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潮汐漂流游客须知潮汐漂流游客须知 Notice to Tidal Drift Tourists 1 身高 1 4 米以下儿童和老年人须在成年人的陪同下进入潮汐漂 流 1 Both children less than 1 4 meters tall and the old are required to enter the tidal drift with being accompanied by the adult 2 做文明游客 请勿穿着除泳衣外的服装 禁止使用眼镜 毛巾 鞋类物品 2 Be civilized tourists and do not wear clothes except the swim suit prohibiting the use of glasses towels and articles of footwear 3 进入潮汐漂流游玩 请使用专业浮圈 穿着救生衣并从指定的 出 入口进入潮汐漂流游玩 3 Please use the professional floating ring when entering the tidal drift to play and wear the life jacket walking from the designated entrance to the tidal drift for playing 4 请在浮圈内坐稳扶好 漂流河区域内有水流漩涡 请扶好浮圈 两侧扶手 注意安全 4 Please sit steadily and hold on tight in the floating ring There is water whirlpool in the river rafting area so please hold on to handrails on both sides of the floating ring tight and pay attention to safety 5 请勿在漂流河内奔跑嬉闹 跳水 潜水或做其它有危及您和他 人 人身安全的行为 5 Please do not run frolic dive and snorkel or do other behavior which can threaten personal safety of you and other people in the river rafting area 6 请勿佩戴面具 通气管 潜水鞋 拖鞋 雨伞 食品 香烟 饮 料或玻璃器皿进入游乐区域 6 Please do not bring the mask snorkel diving shoes slippers umbrellas food cigarettes beverages or glassware into the recreation area 7 凡患有心脏病 高血压 精神病 酗酒者 恐高及腰椎病或颈椎 病 孕妇等身体不适者的游客禁止乘坐本游乐设施 7 Tourists who suffer from heart disease high blood pressure mental illness alcoholism fear of heights and lumbar or cervical disease being pregnant and other physical discomfort are prohibited from taking the recreation facilities 注意事注意事项项 不遵守不遵守规规定造成自身或他人定造成自身或他人发发生事故的情生事故的情 况况下由本人自行承担下由本人自行承担责责任 水上公任 水上公园园不予不予负责负责 Note If there are accidents of one s own or others caused by non compliance it is the one that takes the responsibility which has nothing with the on water park 飓风墙游客须知飓风墙游客须知 Notice to Hurricane Wall Visitors 1 乘客人数 4 人 少于或多于四人不准乘坐此设备 1 The number of passengers 4 people less or more than four people are not allowed to take this device 2 体重要求 四人合计 280Kg 其中单人体重 75Kg 2 The requirements of weight the total weight of four people 280Kg in which the weight of a single person 75Kg 3 身高不足 1 4m 儿童 年龄超过 60 周岁的长者 凡患有心脏病 高血压 精神病 酗酒者 恐高及腰椎病或颈椎病 孕妇等身 体不适者的游客禁止乘坐本游乐设施 3 Children less than 1 4m tall and the elderly over 60 years old as well as visitors who suffer from heart disease high blood pressure mental illness alcoholism fear of heights and lumbar or cervical disease being pregnant and other physical discomfort are prohibited from taking the recreation facility 4 正确滑行姿势 上下浮圈请注意安全 背对浮圈 站在浮圈外侧 坐在浮圈上 转身坐好 双手握紧扶手 双脚合拢放在浮圈中 间 上身挺直 滑行过程中不得松手 不得改变姿势 4 The correct gliding position please pay attention to safety on getting on and off the flowing ring At first turn your back to the floating ring and stand outside of it Then sit on it and turn round with hands holding on handrails tight putting feet together in the middle of the flowing ring and upper body being very straight Finally do not let go and change your position in the gliding process 5 在游玩滑道时请勿戴眼镜 手表 首饰 穿带金属钉的泳衣以及 自备的浮水用具下滑 5 Please do not wear glasses watches jewelry wearing the swimsuit with metal studs and glide using the flowing equipment supplied by yourself when playing slide 6 滑行结束 应待筏具在下客段停稳后 按工作人员的提示安全离 开筏具 6 When glide is over you should leave the raft safely according to the staff presentation after the raft stops steadily in the disembarkation section 注意事注意事项项 不遵守不遵守规规定造成自身或他人定造成自身或他人发发生事故的情生事故的情 况况下由本人自行承担下由本人自行承担责责任 水上公任 水上公园园不予不予负责负责 Note If there are accidents of one s own or others caused by non compliance it is the one that takes the responsibility which has nothing with the on water park 