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人教版2020届九年级上学期英语期末教学质量检测试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 语法选择 (共1题;共10分)1. (10分) Martin was a good man. He had a small 1 in the town. Only Sam and Henry 2 for him. One day three of them went to the city to buy things for the shop. On the way they 3 a genie (妖怪). The genie said, I can make everyones wish come true.4 you tell me your wishes? Three of them said OK.Sam went first. Id like to5 the rest of my life living in a big house in St. Thomas 6 any worries. The genie said OK and sent him to ST. Thomas.Henry went7 .Id like to live a life 8 on a ship in the Mediterranean because travelling on it will be great fun. The genie said OK and made him get there at once.Finally, it was Martins turn. And what is your 9 ? asked the genie.I want them10 back, answered Martin. Then the genie said OK and Sam and Henry stood in front of them again.(1)A . school B . bank C . shop D . hospital (2)A . asked B . worked C . waited D . called (3)A . met B . looked C . bought D . carried (4)A . Could B . Should C . Must D . Might (5)A . pay B . spend C . cost D . keep (6)A . with B . around C . without D . about (7)A . first B . next C . early D . late (8)A . eating B . sleeping C . travelling D . showing (9)A . hobby B . job C . name D . wish (10)A . all B . both C . none D . any 二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)2. (10分)分别通读下面两篇短文,根据短文内容,从A、B、C 三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。When I was in high school, I didnt do well in my schoolwork at first.1I wanted to go to college. I went to talk with my favorite teacher. He told 2that there might be no chance for me to go to college. It made me very 3.But I didnt give up (放弃). I might not be able to get into 4. But I wouldnt stop 5. Then I found that my 6in the past was spending too much time on science. I was not good at my schoolwork, because I wasnt working hard on all 7.So during the following semesters I 8my plan. I spent more time in studying English, math and other subjects. I worked hard by 9to the teachers carefully in class and doing more exercises after class. Now I am studying at college.If you are not doing well at school at the moment, dont 10. Forget the past years and restart (重新开始) now! I believe all your dreams can come true.(1)A . Or B . And C . But (2)A . her B . him C . me (3)A . upset B . tired C . glad (4)A . hospital B . college C . Trouble (5)A . speaking B . spending C . trying (6)A . hope B . opinion C . problem (7)A . sports B . subjects C . dreams (8)A . changed B . kept C . Exchanged (9)A . looking B . talking C . Listening (10)A . give up B . pick up C . look up 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共50分)3. (10分)阅读理解 Toothpaste (牙膏) does more than just keep our teeth bright and white. It can be used wisely in many other ways. Here are some useful tips that can save us time and money. If you follow them, you will have a fresh smell of using toothpaste!Clean a Dirty MirrorIf you want to clean a dirty bathroom mirror, try to put a bit of toothpaste on the mirror and wipe it dry. The glass can be cleaned up beautifully. And doing this can also stop the mirror from fogging. Then you can still see yourself in the mirror after taking a shower.Remove the Unpleasant Food SmellHave some bad food smell, like the smell of onions or fish, on your hands? You can remove it by washing your hands with toothpaste. Youll be fresh-smelling in no time.Make Your Sports Shoes WhiterThis time, clean your sports shoes by yourself, not by your mother. Wipe some toothpaste around your shoes and then clean it with a wet cloth. See? Your shoes are white as new!(1)What does the passage mainly tell us about? A . How to buy the toothpaste.B . How to choose the toothpaste.C . How to use toothpaste wisely.D . How to sell the toothpaste.(2)How many ways can you save your time and money by using toothpaste? A . One.B . Two.C . Three.D . Four.(3)If there is some smell of fish on your hands, what can you do? A . Wash your hands with soap.B . Wash your hands with toothpaste.C . Eat some onions.D . Brush your teeth with toothpaste.(4)The passage doesnt tell us that . A . toothpaste can clean a dirty mirrorB . toothpaste can remove the food smellC . toothpaste can make your ring become new againD . toothpaste can remove fish smell(5)Where can we probably find the passage? A . In a science magazine.B . In an amusement magazine.C . In a history book.D . In a math book.4. (20分)阅读理解。CI was in a shopping mall, so I decided to go and get a cup of coffee. As I was making my way to the coffee shop, I noticed an old gentleman poorly dressed sitting near the shop. I knew from the first sight that he needed help. He had a little lunch in front of him and was enjoying it. It was clear that he had a problem with his right eye. I then joined the line and waited to be served.Then it happened. One of the most beautiful gestures(姿态) I had ever seen in my life. There was a young man in front of me in the line who was also waiting to be served. The next thing I knew was that the young man handed the waitress(女服务员) 20 dollars and requested a glass of juice as a favor(善行). The waitress looked at the young man a little perplexed, not fully understanding the request. That was when the young man asked her to give the juice to the old gentleman eating his lunch outside, as well as the change(零钱) from the 20 dollars. The young man also told her that he would be watching every second so that she would be completely safe. Then there was a wonderful exchange between the waitress and the old man. I only wished I could take a photo of the smiles on both of their faces.As I was considering this event later, I wondered why the young man didnt perform this act of kindness himself. Maybe he was hoping that this act of kindness might inspire(激励) others to do something for this old man as well.