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高二上学期英语词汇双解及用法Unit 1 Making a differenceWords and expressionsgenius n. very clever person天才;英才 The man (Darwin) was something of a genius. 这个人可算是个天才。 inspiration n.u thought or idea that helps someone to write a book or music, paint etc.灵感;启示 An artist often draws his inspiration from natural beauty. 艺术家常从自然美中得到启发。 n.c a thing or a person that gives such influence启发灵感的人或物 His heroic deeds will always be an inspiration to us. 他的英雄事迹对我们将永远是一个鼓舞。 perspiration n. 出汗undertake v. engage in, take steps to perform 从事;着手做(undertook; undertaken) He undertakes a piece of work. 他从事着一项工作。 v. agree to do something承担;接受 He undertook to be our guide. 他同意做我们的向导。 analysis n.分析;分解 analyses pl. I obvious adj. very clear, easy to see or understand 显然的;明显的 Its obvious that he hasnt read the book. 他显然没有读过这本书。 within prep. inside; less than a certain amount在之内;不超过;在范围以内 I will be back within an hour. 我在一小时之内回来。 quote Rn. 引语;引文agriculture n.u the art or practice of farming农业;农艺 Agriculture is the foundation of the national economy. 农业是国民经济的基础。 gravity n. 重力;引力radioactivity n.u the characteristic property of radioactive substances放射现象;放射性 Some rare metals have radioactivity. 某些稀有金属具有放射性。 curious adj. wanting to know about something好奇的;很想知道的 She is curious to know what happens. 她好奇地要知道发生了什么事。 adj. wanting to know too much 爱打听的 Dont be too curious about things you are not supposed to know. 对于不要你知道的事别去打听。 branch n. one of the arms of a tree that grow out from the trunk 树枝 The little bird hid among the branches of the tree. 小鸟藏在树枝里。 n. any thing divided off from the chief part 分部;分支 They set up many branches throughout the country. 他们在全国建立好多分公司。 debate n.c people or groups, each expressing a different point of view辩论 We are having a debate today. 我们今天开辩论会。 vt. talk about something at a public meeting争论;辨论 The subject was debated till a late hour. 这个题目一直辩论到很晚的时候。 vi. engage in discussion and argument (at public meeting) 讨论;辩论 We have been debating about current affairs. 我们最近正在就时事问题进行辩论。 biologist n.c someone who studies biology 生物学家 scan n. 浏览;细看PhD (=Doctor of Philosophy) 哲学博士学位;博士学位boundary n. 分界线;边界promising: adj. 有希望的;有前途的 a promising youth 有希望的青年 graduate n. someone who has a university degree大学毕业生; 毕业生 There will be a meeting of graduates tomorrow. 明天要开个毕业生会。 incurable adj. 不能医治的;不可救药的 an incurable disease 不治之症 work on continue working; be engaged in继续工作;从事于 The builders are still working on the house. 建筑工人们仍在造房子。 go by pass by; (time, etc. )elapse经过;过去 He had to go by the post office on his way to school, so he mailed the letter. 他在去学校的途中须得经过邮局,所以就顺便把信邮了。 engagevt. promise to marry订婚 They were already engaged then. 那时候他们已经订婚。 vt. fill up the time of, keep busy从事;忙 He is engaged in teaching. 他从事于教学工作。 vt. arrange to employ (sb.)雇用;聘请 The experts were engaged from abroad. 这些专家是从国外聘请来的。 vt. bind (oneself) with a promise, promise约定 He engages to be here at six. 他约定六点钟到这里。 be/get engaged to sb 与某人订婚John is engaged to Mary. 约翰和玛丽订婚了。go on with continue doing继续做;继续进行 Stop talking and go on with your work. 别讲话了,接着干活吧。 research n.c studying to find out more about things, life, etc.研究;调查;探究 Astronauts will live and do research work in it. 宇航员将在上面生活并进行研究工作。 vi. carry on research 研究 It is necessary to research into the cause of cancer. 