魔幻漩涡游客须知魔幻漩涡游客须知 Notice to Magic Swirl Tourists 1 乘客人数 4 人 少于或多于四人不准乘坐此设备 1 The number of passengers 4 people less or more than four people are not allowed to take this device 2 体重要求 四人合计 300Kg 其中单人体重 75Kg 2 The requirements of weight the total weight of four people 280Kg in which the weight of a single person 75Kg 3 身高不足 1 4m 儿童 年龄超过 60 周岁的长者 凡患有心脏病 高血压 精神病 酗酒者 恐高及腰椎病或颈椎病 孕妇等身 体 不适者的游客禁止乘坐本游乐设施 3 Children less than 1 4m tall and the elderly over 60 years old as well as visitors who suffer from heart disease high blood pressure mental illness alcoholism fear of heights and lumbar or cervical disease being pregnant and other physical discomfort are prohibited from taking the recreation facility 4 正确滑行姿势 上下浮圈请注意安全 背对浮圈 站在浮圈外 侧 坐在浮圈上 转身坐好 双手握紧扶手 双脚合拢放在浮圈中 间 上身挺直 滑行过程中不得松手 不得改变姿势 4 The correct gliding position please pay attention to safety on getting on and off the flowing ring At first turn your back to the floating ring and stand outside of it Then sit on it and turn round with hands holding on handrails tight feet put together in the middle of the flowing ring and the upper body being very straight Finally do not let go and change your position in the gliding process 5 在游玩滑道时请勿戴眼镜 手表 首饰 穿带金属钉的泳衣以 及 自备的浮水用具下滑 5 Please do not wear glasses watches jewelry wearing the swimsuit with metal studs and glide using the flowing equipment supplied by yourself when playing slide 6 滑行结束 应待筏具在下客段停稳后 按工作人员的提示安全 离 开筏具 6 When glide is over you should leave the raft safely according to the staff presentation after the raft stops steadily in the disembarkation section 注意事注意事项项 不遵守不遵守规规定造成自身或他人定造成自身或他人发发生事故的情生事故的情 况况下由本人自行承担下由本人自行承担责责任 水上公任 水上公园园不予不予负责负责 Note If there are accidents of one s own or others caused by non compliance it is the one that takes the responsibility which has nothing with the on water park 疯狂树屋游客须知疯狂树屋游客须知 Notice to Crazy Tree House Visitors 1 身高120cm以下 不满5周岁的儿童请在监护人的陪同下游玩 1 Please let children who are below 120cm tall and less than 5 years old play with being accompanied by a guardian 2 4岁以下幼儿 婴儿请使用防水尿不湿 儿童请穿泳装 进入 2 Please let infants babies less than 4 years old use waterproof diapers and let children wearing the swimsuit enter 3 使用滑道时一次只能搭乘一人 从出发开始腿朝下使用 3 Only one person can ride at a time when using the slide and use it with legs downward starting from the beginning 4 60岁以上老人 孕妇 心脏病 酒后 高血压 恐高症 有 颈椎病 腰椎病者禁止乘坐 4 The old over 60 year s old and pregnant women as well as other visitors who suffer from heart disease alcoholism high blood pressure acrophobia cervical spondylosis and lumbar disease are prohibited from riding 5 游玩时请勿奔跑 戏水 打闹 攀爬或越过构造物以免滑倒 擦伤 碰伤 5 Please do not run go paddling slapstick climb or cross structures to prevent from slipping scraping and bruising when playing 6 禁止将浮圈 食物 饮料 拖鞋 毛巾 玻璃器带入水 域 6 Be prohibited from bringing the floating ring food beverages slippers towels and glassware into the waters 7 禁止在池内大 小便 7 Forbid the defecation and urine in the pool 注意事项注意事项 不遵守规定造成自身或他人发生事故的情况下不遵守规定造成自身或他人发生事故的情况下 由本人自行承担责任 水上公园不予负责 由本人自行承担责任 水上公园不予负责 Note If there are accidents of one s own or others caused by non compliance it is the one that takes the responsibility which has nothing with the on water park 翻江倒海游客须知翻江倒海游客须知 Notice to Visitors of Brewing Storms on Rivers and Seas 1 单人乘坐项目 请听从工作人员指导 依次下滑 1 Please follow the guidance of the staff and slide downwards one by one when completing the single ride project 2 体重要求 45 Kg 体重 83Kg 2 The requirements of weight 45 Kg the weight 83Kg 3 身高不足 1 6 米的儿童 年龄超过 60 周岁以上长者 凡患有 心脏病 高血压 精神病 酗酒者 恐高及腰椎病或颈椎病 等身体不适者的游客禁止乘坐本游乐设施 3 Children less than 1 6m tall and the elderly over 60 years old as well as