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2015届高考英语二轮专题复习小题精做 完形填空21i played a racquetball game against my cousin ed last week. it was one of the most _1_ and tiring games ive ever had. when ed first phoned and _2_ we play, i laughed quietly, figuring on an _3_ victory. after all, eds idea of _4_ has always been nothing more _5_ than lifting a fork to his mouth. _6_ i can remember, eds been the least physically fit member in the family, and _7_ proud of himself. his big stomach has always ballooned out between his t-shirt and trousers. although the family often _8_ about that, ed refused to buy a _9_ t-shirt or to lose weight. so when ed _10_ for our game not only with the bottom of his shirt gathered inside his trousers but also with a stomach you could hardly _11_, i was so surprised that i was _12_. my cousin must have made an effort to get himself into shape. _13_, at the point in our game when id have predicted(预计) the score to be about 9 to 1 in my favor, it was _14_ 7 to 9 and ed was _15_. the sudden realization was painful. we _16_ to play like two mad men. when the score was 16 up, i was having serious _17_ about staying alive until 21 years old, let alone _18_ that many points. when the game finally ended, both of us were lying flat on our backs, too tired to _19_. in a way, i think we both won: i the game, but cousin ed my _20_.1. a. encouragingb. hopelessc. surprisingd. regular2. a. declaredb. mentionedc. persuadedd. suggested3. a. unforgettableb. unexpectedc. easyd. early4. a. exerciseb. preparationc. joyd. fitness5. a. time-savingb. comfortablec. suitabled. effort-making6. a. as soon asb. as long asc. whend. since7. a. strangelyb. personallyc. reasonablyd. eagerly8. a. caredb. forgotc. quarreledd. joked9. a. cleanb. largerc. straightd. darker10. a. set outb. got readyc. arrivedd. returned11. a. noticeb. admirec. believed. measure12. a. nervousb. curiousc. carelessd. speechless13. a. after allb. as a resultc. above alld. at last14. a. mistakenlyb. thenc. insteadd. naturally15. a. leadingb. comingc. waitingd. counting16. a. pretendedb. stoppedc. continuedd. decided17. a. thoughtsb. doubtsc. situationsd. problems18. a. scoringb. completingc. receivingd. keeping19. a. playb. startc. sleepd. move20. a. friendshipb. respectc. supportd. favora high school history teacher once told us, “if you make one close friend in school, you will be most fortunate. a true friend is someone who stays with you for life._26_ teaches that he was right. good friendship is just not easily _27_.it is possible that we simply do not stay in one place long enough for_28_friendship to _29_. however, there can be_30_disagreement on the need for each of us to think carefully about the kind of friendship we want.to most of us, friendships are considered very important, but we need to have it clear in our _31_ what kinds of friendship we want. are they to be close or _32_ at arms length? do we want to _33_ourselves or do we want to walk on the surface? for some people, many friendships on the surface are _34_enoughand that s all right. but at some point we need to 35 that our expectations