深入研究癌症起因很有必要。 dream of v. hope for something nice in the future梦想;向往;渴望 The boy dreams of becoming a pilot. 那孩子一心想当飞行员。 v. have a picture or idea in your mind when you are asleep梦到;梦见 I dreamed of/about you last night. 我昨夜梦到了你。 exploration n. 探究;考察 The answer to this question is now under exploration. 该问题的解决办法在探讨中。 wheelchair n.c chair in which a person can be pushed from place to place轮椅 An elderly patient was sitting in her wheelchair. 一位上了年岁的(女)病人坐在轮椅上。 disable vt. make unable to do sth. take away power of action; wound使失去能力;使残废 He was disabled in the accident. 他在事故中残废了。 theory n.c idea that tries to explain something理论;原理;学说 It is so in theory, but not in practice. 理论上是如此,实际上则不然。 seek v. try to find (something) 寻找;探索 (sought; sought) Most men seek wealth; all men seek happiness. 大多数人寻求财富;每个人都追求幸福。 misunderstand vt. not understand something correctly误解;误会 His intentions were misunderstood. 他的意向被误解了。 turn out become 结果(是);证明(是);原来(是)It looked like rain this morning, but it has turned out (to be) a fine day. 今天早上看起来要下雨,结果是个好天。 scientific adj. having to do with science科学的 Scientific farming is the key to the further development of agriculture. 科学种田是进一步发展农业的关键。 observe vt. see or watch someone or something carefully观察 As a child, he liked to observe the behaviour of insects. 他小时候喜欢观察昆虫的习性。 vt. keep, or act according to a law, rule, custom, etc; pay attention or respect to 遵守;庆祝 We should observe the rules and regulations. 我们应该遵守规章制度。 Do you observe Christmas in your country? 你们国家过圣诞节吗? observation n.u watching carefully, being watched carefully观察 They were the result of years of careful observation,thought and study. 它们是长年的细心观察、思考和研究的结果。 match vt. to fit together in colour, shape, or size相配;相称 Ruths blouse matches her skirt. 露丝的衬衫和她的裙子很相配。 predict vt. 预言;预报 The weather forecast predicts sunshine for tomorrow. 天气预报预测明天天晴。 use up consume completely 用完;用光 By this time he had used up all his savings. 到这时,他的存款已全部用完。 unhappiness n. 不幸福DNA ZdIenXei n. 脱氧核糖核酸(基因的基本成分)crime n.c something done against the law犯罪;罪行 Murder is a crime. 谋杀是一种罪行。 be satisfied with 对满意The teacher was not satisfied with my answer. 老师不满意我的回答。astronomer n. 天文学家microscope n.c instrument with a special glass that makes very small things look much bigger显微镜 Under a microscope a hair looks like a thick stick. 在显微镜下,一根头发看上去像根大粗棍子。 telescope n. long instrument with special glass that makes distant things look bigger and nearer望远镜 an astronomical telescope 天文望远镜 an electron telescope 电子望远镜 take a look at 看what if what will be the result if倘若将会怎样;即使又有什么要紧 What if he doesnt come (What shall we do if he doesnt com)? 如果他不来,我们怎么办呢? geographer n. one who studies geography that tells about the earth地理学家;地理学者 Many geographers now call this landmass Eurasia. 许多地理学家现在把这块陆地叫做欧亚大陆。 heaven n. home of God, where many people believe they will go when they die天堂;天空 The stars shine in the heavens. 星星在天空闪烁。 the other way around 相反地intelligent adj. clever; learning and understanding well智力高的;理解力强的 Li Hong is an intelligent pupil. 李红是个聪明的小学生。 patient adj. having or showing patience有耐心的;忍耐的 Please be patient. 请耐心点儿。 experiment vi 做实验/试验Albert Einstein XBlbRt Xainstain 阿尔伯特爱因斯坦Newton: n. 牛顿(英国科学家)Galileo n. 伽利略Copernicus n. 哥白尼Unit 2 News mediaWords and expressionsmedia (medium 的复数)n. a substance through which something acts or is carried媒体 Television and radio are medium for propaganda. 