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8张CAD图纸和文档资料终稿 助残 楼梯 轮椅 设计 CAD 图纸 文档 资料


毕 业 设 计(论 文)任 务 书1本毕业设计(论文)课题应达到的目的: 培养学生综合运用所学的基础理论、专业知识和专业基本技能结合实际独立完成课题的能力;提高其专业英语水平,计算机运用水平及书面及口头表达能力;训练其初步工程设计的能力,为顺利走向相关专业工作岗位打下基础。 2本毕业设计(论文)课题任务的内容和要求(包括原始数据、技术要求、工作要求等): 设计一种助老助残爬楼梯轮椅,要求:1、平地、楼梯两用;2、平地行驶效率高,操作方便简单;3、爬楼时重心波动缓和,稳定性好;4、不平坦地形下对系统的重心作适时调节,避免车体倾斜给使用者带来恐惧。主要包括:总体结构的设计;上楼机构的设计;下楼机构的设计;前后轮的设计;关键零部件的结构分析。 毕 业 设 计(论 文)任 务 书3对本毕业设计(论文)课题成果的要求包括图表、实物等硬件要求: 1.外文参考资料及译文(附原文);2.毕业设计开题报告一份;3.编写设计说明书一份;4.完整的设计图纸一套。 4主要参考文献: 1蔡自兴.机器人学.清华大学出版社,2000.2苏和平,王人成.一种双联星形轮机构电动爬楼梯轮椅的设计.中国临床康复.2005.7.3项海筹,乌兰木齐,张济川.手动爬楼梯轮椅.复医学杂志,1994.4鱼帅.全方位移动爬楼梯机器人小车研究.江西理工大学硕士学位论文.2008.12.5项海筹,乌兰木齐,张济川.手动爬楼梯轮椅.中国康复医学杂志,1994.6李笑,李瑰贤,赵永强,陈晶.国内外轨道式机械爬楼梯装置的研究现状.机械设计与制造,2005.7王丽娟.行星滚轮转换步行式驱动爬楼梯轮椅设计.苏州大学硕士学位论文.2010.8吴宗硕.机械结构设计.北京:机械工业出版社,1998.9孙恒,陈作模,葛文杰.机械原理(第七版).高等教育出版社,2005.10濮良贵,纪名刚.机械设计(第八版)高等教育出版社,2005.11陆丰勤.多功能爬楼梯装置的研究及控制系统的设计.南京理大学,2008.12苏和平,王人成.爬楼梯轮椅的研究进展J.中国康复医学杂1999.13何清华,平,志雄.能轮椅的研究现状和发展趋势J.器人技术与应用,2003.14郭洪红.工业机器人技术.西安电子科技大学出版社15成大先.机械设计手册联接与紧固 M) 北京:化学工业出版社,200416ROEMI FERNANDEZJOAO HESPANHA,Nonliner Control for the Dual Smart Drive Using Backstepping and a Time-Optimal Reference,2005.17Ashish Deshpande Jonathan Luntz,Behaviors for physical cooperation between robots for mobility improvement University of Michigan,2007.18 STAIR-CLIMBING WHEELCHAIR.Jayne(American).Oct.21,1986.Patent No.:US 4,816,155 毕 业 设 计(论 文)任 务 书5本毕业设计(论文)课题工作进度计划:2015.12.16- 毕业实习调研,完成开题报告、中英文翻译、论文大纲2016.3.19-2016.4.25 提交论文草稿,4月中旬中期检查2016.4.26-2016.5.6 提交论文定稿2016.5.6-2016.5.13 准备答辩2016.5.13-2016.5.26 答辩,成绩评定,修改完成最终稿 所在专业审查意见:通过负责人: 2016 年 1 月13 日 毕 业 设 计(论文) 开 题 报 告 1结合毕业设计(论文)课题情况,根据所查阅的文献资料,每人撰写不少于1000字左右的文献综述: 轮椅是康复的重要工具,它不仅是肢体伤残者的代步工具,更重要的是使他们借助于轮椅进行身体锻炼和参与社会活动。目前,我国已经进入老龄化社会,随着老人的数量不断增加,由于行动不便对轮椅的需求数量增加,普通的轮椅很难适应我国老人上下楼的需要,因为我国大部分楼房建筑是以六层以下建筑为主,该类建筑中没有安装电梯,对于使用轮椅的人来说,上下楼及其不方便,或重心易下滑,单人难上楼,需另建专用车道。因此迫切需要开发能够简便、轻巧的上下楼轮椅。在我国,每年约有数十万老人、残疾人等需坐轮椅车行走。过去旧式轮椅车存在不能自行上、下楼等问题,使病人的活动空间大为缩小。并使监护人看护病人也很困难。为了给千百万残疾人一个自由、舒适的空间,再加上该产品有着很大实用性,存在着非常广阔的市场。于是人们不断进行着艰苦的研究,一代又一代可上楼的轮椅应运而生。可自上下楼的轮椅能更好的满足残疾病人的生活需求,使其可以自己穿梭于没有助残设施的高楼大厦内。在我国残疾人的数量是可观的,越来越多的人关注起他们的日常生活和精神生活。他们渴望能像正常人一样的生活,渴望能够独立完成一些事情,而不用求助于正常人。这样残疾人才会更有信心的面对生活,不被歧视,不成为别人的负担。为了满足残疾人的需求,也是为了更好的建设和谐社会,上楼轮椅成为一个不可或缺的工具。 爬楼梯装置的研究已经有了较长的历史,早在19世纪90年代就已经有了此类专利的出现。特别是美、英、日德等发达国家早就开始向此领域冲击,经过不断努力开发,也出现了一些成果。由于起步较早,它们在这方面的技术也相对成熟,已经推出多种此类产品。但现存产品都还存在各种瑕疵,还没有一种能做到尽善尽美。我国对此类装置的研究起步较晚,在近几年也有一些成果产生,但距离形成成熟产品还有很长的路要走。轮椅由手动轮椅、电动轮椅趋向智能轮椅的方向发展,但由于他们一般采用传统的轮式结构,一般仅适合在平地上使用,很少具备爬楼和翻越障碍的能力。楼梯和路障使轮椅的使用受到了很大的限制,很多场合尤其是室外,比如银行、购物中心门前等或多或少有几级台阶,室内也有很多地方没有电梯,这也给轮椅用户造成很多不便。当然,国家也花费了大量的人力和财力在某些场所修建了相应的轮椅坡道和其他公用设施以方便残疾人活动。但由于各种因素的影响,这些措施的作用也非常有限。为了给老年人和残疾人提供高性能的代步工具,解决楼梯或路障对他们使用轮椅造成的不便,帮助他们提高行动自由度,重新更好的融入社会,并考虑到我国的基本国情,研究一种价格适宜、小巧轻便的轮式爬楼梯轮椅装置具有重大的意义和实用价值。 参考文献1蔡自兴.机器人学.北京:清华大学出版社.20002陈立德机械设计基础M北京:高等教育出版社.20083王丽娟.行星滚轮转换步行式驱动爬楼梯轮椅设计D.苏州:苏州大学.20104鱼帅.全方位移动爬楼梯机器人小车研究.江西理工大学硕士学位论文.2008.125李笑,李瑰贤,赵永强,陈晶.国内外轨道式机械爬楼梯装置的研究现状.机械设计与制造.20056王丽娟.行星滚轮转换步行式驱动爬楼梯轮椅设计.苏州大学硕士学位论文.20107吴宗泽.机械结构设计.北京:机械工业出版社.1998-048孙恒,陈作模,葛文杰.机械原理(第七版).北京:高等教育出版社.2006-05-019濮良贵,纪名刚.机械设计(第八版).北京:高等教育出版社.2010-05-0110陆丰勤.多功能爬楼梯装置的研究及控制系统的设计.南京理工大学.200811苏和平,王人成.爬楼梯轮椅的研究进展J.北京:中国康复医学杂志.199912何清华,平,志雄.轮椅的研究现状和发展趋势J.北京:机器人技术与应用.200313郭洪红.