are the same as our friends expectations. the sharing of_36_experience _37_ our tears as well as our dark dreams is the surest way to deepen friendships. but it _38_be undertaken(进行) slowly and carried on only if there are _39_of interest and action in return.what are some of the _40_of friendship? the greatest is the attraction to expect too much too soon. deep relationships _41_time. another “major difficulty is the selfishness to think one “possesses the other, including his time and attention. similarly, friendships _42_ actions in return. in 43 words, you must give as much as you take. finally there is a question of taking care of. unless you spend _44_time together, talking on the phone, writing letters, doing things together, friendships will die _45_. 2a. knowledge b. teachers c. experience d. parents3a. understood b. formed c. realized d. produced4a. true b. common c. deeply d. actual5a. design b. intend c. develop d. appear6a. no b. some c. any d. none7a. hearts b. thoughts c. actions d. minds8a. remained b. left c. kept d. stayed9a. own b. owe c. share d. spare10a. that b. very c. quite d. not11a. make sure b. remember c. expect d . check out12a. social b. ordinary c. good d. personal13a. includes b. to include c. including d. included14a. can b. need c. will d. must15a. marks b. sights c. sence d . signs16a. difficulties b. differences c. advantages d. things17a. cost b. spend c. ask d. take18a. require b. request c. depend d. suggest19a. some b. many c. other d. different20a. reasonable b. comfortable c. less d. a lot21a. for b. away c. out d. fromit was a friday afternoon. an elderly lady was doing the 21 in a supermarket. when she returned to her 22 , she found four men in the act of 23 her car. so she 24 her shopping bags and took out her 25 , screaming at the top of her voice, “i have a gun, and i know how to use it! 26 the car!”the four men didnt 27 for a second threat. they all got out immediately and 28 like mad.after she got into the 29 seat and prepared to drive away, she was 30 that she could not get her key into the ignition (点火开关). she 31 over and over again, and then she suddenly realized why, 32 she found that there was a football, a jacket and two packs of cigarettes in the front seat.a few minutes later, she saw her own car 33 four or five spaces farther down. she put her bags into the car and drove to the police station to report her 34 .the police officer to whom she told the story couldnt stop 35 . he pointed to the other end of the corner, where four 36 men were reporting that their car was 37 by a mad, elderly woman 38 as white, less than five feet tall, glasses, curly white hair, and 39 a large handgun. not surprisingly, the elderly lady felt very sorry for what she had done, and 40 to the four men.22a. experimentb. business c. shopping d. research23a. gardenb. house c. garage d. car24a. running afterb. leaving withc. looking at d. taking apart25a. hidb. brought c. showed d. dropped26a. glassesb. key c. handgun d. beer27 a. get out of b. go away withc. take away d. watch out28 a. leave b. ask c. wait d. stand29a. spokeb. ran c. laughed