电视和无线电是宣传的工具。 reliable adj. 可靠的;可信赖的 a reliable man 可信赖的人 from a reliable source 据可靠的来源 fire v. make someone leave his job 解雇;开除 The following day two of the trade union leaders were fired. 第二天两个工会领导人给开除了。 v. shoot with a gun射击;开火 We fired at the enemy. 我们向敌人开火。 face v. have the face or the front towards something面临;面对 We share common experiences and face common tasks. 我们有共同的经历,也面临共同的任务。 difficulty n.u something which is difficult, a problem困难 I once asked him if he had any difficulty in keeping five children in school. 有一次我问他供五个孩子上学是否有什么困难。 n.c a thing that is hard to do or understand难事;难题 We must struggle with difficulties. 我们必须和困难作斗争。 nosy adj. 好管闲事的 He is nosy about my business. 他爱探听我的事。 editor n. someone who prepares or organizes a newspaper, periodical, or book编辑 He is the associate editor of a daily paper. 他是个日报副编辑。 reason n.c cause; why you do or say something 理由;原因 Give me your reason for doing it. 告诉我你做这事的理由。 vt. to think about something and to make the right decision 推理;思考 The ability to reason makes man different from animals. 人与动物的差别是人有思维能力。 elect vt. choose someone or some people 选举;推选 They elected him chairman of the meeting. 我们推选他作会议主席。 go on climb; be raised; go towards the upper part of (a river, etc.) 上升;攀登 The elevator went up to the fourth floor. 电梯升到了五楼。 burn down burn, or make a building burn, until it falls down燃毁;烧坍 These houses were burnt down (to the ground) by the enemy. 这些房屋(全)被敌人烧掉了。 injure vt. hurt someone or something伤害;损害 I was injured in a street accident. 我在一次车祸中受了伤。 rumour n. 谣言;传闻headline n. words in big letters in a newspaper(报刊上的)大字标题 ;(pl.)新闻提要inform v. to tell someone something he did not know 告诉;通知 They came round and informed us of their decision. 他们来把他们的决议通知了我们。 informed adj.见闻广的;消息灵通的 a well-informed man 博闻多识的人, 消息灵通的人 relate vi. have connection 相关;涉及 Your words dont relate well with the facts. 你的话与事实不相符。 relate sb/sth 理解/同情某人/某物relate (.) to (与) 有关;涉及He notices nothing but what relates to himself. 除了同他自己有关的事情之外,他什么也不注意。 vt. tell, give an account of说;叙述 He related the story to us at length. 他把这个故事详细地讲给我们听了。 talent n. natural skill; something that you do naturally well天才;天资 Amanda has a talent for painting. 阿曼达有绘画天才。 talented very clever in a special way adj.有才能的;天资高的 a talented footballer 天才的足球运动员 比较:latent adj. concealed; present but not get active or developed潜在的;潜伏的 He is a man of great latent power. 他是一个有很大潜力的人。 switchv. change to something different转换;改变 He switched from a back seat to a front seat so that he could see more. 他从后排位子移到前排去,以便看得清楚些。 n. small handle, knob, or button that turns electricity on and off开关;电闸 The light switch is on the wall near the door. 电灯的开关在靠近门口的墙上。 for once for this occasion only 就这一次 He is right-for once! 他总算有一回对了! interviewee ZXI n. 被接见者;被访问者interviewer n. someone who interviews another person接见者;采访者 His brother is an interviewer. 他的哥哥是个记者。 present iXe vt. to show; to have呈现;有 The teacher presented a neat appearance. 那个教师仪表堂堂。 vt. introduce, bring (a person, etc.) before somebody介绍;引见(人等) Allow me to present Mr. Brown to you. 请允许我把布朗先生介绍给你。 vt. give something赠送 Our class presented the school with a picture. 我们班把一幅图画赠予学校。 adj. being or happening now现存的 my present job 我现在的工作 adj. being here; being there在场的;出席的 Is all the class present? 