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2020届九年级英语第二次质量测试试卷(II )卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) (共10题;共10分)1. (1分)Whats wrong with her? There may be something wrong with her _,she cant see things clearly.A . eyesB . earsC . mouthD . nose2. (1分)The reason for his success is he worked very hard. A . whyB . thatC . whetherD . how3. (1分)Must I walk there? No, you . There is a bus to get there.A . mustntB . cantC . needntD . dont4. (1分)Now farmers are becoming in our hometown. A . more and more richerB . richer and richerC . more rich and more richD . rich and rich5. (1分)Are there _ cakes on the table? Yes, there are _.A . some; someB . any; someC . some; any6. (1分)The rain was beating heavily _ the window at that time. A . onB . atC . againstD . with7. (1分)When you read English newspapers, try every word. A . to not translateB . not to translateC . dont translateD . not translating8. (1分)Some drivers drive fast. Yes, is dangerous to do that. A . a bit;thatB . a little;thatC . a bit;it9. (1分)David, could you tell me ? The Great Barrier Reef. Its a fantastic natural wonder.A . how you went to AustraliaB . what you like most about AustraliaC . when you arrived in AustraliaD . why so many Australians speak English10. (1分)May I play basketball now,Mom? Of course, . A . you mayB . go aheadC . hurry upD . you cant二、 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) (共1题;共10分)11. (10分)阅读下面短文,选择最佳的答案,并在答题卡上将其字母标号涂黑。 Summer holiday is coming. Lin Tao and his classmates Wang Hai, Zhang Mei are making their holiday 1. Lin Tao is a football fan. So he is going to 2his favourite football team play. He is going to wear the team shirt and cheer the 3. Its going to be great fun and he hopes that his team will 4the best score and win the match. Wang Hai is going to do something helpful with his family in July. Theres a lot of litter in the park, 5theyre going to collect it. They hope to do something to make their hometown 6. Besides, they want to be volunteers and 7farmers with some farm work. Zhang Mei is going to a summer camp abroad and will stay with 8Australian family. 9does she plan to do so? Because she wants to improve her spoken English 10. Lin Tao and his classmates are all looking forward to their summer holiday. (1)A . hotels B . plans C . tickets (2)A . watch B . smell C . feel (3)A . singers B . writers C . players (4)A . get B . lose C . give (5)A . but B . or C . so (6)A . happy B . clean C . wide (7)A . bring B . help C . leave (8)A . the B . a C . an (9)A . Why B . When C . Where (10)A . quickly B . quietly C . loudly 三、 阅读理解(共12小题;每小题2分,满分24分) (共4题;共24分)12. (6分)阅读理解 ProblemsCausesAdviceFeel stressedToo much homework. Dont have enough time for their hobbies. Make a plan for study land hobbies. Find time to relax. Get shortsighted(近视)Too much homework. Bad study habits. Do homework or read in a correct way. Fight with each otherDont know how to get on well with classmates. Make more friends and understand each other. Dont like to studyPlay computer games too much. Play computer games just for a short time. Get fatHave more pocket money to buy snacks. Dont like to do exercise. Use your pocket money to do something meaningful. Do exercise everyday. (1)What problems are caused by too much homework? A . Get fat.B . Fight with each other.C . Feel stressed and get short-sighted.D . Dont like to study.(2)If Simon is feeling stressed, he should . A . do much more homeworkB . make a plan for study and hobbiesC . buy some snacksD . ask for more pocket money(3) is a good way for students to stop fight. A . Doing less homeworkB . Playing computer gameC . Buying more booksD . Learning how to make friends13. (6分)阅读理解 Vera is thirteen years old. She was born on July 27th. Mrs. Smith is her mother. Today is Veras birthday. There is a party for her, Lots of her friends come to her birthday party. A birthday cake is on the table. There are some bananas, oranges, strawberries and apples on the table, too. But Vera doesnt like them. What does she want? Can you guess?Just then Vera sees a red card in her mothers hand. It says, Happy birthday to you, dear(亲爱的) Vera. There is a nice present for you. Open the box on your dresser, you can find it.Vera runs to her dresser and opens the box. Ah, a nice T shirt! How glad she is!(1)_ is Veras birthday. A . November 27thB . September 27thC . July 27thD . July 29th(2)Wheres Mrs. Smiths present? A . On the desk.B . In the box.C . In the dresser.D . In the drawer.