工业机器人技术(第二版).西安电子科技大学出版社.2012-03-0114成大先.机械设计手册联接与紧固 M) 北京:化学工业出版社.200515邓星钟.机电传动控制M.武汉:华中科技大学出版社.2001-0316孟祥雨.一种星轮式爬楼梯电动轮椅设计与研究D.长春:长春工业大学.2012毕 业 设 计(论文) 开 题 报 告 2本课题要研究或解决的问题和拟采用的研究手段(途径): 课题研究内容设计一种助老助残爬楼梯轮椅,要求:1、平地、楼梯两用;2、平地行驶效率高,操作方便简单;3、爬楼时重心波动缓和,稳定性好;4、不平坦地形下对系统的重心作适时调节,避免车体倾斜给使用者带来恐惧。主要包括:总体结构的设计;上楼机构的设计;下楼机构的设计;前后轮的设计;关键零部件的结构分析。课题研究手段本课题主要是设计一款合理、可靠的爬升机构对于爬楼梯轮椅的功能实现以及安全性提高方面至关重要。在爬升机构设计过程中,爬楼梯轮椅需要的爬升扭矩较大,这是爬楼装置普遍面临的问题,这就需要选择一套功率较大的动力系统并设计一套效率较高的传动系统。爬楼梯轮椅在爬楼梯过程中的实用安全性也是其中的一个重要指标,影响爬楼梯轮椅安全性的一个重要因素就是其本身的重量。这就要求在结构设计过程中在构件满足强度刚度要求的前提下尽量减轻重量,使最终设计完成的产品既能满足使用要求,又要结构紧凑小巧。Mechanisms And Machine TheoryIntroduction to Mechanism:The function of a mechanism is to transmit or transform motion from one rigid body to another as part of the action of a machine. There are three types of common mechanical devices that can be used as basic elements of a mechanism.1、Gear system, in which toothed members in contact transmit motion between rotating shafts. 2、Cam system, where a uniform motion of an input member is converted into a nonuniform motion of the output member. 3、Plane and spatial linkages are also useful in creating mechanical motions for a point or rigid body. A kinematic chain is a system of links, that is, rigid bodies , which are either jointed together or are in contact with one another in a manner that permits them to move relative to one another. If one of the links is fixed and the movement of any other link to a new position will cause each of the other links to move to definite predictable position, the system is a constrained kinematic chain. If one of the links is held fixed and the movement of any other link to a new position will not cause each of the other links to move to a definite predictable position then the system is an unconstrained kinematic chain,A mechanism or linkage is a constrained kinematic chain, and is a mechanical device that has the purpose of transferring motion and/or force from a source to an output. A linkage consists of links (or bars), generally considered rigid, which are connected by joints, such as pin Cor revolute) or prismatic joints, to form open or closed chains (or loops). Such kinematic chains, with at least one link fixed, become mechanisms if at least two other links remain mobility, or structures if no mobility remains. In other words, a mechanism permits relative motion between its rigid links; a structure does not. Since linkages make simple mechanisms and can be designed to perform complex tasks, such as nonlinear motion and force transmission they will receive much attention in mechanism study.Mechanisms are used in a great variety of machines and devices. The simplest closed-loop linkage is the four-bar linkage, which has three moving links (plus one fixed link) and four pin joints. The link that is connected to the power source or prime mover and has one moving pivot and one ground pivot is called the input link. The output link connects another moving pivot to another ground pivot. The coupler or floating link connected the two moving pivots, thereby coupling the input to the output link.The four-bar linkage has some special configurations created by making one or more links infinite in