



榆林市第十三中学八年级上册 英语导学案 班级 小组 姓名 授课教师 序 号 47 Unit 10 Period 2 Section A 2d 3c 设计人 高腊娥 审核人 戴枚宏 日期 December 7th 学习目标 知识目标 1 熟练掌握以下词汇 take away clean up flower 2 熟练掌握以下句型 1 A What will you do if you go to the old people s home visit B If I go to that one I ll bring them some flowers 2 I think that s a great idea If we do that more people will want to play the games 技能目标 学习运用祈使句来制订规章制度 并能运用 if 引导的条件状语从句 现在进行时 表示将来 情态动词 should 等语言结构来发表自己的观点 谈论事情的结果 情感态度 让学生了解社交场所的礼仪和习惯 培养学生关爱老人和社会的良 好品德 课前准备 文化欣赏 聚会是现代社会交往中很常见的一种形式 为了能够在各类型的聚会中得心应 手 需要注意一些基本的礼仪 1 庆祝会 参加这种性质的聚会时需要把握住 喜庆 原则 不能过于拘谨 古板或严肃 但在一些正式的庆祝会上 参与者应注意其中的礼节 例如在 给老人祝寿时 做晚辈应注意言谈举止 在选择座次时应听从主人的安排 不要 先入为主 在选择买什么礼品时 也要考虑考虑庆祝的特点 2 其他聚会 如茶话会 纪念会等等 同样要求参与者举止得体 切忌喧宾 夺主 哗众取宠 忘乎所以 你的班级规章制度有哪些 请你和同伴交流写出来 Don t Please You can t You mustn t You should You d better not Let s Why not 如果你有一次社会实践的机会 你打算去哪里 如果去那里 你打算做哪 些具体的事情 I m going to If I go to that one I ll 学习过程 Warming up 1 Groupwork 小组内交流课前准备 的内容 请尝试用 Don t 或 If you you will 来说明如果违反将受到的惩罚 2 Groupwork Suppose our school is going to have a party If you want to join the party what will you do and what won t you do While reading 1 阅读 2d 找出含有 if 条件从句的复合句 2 模仿秀 跟读 模仿语音 语调 然后大声朗读 并背诵对话 3 两人一 组表演对话 观察与思考 2d 中是运用 句式来制定规则制度的 肯定形式和否定形式 是如何表达的呢 我们还可以运用什么句式来表达禁止或劝告呢 参考课前准 备 After reading 1 3a Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets 2 Read 3a aloud for 5 minutes to recite or retell 3 3b 结合课前准备 II 的内容 根据自己的实际情况和同伴一起交流 4 3c Writing and speaking in group A What will you do if you go to B If I go to I ll 知识巩固 根据汉语或首字母提示写出单词 1 I saw many kinds of f in the garden 2 I want you to r the rules for school parties 3 Don t bring your mobile phone If you do the teachers will take it a 4 Let s bring some 小吃 to the picnic 5 If Lucy 穿 jeans to the party we won t let her in So she should 穿 her beautiful pants 用 if 连接下列句子 注意动词的变化 1 I will go to the park It will not rain tomorrow 2 He won t help others He will never get others help 3 I will pass the exams I ll go to high school 4 She will become a doctor She ll make a lot of money 5 My father will save more money He will stop smoking III 词的适当形式填空 Many young people want be a professional athlete They think it s interesting and wonderful If they become a champion they can make a living by do something they really love and they be famous Lots of people will look up to them all the time and they can do lots of work help people But be a professional athlete be very dangerous and they can hurt very often People watch them all time This can make life difficult So you must think about it before you want to be a professional athlete 课堂反思 1


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