全班人都到了吗? reflect vt. give back light, pictures, etc. 反射;映出 The hills are reflected in the water. 群山在水中倒映。 vt. give back an image of反映 The Partys policies reflect the hopes and interests of the popular masses. 党的政策反映了人民群众的愿望和利益。 vt. realize while thinking; consider反省;思维 He reflected that this was not the right thing for a League member to do. 他考虑到这不是一个团员应该做的事。 truthfully adv. in a truthful manner; in accordance with the truth诚实地;说真话 Always speak truthfully. 永远要话真说。 effort n. trying hard use of strength努力 His efforts bring about results. 他的努力产生了效果。 passion n.u strong feeling of love, hate, or anger强烈感情;激情;热情 He has a passion for sports. 他对(体育)运动有癖好。 spiritual adj. 精神(上)的,心灵的 spiritual enlightenment 精神的启蒙 fulfilment n.u 完成;履行;实现seldom adv. not often, rarely很少;不常;难得 The old lady seldom leaves her house because she cant walk far. 那个老太太很少出门,因为她走不远。 AIDS n. 爱滋病(为Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome的首字母缩略字“后天性免役不全症候群”) addict vt. 使成瘾 n. 入迷的人;瘾君子 be addicted to 沉溺于He is addicted to drinking. 他饮酒成瘾。 social adj. of people together; of being with other people社会的;社交的 Rosemary has a busy social life. 罗斯玛丽忙于社交活动。 ignore vt. know about something but not do anything about it忽视;不顾;不理睬 Your suggestion has not been ignored. It is still under discussion. 你的建议没有被忽视,大家正在讨论它。 even if (though) in spite of the fact that 即使,纵然 We shall go, even if it rains. 就是下雨,我们也要去。 attention n. interest; thinking carefully about what you are doing兴趣;注意;留心 You must pay attention to the teacher. 你们必须注意听老师讲。 draw attention to 对表示注意on all sides 在各方面;到处tolerate vt. 容忍;忍受 Why will you tolerate that fellow? 你为什么要忍受那家伙呢? critical adj. saying that something is wrong批评(性)的;批判(性)的 His critical analysis was helpful. 他的批判的分析是有益的。 adj. fond of finding fault 爱挑剔的 He is so critical that nobody can please him. 他很爱挑剔,没有人能取悦于他。 adj. very serious危急的 That is a critical moment. 那是生死存亡的关头。 source n. place where something comes from根源;来源 We have the news from a reliable source. 我们从可靠方面得到了这个消息。 n. place where a river starts河的源头;水源 Where is the source of the Thames? 泰晤士河源出何处? change ones mind 改变主意Why have you changed your mind? 你怎么改变主意了? current adj. (of time) now passing 当前的;现行的 I shall see you on the 9th current. 我将于本月9日来访你。adj. passing or handed on from person to person; in general use 流通的;通用的 This coin will pass current here. 这钱在这里通用。 affair n.c something which a person is concerned with; a matter; business事;事情;pl. 事务 We should concern ourselves with state affairs. 我们要关心国家大事。 current affairs 时事 concern vt. 使担忧 Dont let my sickness concern you. 不要担心我的病。 vt. 与有关 That doesnt concern me. 那与我无关。 n. 担心;忧虑;关心的事 Our chief concern at the moment is the weather. 眼前我们最关心的事是天候。 neutral adj. not taking either side in an argument, quarrel, or war 中立的 He continued to maintain a neutral attitude toward(s) both sides. 他对双方继续保持不偏不倚的态度。 telegram n. message that you send quickly by electric wires or by radio电报 I received a telegram from my father. 我收到父亲的一封电报。 locate vt. establish or place in a particular place or position使坐落于;设置 Where is the new factory to be located? 新工厂将设在何处? vt. state or show the position of找出位置 Can you locate Paris on the map? 你能在地图上指出巴黎吗? vt. find out the exact position of 找出位置;查出 The soldiers located the enemy. 战士们查出了敌人的所在地方。 