visitors who suffer from heart disease high blood pressure mental illness alcoholism fear of heights and lumbar or cervical disease and other physical discomfort are prohibited from taking the recreation facility 4 正确滑行姿势 游客在滑行时 游客身体应向上仰躺 双手 交 叉抱肩压于胸前 头往下低 小腿交叉 两腿紧贴伸直 滑 行 过程中不得改变滑行姿势 4 The correct gliding position When gliding the body of the visitor should be lie upwards on his back with arms crossed on the chest the head lowered calves overlapped and thighs straight and close He should not change the gliding position in the gliding process 5 在游玩滑道时请勿配戴眼镜 手表 首饰 穿带金属钉的泳 衣 以及自备的浮水用具下滑 5 Please do not wear glasses watches jewelry wearing the swimsuit with metal studs and glide using the flowing equipment supplied by yourself when playing slide 6 禁止在使用医用药物后游玩本游乐项目 6 Be prohibited from playing the recreation project after the use of medical drugs 注意事项注意事项 不遵守规定造成自身或他人发生事故的情况下不遵守规定造成自身或他人发生事故的情况下 由本人自行承担责任 水上公园不予负责 由本人自行承担责任 水上公园不予负责 Note If there are accidents of one s own or others caused by non compliance it is the one that takes the responsibility which has nothing with the on water park 深海龙卷风游客须知深海龙卷风游客须知 Notice to Deep Sea Tornado Tourists 1 乘客人数 4 人 少于或多于四人不准乘坐此设备 1 The number of passengers 4 people less or more than four people are not allowed to take this device 2 体重要求 四人合计 280Kg 其中单人体重 75Kg 2 The requirements of weight the total weight of four people 280Kg in which the weight of a single person 75Kg 3 身高不足 1 4m 儿童 年龄超过 60 周岁的长者 凡患有心脏病 高血压 精神病 酗酒者 恐高及腰椎病或颈椎病 孕妇等身 体不适者的游客禁止乘坐本游乐设施 3 Children less than 1 4m tall and the elderly over 60 years old as well as visitors who suffer from heart disease high blood pressure mental illness alcoholism fear of heights and lumbar or cervical disease being pregnant and other physical discomfort are prohibited from taking the recreation facility 4 正确滑行姿势 上下浮圈请注意安全 背对浮圈 站在浮圈外 侧 坐在浮圈上 转身坐好 双手握紧扶手 双脚合拢放在浮圈中 间 上身挺直 滑行过程中不得松手 不得改变姿势 4 The correct gliding position please pay attention to safety on getting on and off the flowing ring At first turn your back to the floating ring and stand outside of it Then sit on it and turn round with hands holding on handrails tight feet put together in the middle of the flowing ring and the upper body being very straight Finally do not let go and change your position in the gliding process 5 在游玩滑道时请勿戴眼镜 手表 首饰 穿带金属钉的泳衣以 及自备的浮水用具下滑 5 Please do not wear glasses watches jewelry wearing the swimsuit with metal studs and glide using the flowing equipment supplied by yourself when playing slide 6 滑行结束 应待筏具在下客段停稳后 按工作人员的提示安 全离开筏具 6 When glide is over you should leave the raft safely according to the staff presentation after the raft stops steadily in the disembarkation section 注意事注意事项项 不遵守不遵守规规定造成自身或他人定造成自身或他人发发生事故的情生事故的情 况况下由本人自行承担下由本人自行承担责责任 水上公任 水上公园园不予不予负责负责 Note If there are accidents of one s own or others caused by non compliance it is the one that takes the responsibility which has nothing with the on water park 时光隧道游客须知时光隧道游客须知 Notice to Time Tunnel Tourists 1 单人乘坐项目 请听从工作人员指导 依次下滑 1 Please follow the guidance of the staff and slide downwards one by one when completing the single ride project 2 体重要求 单人体重 100Kg 2 The requirements of weight the weight of a single person 100Kg 3 身高不足 1 4 米的儿童 年龄超过 60 周岁以上长者 凡患有 心脏病 高血压 精神病 酗酒者 恐高及腰椎病或颈椎病 等身体不适者的游客禁止乘坐本游乐设施 3 Children less than 1 4m tall and the elderly over 60 years old as well as visitors who suffer from heart disease high blood pressure mental illness alcoholism fear of heights and lumbar or cervical disease being pregnant and other physical discomfort are prohibited from taking the recreation facility 4 正确滑行姿势 游客在滑行时 游客身体应向上仰躺 双手 交 叉抱肩压于胸前 