(1)The old gentleman outside the coffee shop.A . was waiting in lineB . was eating his lunchC . was asking for moneyD . was waiting for the waitress(2)The old gentleman outside the coffee shop.A . was waiting in lineB . was eating his lunchC . was asking for moneyD . was waiting for the waitress(3)The word “perplexed” in the second paragraph probably means .A . doubtfulB . embarrassedC . worriedD . angry(4)The word “perplexed” in the second paragraph probably means .A . doubtfulB . embarrassedC . worriedD . angry(5)How did the young man help the old man?A . He took him to have lunch and gave him some money.B . He bought him a glass of juice and gave him some change himself.C . He asked the waitress to give him a glass of juice and some change.D . He took a picture with the old man to remind others to help him.(6)How did the young man help the old man?A . He took him to have lunch and gave him some money.B . He bought him a glass of juice and gave him some change himself.C . He asked the waitress to give him a glass of juice and some change.D . He took a picture with the old man to remind others to help him.(7)From this passage we know .A . the young man had a problem with his right eyeB . the waitress was too frightened to help the old manC . the young man disliked to be praised by others in publicD . the writer supported the behavior (行为) of the young man(8)From this passage we know .A . the young man had a problem with his right eyeB . the waitress was too frightened to help the old manC . the young man disliked to be praised by others in publicD . the writer supported the behavior (行为) of the young man(9)Whats the main idea of the passage?A . It is good manners to wait in line in public.B . Help people in need and inspire others to do so.C . Giving money to the disabled people is what we should do.D . Be ready to help others secretly.(10)Whats the main idea of the passage?A . It is good manners to wait in line in public.B . Help people in need and inspire others to do so.C . Giving money to the disabled people is what we should do.D . Be ready to help others secretly.5. (10分) A Chinese couple forced their 4- year- old son to run naked (裸体的)during a snowstorm with the temperature dipping to -13 in New York, where they were enjoying a holiday.The boys father calls himself Eagle Dad. He says he follows the parenting style of eagles, which are known to push their babies off cliffs(悬崖)so that they learn to fly by themselves.Different people have different ideas about it. Some people think it is proper to do like Eagle Dad. The 4- year- old boy, Duoduo, was weak since he was born, so his father tried to help him train to keep strong. But others disagree, they think we should concentrate more on the best ways to teach children in these fast changing times.Different families use different methods to teach children, but all of them should be allowed by the law. Parents should pay full attention to childrens physical and metal conditions, and make sure the ways can help their children think and act positively.As long as parents know this, they can use different methods to educate children. Every child has different character. Some children grow up to be success under the guidance of (在.指引下)eagle dads or tiger moms. Others are also successful growing up under more considerate elders.(1)Duoduo was made toon a snowy day.A . stay at homeB . exerciseC . jump from a cliffD . go to school(2)Duoduos father was inspired byA . the ways eagles train their babiesB . how eagles feed their babiesC . how baby eagles fell from the cliffsD . the place where eagles live(3)The third paragraph mainly tells us .A . the best way to train childrenB . Duoduo was weak when he was bornC . modern society has influenced on childrenD . two different opinions to the event(4)The writer thought parents should .A . be strict with childrenB . be kind to childrenC . choose proper ways to educate childrenD . tell children to obey the laws(5)Which of the following is WRONG?A . The event happened in America.B . Duoduo was only four years old.C . The writer didnt agree eagle dads” educating method.D . Different children have different characters.6. (10分)阅读理解 Here are some text messages (短信).Gina, Tobys green pencil box is on the sofa. Please take it to his classroom now. He needs (需要) it. MomAnna, I found your dictionary, but I cant find your tape player. Its not on your bed. TimDad, can you bring (带来) these things to me?I need my yellow eraser, baseball and blue hat. The eraser and the hat are on my bed. The baseball is under my bed. Thank you. JerryBrother, I need my tape player and English dictionary. The tape player is on my bed. The dictionary is in the bookcase. Please take them to the library. Thanks. Anna(1)_ is in the classroom now. A . TobyB . GinaC . AnnaD . Tim(2)Toby needs his _. A . pencil boxB . baseballC . tape playerD . dictionary(3)errys eraser is _. A . greenB . yellowC . blueD . black(4)Annas English dictionary is _. A . on the sofaB . on her bedC . under her bedD . in the bookcase(5)Tim is Annas _. A . fatherB . grandfatherC . brotherD . son四、 单词拼写 (共6题;共10分)7. (5分)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 (1)Who is_(lie)under the tree?(2)My brother decided_(help)Jenny with math(3)Could you please help me_(do)the dishes?(4)-Would you like to eat Chinese food?-No, thanksI want to taste something_(usual)(5)The shy girl is sitting there in_(silent)8. (1分)Its _(疯狂的) to play computer games all day and all night. 9. (1分)He doesnt like r_(摇滚)music. He thinks its too noisy. 10. (1分)The E_is a planet and it goes around the sun. 11. (1分)The shoes are so expensive. They c_me about 1,000 yuan . 1


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