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第 1 页 共 18 页 人教版人教版 20202020 届九年级下学期英语最后一次模拟考试试卷 届九年级下学期英语最后一次模拟考试试卷 IIII 卷 卷 姓名姓名 班级班级 成绩成绩 一 一 单选题单选题 共共 1010 题 共题 共 2020 分分 1 2 分 He is now playing football It s new one A a B an an C a D the the 2 2 分 Eric is this your umbrella No it s not A my B mine C his 3 2 分 Have you watched the movie the Left Ear Yes I it last night with my sister A have watched B watched C will watch D was watching 4 2 分 He never learning English That was why he was successful at last A gave in B gave out 第 2 页 共 18 页 C gave up D gave away 5 2 分 There a basketball match between Class One and Class Three this afternoon A is going to be B will have C are going to be D is going to have 6 2 分 The flowers often A must be water B must be watered C must watered 7 2 分 How are you going to spend this weekend the weather is fine we ll climb Mount Tai A As well as B As good as C As soon as D As long as 8 2 分 Only a small number of students able to pass the exam Yes The number of them no more than 20 A is is B are is C is are 第 3 页 共 18 页 D are are 9 2 分 Is there a hotel near here Yes just go and left A straight go B down down C straight turn D straight turns 10 2 分 The football fans cheered they heard the exciting news A even though B in order that C as soon as D as long as 二 二 完形填空完形填空 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1010 分分 11 10 分 完型填空 Everyone in our school loves sports Every morning 1 we get up we do morning exercises After the second class we do exercises again We only have 2 class twice a week but we do physical training 锻炼 at five every afternoon The most popular sport is basketball The 3 enjoy playing it and many of the girls like it too 4 popular sport is football and in every class there are 5 football fans Volleyball is often played when the 6 is fine We have school teams in basketball football and volleyball Our teams often 7 friendship matches with teams from other schools When there is a match 8 of us go to watch it and cheer our side Besides 除 之外 ball games some of us like track and field events 田径项目 9 we often practice running jumping and throwing Every term we have tests in these events and once a year we hold a 10 第 4 页 共 18 页 1 A while B until C before D after 2 A English B Chinese C PE D music 3 A teacher B boys C students D people 4 A Some other B Other C Another D The other 5 A a lot of 第 5 页 共 18 页 B few C no D a few 6 A team B class C weather D meal 7 A see B have C look at D watch 8 A several B few C a few D many 9 A because B but C or 第 6 页 共 18 页 D and 10 A sports meet B place C game D matches 三 三 阅读理解阅读理解 共共 5 5 题 共题 共 4242 分分 12 10 分 根据短文内容 判断下列句子正误 One day a farmer took a bag of wheat 小麦 to town He didn t know what to do when the bag fell off his horse The bag was too heavy for him to lift He hoped that someone would come and help him Before long a man came over But the farmer s heart sank when he saw the man because he was the famous judge 法官 in town The farmer was afraid to ask him for help As soon as he came up to the farmer the judge got off his horse and said You need my help don t you Let me help you Then he took one end of the bag the farmer took the other They lifted the bag of wheat onto the horse Sir asked the farmer how can I pay you Well the judge replied if you see anyone in need of help do the same for him 1 The farmer did not know what to do because his horse fell down 2 The farmer dared not 不敢 ask the famous judge for help 3 When he saw what had happened the judge asked the farmer to get on the horse 4 If you see anyone in need of help do the same for him means If anyone needs help help him 5 The judge didn t help the farmer at last 第 7 页 共 18 页 13 8 分 阅读下列短文 从每题所给的四个选项 A B C 和 D 中选出最佳选项 When it comes to Chinese students considering studying in foreign countries many of them usually believe that life will be easy and enjoyable Unfortunately it s likely that students with those beliefs will be disappointed very soon after landing at the airport So what are the problems you may have and how can you deal with them Teaching and learning styles in America are very different from those in China requiring more critical thinking 批判性思维 and teamwork In a normal American classroom one project might be done by a study group in which every person has their own responsibility So don t worry about your language or any grammar mistakes Just watch what other students do and don t be afraid of asking any question The discussions or sometimes even arguments that your group members and you hold are likely to be the beginning of a friendship Besides schoolwork another important thing faced by overseas students is homesickness or loneliness You may miss your parents cooking your pets or even your old bed Being away from home can create bitter feelings especially when faced with the challenges of getting used a new environment What I strongly suggest is to try hard to deal with these feelings Be open to new friendships Sign up for school activities and give yourself permission to enjoy life at school even if you miss home a lot Be organized and keep a diary to check your progress Write down three new things that you re grateful for every evening as well as three things you re looking forward to every morning Studying abroad is never simple In fact there will be many difficulties every day But I m sure you will overcome your difficulties and make your time overseas a success 1 The article is written for A teachers B parents C students 第 8 页 共 18 页 D travelers 2 Students in America finish their schoolwork by A thinking critically alone B working in a group C watching what others do D arguing with other students 3 Which is NOT the suggestion to deal with homesickness according to the article A Keep a diary B Make new friends C Take part in school activities D Write a letter to parents daily 4 How is the article organized A 第 9 页 共 18 页 B C D 14 6 分 阅读理解 Helen is my sister She is a five year old girl with big eyes She is nice and all my family love her very much She likes eating eggs