



紫溪督学区小学青年紫溪督学区小学青年教师教学竞赛教学设计表教师教学竞赛教学设计表 紫溪中心小学 学校 参赛学科组 英语 参 赛年级 四年级 参赛教师 宋小磊 教学片段标题 He has two feet 第一课时 学情分析 本节课的教学对象是小学四年级的学生 通过在三年级的 学习 学生已经会读 会说 会指有关五官的词汇 如 eye ear mouth 也理解 了一些常见的动词 如 fly jump run 等 喜欢边说动词边做动作 还能够理解表 达拥有的句型 I have 经过一年多的英语学习 学生们有较好的英语基础 大多数学生性格开朗 善于模仿和表达 乐于参与课堂活动 喜欢在活动中学 习英语 渴望得到同学和老师的赞许 基于以上特点 教师应努力为学生创造 自主学习的机会 运用所学语言相互交流 达到学以致用的目的 教学目标 一 知识与技能目标 一 知识与技能目标 1 学生能听懂 会说 会读 理解新单词 foot feet leg knee puppet 2 学生能恰当 灵活地运用句型 He She has He She can 描述他人 的身体部位及特征和做某事的能力 3 学生能听懂 会说 Part A 对话 做到发音准确清晰 能听懂其含义 有创编意识 并能熟练 大方地进行情境表演 4 学生的参与 竞争意识和团队合作意识有增强 良好的学习习惯在慢慢 养成 教学重难点 1 能听懂 会说 会读新单词 foot feet leg knee puppet 2 能用 He She has He She can 描述他人的身体部位及特征和做某事 的能力 3 理解 foot 单复数的变化 4 初步感知 I have 与 He She has 的区别 教学过程 Step 1 Warm up Greetings T Good morning boys and girls Ss Good morning Miss song T Nice to meet you Ss Nice to meet you too 2 Divide the whole class into 6 groups T Today there are six groups in our class This is Group 1 and this is Group 6 Let s have a competition Come on 设计意图 亲切的问候可拉近师生之间的距离 增强教师的亲和 力 老师和学生们课前互动 克服上公开课紧张的心理 进入良好的学 习状态 Step 2 Presentation Watch a video and find out who is Miss Song s friend T I have a friend He has long nose He has two hands and two feet He can walk Can you guess who is he Ss guess it 2 Spell the puppet and read it 3 times by using the Internet 3 Show a puppet to Ss and get them understand the meaning of nice T Look at this puppet Is it nice Ss Yes it s nice T That s nice 4 Get students read new sentence with emotion T You like the puppet You can say Oh That s nice happily S1 Oh That s nice S2 设计意图 运用小学生喜爱的 木偶奇遇记 动画片视频片段和 匹诺曹木偶实物导入新课 激发学生的求知欲 在单词 puppet 教学中采 用动画形式 有效利用现代化教育技术拓宽学生英语学习的渠道 辅助 听读教学 激发学生学习欲望 5 I have a puppet do you want it 找木偶 假装找不到了 Oh I forget who want to be a puppet 学生上台当木偶 Get students understand Can I play with it Do you know play with Learn the word with T I can play with it Do you like it You can say Can I play with it S1 Can I play with it S2 Sure here you are S1 Thank you very much S3 Can I play with it S1 6 Show a puppet Point to his hand T What s this S1 It s a hand Read it in different ways T How many hands does puppet have S Two hands T Yes one hand two hands He has two hands 7 Teach the new word foot T What s that S It s a foot Watch a video and pay attention to oo as in foot Get Ss understand feet T How many feet does the puppet have Ss He has two feet Read it after T 设计意图 使用 ppt 让学生根据字母组合规律 发现发音要领 正确辨认 foot 的读音 初步理解 He has 句型 此环节教学内容将会目标 明确 主题突出 8 Teach the new words knee finger 9 Read these new words Read after T Group 1 and Group 2 read Game Quick Response 10 Let s chant 11 Excercises 设计意图 单词教学采用多种形式的读 句型操练使用小组快速 反应游戏 让小组比赛 少一些老师的过度牵引 增加学生说英语的参 与度 课堂气氛会十分活跃 让学生在不知不觉中表达英语 突破本课 的难点句型 Step 3 Practice 1 Ask Ss a question T What can puppet do 2 Watch the video carefully and then answer the question T What can the puppet do S1 He can walk 3 Ask some students to answer the question 4 Watch the video again and read the part A sentence by sentence 5 Read Part A together 设计意图 使用 ppt 的课文动画 让学生跟读课文 培养他们认真 听读 大胆模仿录音的好习惯 5 Read in roles 6 Read in groups 7 Act it out in class 设计意图 给学生戴上自制的课文人物 puppet 的头饰 增强学生 上台表演的欲望和用英语对话的自信心 Step 4 Consolidation 1 Summary What have we learned today Make an evaluation 2 Watch the video what happened to him 3 T Which group is the winner 4 Homework Read Part A with emotion finish the homework 设计意图 播放尼克胡哲的励志短片 让学生明白即使命运不公 也可以通过自身的努力 克服困难 让自己越来越优秀 板书设计板书设计 10 10 HeHe hashas twotwo feet feet puppetpuppet playplay withwith kneeknee legleg fingerfinger handshands feetfeet walkwalk A A


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