length. The slider-crank (or crank and slider) mechanism is a four-bar chain with a slider replacing an infinitely long output link. The internal combustion engine is built based on this mechanism. Other forms of four-link mechanisms exist in which a slider is guided on a moving link rather than on a fixed link. These are called inversions of the slider-crank, produced when another link (the crank, coupler, or slider) is fixed link.Although the four-bar linkage and slider-crank mechanism are very useful and found in thousands of applications, we can see that these linkages have limited performance level. Linkages with more members are often used in more demanding circumstances. However it is often difficult to visualize the movement of a multiloop linkage, especially when other components appear in the same diagram. The first step in the motion analyses of more complicated mechanisms is to sketch the equivalent kinematic or skeleton diagram. The skeleton diagram serves a purpose similar to that of the electrical schematic or circuit diagram .Organization movement analysis second step: Draws a graphic chart, is must determine the organization the number of degrees of freedom. Based on degree of freedom, but Italy refers needs certain independent inputs the movement number, by determined organization all components are opposite in the ground position. The people have thousands of different types conceivably the link motion gear. You may imagine a bag containing massive link motion gear the component: Two pole groups, three pole groups, four pole groups and so on, as well as components, rotation, motion, cam follower, gear, tooth chain, chain wheel, leather belt, belt pulley and so on. (Sphere movement, screw vice-as well as the permission three dimensional relative motion other connections not yet includes, here, discusses in parallel planes merely plane motion). Moreover you conceivable put these components various types link motion gear possibility which forms in the same place. How exists helps the people to control forms these organizations the rule? In fact, the majority organization duty is requests a sole input to transmit to a sole output. Therefore the single degree of freedom organization uses most one kind of organization type. For example, namely may see by the intuition: Four pole organizations are a single degree of freedom link motion gear. The picture motion diagram and the determination organization degree of freedom process, is the movement analysis and the synthesis process first stage. In the movement analysis, adds on its characteristic according to the organization geometry shape which possibly knew (for example input angle, speed, angle acceleration and so on) studies the determination concrete organization. On the other hand, the movement synthesis is designs an organization to complete the duty process which an institute requests. In this, chooses the new organization the type and the size is a movement synthesis part. Conceives the relative motion ability, can guess the reason that designs an organization the reason and makes the improvement to a concrete design ability is like this a successful organization scientists symbol. Although