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2008年成人高考专升本英语真题及答案解析I. Phonetics (5 points)Directions: In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation. Mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.1. A. water B. porter C. daughter D. laughter【答案】 D2. A. naked B. addicted C. smelled D. rested【答案】 C【解析】考查单词的词尾加字母ed的读音规则。3. A. structure B. mixture C. gesture D. mature【答案】 D【解析】考查字母组合ture 在词尾时的读音规则。此题中的D项-ture是在特殊情况下的读音,读作 词意是成熟的。第四小题是考查元音字母e在单词中的读音。4. A. honest B. chest C. harvest D. forest【答案】 B5. A. feather B. leather C. strengthen D. southern【答案】 C【解析】是考查字母组合th在单词中的读音规则。II. Vocabulary and Structure (15 points)Directions: There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blackenthe corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.6. Bradford graduated from college with honors at a very young age.He have been an outstanding student.A. must B. could C. should D. might【答案】 A【翻译】 Bradford小小年纪就以优秀的成绩从大学毕业了。他(那时)一定是非常杰出。【考点】 语法结构。【分析】 这四个情态动词,后面都可以接完成时态,但后三者都表示虚拟语气,只有A项是对发生过的事情的推测,结合前面的那句话,故选A。7. None of us called the police when the two cars collided, ?A. didnt we B. dont we C. did we D. do we【答案】 C【翻译】 两车相撞后,我们中没人叫警察,是吗?【考点】 句法结构。【分析】 这是一个反义疑问句;翻译疑问句在构成上是两部分:前面是陈述句,后面是简略疑问句;如果前面是肯定意思的句子,后半部分就接否定意思的简略问句,如果前面是否定意思的,后面就接肯定的。8. Not only I but also Douglas and Miranda fond of watching television.A. am B. is C. are D. be【答案】 C【翻译】 不仅是我,而且Douglas和Micanda都喜欢看电视。【考点】 句法结构,主谓一致的问题。【分析】 主谓一致的问题是要看主谓在数量上要搭配;该句中not only but also连接并列主语,谓语动词采用就近的原则,因为挨谓语近的是两个人,故选C。9. May I have the of dancing with you, Madame?Yes, of course.A. pleasure B. joy C. right D. desire【答案】 A【翻译】 女士,可否赏光与我一起跳舞?【考点】 词义辨析。【分析】 have the oleasure of (doing) sth. 正规用词,表示”获得某种特别的荣幸做某事“。10. Our president made a(n) speech at the opening ceremony of the sports meeting, which encouraged the sportsmen greatly.A. indifferent B. inspiring C. flat D. dry【答案】 B【翻译】 我们的总统在运动会的开幕式上做了令人激动的讲话,这让运动员们大受鼓舞。【考点】 词义辨析。【分析】 A项中的indifferent是”冷漠的,漠不关心的“;B项中的inspiring是”激励人的“;而C、D两项中的词义跟句义更不相干,故选B。11. Diana was reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, completely in the mysterious workA. being lost B. having lost C. losing D. lost【答案】 D【翻译】 Dinna正在看哈利波特、火星,完全沉浸在那神秘的世界中了。【考点】 非谓语动词。【分析】 该句的主语是Dinna, 相对lose (迷失)的意思搭配,表示是读物让她沉浸其中的,也就是主语Dinna是”被的意思“,故选D。12. If I had known you werent coming, I a cake.A. would not bake B. did not bake C. will not have baked D. would not have baked【答案】 D【翻译】 要是我知道你不会来,我就不会准备蛋糕了。【考点】 语法结构。【分析】 条件句中提到:”要是“, 分析起来是对发生过的事情进行跟事实相反的假设,故配套用D所用的格式。13. Staying in a four-star hotel for a night costs renting a house in the suburb for a month.A. twice as much as B. twice more C. as much as twice D. as much twice as【答案】 A【翻译】 在四星级的宾馆里住一晚的花费,比在郊区租一个月的房子多出两倍还多。【考点】 语法结构。【分析】 形容词的级别词,无论原级、比较级、还是最高级,若有数词加以补充说明修饰,数词都在级别词之前;本句还牵扯到”是的两倍多“,其中包含原有的费用,故选A。14. In winter, traffic accidents occur on the highway.A. frequently B. suddenly C. usually D. rapidly【答案】 A【翻译】 冬天高速路上事故频发。【考点】 词义辨析。【分析】 A项的意思是”频繁地,经常地“,侧重指动作发生的频率;B项的意思是”突然,一下子“;C项的意思是”通常,大多数情况下“; D项的意思是”迅速地“。