北京市延庆县靳家堡中学七年级英语《Unit 5 Lesson 19》学案(无答案) 北师大版.doc_第1页
北京市延庆县靳家堡中学七年级英语《Unit 5 Lesson 19》学案(无答案) 北师大版.doc_第2页
北京市延庆县靳家堡中学七年级英语《Unit 5 Lesson 19》学案(无答案) 北师大版.doc_第3页
北京市延庆县靳家堡中学七年级英语《Unit 5 Lesson 19》学案(无答案) 北师大版.doc_第4页




初一英语学案 unit 5 lesson 19 what can you do on the ice rink ? (1)姓名:_ 班级:_ 时间:_学习目标:1、 通过学习,同学们能够理解并认读本课书中出现的运动项目、运动器材和运动设施的词语2、 通过学习,同学们能够读懂课文并能进行相关的练习一、 复习导入给出下列句子的英文形式1、 我擅长游泳。 _2、 你能做俯卧撑吗? _3、 我能跑110米栏。 _4、 400米跑怎么样? _5、他不能爬绳子。 _二、new lesson 1、read the title (标题) and write the importance (重点)meaning(意思) : _phrase(短语) :_ 句式:_ 2、read the text(短文) and find the phrases in english 1)一条400米跑道 _ 2)在专用球场 _3) 在篮球/排球/网球场 _ 4)三个网球场 _5)一个棒球场地 _ 6)两个足球场地 _7)运动中心 _ 8)在溜冰场_ 9)在跳水池_10)在游泳池 _ 11)两个体育馆 /两个健身房_ 三、sum up 不同场地用的介词 _ the ice rink _ the basketball field _ the running track. _ the baseball field _ the football field _ the tennis court _ the volleyball court _ the swimming pool _ the diving pool_ the gym初一英语学案 unit 5 lesson 19 what can you do on the ice rink ? (2)姓名:_ 班级:_ 时间:_学习目标:1、通过学习,同学们能够理解并认读本课书中出现的运动项目、运动器材和运动设施的词语2、通过学习,同学们能够正确地使用“在。地方,用。物品,进行。运动项目”一、 复习导入 看图完成句子i can on / in 1、_ 2、_二、new lesson 1、look at the screen (屏幕)and answer the questions i can with 1) _2) _ 2、writing exercises write a short passage(文章) like the example skate ice rink skates_三、exercises1、你能在溜冰场做什么?2、为什么不和家人一起来阿波罗运动中心?3、你几乎可以做一切你喜欢的运动。4、你可以在溜冰场滑冰。5、你可以在专用球场打篮球和排球。6、有两个体育馆,你可以在那里锻炼和打乒乓球。7、你用球拍可以玩什么?我可以打网球。你在哪儿打网球?在网球场。8、一个棒球场 9. 一条400米跑道 10. 一个用于游泳的大池子 11. 专用手套 12.一个用于跳水的深池子 13. 乒乓球拍lesson 19目标检测题一、根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的词填空。注意用其正确的形式。skate, play basketball, exercise, play pingpong, swimming pool, a ball 1. we can _ with a paddle. 2. there are two _ in apollo sports center. we can swim there.3. we need a racket, special shoes and _ to play tennis. 4. my father _ every day. he is strong. 5. they often _ on the basketball court. 6. you can _ on the ice rink. 二、从方框中选择正确的句子补全对话。(把句子抄写在横线上)good morning, mike.a. good morning. b. you can run on the running track.c. yes, i do. d. im going to school.e. im going to the playground. _where are you going? _do you go there to play basketball? _ would you like to go with me? id love to. but i cant play basketball. _thats a good idea. lets go. 三、阅读理解。swimming is a very good sport . people like swimming in summer because water makes people feel cool. some people like to go swimming in winter, too. swimming can help us to have a strong body. but it may not be safe (安全) if you swim in a wrong place. a lot of people go swimming every day in summer. some people often think they can swim well, nothing will happen to them. but its not safe to think so. if you go to swim, you should be very careful.根据短文内容选择正确答案。 ( )1. _ go swimming every day in summer. a. no one b. a few people c. many people d. some people( )2. if you go to swim, _ is a safe place. a. the swimming pool b. the river c. the sea d. the lake( )3.from this short story, we know _.a. a lot of people go swimming in winter. b. swimming is a very good sport .c.river is a good place to swim. d.you like swimming very much.( ) 4.what does the story tell us?a. be careful in swimming. b. swimming is not good.c. dont go swimming. d. everyone should


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