these abilities come from the congenital creativity, however more is because has grasped the technology which enhances from the practice. The movement analysis: simple one of most useful organizations is four pole organizations. In on following elaboration majority of content centralism discussion link motion gear, but this procedure is also suitable for the more complex link motion gear. We already knew four pole organizations have a degree of freedom. About four pole organizations, has the useful more contents which must know? Indeed is some! These pull the Xiao husband criterion including the standard, the transformation concept, the blind spot position (divergence point), branch office, transmission angle, with theirs movement characteristic, including position, speed and acceleration. Four pole organizations may have one kind of being called as crank rocker organization form, one kind of double rocking lever organization, one kind of double crank (tension bar) does the organization, which one form send in is called as the organization, is decided in two pole movement scopes which (fixed component) connects with the rack. The crank rocker organization input component, the crank may revolve through 360 and the continuous rotation, but outputs the component to make the undulation merely (i.e. swing member). As an exceptional case, in the parallel four pole organization, inputs the pole the length to be equal to outputs the pole the length, the go-between length and the fixed link (rack) length, also is equal. Its input and the output all may make the complete alternation rotation or transform the being called as antiparallel quadrangle organization the overlapping structure. The standard pulls the Xiao husband criterion (theorem) to indicate that,If in four pole organizations, between two poles can do willfully relatively rotates continuously, that, its longest pole length is smaller than sum of with the shortest pole length or is equal to sum of the other two pole length.Should pay attention: The same four pole organization, may have the different form, which pole is this decided in was stipulated (i.e. makes fixed link) as the rack. The movement transformation process is in the fixed organization transmission chain different member has the different organization rate process. Besides has about the component rotation scope knowledge, but also must have how causes the organization before the manufacture on energy “the revolution” the good measure, that will be very useful. Hardenbergh (Hartenberg) speaks of: “The revolution” is terminology, its significance passes to outputs the component the movement validity. It meant the revolution is steady, in which can in output in the component to have a strength or the torque biggest force component is effective. Not only although the final output strength or the torque are the connecting rod geometric figure functions, moreover also is generally the power or the force of inertia result, that is frequently big to like static strength several times. In order to analyze the idling or in order to easy to obtain how can cause any organization “the revolution” the index, the transmission angle concept is extremely