retire v. to give up ones work or position退职;退休 He retired at the age of fifty. 他五十岁时退休了。 complete vt. finish doing or making something 完成;使圆满 The builders will complete the new sports centre next year. 建筑工人将在明年建成这座新的运动中心。 adj. with no parts missing 完整的 Is this a complete story? 这是一个完整的故事吗? adj. total 完全的 Garys visit was a complete surprise! 加里的来访可真完全出人意外! overseas adj. in,to,or from places across the sea;foreign海外的;外国的 We enjoyed the overseas travel. 我们的国外旅行很愉快。 adv. abroad在国外 He is living overseas. 他住在国外。 look up to 尊敬;佩服bore vt. to make someone feel tired;not to be interesting使人厌烦;乏味 He bores me with his endless tales. 他那讲不完的故事使我厌烦。 fall in love with. 爱上attitude n. what one thinks about something态度;看法 His attitude to (or towards) me was that of a comrade. 他对我的态度是同志的态度。 disappoint vt. make you sad because the things you hoped for do not happen使失望 The book disappointed me. 这本书使我很失望。 vt. prevent (a hope, plan,etc.) from being realized阻碍(希望,计划等)被实现 I am sorry to disappoint your plan. 我阻碍了你的计划,很抱歉。 troublemaker n. 惹麻烦的人;闹事者;捣乱者guard n.c someone who watches a prisoner or keeps a building safe看守人员;警卫;哨兵 Lenin said to the guard that he had done right. 列宁对那个卫兵说他做得对。 n.u keeping a place or people safe from harm or attack守卫;警戒 The soldiers are on guard. 战士们在站岗。 responsible adj. worthy of trust; dependable 负责任的 I am not responsible to you for my actions. 对我的行为我没有向你交待的义务。 adj. whom you can trust to be good and wise 尽责的;可信赖的 You should give a task to a responsible man. 你应当把工作交给一个可靠的人。 caring XriNadj. 关怀的;关心的citizen n. someone who belongs to a country or town公民;市民 Im a citizen of Switzerland, not Austria. 我是瑞士公民,不是奥地利公民。 demonstrate vi. walk or stand in public with other people to show that you have strong feelings about something示威游行 The students marched through London to demonstrate against the government. 学生们穿过伦敦进行反政府示威。 vt. show something clearly(用实例、实验等)说明;证明 The teacher demonstrated the experiment to the class. 老师做实验给全班看。 polluter R n. 污染者;污染物质arm v. get ready for war;give someone weapons for fighting 武装;装备 The whole nation was armed. 全国都武装起来了。 n. a weapon 武器 They supplied the people with arms. 他们供给人民武器。adj. 海外的,国外的 alien colonial exotic external foreign ultramarine adv. 在海外,在国外 abroad in foreign parts in foreign service comparison n. seeing or understanding how alike or different things are比较;对照 He looks older by comparison. 比较起来,他显得老些。 update vt. 更新;使现代化checklist n. 清单;名单Unit 3 Art and architectureWords and expressionsarchitecture n.u planning buildings 建筑学 John studied architecture. 约翰学建筑学。 n.u shape and plan of buildings 建筑式样 Modern architecture uses more straight lines than many earlier kinds of architecture did. 现代建筑比许多古代建筑使用更多的直线条。 architect n. someone whose job is to plan buildings建筑师;设计师 This building was designed by a young architect. 这所建筑物是一个年轻建筑师设计的。 preference n. what you like偏爱;喜爱 There is tea and coffee-have you a preference? 有茶和咖啡,你喜欢什么? design vt. draw a plan that shows how to make something 设计;计划 The president designed a new policy. 总统制定了一项新政策。 n. drawing or plan that shows how to make something设计;计划 This is a tractor of the latest design. 这是一台最新设计的拖拉机。 furniture n. tables, chairs, beds. cupboards etc.(总称)家具 They have purchased much furniture. 他们已买了不少家具。 taste n. what you like爱好;趣味 I have a tas


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