d. stood30a. drivers b. passengersc. back d. middle31a. guilty b. embarrassed c. surprised d.disappointed32a. triedb. closedc. stopped d. found33 a. before b. though c. as d. if34a. passed b. moved c. driven d. parked35a. trouble b. mistake c. news d. joke36a. talking b. laughing c. worrying d. arguing37a. stupidb. strongc. typical d. frightened38 a. bought b. stolen c. robbed d. sold39a. treated b. painted c. considered d. described40a. firingb. carrying c. buying d. finding41a. apologizedb. shoutedc. waved d. walkedmany years ago, when i was in high school and working on weekends, i lost my wallet. after adding gas to my old car, i paid, andmy wallet at the gas station. i hadnt even had time toi had lost it when my phone rang. a man asked me if i had lost my wallet. imy purse and to my, i had. he asked me tohim what was in it. i did so. he then told me where tomy wallet. when i reached his, i noticed his wheelchair and a slope(坡道)going up to the house. i thought that it might have beenfor him to lower his body and pick up my wallet. i knocked on the door and he told me to come in. ihim for finding my wallet. while i didnt want to insult(侮辱)him by offering, i really felt likesomething. so i asked him if there was anything i could do to repay his, and he said, “just pass it on. ”i said i would beto do that. i was raised to be honest in any case and i would have done so, promising this fellow i would, but i wanted tohis kindness, so i promised i would. ten years later i found alying on the ground. itme several days to find the owner. he lived in another state, about 60 miles away from where i found the wallet. when heme back, weto meet, so i could return his wallet. he was actuallyall his money was still in the wallet and he tried to hand me a $20 bill. i told him, “thanks, but just pass it on. . . ”42a. forgotb. leftc. foundd. saw43 a. realizeb. regretc. considerd. recognize44 a. lookedb. checkedc. foundd. searched for45a. angerb. delightc. horrord. excitement46 a. tellb. givec. buyd. offer47 a. turn upb. bring upc. look upd. pick up48a. houseb. schoolc. companyd. station49 a. easyb. practicalc. difficultd. useful50a. presentedb. thankedc. blamedd. paid51 a. helpb. thanksc. moneyd. wallet52 a. leavingb. sayingc. offeringd. owning53 a. laborb. patiencec. kindnessd. support54a. ableb. hardc. certaind. possible55 a. withoutb. withc. ond. by56a. repayb. thankc. showd. reply57a. packageb. cellphonec. cardd. wallet58 a. spentb. costc. wastedd. took59 a. calledb. paidc. broughtd. went60 a. startedb. preferredc. agreedd. failed61 a. satisfiedb. worriedc. puzzledd. surprised4参考答案11-5cdcad 6-10badbc 11-15adbca 16-20cbad【解析】本文主要讲述 ed 的身材变化及他和“我”之间的一场结果出乎意料的网球比赛。(from 1. c。根据下文描述的比赛过程和结果可知此题选 c 最佳。2. d。根据语境和 we play 中的动词时态可知,此题应填 d,因为动词 suggest(建议)后的宾语从句通常用“should+动词原形”(should可省略)。3. c。根据前句说的 i laughed quietly,可推知这应该“是一场很容易(easy)打赢的比赛”。4. a。比较四个选项,只有 exercise 与比赛、锻炼之类的活动有点联系。5. d。此处的语境是(注意作者对 ed 在体力方面的轻视):ed 关于 exercise 的想法只不过就像把叉子送到嘴里一样不费力。effort-making 由 make an effort 变来,其意为“费劲”;nothing more than 是习语,意为“不多于”、“与一样”。6. b。as long as 有两个意思是:一是作为习语,表示“只要”;二是表示作为自由短语,意为“与一样长或一样久”。