(3)What does Vera want? A . Apples.B . Bananas.C . A T-shirt.D . A book.(4)How old is Vera? A . 13.B . 14.C . 15.D . 16.(5)There isnt/arent _ on the table. A . applesB . strawberriesC . orangesD . ice-cream14. (6分)阅读理解 Shenzhen, Jan 1st, 2018Shenzhen has become the worlds first city to make about 16,359, run on electricity(电;电能). 12,518 taxis in the city are electric ones. We will replace(替换)the rest of the taxis with electric ones by 2020. said Mr. Chen from the government.I have been a driver for twenty years, said Mr. Zhang, a driver who started to drive electric buses a month ago. We had a lot of training and passed strict exams before we were allowed to drive the electric buses.The city has built 8,000 charging poles(充电桩)and 501 bus charging stations. A bus can be fully charged in two hours and the charging poles can serve 300 buses a day at our station. Since the replacement, the bus station has become quiet. said Mr. Guan, the manager of Qinghu Bus Station.The use of electric buses and electric taxis plays an important role in making air fresher. In a year, the electric buses use 72.9 % less energy than the traditional ones. The electric taxis will save the energy of 119,000 tons of standard coal.Shenzhen was one of the first 13 cities to take part in the National New-Energy Vehicle Program. In 2017, the city spent 3.3 billion yuan on electric buses and the charging equipment(设备). The city also encourages people to bus new-energy cars or electric cars by spending less money(1)How many electric taxis were there in Shenzhen in January, 2018? A . 8,000.B . 12,518.C . 16,359.D . 11,900.(2)To drive an electric bus, a driver should _. A . have at least 20 years driving experienceB . charge the electric bus every dayC . take part in the National New-Energy Vehicle ProgramD . have a lot of training and pass strict exams(3)What is the influence of the replacement according to Mr. Guan? A . 200 buses can be charged a day.B . It causes air to be worse.C . The bus station has become quiet.D . People will pay more if they buy e-cars.(4)The city encourages people to _. A . buy new-energy cars or electric cars by spending less moneyB . spending more money in buying new carsC . use traditional cars as long as possibleD . avoid driving electric buses(5)The passage is most probably taken from _. A . a textbookB . a diaryC . a story bookD . a news report15. (6分)阅读理解 Being shy keeps many Chinese people from getting to know Westerners. You may feel nervous about making language mistakes in front of a native English speaker.But remember, Westerners living in Asia know how it feels when trying to communicate in a foreign language. They make many mistakes when speaking Chinese!So dont worry about speaking imperfect English. The most important thing is just to communicate. Start talking, and make some foreign friends!Many Westerners value their privacy(隐私). Dont be surprised if your new friend doesnt want to include you in everything he does. This may seem strange to Chinese who worry that their friends will feel lonely.Chinese people often expect their good friends to give advice to and take care of them in many ways. If you expect this kind of care from Westerners, you may be disappointed. Why? Because most Westerners value independence. They feel insulted(受侮辱的) if others think they cant take care of themselves. They will assume(假设) you feel in the same way.Of course, these tips are just rules of thumb(经验之谈)and may not apply to all Westerners. Each person you meet has his or her own ideas about friendship. When you get confused, dont be shy to ask questions. Your new Western friends may also have many questions about Chinese culture , and they may be hesitant(迟疑的) to ask. So encourage them to ask questions, too.Be honest and open to your friends. Respect each others differences. The friendship you develop can be lifelong treasure both for you and your new friend.(1)Why do many Chinese people feel worried to speak to foreigners according to this passage? A . Because they are clever enough.B . Because they are afraid of making a lot of language mistakes.C . Because they have nothing to say.D . Because they cant speak a foreign language.(2)What is the most important thing for speaking perfect English? A . Watching TV.B . Meeting foreigners.C . Communicating.D . Studying English.