15. Only when I began to do it _ that I had made a mistake.A. I realized B. I had realized C. did I realize D. would I realize【答案】 C【翻译】 只有当我开始做这事情时,我才意识到我犯错误了。【考点】 句法结构。【分析】 该句涉及到倒装句的知识点之一:当一个句子以”only + 状语“开头时,该句要倒装。16. It was three weeks later _ he heard the news.A. which B. that C. after D. when【答案】 B【翻译】 三周后他才听到这消息。【考点】 句法结构。【分析】 该句考察强调句,其句型是It is/was that/who ;如被强调对象是人,用who或whom,其他情况都用that。特别注意:强调时间不用when,强调地点不用where,也不用介词 + 关系代词。17. He _ live in a remote and underdeveloped country than in this modem but noisy city.A. prefers to B. likes to C. had better D. would rather【答案】 D【翻译】 他宁愿住在偏远、欠发达的乡间,而不是这个现代但嘈杂的城市里。【考点】 词语搭配。【分析】 A项prefer to do sth.,或prefer to (两处省略的是名词功能的部分);B项的like to do sth.;C项had better后接动词原形,”最好“;只有D项中,would rather 与than结合,表示”宁愿而不(是)“故选D。18. _ , Sam knows lots of things about philosophy.A. As he is young B. As young he is C. Young as is he D. Young as he is【答案】 D【翻译】 尽管Sam年纪小,但他知道很多有关哲学方面的事情。【考点】 句法结构。【分析】 四个选项中都含有as引导词,但由as引导让步状语从句时,被强调对象要放在as的前面。【由(al)though, even though, no matter ,等引导时,都是引导词加陈述句。】19. Today the energy problem becomes critical. It _ an immediate solution.A. calls on B. calls for C. calls up D. calls at【答案】 B【翻译】 现在的能源问题变得至关重要了,需要立即解决。【考点】 短语搭配。【分析】 call on:”拜访某人“;call at: ”拜访某地“; call up:”给某人打电话,使忆起“;call for:”要求、需要“。20. Dr. Zhang was always _ the poor and the sick, his private clinic often providing them with free medical care.A. tended by B. absorbed in C. concerned about D. reminded of【答案】 C【翻译】 张先生向来关心那些穷人、有困苦的人,他的私人诊所往往给他们免费治疗。【考点】 短语搭配。【分析】 A、B、D如果跟句中的was连用,则表示A: 被照顾看;B: 被吸收进;D:被想起;C项中 be concerned about/for sth./sb. 表示:担心,烦恼,忧虑,其中concerned 是形容词。III. Cloze (30 points)Directions: For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.The first snowboards were made in the 1960s. However, it was in the late 70s that they became more 21 . Throughout the 80s, more and more people began taking up the sport, even though snowboards were not allowed on most ski hills. 22 its earlier problems, snowboarding is now the worlds 23 growing winter sport and most resorts (度假地) welcome snowboards.In 1963, a Grade 8 student named Tom Sims 24 a ski-board for a school project in New Jersey. Then, in 1966, a man named Sherman Poppen 25 two skis together for his kids on Christmas day. He called his invention ”the Snurfer,“ which 26 the words ”snow“ and ”surf.“ In 1969, Jake Burton Carpenter received a 27 for Christmas. He soon began designing boards, and today ”Burton“ is a popular 28 of snowboard.By the 1980s, snowboarding had become very popular. 29 , most ski resorts did not allow snowboarding because they thought it was too 30 . Since many snowboarders were young, many older skiers did not want them on the ski hills. The snowboarders had to go to the backcountry; 31 patrolled (有巡罗的) resorts.Rejection at the resorts did not 32 snowboarding from growing in popularity. Eventually, the owners of ski resorts changed their views. They 33 that they could make more money by allowing snowboarding. One by one, the resorts 34 to welcome