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研英语范文阅读模拟试题及答案解析(一) With the start of BBC World Service Television, millions of viewers in Asia and America can now watch the Corporations news coverage, as well as listen to it.And of course in Britain listeners and viewers can tune in to two BBC television channels, five BBC national radio services and dozens of local radio station. They are brought sport, comedy, drama, music, news and current affairs, education, religion, parliamentary coverage, childrens programmes and films for an annual licence fee of 83 per household.It is a remarkable record, stretching back over 70 years - yet the BBCs future is now in doubt. The Corporation will survive as a publicly-funded broadcasting organisation, at least for the time being, but its role, its size and its programmes are now the subject of a nation-wide debate in Britain.The debate was launched by the Government, which invited anyone with an opinion of the BBC - including ordinary listeners and viewers - to say what was good or bad about the Corporation, and even whether they thought it was worth keeping. The reason for its inquiry is that the BBCs royal charter runs out in 1996 and it must decide whether to keep the organisation as it is, or to make changes.Defenders of the Corporation - of whom there are many - are fond of quoting the American slogan. If it aint broke, dont fix it. The BBC aint broke, they say, by which they mean it is not broken (as distinct from the word broke, meaning having no money), so why bother to change it?Yet the BBC will have to change, because the broadcasting world around it is changing. The commercial TV channels - ITV and Channel 4 - were required by the Thatcher Governments Broadcasting Act to become more commercial, competing with each other for advertisers, and cutting costs and jobs. But it is the arrival of new satellite channels - funded partly by advertising and partly by viewers subscriptions - which will bring about the biggest changes in the long term.55. The world famous BBC now faces _.(A) the problem of new coverage(B) an uncertain prospect(C) inquiries by the general public(D) shrinkage of audience56. In the passage, which of the following about the BBC is not mentioned as the key issue?(A) Extension of its TV service to Far East.(B) Programmes as the subject of a nation-wide debate.(C) Potentials for further international co-operations.(D) Its existence as a broadcasting organisation.57. The BBCs royal charter (line 4, paragraph 4) stands for _.(A) the financial support from the royal family(B) the privileges granted by the Queen(C) a contract with the Queen(D) a unique relationship with the royal family58. The foremost reason why the BBC has to readjust itself is no other than _.(A) the emergence of commercial TV channels(B) the enforcement of Broadcasting Act by the government(C) the urgent necessity to reduce costs and jobs(D) the challenge of new satellite channels答案及试题解析试题解析:55. (B) 意为:前景不定。第三段指出,英国广播公司(BBC)已有70多年的光辉历程,然而,目前其前景不明(in doubt)。虽然(至少就目前而言)作为一个公办广播机构,广播公司将继续存在下去,但是,其作用、规模、节目成为目前英国举国上下争论的话题。第四段指出,这场争论是由政府发起的。政府要求普通听众和观众评论广播公司的优缺点-甚至于值不值得把它办下去(was worth keeping)。最后一段指出,广播公司也的确面临着新的挑战,它只有改变自己才能适应新的形势。A意为:新闻报道(的范围)问题。C意为:公众的质询。公众并未主动对广播公司的发展前景及状况评头论足,而是政府要求他们这样做的。