是aquarium) :FishA.Field: flowersB.Reef: coralC.Arboretum: tressD.Planetarium:starsE.Terrarium:soil3.surreptitions: secrecyA.perilous:dangerB.Altruistic: candorC.Dubious:credulityD.Judicaious:severityE.Chaotic: despair4.archipelago: islandA.estuary: streamB.Reservoir: lakeC.Range:mountainD.Woods:forestE.Ravine:valley5.glide:effortA.circumvent: inpedimentB.Slant: inclimC.Sprint: speedD.Slog: persereranceE.Wander: puepose6.braggart: boastA.critic: coupluinB.Ruffian: teaseC.Cynic: breadD.Perfectionist:dominateE.Sycophant:fawn7.aloof: reserveA.sluggish:torporB.Repressive: modestyC.Strained: diplomacyD.Omious: intrigueE.Recondite: stiffness8.verification:accuracyA.amplification:soundB.Distillation: impunityC.Acquisition: resourceD.Measurement:mangnitudeE.Juderent: experience16、EVANESCENT : PERMANENCE(A) inestimable : value(B) impulsive : justification(C) tolerable : comfort(D) archaic : currency(E) rigid : smoothness28. INCOMPREHENSION:A. appropriatenessB. capability5 C. amiabilityD. opennessE. understanding反义 (感谢热心版友Wraithboy提供的题目及讨论,原贴: /bbs/thread-887592-1-1.html)29. ANNUL:A. stirB. depressC. equalD. declare validE. treat roughly30. MONOPOLIZE- A. regulateB. assistC. multiplyD. shareE. fulfill31. DRUDGERYA. intensityB. formalityC. virtuous behaviorsD. loyal serviceE. gratifying labor32. NAIVEA. attractiveB. awkwardC. convincingD. agedE. cunning33. FARCICALA. seriousB. stylizeC. sympatheticD. popularE. untainted34. LANKYA. easygoingB. ordinaryC. unbiased9 D. formlessE. squat35. AUGMENTA. duplicateB. demoteC. loosenD. recycleE. reduce36. ABASEA. liberateB. ennobleC. defyD. purifyE. destabilize37. LUGUBRIOUSA. diffidentB. sprightlyC. austereD. pedanticE. ambitiousCOMMODIOUSA. stiffB. straightC. snugD. inefficientE. uncooperativeSECTION1: % A$ O/ Z. K0 f# T17. The passage is primarily concerned with discussing5 R, S+ 0 A# P) l+ b$ C) W A. differences between the womens suffrage movement in the U.S. and that in Britain1 P4 k( C9 q& I! b ?5 g q* W) Z B. differences between radical and moderate British suffragism revealed by documents that have recently come to light.8 ( b7 L& + k, C) A C. parallels between the political tactics of the abolitionist movement in the U.S. and those of the womans suffrage movement in Britain.# r! 3 m) u) J* s9 T2 A D. obstacles that impedes the efforts of Britain Suffragist to gain full citizenship for women. E. conflicting interests that created tensions between married and unmarried women within British womens suffrage movement. 18. According to the passage, when Elizabeth Cady Stanton visited Britain in the 1880s, which of the following was true?A. There was already a long-standing alliance between radical British and American suffragist., 2 T7 2 L( n7 Y. LB. The Bright Circle had not yet emerged as a major influence among British Suffragist.C. Radical British suffragist had not yet formulated a unified position on coverture. # _( E; X4 h# u5 CD. American suffragists were relatively uninformed about the activities of radical British suffragists.7 1 X: og$ H1 w) tE. the British suffrage movement was primarily under the influence of moderate suffragists19. It can be inferred from the passage that if the doucments referred to line 17-19 had not come to light, which of the following would likely be true of scholars studying the 19-centry womens suffrage movement?, K E1 k! s! I* D0 NA. Scholars would tend to see the Bright circle as more influential on British suffragism than it actually was.B. Scholars would believe that the influence of American suffragists on British suffragists dated from a later period than it actually was.C. Scholars would be unware of the earliest chronicles of the womens suffrage movement.D. Scholars would overestimate the extent to which British suffragists concurred about strategies and principles. u 9 z. G/ nE. Scholars would see Elizabeth Cady Stanton as more radical than she actually was.$ Q3 k3 r/ I3 p+ JV9 T20. The Author mentioned W.L.Garrison primarily in order toA. identify an approach to reform that Stanton advocated be adopted by British suffragists.6 f1 U0 A5 y0 ! L/ g( W+ L% YB. suggest that the U.S. abolition movement was as influence on British suffragists as it was on U.S. suffragists./ X; c2 v6 f8 s) ; IC. cite an instance in which the radical element of a reform movement overcame the resistance of a move moderate element.9 p; T5 e; m+ a# |1 K: D. show that on element of the womens suffrage movement in Britain was more radical than scholars have long believed.! E. demonstrate that tacties used by radical reformers were equally effective in U.S. and Britain.! K2 g& u2 a# i3 n6 L+ l21. Which of the following was true of Stanton and radical British suffragists? D0 P- E/ M: v8 W, i5 & IA. Their extensive correspondence with W.L.Garrison has recently come to lightB. They adopted many of the political strategies empolyed by radical suffragists in the U.S.4 tM3 X5 j. s+ t1 LC. They believed that complete citizenship entailed more than suffrage rights. D. Their early chronicles of the womens suffrage movement have long informed prevailing scholarly view of the movement. E. They presuaded moderate British suffragists to revise the definition of citizenship! l6 # w3 9 S6 P, w2 3 Q7 SECTION 3:% j$ L W; e& V0 $ E/ 17. the primary purpose of the passage is toA. compare two oppposing scholarly viewpoints.# u1 |2 * G2 g. nB. present a challenge to a conventional interpretation.C. identify the salient characteristics of a literary period.D. critique a new perspective on a literary period. B6 |; , X7 tE. discuss the attitudes that shaped a particular body of literature.0 k, E7 j & I$ H18. It can be inferred from the passage that Rhodes would be most likely to agree with which of the following criticisms of those who characterize U.S. literature of the 1920s as escape narrative?A. They overemphasize the degree to which political forces influence the literature of the 1920s.B. They are too eager to question the notion of American exceptionalism as it applies to literature of 1920s.C. They accept the perspective of writers active in the 1920s without sufficient scrutiny.D. They exaggerate the platitudi


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