snowboards. Today, many resorts even set 35 special areas where snowboarders can practice their creative tricks.21. A. spreading B. popular C. ordinary D. interesting22. A. Besides B. Instead of C. Despite D. Because of23. A. fastest B. best C. most slowly D. most efficiently24. A. discovered B. found C. planned D. designed25. A. bought B. made C. attached D. mended26. A. combines B. mixes C. unites D. associates27. A. tool B. snurfer C. board D. ski28. A. brand B. game C. resort D. person29. A. Therefore B. Furthermore C. Meanwhile D. However30. A. showy B. dangerous C. exciting D. harmful31. A. nearby B. across C. away from D. close to32. A. fail B. involve C. stop D. drop33. A. rejected B. realized C. fulfilled D. denied34. A. wanted B. hurried C. refused D. began35. A. aside B. back C. out D. down【点评】本篇短文主要谈论滑雪板的发明、发展和对滑雪运动的影响。文章有四个自然段,大约二百五六十个词,内容比较紧凑,备选词大多数是实词,这篇短文的15个空设置也比较均匀,因此有利于根据语境和词义判断出那个词是最佳选项。难度也非常适合成考考生,故事情节通俗易懂,考查要点也浅显易懂,主要考查基本词义,搭配,对文章的理解能力,只要考生掌握大纲要求词汇量,就不难取得一个满意的分数。21. 【答案】 B【考点】 词义辨析。【解析】 该句是全文第二句,第一句刚交代:滑雪板运动是二十世纪六十年代发明的,结合全文第二段对滑雪板运动发展历史的讲解,到第三段的开头第一句:到二十世纪八十年代,该运动变得十分流行,再看这儿的四个词的各自意思,故选B.22.【答案】 C【考点】 逻辑推理加词义辨析。【解析】 该句前一句说到:整个八十年代,尽管在许多滑雪区不允许滑板滑雪,越来越多的人,却开始喜欢该项体育运动。从所给的四个介词或介词短语的意思分析处,再看本句的逻辑搭配:(尽管)早期有许多困难,但它是今天是,故选C.23.【答案】 A【考点】 词义辨析。【解析】该句是(尽管)早期有许多困难,但今天它是发展最的冬季体育项目,从几段的讲解来看,是在介绍滑板滑雪的历史及现状,结合四个选项的意思来分析,只能选A。24.【答案】 D【考点】 词义辨析。【解析】 该句是:1963年,一位名叫Tom Sims的八年级学生,为新泽西的一个课程设计了滑板项目。从四个词的意思上来分析,A、B的意思相近,大同小异,故二者均不能选;C、D两词之后虽都能跟for,但C项”计划“与句中project相近,故只能选D,D的意思最适合本篇的逻辑搭配。25.【答案】 C【考点】 词义辨析。【解析】 该句是说:一位名叫Sherman Poppen的人在圣诞节为他的孩子们把两片滑雪板缚在一起。A:(购)买;B:制造;C:系、缚、捆、扎;D:修(理)。故选C.26.【答案】 A【考点】 短语搭配辨析。【解析】 他把他的发明称为”Snurfer“,这个词结合了snow与surf。这几个词的搭配都差不多,但A:把与结合起来,使具有两样(的特性);B:把与混杂在一起(原来的二者就是你中有我,我中有你了);C:把与团结、联合(为一体)/合并;D:把人或事物联系起来;把与联想起来。比较清楚各自的侧重点以后,就不难决定了。27.【答案】 B【考点】 逻辑推理。【解析】 从前两句话,尤其是前一句话,不难锁定答案B,排除另外的几个名词。28.【答案】 A【考点】 逻辑推理。【解析】 该句意思是:他很快开始设计滑雪板,而且现在”Burton“就是滑雪板的一个非常受欢迎的品牌。结合前面介绍的情形及本句前半截,只有A最适合。A:牌子;B:(一)场、局赛事;C:海滨、滑雪、休养等的度假胜地;D:(个)人。29.【答案】 D【考点】 句法结构。【解析】 结合本句前面的一句(是对上文的基本总结),再看看下文中大部分旅游胜地的做法,不难得出前后为转折关系,故选D。30.【答案】 B【考点】 逻辑推理。【解析】 本句的意思是:因为他们认为滑板滑雪太危险,大部分的旅游胜地都不允许此活动。不仅是从活动本身来分析,还是看看后面那句话,就能得出此答案。31.【答案】 C【考点】 逻辑推理。【解析】 结合本句前面的一句:滑板滑雪爱好者不得不到隐蔽的深山、远离那些有巡逻的旅游胜地。了解了上文中大部分旅游胜地的做法,不难得出滑板滑雪者们的选择,故选D,因为其他三个词的意思是非常直观的。32.【答案】 C【考点】 逻辑推理。【解析】 该句意思是:各旅游胜地的拒绝没有妨碍该活动的流行;从后半句中的from可以得出本句为固定搭配。33.【答案】 B【考点】 逻辑推理。【解析】 本句的意思是:他们认识到他们通过允许滑板滑雪活动,可以从中赚更多的钱。从此话前面的一句话看看(那些旅游胜地的所有者们交换了他们对此的观点);而且A、D两词意义相近;C的意思完全不符。故选B。34.【答案】 D【考点】 逻辑推理。【解析】 结合本句前面的两句,再看看词的用法搭配:只有A、D两词可以与to连用,而A与文意不符,故选D。35.【答案】 A【考点】 固定搭配。【解析】 该句意思是:现今各旅游胜地甚至为滑板滑雪者们留出特别的区域,这样他们可以在那儿练习他们那些别有创意的技巧。所给的四个词,只有A跟句中set搭配表示”留出、积攒“。