D意为:观(听)众的减少。56. (C) 意为:进一步进行国际合作的潜力。最后一段指出,由于广播领域(broadcasting world)正在发生变化,英国广播公司也应改变自己,以适应新形势。撤切尔政府制定的广播法要求电视频道进一步商业化、搞广告竞争并削减开支与劳务。新电视频道的开播将带来长远的巨变。可见,这里并未提到国际合作问题。A意为:将电视广播扩展到远东地区。第一段指出,随着英国广播公司国际电视节目的开播,数百万亚洲和美洲人不仅可以听到它的广播,还可以观看到它的电视新闻报道(news coverage)。文章最后一段还提到了卫星频道将会给广播公司带来最大的变化。B意为:电视节目成为举国上下谈论的话题。D意为:它作为广播机构的存在。另请参阅第55题题解。57. (C) 可直译为:与女王签的契约。众所周知,英国是君主立宪国家,国王代表国家。因此,与女王签约就等于说该公司是国家办的广播公司(a publicly-funded broadcasting station),而不是私营的。charter意为:契约,特许证。原句可译为:质询的原因是:广播公司的皇家契约1996年将要到期,因此必须决定广播公司是保持原样还是要改革。A意为:皇族的财政支持。皇族指国王的家庭,与国家是两码事。B意为:女王准予的一系列特权。D意为:与皇族的特殊关系。58. (D) 意为:新电视频道的挑战。该题提问部分意为:英国广播公司不得不自行调整的最主要原因恰恰是。文章最后一句指出:从长远的观点来看,新电视频道的开播将无疑会带来最大的变化(注意:本句是强调句)。另请参阅第56题题解。A意为:商业性电视频道的出现。B意为:政府广播法的实施。C意为:降低成本和劳务的紧迫性。(A)、(B)、(C)虽然都提到了,但都不是作为主要原因而提的。翻译句子1、The debate was launched by the Government, which invited anyone with an opinion of the BBC-including ordinary listeners and viewers-to say what was good or bad about the Corporation, and even whether they thought it was worth keeping.参考译文 这场争论是由政府发起的,政府请任何一个对英国广播公司有意见的人-包括普通的听众和观众-来说说这个好在哪里或坏在哪里,甚至要说说他们是否认为这个公司值得被保留下来。结构剖析 这个句子的主干结构是 The debate was launched by the Government,使用了被动语态。后面 which 引导定语从句 which invited anyone with an opinion of the BBC修饰 government,定语从句中不定式 to say 后面是两个并列的宾语从句,一个由 what 引导,一个由 whether 引导,两部分用 and 连接,副词 even 表示进一步强调。另外两个破折号之间的部分属于插入成分,是用来进一步定义 anyone 的。anyone 后面的 with 介词词组也是用来修饰 anyone 的。阅读重点 重点是要弄清楚后面定语从句,两个宾语从句,还有插入成分之间的层次关系。另外要注意 be worth doing 的用法,这一结构本身就可以表达被动含义,因而 the Corporation was worth keeping 就是英国广播公司值得被保留的意思。2、But it is the arrival of new satellite channels-funded partly by advertising and partly by viewers subscriptions-which will bring about the biggest changes in the long term.参考译文 但是新的卫星频道的到来它的资金一部分来自于广告,一部分来自于观众的收视费将从长远意义上导致最巨大的变化。结构剖析 首先这个句子使用了强调结构 it iswhich,which 指代前面的 channels。破折号中间部分的插入成分相当于定语,(which are) funded partly by advertising and partly by viewers subscriptions 修饰 channels,其中 and 连接两个 partly by。阅读重点 注意 bring about 在句中的含义是引起、导致、产生。难句解析1、They are brought sport, comedy, drama, music, news and current affairs, education, religion, parliamentary coverage, childrens programmes and films for an annual licence fee of 83 per household. 参考译文 每户每年支付83英镑的的收视费用就可以收看体育运动、喜剧、戏剧、音乐、新闻与时事、教育、宗教、关于议会的报道、儿童节目和电影。结构剖析 句子的主干结构是 They are broughtfor an annual license fee,其中谓语部分使用了被动语态。实际结构是 bring 后接双宾语 bring sb. sth.,在这句话中,直接宾语很长,是一系列名词的罗列,前面的名词用逗号连接,最后两个并列成分用 and 连接。阅读重点 重点要注意 they 指代前面提到的 listeners and viewers,这里使用了 bring sb. sth. 这一结构的被动式 sb. was brought sth.。介词 for 在这里相当于 at the price of。另外 news and current affairs 中的 and 是连接 news 和 current affairs 的,而这个词组作为一个整体与其它的名词 music、education 等并列。2、The Corporation will survive as a publicly-funded broadcasting organization, at least for the time being, but its role, its size and its programmes are now the subject of a nation-wide debate in Britain. 参考译文 英国广播公司将作为一个公共基金支持的广播组织存在下来,至少目前会这样,但是它的角色、它的规模和它的节目现在在英国成了全国上下的讨论话题。结构剖析 句子的结构是 but 连接了两个转折关系的句子。其中 at least for the time being 前后用逗号与句子其它部分分开,是插入语。前一句子的主干结构是 The Corporation will survive as,后一句子的主干结构是 its role, its size and its programs are now the subject。阅读重点 The Corporation 指代前面提到的 BBC=British Broadcast Corporation。另外注意 as 的用法,这里它用作介词,是作为的意思。publicly-funded 由公众提供资金的;nation-wide 全国范围内的。