hamburgers and chicken but she doesn t like vegetables That s not good for her One day my mother only buys vegetables for us Everyone eats happily but Helen She doesn t like them at all She says I am not hungry I don t want to eat My mother says Ok Don t eat After a while Helen runs to the table and eats the vegetables She says They are nice today Great dear We say 第 10 页 共 18 页 1 The word them refers to 指的是 A hamburgers B vegetables C eggs D chicken 2 Helen at last that day A has some chicken B doesn t want vegetables C eats the vegetables D buys some chicken 3 Which of the following 以下的 is TRUE A Helen is six years old B Their mother buys some chicken and vegetables one day C Everyone eats vegetables happily D Helen is a nice girl with big eyes 15 10 分 Sam Higgins was a famous photographer He travelled all over the world taking photos for magazines and newspapers He had photographs of earthquakes forest fires floods even wars If something interesting happened Sam went to photograph it His photographs won many prizes and he earned a lot of money He was a married man and his wife often asked him to take her with him but he always refused I travel for work not for pleasure he told her You won t enjoy yourself and I won t have time to look after you Sometimes there s not even anywhere to stay and I have to sleep outside I often don t have a good meal or a bath for days You won t like it Sam I m not a child his wife argued I can look after myself Please take me with you 第 11 页 共 18 页 next time you go overseas Sam did not say anything but he thought about it and when he was asked to go to Africa he said You can come to Africa with me if you want to I ve got to take photographs of the wildlife there It should be interesting and not too uncomfortable We ll be staying with a ranger 森林管理员 His wife was very excited and at first she had a very enjoyable time Then one day Sam went off to find some lions to photograph His wife went with him but before long they became separated 分开 They came to a fork on the way and she walked down one way while he walked down the other Then Sam heard her screaming He ran back to the fork on the way and saw her running forward him A huge lion was chasing her Quickly Sam took out his camera and pointed it at his wife and the lion Then he shouted Slow down woman I can t get you both in the picture 1 Sam Higgins made his money by A travelling B appearing in many magazines C taking photos 2 He never took his wife with him because A he thought she didn t enjoy it B his wife refused to go with him C he thought his work was dangerous 3 When Sam ran back and saw his wife he A tried to save her B was too frighten to save her C wanted to take a wondul picture 4 What does fork mean in this passage 第 12 页 共 18 页 A a place where a road divides into two parts B a tool used for digging 挖 the ground C an instrument used for lifting food to the mouth 5 We can infer 推断 that A Sam was crazy about photography B Sam didn t love his wife at all C Sam s wife was very beautiful 16 8 分 阅读下列短文 从每题所给的四个选项 A B C 和 D 中 选出最佳选项 A What is a Chinatown Is it a town in China Of course not It is in a foreign 外国的 country It is a place where many overseas 海外的 Chinese live together There are lots of Chinatowns in America The biggest one is in New York There are about 150 000 people in it It is the home of Chinese New Yorkers And it is also a good place to go Shopping in Chinatown Shopping in Chinatown is fun You can find lots of things there Most of them are made in China Mott Street is the best place to shop because the things there are very cheap Eating in Chinatown Chinatown has more than 200 restaurants You can enjoy traditional 传统的 Chinese food there New Silver Palace Restaurant is one of the best restaurants Why don t you have breakfast with a cup of green tea in it You can eat some Shanghai food in Evergreen Restaurant Living in Chinatown Living in Chinatown is comfortable You can find hospitals schools banks libraries and supermarkets in it In some schools students must study Chinese Many overseas Chinese send their children to these schools They want their children to learn more about China and its culture 文化 第 13 页 共 18 页 1 The Chinatown in New York has A 200 000 people B no hospitals C schools but no hospitals D some shops restaurants and schools 2 Which sentence is NOT right A It is fun to shop in Chinatown B Many things in Chinatown are made in the USA C The things in Mott Street are cheap D The Chinese can have green tea in Chinatown 3 If you want to eat Shanghai food in Chinatown you may go to A Evergreen Restaurant B Shanghai Restaurant C Beijing Restaurant D New Silver Palace Restaurant 4 Why do many overseas Chinese send their children to the schools where they must study Chinese A Because their children don t like English B Because it is cheap to study in these schools C Because there is no English schools for Chinese students there D Because they want their children to learn more about China and its culture 四 四 阅读短文 回答问题阅读短文 回答问题 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 5 5 分分 第 14 页 共 18 页 17 5 分 Last Saturday our school organized a talent show to raise money for charity It was a great success Students took an active part in it and we raised 20 000 yuan in all After the show I interviewed three students First I talked with Liu Li In the talent show she danced the ballet 芭蕾舞 How long have you been dancing the ballet I asked For about six years she answered Why do you learn it I think it s beautiful and I want to be a professional dancer when I grow up Next I had a talk with Zhao Qiang He played a piece of Mozart s music He played wonderfully I asked When did you start playing the piano Um I m twelve now and I have been doing it since I was five he said Are you going to play the piano after you finish high school Sure My dream is to be a pianist Finally I asked Chen Yun an 11 year old girl She sang us some folk songs 民歌 Her voice is very sweet Why are you interested in folk mu


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