IV. Reading Comprehension (60 points)Directions: There are five reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by four questions. For each question there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose one best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Passage oneWin a week in England!You still dont know what to do this summer? Well, heres your chance to win a one-week language course in Kent, England! Free4Fun and ETC (English Travel Connections) are giving away two trips to Rochester. This historic city is less than an hours drive from London and close to the sea resort of Herne Bay. It is also the home of one of Englands most famous writers, Charles Dickens. The town of Rochester is in Southeast England. Charles Dickens often wrote about it in his books. His home, Gads Hill, is there, too. A popular attraction is Rochester Castle, a large Norman fortress. It was built in the llth century and rebuilt during the 14th century. Other attractions are Rochester Cathedral, which was built during the 13th century, and Dickens Centre. It has got its name in honour of Dickens himself.The trip to England includes:* travel by train (via the Eurotunnel) to and from any railway station in Germany* room and full board with a guest family for one week* language course in small groups* two tripsto London* large choice of sports and entertainment* German-speaking advisors available 24 hours a dayInterested? All you have to do is to answer the following question:When was Charles Dickens born?So, take the chance and send your answer by 1 May to:Free4Fun ”Rochester“Free4Fun, 24 Elphinstone Road, Hastings, 2FQ6VJfax: 089 / 85 763-103e-mail: The two winners will be contacted directly before 5 May. They will also be announced in theJune issue of Free4Fun. Good luck!For further information contact:phone: (03212) 144 43fax: (03212) 144 42e-mail: 【点评】关于Free4Fun和ETC(English Travel Connections)联合举办的活动,是一则有奖问答形式的广告。首先说你今年夏季可能有机会赢得在英格兰最着名的作家查尔斯?狄更斯的家乡Rocheste旅游一周的机会。并简要介绍了一下当地的建筑物的历史背景,然后就介绍行程及活动安排等。你感兴趣了,文章就鼓动你回答问题:查尔斯?狄更斯是什么时候出生的?,并留下发送答案的地址和活动截止日期。最后一段是告诉你,本次活动只抽取两位幸运者,获奖者的名单将公布在六月份的Free4Fun刊物上。36. Rochester Cathedral was built in the .A. 1100s B. 1200sC. 1300s D. 1400s【答案】 B【解析】 该题为事实细节题。根据” Other attraction are Rochester Cathedral, which was built during the 13th centery, “结合对世纪的背景知识的理解,可以获得。37. What activities can you participate in during the trip?A. Working as an advisor.B. Learning German language.C. Travelling with a guest family.D. Enjoying sports and entertainment.【答案】 D【解析】 该题为事实细节题。答案可以从所给的旅行内容中第五点得出。38. If you want to win a prize you have to send your answer to .A. the June issue of Free4funB. free4 C. D. ETC【答案】 B【解析】该题为事实细节题。可以根据大项第三项得出提示,做的时候仔细一些,注意排除干扰项,最后锁定选项B。39. The persons who know of Charles Dickens are likely to win the free trip.A. the birth date B. the home townC. the major works D. the writing style【答案】 A【解析】 该题为事实细节题。答案可以结合38题做,回头看看要寄的答案是全文第三个标题中的内容,稍加推理就能得出。Passage TwoIn 2000, with little but a bar and a church left to make it a destination, tiny St. James, Nebraska, was taken off state highway maps. Then the church closed, and the small farm village in the states northeast comer looked set to just disappear. Thanks to five devoted women, it didnt.In May 2001, after meeting with staff from the Center for Rural Affairs, the friends-Louise Guy, Vicky Koch, Jeanette Pinkelman, Mary Rose Pinkelman and Violet Pinkelman-opened a weekend market for vendors (小商贩) to sell handcrafts and local food.”We felt like, what can we do to bring the community together?