3、The BBC aint broke, they say, by which they mean it is not broken (as distinct from the word broke, meaning having no money), so why bother to change it?参考译文 他们说英国广播公司没有破产(broke),他们的意思是说它没有垮掉 (broken 和单词 broke 是有区别的,broke 的意思是没有钱),那为什么要自找麻烦去改变它呢?结构剖析 这句话是 so 连接的两个因果关系的句子。they say 是插入语。which 引导定语从句修饰前面引号中的部分 aint broke。阅读重点 注意 which 指代的是前面引号中的部分;而且注意区别 broke 和 broken 在这里的不同意思。why do sth. 这里是个反问句,是不太正式的用法。注意在此处,作者修正了前面美国俚语 aint broke 中 broke 一词的用法错误,指出其应该被写为 broken。语言点详解1. coverage 新闻报道扩充词汇 coverage n.覆盖,总括;新闻报道经典例句 He wrote a very excellent coverag on the European situation.2. tune in to 收听大纲词汇 tune n.调子,曲调;和谐,协调;v.调音,调节,调整 tune in (to sth.) 调谐,收听经典例句 She usually tunes in to the news on CNN.3. dozens of 很多大纲词汇 dozen n.十二个经典例句 I have dozens of things to do.4. comedy 喜剧大纲词汇 comedy n.喜剧,喜剧性事件相关词汇 tragedy .悲剧,悲剧性事件5. affair 形势大纲词汇 affair n.事,事情,事件扩充词汇 affairs n.事务经典例句 China will never seek hegemony in the international affairs.6. parliamentary 议会的大纲词汇 parliament n. 国会,议会衍生词汇 parliamentary a. 国会的,议会的经典例句 The new parliamentary building is designed by a famous architect.7. annual 每年的大纲词汇 annual a. 每年的,年度的;n. 年刊,年鉴经典例句 The financial department submitted the annual report to the board.8. household 家庭大纲词汇 household n.户,家庭,全家人经典例句 How many people are there in your household?9. remarkable 值得注意的大纲词汇 remarkable a.值得注意的;显著的,异常的,非凡的经典例句 He has made remarkable progress in his study.10. stretch back 回溯到大纲词汇 stretch v. 拉长,伸,延; n. 一段时间,一段路程;拉长,延伸经典例句 Their conflict stretched back over 20 years.11. in doubt 悬而未决大纲词汇 doubt n./v.怀疑,疑虑 no doubt 无疑,必定扩充词汇 in doubt 有疑问,悬而未决经典例句 Whether they will adopt the design is still in doubt.12. broadcasting 广播大纲词汇 broadcast v./n. 广播(节目)衍生词汇 broadcasting n.广播,播音经典例句 She works for a famous broadcasting company.13. for the time being 目前扩充词汇 for the time being 目前经典例句 His nephew is living with me for the time being.14. subject of 的对象大纲词汇 subject n.主题,题目;学科,科目;主语 a. (to)易遭的,受支配的v. (to)使遭受,使服从经典例句 The minister of defense became the subject of criticism.15. nation-wide 全国的构词方法 -wide 与名次一起构成形容词,表示全范围的联想记忆 world-wide 全世界的16. debate 辩论大纲词汇 debate v./n.争论,辩论经典例句 A debate on farm price support took place in the Senate yesterday.17. launch 开展大纲词汇 launch v.发射;使(船)下水;发动;开展;n.发射;下水经典例句 The environmentalists launched a campaign against pollution.18. royal charter 皇家特许证大纲词汇 charter v.租车,租船;n.宪章扩充词汇charter n.特许19. run out 到期,用完大纲词汇 run out of 用完,用尽,耗尽经典例句 We are running out of paper./ The paper is running out.20. keep as it is 按原样保留经典例句 The expert suggest we keep the ancient house as it is.21. be fond of 喜爱大纲词汇 fond a.(of)喜爱的,爱好的经典例句 My niece is very fond of sweets.22. quote 引用大纲词汇 quote v. 引用,援引衍生词汇 quotation n.引文,引用经典例句 The judge quoted various cases in support of his opinion.23. broke 破产的大纲词汇 broken a.破碎(了)的扩充词汇 broke a. 不名一文的,破产的注意:不要混淆两词的含义和用法24. distinct from 与截然不同的大纲词汇 distinct a.清楚的,明显的;(from)截然不同的 distinction n.差别,区分经典例句 His hobbies are distinct from his work.25. subscription 付款收看大纲词汇 subscribe v.订阅,订购衍生词汇 subscription n.订阅,订购经典例句 I entered a subscription to Time for one year.26. in the long term 从长远来看扩充词汇 in the long term 从长远来看经典例句 The policy will benefit the growth of economy in the long term.27. prospect 前景大纲词汇 prospect n.景色;前景,前途;展望经典例句 We wish his a bright prospect in the future.28. shrinkage 减少大纲词汇 shrink v. 起皱,收缩;退缩;畏缩衍生词汇 shrinkage n.收缩,缩水;减少,低落构词方法 -age后缀,表示动作,过程联想记忆 marriage n.