头往下低 小腿交叉 两腿紧贴伸直 滑行 过程中不得改变 滑行姿势 4 The correct gliding position When gliding the body of the visitor should be lie upwards on his back with arms crossed on the chest the head lowered calves overlapped and thighs straight and close He should not change the gliding position in the gliding process 5 在游玩滑道时请勿配戴眼镜 手表 首饰 穿带金属钉的泳 衣 以及自备的浮水用具下滑 5 Please do not wear glasses watches jewelry wearing the swimsuit with metal studs and glide using the flowing equipment supplied by yourself when playing slide 6 禁止在使用医用药物后游玩本游乐项目 6 Be prohibited from playing the recreation project after the use of medical drugs 注意事项注意事项 不遵守规定造成自身或他人发生事故的情况下不遵守规定造成自身或他人发生事故的情况下 由本人自行承担责任 水上公园不予负责 由本人自行承担责任 水上公园不予负责 Note If there are accidents of one s own or others caused by non compliance it is the one that takes the responsibility which has nothing with the on water park 踏浪而行游客须知踏浪而行游客须知 Notice to Tourists of Walking on the Spray 1 单人游玩项目 请听从工作人员指导 正确游玩 1 Please follow the guidance of the staff and play correctly when completing the single player project 2 体重要求 45Kg 体重 85Kg 2 The requirements of weight 45 Kg the weight 85Kg 3 身高不足 1 4 米的儿童 年龄超过 50 周岁以上长者 凡患有 心脏病 高血压 精神病 酗酒者 恐高及腰椎病或颈椎病 等身体不适者的游客禁止乘坐本游乐设施 3 Children less than 1 4m tall and the elderly over 50 years old as well as visitors who suffer from heart disease high blood pressure mental illness alcoholism fear of heights and lumbar or cervical disease and other physical discomfort are prohibited from taking the recreation facility 4 游客在滑行前应取下所带的坚硬物件 如珠宝 钥匙 手表 眼 镜等 4 Tourists should remove hard objects that they bring before gliding such as jewelry keys watches glasses etc 5 正确滑行姿势 双手抓紧滑板中间位置 膝盖跪于滑板底部 双 手抓紧滑板 利用重力改变滑行方向 5 The correct gliding position Grasp the middle position of skateboard with both hands and then kneel at the bottom of skateboards with knees and finally change the gliding direction by making use of the gravity 6 游客在进入滑板冲浪时必须穿泳衣泳裤 泳衣泳裤必须系紧 6 Tourists must wear the swimsuit when entering the skateboard surfing and the swimsuit must be fastened 7 冲浪时严格听从工作人员指令及指导 采取卧式 7 Please strictly obey the instructions and guidance of the staff when surfing and take the horizontal 注意事项注意事项 不遵守规定造成自身或他人发生事故的情况下不遵守规定造成自身或他人发生事故的情况下 由本人自行承担责任 水上公园不予负责 由本人自行承担责任 水上公园不予负责 Note If there are accidents of one s own or others caused by non compliance it is the one that takes the responsibility which has nothing with the on water park 万道彩虹游客须知万道彩虹游客须知 Notice to Ten Thousand Rainbow Visitors 1 单人游玩设施 请听从工作人员指导 依次下滑 1 Please follow the guidance of the staff and slide downwards one by one when playing the single player facility 2 体重要求 单人体重 100Kg 2 The requirements of weight the weight of a single person 100Kg 3 身高不足 1 4m 儿童 年龄超过 60 周岁的长者 凡患有心脏病 高血压 精神病 酗酒者 恐高及腰椎病或颈椎病 孕妇等身 体 不适者的游客禁止乘坐本游乐设施 3 Children less than 1 4m tall and the elderly over 60 years old as well as visitors who suffer from heart disease high blood pressure mental illness alcoholism fear of heights and lumbar or cervical disease being pregnant and other physical discomfort are prohibited from taking the recreation facility 4 正确滑行姿势 游客应趴在滑毯上 双手抓住滑毯把手 双脚 翘起交叉 以免滑行中划伤脚趾 滑行中切勿变换姿势 前 一个乘客未离开落水槽之前 下一个乘客不得开始下滑 4 The correct gliding position Visitors should sprawl on the slip blanket with hands holding on handrails as well as feet tilted and crossed so as to not scratch the toes when gliding Please do not change the position when gliding and the next passenger should not start gliding until the last one leaves the gutter 5 在游玩滑道时请勿戴眼镜 手表 首饰 穿带金属钉的泳衣以 及自备的浮水用具下滑 5 Please do not wear glasses watches jewelry wearing the swimsuit with metal studs and glide using the flowing equipment supplied