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英语人教八年级上综合测评Unit 3(时间:90分钟分值:100分)第卷听力部分(15分).听对话,选择与其意思相符的图片(有两幅多余图片)(5分)1M:Where are you going fishing this weekend?W:By the lake.2W:When do you usually go camping?M:During the vacation.3M:How are you going sightseeing?W:By bike.Its interesting,I think.4W:The children look tired,I think.M:I agree.Theyre having a sports camp.5W:Whom do you usually take walks with,Bob?M:With my grandma.1_2._3._4._5._ .听对话,根据对话的内容,选择正确答案(5分)M:Hi,Ada!W:Hi,Tony!Do you finish your vacation plan?M:Yes.W:Where are you going for your vacation?M:Im going to Tibet.W:Who are you going there with?M:Im going with my best friend,Dave.W:What are you going to do there?It is so far.M:Well.Tibet is a good place to go sightseeing.W:How long are you staying there?M:Im not sure.Maybe one week.W:How are you going there?By train or plane? X Kb 1. Co mM:First by plane,then by bus.W:Oh,it sounds interesting.Have a good time.M:Thank you.6Who is going to take a vacation?AJohn.BJim.CTony.7Why is he going to Tibet?ABecause his best friend Dave is there.BBecause he thinks it is a good place to go sightseeing.CBecause it is so far.8How long is he staying there?AHe doesnt know.BMaybe one week.CMaybe two weeks.9Who is going with him?AAda. BTom. CDave.10How is he going there?AFirst by train,then by plane.BFirst by plane,then by train.CFirst by plane,then by bus.听短文,选择正确答案(5分)John Smith and his family like camping.They often spend their weekends like this:the children,Mike and Jane,enjoy camping and swimming;Mrs Smith likes having a long walk with Mr Smith.Then the Smiths buy a new car,and it is like a home.It has beds for four people,a sitting room,a kitchen and a toilet.The car makes camping much easier.This makes Mrs Smith very happy.She calls it “Our home away from home”Questions:11What do the Smiths like doing? w W w .x K b 1.c o M12How many people are there in Mr Smiths family?13What do the children often do on weekends?14Who does Mrs Smith like having a long walk with?15What does the car have in it?11A.Staying at home.BRiding their car here and there.CSpending their weekends outside.12A.Two. BThree. CFour.13A.Go camping and swimming.BStay in the car.CPlay football.14A.Herself.BWith Mr Smith.CWith her children.15A.Beds.BA sittingroom.CA and B.第卷笔试部分(85分).单项选择(10分)16My uncle is _ Nanjing on Sunday.AleaveBleave forCleaving Dleaving for17Im sorry I forgot _ the letter for you.It doesnt matter.Ill post it myself.Ato post BpostingCpost Dposted18The girl looks _ because she has had a _ vacation.Arelaxing;relaxed Brelaxed;relaxingCrelaxed;relaxed Drelaxing;relaxing19Please _ the English book to me.Alook BhaveCmake Dsend20Tony thought about _ to the park on Sunday,but finally decided _ the beach.Agoing;on Bgoing;inCto go;on Dto go;in21When did your English teacher _ from New York?Last week.Aget to Bget onCget off Dget back22I dont have _ to do now.In fact,Im so free today.Aanything important Bsomething importantCimportant nothing Dimportant something23Is Thailand a good place _ sightseeing?Ato go BtoCgoes Dgoing24Please _I am sure you can get the answer.Athink it of Bthink it overCthink of it Dthink over it25Whats Jim doing for vacation?_.AHe does his homework at home BHes going to his aunts homeCHe likes watching TV at home DHe went to Beijing last week.完形填空(10分)What do you do at the weekend?Some people like to 26 at home,but others like 27 have a walk or play football.My friend Jack works hard in a factory on 28.At the weekend,he always _29_ something.On Saturday he _30_ his car and on _31_ he goes with his family to a village by car.His uncle and aunt have a farm there.It isnt a _32_ one but theres always _33_ to do on the farm.The children help with the animals and give them their _34_.Jack and his wife help in the fields (农田)At the end of the day,they are all _35_ and Jacks aunt gives them a big meal. X|k |B| 1 . c| O |m26A.play BliveCstay Denjoy27A.to BforCin Dat28A.day BtimeCautumn Dweekdays29A.does BmakesCborrows Dhas30A.watches BbuysCsells Dwashes31A.Monday BSundayCSaturday DWednesday32A.small BbigChard Dshort33A.much BlittleCfast Dfar34A.clothes BplacesCfood Dshoes35A.clean BlateChungry Dworried.