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第 1 页 共 19 页 人教版人教版 20202020 届九年级英语二模试卷 届九年级英语二模试卷 IIII 卷 卷 姓名姓名 班级班级 成绩成绩 一 一 单项填空 共单项填空 共 6 6 分 每小题分 每小题 0 50 5 分 分 共共 1212 题 共题 共 6 6 分分 1 0 5 分 His parents employed a tutor 家庭教师 to teach English A his B him C 2 0 5 分 Thanks joining the Talk Show You re welcome A by B on C of D for 3 0 5 分 It s windy A What s the weather like in Dexing B How is the weather like in Dexing C What s the weather in Dexing D How is it going 4 0 5 分 I still keep taking exercise every day I am busy with so many subjects 第 2 页 共 19 页 A until B unless C because D though 5 0 5 分 The shop has different kinds of computers for people to buy It a lot of things A orders B sells C provides 6 0 5 分 The second hand camera is much than that new one A cheap B cheaper C dear 贵的 D dearest 7 0 5 分 Tom can you help me do some housework Sorry mum I to school A go B goes C am going to go D going 8 0 5 分 One of the pears bad A is 第 3 页 共 19 页 B are C am D be 9 0 5 分 Jane for 15 years yet she still doesn t know what kind of man she A has been married has married with B has got married married to C has been married married D has married has married to 10 0 5 分 Both of them A look like B look the same C looks like 11 0 5 分 In the last few years thousands of films all over the world A are producing B are being produced C have been produced D have produced 12 0 5 分 Robots more heavy work for us in the future A will do B did C have done 二 二 完形填空 共完形填空 共 8 8 分 每小题分 每小题 1 1 分 分 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 8 8 分分 第 4 页 共 19 页 13 8 分 完形填空 Annie always loved the state of Hawaii She read many books about Hawaii l and studied Hawaii at school She asked her mom 1 they could ever go to Hawaii for their family holiday I don t know said Mom Hawaii is far away and the trip would 2 lots of money Annie wanted to start 3 her Christmas New Year and Children s Day money4 the trip That will take a long time she thought to5 One day Annie bought a travel magazine It had a form to fill out to 6 a prize Oh my God she said to her friend Mandy Look at7the prize is a trip to Hawaii Annie was so excited about the8 to win a trip to Hawaii The trip was for one week A few weeks went by and Annie s mom got a n 9 from the travel company Leisure Time They 10 Annie but she was still at school Annie s mom talked to them and couldn t 11 it Annie won the trip to Hawaii When Annie got 12 Annie s mom shared the 13 news with her Well you are finally going to make your 14 of going to Hawaii come true said Annie s mom I will start to pack laughed Annie How 15 Annie is If you want to achieve your dream try your best to make it no matter how tiny the chance is 1 A if B when C how D where 2 A spend B cost 第 5 页 共 19 页 C lose D pay 3 A looking B affording C saving D searching 4 A at B in C on D for 5 A herself B myself C yourself D himself 6 A win B know C remember D think 第 6 页 共 19 页 7 A how much B how many C what D which 8 A lesson B chance C film D skill 9 A call B letter C article D smell 10 A looked after B thought of C looked for D agreed with 11 A receive 第 7 页 共 19 页 B solve C produce D believe 12 A home B school C work D family 13 A harmful B good C boring D terrible 14 A dream B trouble C example D attention 15 A clever B nice C lucky 第 8 页 共 19 页 D kind 三 三 阅读下列短文 根据短文内容 从短文后各题所给的阅读下列短文 根据短文内容 从短文后各题所给的 A A B B C C D D 共共 4 4 题 共题 共 2626 分分 14 6 分 阅读理解 Welcome to the Painting Competition for Woodlands Students The International Anti Drug 禁毒 Day this year is coming soon In order to raise teenagers awareness 意识 to fight against drug taking the City Art Council is going to hold a painting competition for the students in our city Students who want to take part in the competition can hand in their own 2D paintings in either of the following two ways Each school will be offered a box for students to put in their paintings Boxes will be picked up by the City Art Council on Monday June 24th 2019 before the end of the school day Paintings can be also handed in on Tuesday June 25th from 8 00 a m to 10 00 a m at the Woodlands Art Hall 175 Riverside Street All paintings are required to be 60cm wide by 80cm long or smaller Large sizes will not be accepted Each student can only hand in one painting The final decision on the competition results will be made on June 26th the Anti Drug Day The name list of the winners will be made known on the website of the City Art Council on the same day All winning paintings will be shown to the public at the City Youth Park from June 27th till the end of July Prizes 1st Prize 10 students 200 Gift Card each 2nd Prize 20 students 100 Gift Card each 3rd Prize 30 students 50 Gift Card each For further information Visit www Woodlands Art Council org or call 2569 8632 1 The size of the paintings like will NOT be accepted 第 9 页 共 19 页 A 40 cm wide by 60 cm long B 50 cm wide by 70 cm long C 80 cm wide by 100 cm long D 60 cm wide by 80 cm long 2 The main purpose of this competition is A to teach the teenagers some painting skills B to tell the teenagers to walk from drugs C to offer some art knowledge to the teenagers D to introduce the history of the Anti Drug Day to the teenagers 3 Where can the public enjoy the winning painting A At the City Youth Park B At the City Art Council C At 175 Riverside Street D At the Woodlands Art Hall 15 6 分 阅读理解 There is a famous American writer called Jack London He was born on January 12 1876 in San Francisco California His family was very poor and Jack had to leave school to make money He worked very hard in many different jobs Later Jack returned to school but he didn t stay there In 1897 he went to Alaska 阿拉斯加 to look for gold He didn t find any gold Instead 代替 he found ideas for his books and stories He returned home and started to write His writings were so successful that he became rich and famous in his twenties But Jack London was not a happy man In poor health he took his own life in 1916 He was only 40 years old 第 10 页 共 19 页 1 Why did Jack London leave school when he was still a boy A Because he had a poor family B Because he didn t like to go to school C Because his father was a very bad man D Because he was too young to