



Unit 1 Good morning Period 2 Section (1a2e) Teaching and learning aims (教学目标) 一、知识和能力目标1.掌握英文字母AaHh的正确写法和读音。2.会运用日常交际用语:Good morning! Hello! Hi!,打招呼,HB, CD, BBC的含义 二、过程和方法目标尽量用英语组织教学:给学生创造英语情景。教师可以用手势,表情,动作等示意,帮助学生听懂课堂用语和日常交际用语。三、情感态度和价值观目标:利用这个单元培养学生们对英语的兴趣,兴趣是最好的老师。(目标引领,知识和能力过程和方法情感态度和价值观表达了本节课的目标。) Teaching steps (教学步骤) Step1. Warming-up T: A new school year starts. Im your English teacher. Good morning, everyone! Ss: Good morning, teacher! 【教学设计意图】师生初次见面,教师通过自我介绍和问候学生,让学生放轻松,开始亲近教师。 Step 2. Presentation Therere some new students in our school. Here are some of them. Lets look at the pictures . T: Show the pictures and read out their names. 【教学设计意图】此设计是让学生初步认识课文中的人物,了解他们的名字,为下一步的学习奠定基础。 Step3: Writing Teacher shows the picture on Page 1. Ask students to read out their names, then write it below Boys name or Girls name in the book. 【教学设计意图】此设计是让学生进一步熟悉课文中的人物,了解他们的名字,为下一步的听力学习奠定基础。 Step4: Listening 1. Listen for the main idea. How many students are talking in the conversations ? _ A . 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8 2. Listen for the details. Listen again and then fill in the blanks . 1) -Good morning, Helen! - Hi, Bob! 2) -Good morning, Alice! -Good morning, Cindy! 3) -Hello, Frank! -Hello, Eric! -Good morning, Dale!3. Listen and repeat. Students listen and follow. Step5:Post-listening activities Pairwork (小组活动)(1)Students practice reading the conversations in the picture in pairs. (2)Students practice greeting each other. Encourage them to use their names. 【教学设计意图】此设计主要是鼓励学生尽可能大胆开口,养成愿意说英语的良好习惯。 Step6: Learn the letters AaHh.1. Listen and repeat. (1)Play the recording. Students listen and repeat (on Ps2 2a) (2). Students read loudly by themselves, 1 minute later, check which one reads best. 【教学设计意图】既培养学生的观察能力,又能了解学生能否正确地读出字母。听录音并跟读让学生掌握字母的正确发音。 2. Listen and number. (1)Play the recording for the first time. Students listen and number the letters. ()Play the recording for the second time. Students listen and check their answers. ()Students read them aloud. 展示字母Aa Hh的书写。注意书写体和印刷体的区别,尤其注意f, G, g 这几个字母,还有d的笔顺笔画。 Look carefully and copy them on their exercise book. (2).Practice: Write the missing big letters or small letters for each pair. 【教学设计意图】 通过仔细观察,明确字母的书写格式和笔顺,规范了学生的英语字母书写。 Step7: Learn some abbreviations In our life we can see some letters . Do you know their meanings ? Look at the pictures , talk about what these letters mean. Try to write down as many as possible. Students discuss in groups. Check the answers. HB 硬黑 英国广播公司BBC WTO世贸组织 CD光盘 UN 联合国 UK 英国 WC 厕所 CT用于检查身体的一种医疗器械Step8: Inquiry into knowledge by translation. Good morning:“早上好”用于凌晨至中午12:00这段时间,是较为正式的问候语。它的答语仍为Good morning! eg: Good morning , Grace! Morning , Mum! Hello:“您好”一般是熟人,朋友和同学之间打招呼用语。也可以用在打电话时,意为“喂” eg: Hello,Bob! Hello ! Is Linda in? Hi:“嗨,喂”频率最高的问候语,用于非正式场合,意思同hello,比hello更为随意。 eg: Hi , Alice! 【教学设计意图】引导学生观察、发现、归纳和掌握语言规律,形成有效的学习策略。不再直接告诉学生答案,而是在学生不会的地方精讲,落实了以学定教。1.英文字母AHh的正确写法和读音。 2.会运用日常交际用语Good morning! Hello! Hi!,打招呼,HB, CD, BBC的含义 【教学设计意图】让学生总结、归纳所学知识,并转化成自己的语言表达出来。 Step10: The end of class test 一、补全对话,每空一词。(1) A: Hi, Bob! B: , Helen! (2).A: ,Cindy! B: Hello, Eric!(3 )A: Good morning, Mr Liu!. B: Good 二写出以下字母的左邻右舍: .1._B_2._c_3._f_ 4._E_5._g_ 三 。根据汉语意思把下列单词补充完整。 1.g d (好的) 2.h (嘿;喂) 3.a n n (下午) 4.h ll (你好;喂) Step11. Homework (课后作业) 1、将Aa-Hh八个字母规范写在练习本上 2.课下积极的用所学问候语和同学朋友打招呼。 3.收集更多的指代事物的字母缩略词。 课后反思(教学亮点): 采用自主学习、小组合作学习等方式开展听给学生创造英语情景用补全对话


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