“ says Mary Rose Pinkelman. ”We decided to make a place to sell local goods.“ They set up shop in the church school, which, though closed for nearly 40 years, had been well maintained. The first weekend, 16 vendors took over an old classroom. The result was ah instant hit. Today, the market draws up to 70 vendors-who sell such items as homemade jellies, baked goods, hand-woven rugs, and farm-grown produce-and what Pinkelman calls an unexpected number of visitors. In the process, the market has made St. James a destination again, putting it back on the state road map.【翻译】由于五位妇女的共同努力,一个从公路版图上消失的小村庄又重新返回到地图上。在2000年,随着村里的最后那个教堂的关闭,小村子在公路版图上消失了。2001年的五月,五个朋友会见了有关部门以后,决定利用该村废弃多年的教堂,在周末开办本地产品的销售市场。她们的事业迅速成功了,越来越多的小商贩来到这里,从第一个周末的十六家商贩,到今天发展到七十家,商人们贩卖手工艺品、当地食物、农产品等等,同时也意外的吸引来了大量的游客,所以这个小村子就再次回到地图上。40. According to Paragraph 1, what fate was St. James, Nebraska suffering?A. The replacement of the church school. B. The disappearance from highway maps.C. The closedown of the bar. D. The set-up of a market.【答案】 B【解析】 该题为细节归纳题。答案可以从第一段的第一句:只剩下一个小酒馆、一座教堂,使得Nebraska的小镇圣。詹姆士,被从美国的高速路地图上除名了;第二句的主句部分:注定要消失了,故选B。41. St. James in this passage isA. a small village B. a little farmC. a tiny city D. a little town【答案】 A【解析】 该题为事实细节题。答案可以第一段第二句的主语得出。42. What does the underlined phrase an instant hit” (Paragraph 3) mean?A. A fast blow. B. A sudden beat.C. A big strike. D. A quick success.【答案】 D【解析】 此题为细节归纳题。结合第二段(介绍了先期的行动)、到第三段说起具体进展,以及接下来对该小镇目前情况的讲解,我们可以得出答案D,而且其余三个答案都有打击/失败之意。43. St. James has been put back to the state road map due toA. the efforts of five women B. the efforts of the Center for Rural AffairsC. the vendors in the local place D. the unexpected number of visitors【答案】 A【解析】 该题为主旨归纳题。要结合全文的头尾来看,尤其是第一段的最后一句、全文的最后一句:先是多亏了五位;中间讲到大致过程,最后说起说起在市场的建设扩大过程中,所以选 A;其他几个选项只是文中的局部细节而已。Passage ThreeRomeo and Juliet was probably written in 1595, when Shakespeare was a young, successful playwright. He had already written comedies and history plays, but had not yet developed his skill at tragedy.The power of fate is strong in Shakespeares play. Chance and evil eventually join to bring tragedy. Chance involves Romeo in a murder; chance prevents a message from reaching Romeo in time; chance brings about a deadly meeting in a cemetery.Many Elizabethans were followers of astrology (星相术) and believed that the stars could control events. Thus, Romeo and Juliet are referred to as “star-crossed lovers” whose stars doomed (命中注定)them to disaster.Elizabethans also had a concept of fate in the person of Dame Fortune (命运女神). By spinning her wheel, she could raise the state of a beggar or lower that of a king. One of the fascinations of Shakespeare is the way in which he put these ideas into the play.One of the most difficult things to decide about this play is the question of respo


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