



大题: 银行家算法 pv操作 进程调度 页式管理判断题:1、 Efficiency and functionality are key to an operating systems usefulness right(p1)2、 Multiprogramming can improve every single processs performance false(p14)the overall system3、 The device-dependent parts is called device drivers right(p91)4、 In DMA(通道访问方式) I/O, the data flows directly between the primary memory and the device controller. Right(p158)5、 A process in the running state is using the processer right(p47)6、 A scheduler that uses involuntary CPU sharing is called a preemptive scheduler right(p258) voluntary nonpreemptive7、 A counting semaphore can take on only the values 0 and 1 false (p312 values 0 to n)8、 Some synchronization problems that can be solved with semaphores right (p344) can be solved with monitors 9、 Fixed-partition memory strategies will incur internal fragment( 固定分区产生内部碎片) (p405) right 填空题1、Two kinds of sharing are used to create the time sharing and space sharing .(p12)2、A computation is a combination of a process at least one thread and a collection of resources.(p52)3、OS functions are device management, process management, file management, memory management .(p90)4、The OS distinguishes devices as being either(block)oriented devices or(character) oriented devices5、The basic process /thread diagram has three states: running、 ready、, blocked。(p220)6、P(s):While(s=0)Wait s=s-1;(p308)7、A condition variable may have its values manipulated by three operations: Wait, Signal and Queue(p347)8、Mutual exclusion(互斥使用) , hold and wait(占有等待) ,circular waiting(循环等待),no preemption(没有剥夺).are necessary conditions for a deadlock to exist.(死锁四个必要条件)(p378)(解除死锁) prevention,avoidance,detection and recovery,manual deadlock management9、Modern memory manager strategies are swapping and virtual memory (p441)10、In virtual memory implementation we can use paging and segmentation.(p465)选择题2、Which of the following is block-oriented device? (B)A printer B disk C communication device3、Intrusions that can not be executed in supervisor made is _ instructions (C)A supervisor B system C user4、In disk accessing, the_ time is the major time (A)A seek time B rotate time C data transfer time5、W(pi,j)represents the _time (C)(p262)A turnaround B service C waits6、Which of the following scheduling algorithms is preemptive strategies? (B)A SJN B RR C FCFS7、The bankers algorithm is a deadlock_ strategy (B)(p378)A prevention B avoidance C detection and recovery8、Suppose the page size is 4KB,the page number and the offset are_ in the logical address 0x3F21(The values is answers are decimal number) (A)A 3, 3873 B 5, 1825 C 15,8049、Suppose a paging system has 224 virtual addresses and page size is 212,then the maximum of page number in a process is _ (C)A 1023 B 2047 C 4095算法实现题(各小题任选一个)1、 FCFS、SSTF、Scan/Look2、 Producer-consumer、Reader-writer(p312-p314)3、 BF、WF、FF(p435)分析计算题1、 FCFS、SJF2、 Using bank


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