useful. In organization movement period, the transmission angle value is changing. The transmission angle 0 may occur in the special position. Will output the pole but in this special position the movement with not to exert inputs on the pole the strength many to have nothing to do with greatly. In fact, as a result of the movement vice-friction influence, the general basis practical experience, with the transmission angle planning board which is bigger than the rating. The weight link motion gear transmission movement ability matrix foundation definition already studied. A determining factor value (it includes regarding some assigns organization graph, position output movement variable to input variable derivative) is a this link motion gear in concrete position mobility criterion. If the organization has a degree of freedom (e.g. four pole organizations), then stipulated a location parameter, if the input angle, completely determined this organization stops position (neglect branch offices possibility). We may study one about four pole organization component absolute angular position analysis expression. When analyzes certain positions and (or) certain different organization time, this will be must be much more useful than the geometric figure analysis program, because this expression will cause the automated computation easy to program. The realization organization speed analysis relative velocity law is the speed polygon is one of several effective methods. This end (goes against) the spot to represent on the organization all spots, has the zero speed. From this the line which stipples respectively to the speed polygon in is representing the absolute speed which this organization photograph well should select respectively. In a line connection speed polygon random two points represents is taking on this organization two corresponding spot relative velocity. 机构和机器原理机构介绍:一个机构的功能是传送或从一个刚体变换运动到另一个机器的动作的一部分。有三种类型的普通的机械装置的,可以用来作为一种机构的基本元素。1齿轮装置。那是在回转轴之间进行接触传动的啮合构件。2凸轮装置。把输入构件的均匀运动转换成输出构件的非均匀运动的装置。3平面机构和空间机构也是能使一个点或一个刚体产生机械运动的有用装置。 运动链是一个构件系统装置即若干个刚体,它们或者彼此铰接或者互相接触,方式上是允许它们彼此间产生相对运动。如果构件中的某一构件被固定而使任何其他一个构件运动到新的位置将会引起其他各个构件也运动到确定的预期的位置上的话,该系统装置就是一个可约束的运动链。如果构件中的某一构件仍保持固定而使任一运动到达一新的位置而不会使其他各个构件运动到一个确定的预期的位置上的话,则该系统装置是一个非约束运动链。机构或连杆构件是一个可约束的传动链而且是一个从输入到输出以传递运动和(或)力为目的的机械装置。连杆机构是由通常被认为是刚体构件或杆组成的,它们是以销轴铰接的,例如用柱销(圆形的)或棱柱体销轴铰接,以便成形开式或闭式(回环式)的运动链。这样的运动链在至少有一个构件被固定的条件下:如果至少有两个构件能保持运动,就变为机构,如果没有一个构件能够运动,则就成为结构。换句话说,机构是允许其“刚性构件”之间相对运动,而结构则不能。由于连杆机构做成一简单机构而且能设定实现复杂的任务,例如非线性运动和力的传递运动。它们在机构学研究中将受到更多的关注。机构被用于许多许多的机器和装置中。最简单的封闭式的连杆机构就是四杆机构,四杆机构有三个运动构件(加上一个固定构件)并且有四个销轴。连接动力源的构件即原动件,而具有一个移动铰和一个固定铰者叫做输入构件。输出构件将一个移动铰和另一个固定铰连系起来。连接构件即浮动构件将两个移动的铰(回转副)连系起来,因而连接构件就将输入传送到输出。四杆机构若使一个或几个构件无限长而产生某些特殊的构造。曲柄滑块(即曲柄和滑块)机构就是一个四杆机构特例。其以一个滑块替换一个无限长的输出件。内燃机就是建立在这一机构基础上。有着另一种形式的四杆机构,其中滑块是在一运动的构件上导移运动而不是在一固定构件上。这些就被称为曲柄滑块机构的变换,它是其中一个构件(曲柄、连杆或滑块)被固定时形成的。虽然四杆机构和曲柄滑块机构是非常有用而且在成千上万的应用中都可找到。但是我们还看到,这些连杆机构其性能水平的发挥已经受到限制。具有更多构件的连杆机构常常用于更多要求的情况中。然而可以设想多回环的连杆机构的运动常常是更为困难的,特别是当其他零件出现在同一图中的时候,要进行更复杂机构的运动分析:第一步是绘制一等效运动图即示意图。这示意图用于电路图解类似的目的,即仅仅表示机构的主要本质的意图,然而它要体现影响其运动的关键的尺寸。运动图可用两种形式中的一种:一是草图,二是比例准确的运动图。机构运动分析的第二步:画一个图解图,是要确定机构的自由度数。依据自由度,可意指需要若干个独立输入的运动的数目
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