阅读理解(20分)AMore people all over the world get to know Shanghai after the EXPO.The Smiths are Canadian tourists.They are visiting Shanghai.Its their first visit to China.Theyre staying in China for about 2 months.They want to visit some other big cities and villages.They hope to learn some Chinese,too.Mr Smith is a taxi driver.He likes to drive in Shanghai.Mrs Smith is a school teacher.She is visiting a city school and a village school next week.Their daughter is a middle school student.She is going to meet some Chinese students.They are taking a lot of photos in China.When they get back to Canada,they are showing them to their friends.They want Canadian people to know more about China.36The Smiths are _.AChinese BJapaneseCAustralian DCanadian37The Smiths are staying in China for about _ days.A30 B40C50 D6038Mr Smith is a _.Ateacher Bbasketball playerCtaxi driver Ddoctor39How old could Mr Smiths daughter be?AFive years old. BEight years old.CFifteen years old. DTwenty years old.40Theyre taking a lot of photos because _.Athey want to sell them to their friends for money新-课 -标-第 -一- 网Bthey want their friends to know more about ChinaCthey are working for a magazineDthey will never come to China againBIm planning to visit Xian for my vacation this summer.Ill fly there on July 28 and stay there until August 6.First I want to see the old city wall.There were many old city walls in Xian in the past.But now there are only a few left.They are more than 700 years old.Lots of them were pulled down in the 1960s.People thought them useless(无用的)and they made the traffic heavy and the streets crowded.Some of them were even dangerous.Today,the government is rebuilding some of the old city walls,because they have a lot of value (价值)Second,Im visiting Qin Shihuangs Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses (秦始皇兵马俑)Its very famous in China.And I will take the camera with me.Im taking photos there.I think my trip will be very interesting and I cant wait for it.41How many places is the writer going to visit in Xian?AOne. BTwo.CThree. DFour.42Which was NOT the reason for people to pull down the old city walls?AThey made streets crowded. BThey made traffic heavy.CThey were dangerous. DThey were too high.43How long is the writer staying in Xian?AFor a month. BLess than a week.COnly 3 days. DFor 10 days.44Whats the Chinese meaning of the word “rebuild”?A拆毁 B出售C复原;重建 D破坏45Which of the following is TRUE?AThere were a few walls in Xian in the past.BToday the government is rebuilding the old walls.CThe writer isnt taking any photos during his vacation.DThe writer is going to Xian by train.任务型阅读(10分)Hello,everyone.Here is something important for everyone going to London next month.As you know,you are going to stay with a family for two weeks.Now,the most important thing is money.You should take about $530 with you.I think it will be enough for everyone.Then when you arrive,your new family will meet you.You must remember to wear a red shirt,so the family will find you easily.Theyve been told you all wear red shirts.Youll also need to take with you photos of yourself and,of course,its very important that you take the school letter.While youre there,if you have any problems,you can call Leech School Office.Ill give you the office phone number now.Its 5804436 and the person to ask for is Mrs Belcher.Shes in the office from nine oclock in the morning until five in the afternoon every day.OK.Thats everything.Have a good journey!根据短文内容,完成下面的表格。http:/ www.xkb 1.com Where are they going?To _46_.How long are they going to stay there?For _47_.Why must they wear red shirts?Because _48_.Whats the school office telephone number?_49_.What could Mrs Belchers job be according to the passage?She could be _50_.词汇运用(10分)1)根据句意及首字母提示完成单词51What are you doing next Sunday,Li Ming?Im b_ my little brother.52Show me your photos when you g_ back to school.53Youll be r_ after you return from your vacation.54Its our duty to keep the balance of n_.55I dont like going a_ for too long.2)用所给单词的适当形式填空。56You cant watch TV until you finish _(do) your homework.57Please tell that _(tour) what he will take with him.58Mr Chen likes goes _(fish)59Im planning _(take) a long vacation this summer.60I hope _(forget) all my problems.补全对话(有两个多余选项)(10分)AIm sure we will.BWhat are you going to do,Mary?CDad will take me to our hometown.DThatll be very interesting.ETheyre all places of great interest (名胜) in China.FIm visiting my grandparents.GHow long are you staying there?A:National Day (国庆) holidays will begin next month.What are you going to do?B:_61_Well visit my grandparents there.A:Oh,theyll be very happy to see you again.B:Sure._62_A:Maybe my parents wil


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