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初中英语数词复习40题1、The government of Chongqing is building _ cheap and good houses for the people. A. thousand B. thousands C. thousand of D. thousands of2、_ of the teachers in the school is about one hundred_of them are women teachersAThe number;One third BThe number;First thirdCA number;One three DA number;Three one3、Today is my fathers _ birthday. I will buy him a belt.A. fifty B. fifteen C. fiftieth D. fifteenth4、- Do you have enough students to carry the boxes? - No, I think we need _ students. A. another B. two others C. more two D. two more 5、Staying in a four-star hotel for a night costs renting a house in the suburb for a month.Atwice as much as Btwice moreCas much as twice Das much twice as6、-Although you failed three times, I hope you can have try.-Thank you. I will. A. the fourth B. a fourth C. a fifth D. a five 7、The desk is about A1.2 meter long Blong 1.2 meter C 1.2 meters long D1ong 1.2 meters8、It took me _ to finish the project. A.a half and two months B.two month and a half C.two and a half month D.two and a half months9、_ students didnt go to school and stayed at home yesterday _the heavy rainAHundreds of,because BHundred of,because ofCHundred,because of DHundreds of,because of10、There are nine books in the library. A. hundreds B. hundred C. hundred of D. hundreds of11、He is a _ boy, so he cant go to the park by himself.A. six-year-old B. six year old C. six-years-old D. six years old 12、The money raised for the poor is the last yearAtwice so much as Bas twice much asCtwice as many as Dtwice as much as13、. Excuse me, how can I get to the museum?- Sorry. Its my_ time to be here.A. one B. first C. once14、_ the students in this school is about three thousand,and _ of them are girlsAA number of;two third BThe number of;two thirdsCA number of;two thirds DThe number of;two third15、_ of the teachers in our school is 118, _ of them are women teachers.A. The number, a number B. The number, the number C. A number, a number 16、How often does your sister surf the internet?About .A. three time B. three times C. three time every day D. three times a day 17、The girl won_ dollars in a lottery.A. a million B.millions C.million of D.two millions 18、_people went to the concert that was held in Quancheng Square _ the night of April 25 AThousands of:in BThousand;onCMany thousand;in DThousands of;on19、China has the population in the worldAone large Bonce largest Cfirst largest Dfirst large20、There are two _students in our school. Yes, and about four_ the students are league members.A.thousand; hundred of B. thousand; hundreds ofC. thousands; hundreds of D. thousands; hundreds 21、There are _ floors in this building and Mr. Wangs office is on _floor.A. forty; twelfth B. fortieth; twelve C. forty; the twelfth22、Some gifts were _ on her _ birthday. A. for her, ninth B. to her, nineth C. for her, nine D. to her, ninth 23、-Hi,Harry! When did you get the gift?-Well,I got it _ my _ birthdayAin,nine Bon,ninth Cat,twelfth Dof,twelve24、The rich man gave away 5 _ his money to charity to help the poor children in Africa. A. millions B. million C. millions of D. million of 25、There is river in my hometown.A. two-metre-deep B .a two-metre-deepC. two metres deep D. a two metres deep26、We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen_we speak.A. as twice much as B. twice as much asC. as much as twice D. as much twice as27、- How many teachers are there in your school?- _ of the teachers in our school is over 300, _ of them are young. A. A number, many B. The number, most C. The number, much D. A number, lots28、 are standing out of the classroom.A.A number of students B. The number of studentsC. The number of student D. Number of students 29、Each of us has to write a _ report every two weeks.A. two-hundred-word B. two-hundreds-word C. two-hundreds-words D. two-hundred-words30、You always have _ questions.A. too much B. much too C. too many D. many too 31、Nowadays _ of business letters are written in English .A. two third B. two thirds C. two three D.second three 32、There are two _ books in our school library.A. hundreds B. thousands C. hundreds of D. hundred 33、I dont understand the story though there are_ new words in it. A. few B.little C. a few D. a little 34、I like reading. I have _ books.A. five hundreds B. five hundred ofC. five hundreds of D. five hundred 35、It looks _ people _ the work. A. hundreds of, finishing B. hundred of, to finish C. hundreds of, to finish D. hundred of, finishing 36、Today is my _birthday and my mother buys _alarm clock for meAfive;a Bfifth; an Cthe fifth;the Dthe fifth;an37、Dont worry. We have _ time to catch the train. A.plenty of B.a few C.little D.lot of 38、July 1st of this year is _ birthday of CPC (中国共产党).A. ninety B. the ninety C. the ninetieth39、 of the coats made of cotton. They feel comfortable. A. Two-thirds; is B. Two-thirds; are C. Two-third; is D. Two-third; are40、Dinosaurs lived _ years ago. A. million of B. five millions C. millions of D. five millions of参考答案1、D2、A3、C4、D 5、A 6、C 7、C8、D 9、D10、B11、A 12、D13、答案:B 【解析】考查数词的用法。由句意“这是我第一次来这里”可知正确答案。14、B15、A 16、D 17、A 18、D19、C20、A 21、C 22、D 23、B24、D 25、B 26、B27、B 28、A 29、A 30、C 31、B. 考查分数的表达方式。基数词+序数词(特殊除外,如a/one half 表示1/2; a quarter , three quarters分别表示1/4,3/4), 分子用基数词表示,分母用序数词表示;当分子大于一时,分母要用复数形式,故选B答案。 32、D当与具体数字连用时百,千等词用单数。 10. 33、A 34、D 35、C 36、B37、A 38、答案:C 【


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