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2015届高考英语三轮复习完形与阅读强化训练25题号一二总分得分一 、完形填空(本大题共1小题,共30分)at the beginning of our next class, i asked if someone wanted to share what happened when they told someone they loved them. i fully expected one of the women to1, as was usually the case, 2on this evening one of the men raised his hand. he appeared quite moved and a bit3.he began by saying, “dennis, i was quite4with you last week when you gave us this5. i didnt feel that i had anyone to say those words to, and besides, 6were you to tell me to do something7is personal? but as i began driving home my8started talking to me. it was9me that i knew exactly who i needed to sayi love youto. you see, five years ago, my father and i had a cruel10and really never resolved it since that time. we11seeing each other unless we totally12at christmas or other13gatherings. but even then, we14spoke to each other. so, last tuesday by the time i got home i had15myself i was going to tell my father i loved him.”“its16, but just making that decision17to lift a heavy load off my chest.”“when i got home, i rushed into the house to tell my wife what i was going to do. she was already18, but i woke her up anyway. when i told her, she didnt just get out of bed. she catapulted (弹射) out and19me, and for the first time in our married life she saw me cry. we20half the night drinking coffee and talking. it was great.”1. a. acceptb. volunteerc. shared. love2. a. sob. besidesc. butd. because3. a. shakenb. surprisedc. angryd. puzzled4. a. movedb. excitedc. satisfiedd. angry5. a. orderb. assignmentc. signald. notice6. a. whob. whyc. howd. when7. a. suchb. such ac. thatd. those8. a. driverb. consciencec. pland. company9. a. tellingb. askingc. talking tod. warning10. a. fightingb. approvalc. disagreementd. decision11. a. practicedb. triedc. enjoyedd. avoided12. a. had tob. ought toc. shouldd. must13. a. socialb. familyc. publicd. company14. a. oftenb. alwaysc. hardlyd. usually15. a. convincedb. forcedc. orderedd. advised16. a. necessaryb. possiblec. puzzlingd. strange17. a. wantedb. seemedc. meantd. ought18. a. at workb. at tablec. in bedd. in peace19. a. huggedb. injuredc. caughtd. knocked20. a. put upb. made upc. took upd. stayed up二 、阅读理解(本大题共2小题,共20分)aapril 2002 campsite secondary school number 3math department news the campsite secondary school is again participating in two australian-wide math competitions. all students are welcome to write any of these competitions. if your son or daughter wants to participate, they should see any math teacher as soon as possible.the australian math competition from the university of wales has five competitions, one for each grade level. the grade 9, 10 and 11 students write their competition february 23, and results are expected in early may. the grade 12 and oac students will write their competitions april 18 and april 19.the second major competition that our students are involved in is the australian math league from the university of watergate. we only have results from bayside county even though the competition is written australian-wide. our students have written the first 5 of 6 competitions.the campsite secondary school is in third place out of the nine local participating schools. our top competitors are: andy singh in grade 9, yet ping loo in grade 10, adam gibson in grade 11, sarah tsopelas in grade 12, and jeff ogrady, and tamra baxter in oac. yet ping loo has the third highest score county wide for grade 10 and sarah tsopelas and kevan st. john stands second and third county wide for grade 12.48. what is the main purpose of writing this news?a. to inform of the coming math competition and the results of the last one.b. to introduce the two universities in charge of the math competitions.c. to explain why the competitions are popular with all the students.d. to praise the top students who have brought honor to the school.49. who should visit any math teacher immediately?a. a grade 10 student who wants to take part in the australian math competition.b. a grade 12 student who wants to take part in the australian math competition.c. a grade 10 student who wants to take part in the australian math league.d. a grade 12 student who wants to take part in the australian math league.50. which of the following is not true according to the news?a. the news is intended for the students parents.b. it seems that the school is made up of five grades.c. one of the students stands second in the bayside country.d. the campsite secondary school is in the third place nation-wide.bsoccer-mad criminals have been turning themselves into british police stations in the hope of completing a short sentence in prison in time to get out to watch the world cup, british newspapers reported on friday.in “operation red card”, police in hertfordshire, north of london, sent a message to some criminals: surrender(自首) now or spend the world cup in a prison with no television, according to the evening standard newspaper.“one man even turned up to police station with the stolen items packed in his bag, expecting a short sentence in prison,” said nigel eastaugh, a policeman in the city, “no doubt he wanted to get his sentence over and to make sure he would be free again in time for the world cup.”the paper said 296 letters were sent out to the criminals family and then 17 people walked into local police stations to face charges.but criminals who are not soccer fans are not safe. eastaugh said that as a result of the mailing, police had received 60 clues on the whereabouts (下落) of other criminals who would be rounded up in the coming weeks.56. the “operation red card” most probably means _.a. a card to punish a soccer playerb. a poster to tell of the world cupc. a notice to make a warningd. an advertisement in newspaper57. criminals turned up to the police stations because _.a. they didnt want to miss the world cupb. there were no televisions in the prisonsc. there would be heavy sentence if they didnt.d. they realized they had done something wrong.58. those who turned up to the police stations _.a. could go home to watch world cup.b. could watch world cup in prison.c. would be given a shorter sentence for their crimesd. were asked to tell the whereabouts of other criminals59


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