婚姻 breakage n.破损29. stand for 表示大纲词汇 stand for 代替,代表,意味着经典例句 BBC stand for British Broadcasting Company.30. privilege 特权大纲词汇 privilege n.特权,优惠,特许;v. 给予优惠,给予特权经典例句 Education is a privilege in countries where there are still not many schools.31. granted by 给予大纲词汇 grant v.同意,准予;给予,授予;n.授予物经典例句 He was finally granted an entry visa by the British Embassy.32. foremost 首要的扩充词汇 foremost a. 最前的,最先的;首要的,杰出的经典例句 He is considered the foremost artist in his country.33. readjust 重新调整大纲词汇 adjust v.调整,调节;校正衍生词汇 readjust v.重新调整,使重新适应构词方法 re-前缀,表示又,再,重新联想记忆 reappear v.再现 remarry v.再婚经典例句 The government readjust its policy on import and export.34. no other than 正是大纲词汇 other than 不同于扩充词汇 no other than 正是经典例句 Taking his money away is no other than killing him.35. emergence 出现大纲词汇 emerge v.浮现,出现衍生词汇 emergence n.出现,浮现;露头词汇比较 emergency n.紧急情况,突发事件,非常时刻注意;两词虽只有一个字母之差,但意思截然不同,注意区分经典例句 The past ten years witnessed the emergence of many new enterprises.36. enforcement 实施大纲词汇 enforce v.实行,执行;强制衍生词汇 enforcement n.实施,强制执行 enforceable a.可执行的经典例句 Many people are against the enforcement of the new Tax Law.考研英语范文阅读模拟试题及答案解析(二)In the last half of the nineteenth century capital and labor were enlarging and perfecting their rival organizations on modern lines. Many an old firm was replaced by a limited liability company with a bureaucracy of salaried managers. The change met the technical requirements of the new age by engaging a large professional element and prevented the decline in efficiency that so commonly spoiled the fortunes of family firms in the second and third generation after the energetic founders. It was moreover a step away from individual initiative, towards collectivism and municipal and state-owned business. The railway companies, though still private business managed for the benefit of shareholders, were very unlike old family business. At the same time the great municipalities went into business to supply lighting, trams and other services to the taxpayers.The growth of the limited liability company and municipal business had important consequences. Such large, impersonal manipulation of capital and industry greatly increased the numbers and importance of shareholders as a class, an element in national life representing irresponsible wealth detached from the land and the duties of the landowners; and almost equally detached from the responsible management of business. All through the nineteenth century, America, Africa, India, Australia and parts of Europe were being developed by British capital, and British shareholders were thus enriched by the worlds movement towards industrialization. Towns like Bournemouth and East Bourne sprang up to house large comfortable classes who had retired on their incomes, and who had no relation to the rest of the community except that of drawing dividends and occasionally attending a shareholders meeting to dictate their orders to the management. On the other hand Shareholding meant leisure and freedom which was used by many of the later Victorians for the highest purpose of a great civilization.The shareholders as such had no knowledge of the lives, thoughts or needs of the workmen employed by the company in which he held shares, and his influence on the relations of capital and labour was not