(3)What do you think the foreigners may NOT be insulted by? A . Being given advice.B . Taking care of themselves.C . Getting care from good friends.D . Getting help.(4)What may help you to make lifelong friends? A . Being honest.B . Being open to your friends.C . Respecting others.D . A, B and C四、 任务型阅读(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) (共1题;共5分)16. (5分)阅读短文,根据其内容,补全下面表格,每空一词。 Each year millions of new cars are produced in America. Americans will not live without cars! However, some have realized the serious problem of air pollution caused by cars. It is necessary to find ways to work out the problem of air pollution.One way to clean the air is to build a new kind of clean car. Thats what several of the large car factories are trying to do. But to build a clean car is easier said than done. Progress in this field has been slow.Another way is to take the place of the car engine by something else. Engineers are now working on it. Many makers believe that it will take years to develop a practical model that can make people pleased.To prevent the world from being polluted by cars, Americans have to make some changes in the way of their life. They have to cut down on the number of their cars and they are encouraged to travel and go to work by bike. But this change does not close down many workers may find themselves without jobs if a car factory closes down. And the problem of their pollution would become less important than that of losing jobs.Americans may live a happy but sad life for a long time because of the car problem.Title: How to _ the Problem of Air Pollution in AmericaProblem_DisadvantagesConclusionAir pollution caused by carsBuilding a new kind of clean car.Progress in this field is slow.Americans may live a happy but sad life.Taking the place of the car engine.Engineers will _ years developing a practical model.Cut down on the number of cars.Traveling and _to work Many American _ may lose jobs.五、 根据下列句子及所给汉语注释或对话情景提示,写出空缺处各单词的 (共10题;共10分)17. (1分)The l_girl picked some flowers for her mom. 18. (1分)Who is in front of the _ (大门)of our school now? 19. (1分)They are_(成员)of the football team. 20. (1分)Why not t_to your parents about it? 21. (1分)Traditional Chinese_(药)is getting more and more popular in the world. 22. (1分)She has d_ that she will be a doctor in the future. 23. (1分)He answered the teachers question _(正确地). 24. (1分)I need to buy a _(双;对) of shoes. 25. (1分)China is now working _(密切地) with many foreign countries to build the Belt and Road Initiative. 26. (1分)Do you know any fun facts about the Mars? Yes. The gravity on Mars is only about _of that on the Earth.六、 句子翻译(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分) (共5题;共15分)27. (3分)我们将会给你提供一份旅游手册,我确定你会喜欢你的北京之旅。(provide, enjoy your stay) 28. (3分)这座城市的每一个人都应该参与清洁这条河流。 _in this town should _a _this river.29. (3分)汉译英(1)起初;首先(2)指着(3)从里跳出来(4)走进30. (3分)我自己写歌,也弹吉他。 I write songs on my own and I _ _ _ as well.31. (3分)如果你喜欢购物,你将会喜爱香港。 If you like _, you _ _ Hong Kong.七、 任务型阅读(共3小题,满分6分) (共1题;共6分)32. (6分)Answer the questions. Car Free Day encourages drivers to give up their cars for a day to protect the environment. People from around the world get together in the streets to remind the world that we dont have to; accept the society full of cars. It started from France in 1998. Because of the air and noise pollution, some French young people wanted a day without cars. On September 22nd, people in 35 cities in France didnt use their cars. They went to work or school by bike, bus or on foot. After that, September 22nd became Car Free Day. The first Car Free Day in China was in Chengdu in 2001. The slogan(口号) for the day is If we, drive for one less day, we can have one more nice day.Organized activities are held in many cities on Car Free Day. In Brussels, Car Free Day shall be valid(有效的) for everybody except persons with a special permit(许可证),but they have to slow down to the speed of 30 kilometres per hour. The public transportations are encouraged. The streets are open only to walkers, bicycles and buses from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. In Beijing, it asks drivers to leave their cars at home for one day each month and walk or ride a bike to work. More and more people are taking part in the activity. In the first quarter of this year, Beijing only had 52 blue sky days, and you may see haze almost every d


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