此处的as long as 用作自由短语,as long as i can remember 意为“与我能记忆的一样久”,即“在我的记忆中”或“凭我的记忆”。7. a。虽然 ed 体力状况在一家人中最差,但却莫名其妙(strangely)地为自己感到骄傲。8. d。由于 ed 太胖,他的肚子就像一只气球,所以家人经常就此开他的玩笑(joke about that)。9. b。上文讲到 his big stomach has always ballooned out between his t-shirt and trousers(他的大肚子总是像一只气球一样突出在汗衫与长裤之间),这说明他的 t-shirt 不够大。10. c。ed 身材的变化应是在他到来(arrived)之际才能发现。11. a。此句主要是描述 ed 身材的变化之大:他的衬衣扎在裤子里,肚子几乎让人看不出来(a stomach you could hardly notice)。12. d。这里指 ed 身材变化如此之大,简直令作者惊讶得说不出话来(speechless)。13. b。因后面的内容讲的正是 ed 因改变体形而在比赛中曾一度领先的结果,故选 as a result。14. c。作者原认为会9:1自己领先,而结果却是7:9,故用 instead 表示后者取代了前者。15. a。下文说 the sudden realization was painful,说明比赛的结果不是像作者的那样自己领先,而是 ed 领先。16. c。前面讲比分为 7 to 9,而后面又说比分达到16平,这说明比赛在继续(continued)。17. b。此处的语境是:当比分达到16平时,我便怀疑自己能否活到21岁这充分说明比赛的激烈程度以及作者的疲惫程度。18. a。let alone scoring that many points 的意思“更不用说还要得那么多分”,其中的 that 为副词,相当于 so。19. d。上文说“当比赛结束的时候,我们俩人平躺在地上”,同时比较四个选项,只有 move 最合语境,即“累得动都不能动”。20. b。这两句为省略句,其完整形式为:i won the game, but cousin ed won my respect.2c3b4a5c6a7d8c9c10c11a12d13c14d15d16a17d18a19c20a21b【解析】试题分析:人人都需要朋友,需要友谊;但是友谊的形成需要哪些内容?这正是本文讲述的内容。2c名词辨析。a知识b老师c经验d父母;多次的经验告诉我们这样的说法是正确的。3b 多次辨析。a理解b形成c意识到d生产;指良好友谊的形成是不容易的。4a 形容词辨析。a真的b普通c深地d实际上;我们可能在一个地方待的时间不够长来形成真正的友谊。5c 多次辨析。a设计b打算c发展d出现develop the true friendship形成真正的友谊。6a 句意分析。指每个人对于友谊的理解都没有达成一致的意见,各人有不同的想法。7d 固定搭配。in ones mind在某人的心里。在我们的心里我们不知道需要何种友谊。8c 固定搭配。keep one arms length保持一定的距离。9c 上下文串联。根据下文36空前的the sharing说明这里是指与朋友分享我们的一切。10c 句意分析。这里的quite表示程度,指很多表面上的友谊就已经足够了。11a 短语辨析。a确认b记得c期待d结账;有时候我们要确认我们的期待值和朋友一样。12d 形容词辨析。a社交b普通的c好的d个人的;这里是指分析个人的信息。13c 语法分析。这里的including是一个介词:包括;包括我们的眼泪。14d 情态动词辨析。a能够b需要c将要d一定;友谊的形成一定要慢慢地进行。15d 名词辨析。a痕迹b风景c场景d迹象;如果有回报的兴趣和行动的迹象。16a 名词辨析。a困难b差异c优势d事情;根据本段内容可知是关于友谊所遇见的困难。17d 动词辨析。这里的take是指花费。sth takes某事要花费18a 动词辨析。a要求b请求c依靠d建议;友谊要求又反馈的行动,需要别人做出反应。19c 固定词组。in other words换句话说。20a 形容词辨析。a合理的b舒服的c少d很多;如果我们不花一些合理的时间。21b 固定搭配。die away消失;如果我们不花时间和朋友在一起,我们的友谊就会慢慢地消失。考点:考查人生哲理类短文阅读点评:本文讲述的是友谊多需要的内容,答题前一定要读懂全文,弄清文章要表达的思想,注意前后段落之间的关系。答题中,一定要认真分析,注意选项与上下文的关系,与前后单词的关系。对于一时没有太大的把握的题可以放到最后再来完成,因为有时答案可以从下文内容体现出来。答完后再通读一篇文章,看看所选选项能不能是语句通顺,语意连贯。22c23d24b25d26c27a28c29b30a31c32a33c34d35b36b37d38c39d40b41a【解析】22c从下文in a supermarket可知,老妇人正在超市购物。23d从下文可以得知,她买完东西后返回到她汽车上。c汽修厂24b根据语境,老妇人发现他们正准备开着车离开,a追求b带着。离开c看d拆开,拆卸25d根据语境,她放下她的购物袋。a躲藏b带来c展示d放下26c从下文i have a gun及最后一段倒数第二行可知她掏出手枪handgun27a 从下文they all got out immediately可知老妇人命令他们下车。28c上文提到老妇人掏出了手枪,所以那四个男人没等第二次威胁,赶紧下车。29b发疯地跑,拼命地跑(因为害怕)30a根据常识,老妇人做到司机室,准备开车离开。31c车钥匙插不进点火开关,老妇人不知怎么回事,所以很惊讶。a有罪的,内疚的b尴尬的c惊讶的,吃惊的d失望的32a从下文over and over again可以看出老妇人反复试着插车钥匙启动车子。33c当他看到前座上的足球,夹克和两包烟的时候,她明白了为什么。34d她发现她的车在停在四五个车位远的地方。a经过b移动c开车d停35b发现误会他人,老妇人赶紧开车到警局去报告她的错误行为。36b警官忍不住大笑起来。37d上文提到四个男人受到老妇人的手枪威胁,惊恐不已。a愚蠢的b强壮的c典型的d恐惧的38c老妇人掏出了手枪命令他们离开他们自己的下车,所以说是抢劫了他们的车。39d consider/treat.as 把。当作,describe.as 把,描述为/形容为,根据语境,男人向警察描述老妇人的长相。40b携带一把手枪。41a老妇人知道误会他人,对她的所作所为很抱歉,所以向那四个男人道歉。考点:记叙文点评:本文记叙了一老妇人以为四个男人准备开走她的车,赶紧用手枪威胁他们下车,结果却发现是一个误会。最后在警局遇上后向他们道歉。文章生动有趣。42b43a44d45c46a47d48a49c50b51c52c53c54c55a56a57d58d59a60c61d【解析】【文章大意】拾作者钱包的人不要任何的报酬, 只是希望作者把爱心传递下去作为感谢; 作者通过自己的善意的行为影响他人, 将爱心继续传递。42选b。逻辑推理题。根据下文我去取回钱包, 可推断我把钱包掉在了加油站。leave sth. in/at. . . 把某物忘在了某地。而forget表


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