by yourself when playing slide 6 滑行结束 应待滑毯在下客段停稳后 按工作人员的提示安 全离开落水槽 6 When glide is over you should leave the gutter safely according to the staff presentation after the slip blanket stops steadily in the disembarkation section 注意事项注意事项 不遵守规定造成自身或他人发生事故的情况下不遵守规定造成自身或他人发生事故的情况下 由本人自行承担责任 水上公园不予负责 由本人自行承担责任 水上公园不予负责 Note If there are accidents of one s own or others caused by non compliance it is the one that takes the responsibility which has nothing with the on water park 未来水城游客须知未来水城游客须知 Notice to Future Water City Visitors 1 身高120cm以下 不满5周岁的儿童请在监护人的陪同下游玩 1 Please let children who are below 120cm tall and less than 5 years old play with being accompanied by a guardian 2 4岁以下幼儿 婴儿请使用防水尿不湿 儿童请穿泳装 进入 2 Please let infants babies less than 4 years old use waterproof diapers and let children wearing the swimsuit enter 3 使用滑道时一次只能搭乘一人 从出发开始腿朝下使用 3 Only one person can ride at a time when using the slide and use it with legs downward starting from the beginning 4 游玩时请勿奔跑 戏水 打闹 攀爬或越过构造物以免滑倒 擦伤 碰伤 4 Please do not run go paddling slapstick climb or cross structures to prevent from slipping scraping and bruising when playing 5 禁止将浮圈 食物 饮料 拖鞋 毛巾 玻璃器带入水 域 5 Be prohibited from bringing the floating ring food beverages slippers towels and glassware into the waters 6 禁止在池内大 小便 6 Forbid the defecation and urine in the pool 注意事项注意事项 不遵守规定造成自身或他人发生事故的情况下不遵守规定造成自身或他人发生事故的情况下 由本人自行承担责任 水上公园不予负责 由本人自行承担责任 水上公园不予负责 Note If there are accidents of one s own or others caused by non compliance it is the one that takes the responsibility which has nothing with the on water park 眼镜蛇之吻游客须知眼镜蛇之吻游客须知 Notice to Cobra s Kiss Visitors 1 双人游玩设施 请听从工作人员指导 依次下滑 1 Please follow the guidance of the staff and slide downwards one by one when playing the double play facility 2 体重要求 双人体重 160Kg 单人体重 80Kg 2 The requirements of weight the double weight 160Kg and the weight of a single person 80Kg 3 身高不足 1 4m 儿童 年龄超过 60 周岁的长者 凡患有心脏病 高血压 精神病 酗酒者 恐高及腰椎病或颈椎病 孕妇等身 体 不适者的游客禁止乘坐本游乐设施 3 Children less than 1 4m tall and the elderly over 60 years old as well as visitors who suffer from heart disease high blood pressure mental illness alcoholism fear of heights and lumbar or cervical disease being pregnant and other physical discomfort are prohibited from taking the recreation facility 4 正确滑行姿势 上下浮圈请注意安全 朝着前进的方向坐下 后面的游客请把腿朝着前方座位的方向展开摆放 双脚自然向 前伸直 背往后靠 在滑行过程中不要改变姿势滑行中切勿改 变姿势 前一组乘客未离开落水池之前 下一组乘客不得开始 下滑 4 The correct gliding position At first please pay attention to safety on getting on and off the flowing ring Next sit down toward the forward direction and visitors behind the front one put their unfolded legs toward the front seat with feet naturally straight forward and back leaning back Then do not change the position in the gliding process Finally the next group of passengers should not start gliding until the last group of passengers leaves the gutter 5 在游玩滑道时请勿戴眼镜 手表 首饰 穿带金属钉的泳衣以 及自备的浮水用具下滑 5 Please do not wear glasses watches jewelry wearing the swimsuit with metal studs and glide using the flowing equipment supplied by yourself when playing slide 6 滑行结束 应待浮圈在下客段停稳后 按工作人员的提示安 全离开落水池 6 When glide is over you should leave the falling pond safely according to the staff presentation after the flowing ring stops steadily in the disembarkation section 注意事注意事项项 不遵守不遵守规规定造成自身或他人定造成自身或他人发发生事故的情生事故的情况况下下 由本人自行承担由本人自行承担责责任 水上公任 水上公园园不予不予负责负责 Note If there are accidents of one s own or others caused by non compliance it is the one that takes the responsibility which has nothing with the on water park 海啸来临游客须知海啸来临游客须知 Notice to Tsunami Coming Tourists 1 造浪时 身高 1 米以下的


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