



学习情态动词教学理念:本节课遵循“教师为主导,学生为主体,训练为主线,思维为核心的原则,让学生主动参与教学的全过程,使他们真正成为学习的主人,在教学关键处体现教师的主导作用。同时倡导“任务型”的教学途径,始终坚持“以兴趣为出发点,以能力为落脚点”的教学理念,让学生在任务活动中通过感知、体验、参与、合作和交流等方式,获得学习的经验及体验任务完成后的成就感,逐步培养学生通过学习提高归纳概括能力,激发学生的创造性思维,提高学生的整体素质,为今后继续学习英语和用英语学习其他相关科学文化知识奠定基础。教学目标:【知识目标】: 1. 学习情态动词can 、may、must的用法。 2.使用情态动词来表达家庭用电安全。 3.鼓励学生用must和mustnt来制定规则。 【技能目标】:1. 逐步培养学生自由运用情态动词,并且熟练运用情态动词can 、may、must表达正确 的句子。 2. 逐步培养学生利用已学过的情态动词来表达家庭用电安全的能力。 【情感目标】:1.知道如何在家庭中安全用电,培养家庭主人翁意识。 2.让学生了解语法学习的趣味性和技巧性,以便激发学生学习语法的积极性,使学生增 强学好英语的自信心。3.通过开展小组活动,指导学生积极与人合作,相互学习,相互帮助,培养其团队精神。【教学资源】:多媒体,黑板,来自于网上的信息 教学过程:TeachingprocedureTeaching procedureTeaching stepsActivity aimsTeachers activitiesStudentsactivities1. Lead inTo get the students to know that theyre going to learn something about Modal verbs today, and to make preparation for the following activity.Show three kinds of Modal verbs to the Ss. Let them know what Modal verbs are. Students follow the teacher and make the similar sentences.2.Introduce three kinds of Modal verbs To get the students to know three kinds of Modal verbs Ask the students to .understand three kinds of Modal verbs 1) Students do some exercises. themselves2) Students work in groups. to see which group is the best3. Special forms To let the students master the differences between maybe and may be .Ask the . students to compare and discuss them.Students do some exercises together, Share the answers in class.4. PracticeTo let Ss master the basic use ofthree kinds of Modal verbs 1) Ask the students to complete the exercises.2) See which group is the bestStudents do the exercises carefully and quickly , then show on the blackboard.HomeworkAsk the Ss to do some exercises about Modal verbs Handwriting Design Modal verbsThree kinds of Modal verbs The special usePractice about Modal verbs TeachingintrospectionAfter the lesson, I think the first good point of my lesson is I use Word Solitaire to make the students understand it easily and arose their interest. Secondly, I use more practices to make students use freely Modal verbs . I Make good use of classes to stimulate the students to be interested in English. Meanwhile, I make students take participate in the class effectively. As for the weak points, I think I dont make the praise clearly understood by the students after the activities.The three points above are my teaching reflection. In a word I will pay more attention to my weak points and I must improve myself and students English.教学分析:【教学内容分析】本节课的中心内容是通过学习三种情态动词及其用法,培养学生自由运用语法和语言项目的能力,运用情态动词can 、may、must表达正确的句子,使用情态动词来表达家庭用电安全。 激发学生的创造性思维。这既符合新课标对说、读提出的具体标准,也符合新课改要求改变学生单纯接受教师传授语言知识为主的学习方式,为学生构建开放的学习环境,提供多渠道获取语言知识,并将学到的知识应用于实践,促进学生形成积极的学习动机、良好的学习态度和正确的语言学习及交际策略,培养学生的创新精神和实践能力的理念。【学生分析】学生对所学习的情态动词运用不够熟练,借助本课的学习使程度好的学生对此部分内容能熟练运用,锻炼自己说、写的能力,激发自己的创造性思维。对于程度中等及偏下的学生达到基本掌握和初步运用的能力,借助图示和接龙游戏让他们感觉语法的学习并不是枯燥无味的,激发他们的学习热情,为进一步学习奠定基础。 【教学方法与手段分析】本节课的教学较好地解决了学生对情态动词的学习和运用的问题。从游戏入手,导入新课。通过具体的练习题掌握情态动词的用法,最后归纳总结情态动词的用法。之后采用讨论比较方式对情态动词的特殊情况归纳总结,最后用习题来检验学生的理解掌握程度。这种通过图示、分析、游戏、练习、讨论、表达、总结等形式多样的任务型活动使学生始终保持较浓厚的学


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