go to school 2 When did Jack London go to Alaska A In 1876 B In 1897 C In 1898 D In 1877 3 What did Jack London find in Alaska A Gold B Nothing C Ideas for his books and stories D Money 4 What was Jack London famous for A For his journey in Alaska B For his hard work C For his writings D For his wealth 财富 5 What does he took his own life mean A He lived a poor life 第 11 页 共 19 页 B He enjoyed his life C He was ill D He killed 杀 himself 16 6 分 Do you know why different animals or pests 昆虫 have their special colors Colors in them seem to be used mainly to protect themselves Some birds like eating locusts 蝗虫 but birds cannot easily catch them Why It is because locusts change their colors together with the change of the colors of crops 庄稼 When crops are green locusts look green But as the harvest time comes locusts change to the same brown color as crops have Some other pests with different colors from plants are easily found and eaten by others So they have to hide themselves for lives and appear only at night If you study the animal life you ll find the main use of coloring is to protect themselves Bears lions and other animals move quietly through forests They cannot be easily seen by hunters 猎人 This is because they have the colors much like the trees Have you ever noticed an even stranger act A kind of fish in the sea can send out a kind of very black liquid 液体 when it faces danger While the liquid spreads over 散开 its enemies 敌 人 cannot find it And it immediately swims away So it has lived up to now though it is not strong at all 1 From the passage we learn that locusts A are small animals B are easily found by birds C are dangerous to their enemies D change their colors to protect themselves 2 How can pests with different colors from plants keep out of danger 第 12 页 共 19 页 A They run away quickly B They have the colors much like their enemies C They hide themselves by day and appear at night D They have to move quietly 3 Bears and lions can keep safe because A they have the colors much like the trees B they move quietly C they like brown and gray colors D they live in forests 4 Why can the kind of fish live up to now A Because it is very and strong B Because the liquid it sends out can help it escape from its enemies C Because the liquid it sends out can kill its enemies D Because it swims faster than any other fish 5 Which is the best title for this passage A The Change of Colors for Animals and Pests B Colors of Different Animals and Pests C The Main Use of Colors for Animals and Pests D Some Animals and Pests 17 8 分 根据短文内容 选择最佳答案 Here are some tips on listening We hope it can help you in one way or other Relax yourself 第 13 页 共 19 页 Before you start to listen to something you need to relax Don t get nervous or excited This will help you with your listening Listen carefully to the first sentence The first sentence tells a lot about the whole passage For example if at the very beginning you hear Many shops in many parts of China have decided to talk away all kinds of Japanese goods off their shelves but some people say it s not a good idea Our reporter says you know you will hear a piece of news not a children s story or a science report Think when you re listening When you re listening try to do some thinking For example you can think of the following questions What happened When where and how What was the result and what does the speaker want to tell us This way you may understand the passage better Listen for important facts It s important for you to remember some important facts For example if the passage is a science report you should try to remember its findings and how the scientists got their results Don t think about one or two words for too long You may hear some words that you don t know but don t spend too much time on them Very often you ll find out what they mean later when you go on with the listening But you can remember some words or sentences that you think are important and you can use them when you re answering the questions 1 This whole passage is mainly about A tips on thinking B tips on finding the facts C tips on listening D tips on remembering words 2 It s better for you to keepwhen you begin to have a listening exam 第 14 页 共 19 页 A excited B relaxed C nervous D worried 3 When you re listening it s important for you to remember A every word B every sentence C some important facts D the whole passage 4 Who is the passage the most helpful to A Foreign language learners B Doctors C Scientists D Journalists 四 四 任务型阅读 共任务型阅读 共 1010 分 每小题分 每小题 2 2 分 分 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1010 分分 18 10 分 任务型阅读 What was living in the ISS like Living in space is common to astronauts But what if it is a task of nearly a year US astronaut Scott Kelly was in the International Space Station ISS for 340 days It is the longest time a US astronaut has spent in space at a time Kelly s stay is part of the Twins 双胞胎 Study When Scott Kelly spent nearly a year in the ISS his twin brother Mark Kelly lived on Earth They gave scientists more ways to study human space flight Usually living in the ISS for such a long time is boring Was it the same for Kelly Let s take 第 15 页 共 19 页 a look Good morning everyone It s time to enjoy a sunrise But for Kelly it was one of the 16 sunrises he saw each day in the ISS Isn t that cool Work comes first During his stay Kelly and his partners did about 400 science experiments One of them was about planting vegetables And they did it Growing vegetables will be helpful for longer space journeys Moving with microgravity 微重力 As we all know space is a place with microgravity which influences human bodies So Kelly did exercise more than 700 hours in the ISS That is about two hours of exercise a day Microgravity also makes some easy things difficult Kelly often slept in a sleeping bag or his arms would float 漂浮 in front of him all the time Boring Why not do something for fun Kelly loved taking photos from space and sharing them with the world online Even President Obama is his fan Under one of his photos Obama wrote Hey loving the photos Do you ever look out of the window and just


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