good. The paid manager acting for the company was in more direct relation with the men and their demands, but even he had seldom that familiar personal knowledge of the workmen which the employer had often had under the more patriarchal system of the old family business now passing away. Indeed the mere size of operations and the numbers of workmen involved rendered such personal relations impossible. Fortunately, however, the increasing power and organisation of the trade unions, at least in all skilled trades, enabled the workmen to meet on equal terms the managers of the companies who employed them. The cruel discipline of the strike and lockout taught the two parties to respect each others strength and understand the value of fair negotiation.59. Its true of the old family firms that _.(A)they were spoiled by the younger generations(B)they failed for lack of individual initiative(C)they lacked efficiency compared with modern companies(D)they could supply adequate services to the taxpayers60. The growth of limited liability companies resulted in _.(A)the separation of capital from management(B)the ownership of capital by managers(C)the emergence of capital and labour as two classes(D)the participation of shareholders in municipal business61. According to the passage, all of the following are true except that _.(A)the shareholders were unaware of the needs of the workers(B)the old firm owners had a better understanding of their workers(C)the limited liability companies were too large to run smoothly(D)the trade unions seemed to play a positive role62. The author is most critical of _.(A)family firm owners(B)landowners(C)managers(D)shareholders答案及试题解析试题解析:59.(C)本题提问部分意为:事实上,老家族公司。选择项(C)意为:与现代公司相比,它们缺乏效率。第一段第二、三句指出,许多老公司被拥有各级拿薪水的经理的有限(责任)公司所取代。这一变化通过一大批专业人员的使用适应了新时代技术的要求、防止了效率的下降。而效率的下降使许多家族公司破产,因为第二、三代继承人已不像公司的创立者那样精力充沛。A意为:它们被后代毁了。(A)不对主要有两个原因,其一,原文指出:是效率的下降毁了家庭公司,而效率的下降可能是主观原因造成的,也可能是客观原因造成的;其二,根据原文,效率的下降通常(so commonly)在第二、三代毁了家庭公司,so commonly一词的使用说明还有没破产的家庭公司。B意为:它们因缺乏个人的独创精神而破产。从以上的分析可见,破产的原因是缺乏效率。D意为:它们能为纳税人提供足够的服务项目。60.(A)意为:资本与管理的分离,第二段指出,有限公司及市营买卖的发展引起了重大变化。对资本与企业的如此大规模的非个人操纵大大地增加了作为一个阶级的持股人的数量及其地位的重要性。国民生活中这一现象的出现代表了与土地及土地所有者相分离的不由个人负责的财富的出现,而且这也意味着(不由个人负责的财富)几乎在同等程度上与由个人负责的商业管理的分离。在整个19世纪,美洲、非洲、印度、澳大利亚及欧洲的部分国家的发展靠的是英国的资本,因此,在世界走向工业化的过程中英国的股东们大发其财。从以上的论述可以看出,作者认为:有限公司的发展引起了资本与经营的分离,投资者(股东)并不实际参加经营,而是坐吃红利(dividends)或有时参加些间接管理;而真正的管理者未必再是公司的拥有者。这一点从第三段的论述也同样可以看出。B意为:经理对资本的所有权。C意为:劳资两个阶级的出现。劳资两个阶级早在资本主义的形成时期就已经存在了。D意为:股东对市办买卖的参与。61.(C)意为:有限公司太大以至于运转艰难。本文并未提到这一点。A意为:股东不了解工人的需要。这一点在第三段第一句说得很清楚。该句可译为:这样的股东根本就不了解自己持股的公司里的工人们的生活、思想和需要,因此。他们对劳资双方的关系有不良影响。B意为:老公司的老板更了解自己的工人。第三段第二、三句指出,公司的拿薪水的执行经理与工人和他们的需要有更直接的关系。但是,与现在正在消失的世袭制的旧家族企业的老板相比,即使是他也很少有过去那种对工人的熟悉程度。的确,仅经营的规模和雇用工人的数量两方面就使得这种个人关系的建立成为不可能的事。C意为:工会似乎起一个正面作用。第三段第三、四句指出,然而,值得庆幸的是,至少在所有技术行业,工会与日俱增的力量使得工人们可以同他们的雇主平起平坐。罢工与封厂的严酷惩罚使双方学会了互相尊重,明白了公平协商的价值。可见,在这方面,工会起到了保护工人的积极作用。62.(D)提问中is critical of意为:对持批评态度。第二段第四句将股东阶层称为饱食终日(comfortable)者,他们与别人的关系仅限于抽取红利,他们偶尔也参加一次股东会,对企业的管理指手画脚(dictate their orders)。第三段指出,他们不了解工人,不关心工人。这里使用的显然是一种批评的语气。翻译句子1、The change met the technical requirements of the new age by engaging a large professional element and prevented the decline in efficiency that so commonly spoiled the fortunes of family fi


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