河北省邢台市临西一中九年级英语《名词单数变复数》课件 人教新目标版.ppt_第1页
河北省邢台市临西一中九年级英语《名词单数变复数》课件 人教新目标版.ppt_第2页
河北省邢台市临西一中九年级英语《名词单数变复数》课件 人教新目标版.ppt_第3页
河北省邢台市临西一中九年级英语《名词单数变复数》课件 人教新目标版.ppt_第4页
河北省邢台市临西一中九年级英语《名词单数变复数》课件 人教新目标版.ppt_第5页
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名词单数变复数 whatarethese what sthis it sapen theyarepens whatarethose what sthat it sanenglishbook theyareenglishbooks backpacks watches oranges pens what rethese they re maps cases keys what rethose they re 名词单数变复数 一 规则变化 1 加s 2 加s x ch sh结尾的名词加es 3 以辅音字母加y结尾的名词 先改y为i 再加es mothers fathers sisters brothers buses boxes watches family familiesdictionary dictionaries 区别key keysboy boys 二 不规则变化 4 单复数同形 不变 sheep 绵羊 deer 鹿 fish 鱼 2 man womanmen women 1 加es potatoes 土豆 tomatoes 西红柿 chinese 中国人 japanese 日本人 6 ooee foot 脚 tooth 牙齿 goose 鹅 5 以f fe结尾的 变f为v 再加es wife 妻子 knife 小刀 shelf 架子 leaf 叶子 wolf 狼 3 child 孩子 children 男人 妇女 名词单数变复数后s es的读音1 在清辅音后读 s 2 在元音和浊辅音后读 z 3 在 s z t d 后读 iz 4 在 t 后读 ts 在 d 后读 dz desksmaps brotherspens classes watches oranges cats friends pendeskkeyboxknifecardorangeboyfriendparentmotherfathersisterbrothersondaughtercousinfamilychildmanpencilcasesheep s s s s es knives s s s s s s s s s s s families children men s sheep 句子单数变复数thisisabook thatisaneraser itisaredapple iamaboy he sheisateacher what sthis thesearebooks thoseareerasers theyareredapples weareboys theyareteachers what rethese this that i you he she it am is these those we you they are 单数复数 一 写出下列单词的复数i 2 am 3 he 4 pencil 5 watch 6 dictionary 7 man 8 it 9 parent 10 boy we are they pencils watches dictionaries men they parents boys 二 句型转换1 thisismymother 1 变否定句2 变一般疑问句 并作肯定回答 thisisnotmymother isthisyourmother yes it sheis 2 thatisacar 1 变否定句2 划线提问3 变复数句 thatisnotacar what sthat thosearecars 3 that sanenglishdictionary 1 变否定句2 变一般疑问句 并作否定回答 that snotanenglishdictionary isthatanenglishdictionary no itisn t 4 herfamilyname ssmith 5 myjacketislightblue 6 is that brother my dave组词成句 划线提问 划线提问 what sherfamilyname whatcolorisyourjacket thatismybrother dave 句型转换1 what sthis 复数 what rethese 2 he sachineseboy 复数 they rechineseboys 3 thisisabike 否定句复数句一般疑问句 并作肯定回答 thisisnotabike thesearebikes isthisabike yes itis 4 thatismybrother 否定句一般疑问句 并作否定回答 thatisnotmybrother isthatyourbrother no it heisn t 5


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