(试题 试卷 真题)2013-2014学年北京市四中学2014届九年级上学期10月月考英语试题(含答案)_第1页
(试题 试卷 真题)2013-2014学年北京市四中学2014届九年级上学期10月月考英语试题(含答案)_第2页
(试题 试卷 真题)2013-2014学年北京市四中学2014届九年级上学期10月月考英语试题(含答案)_第3页
(试题 试卷 真题)2013-2014学年北京市四中学2014届九年级上学期10月月考英语试题(含答案)_第4页
(试题 试卷 真题)2013-2014学年北京市四中学2014届九年级上学期10月月考英语试题(含答案)_第5页
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北京四中初三年级综合练习英语试题2013.10(试卷满分120分,考试时间90分钟)一、单项填空(共40分,每小题1分) 从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. How long can I _ the book? You can give it back to me when you finish reading it. A. borrowB. lendC. keepD. buy 2. Why dont you take the MP3, Peter? I have only $ 5. I cant _it.A. spendB. costC. affordD. pay3. _ you lend me your camera? No problem. Here you are.A. Might B. Could C. MustD. Should 4. Water, food and air are the _ needs for life. A. cheap B. brightC. correct D. basic 5. Our car _ on the way to the valley, so we had to wait for rescue. A. broke downB. broke inC. broke upD. broke out 6. Its 3 oclock in the morning, but Im still wide _. A. alive B. awakeC. aloneD. asleep 7. In winter days, we have to _ the snow on the playground. A. clearB. clean C. coverD. check 8. I wanted to explain, but you didnt give me any _. A. candle B. causeC. change D. chance 9. Her father has _ greatly since she saw him last time. A. agedB. avoided C. canceledD. cheated 10. Before 2003, there was no direct airline _ Taiwan and the mainland. A. among B. bothC. betweenD. across 11. Mother said no. She didnt even _ me to explain the reason behind the decision. A. agreeB. allowC. askD. advise 12. It was a bitter _ when they decided not to give him a second chance. A. cultureB. beatC. careD. blow 13. Could you get me some _? Im hungry A. appleB. breadC. butterD. cake 14. _ I could think of an answer, the teacher asked someone else. A. BecauseB. AsC. BeforeD. After 15. My heart always _ faster when I speak in public. A. catches B. beatsC. blowsD. connects 16. Making a plan is only a start. You have to _ it _, and keep to it. A. carry; onB. carry; outC. cheer; upD. clean; up 17. Ill _ you some grapes after the trip. A. burn B. allowC. addD. bring18. Im sure that youll enjoy a _ future in this company. A. brightB. blueC. boring D. beautiful 19. Dont worry _ him. He will be back soon. A. of B. for C. about D. at 20. The old man became_ several years ago. He could no longer see anything. A. blindB. braveC. comfortableD. common 21. We have to try harder and _ a better idea to solve the problem. A. come onB. come up withC. come trueD. come out22. Dad, why not _ having noodles instead of dumplings? Good idea. Ill get for you.A. compareB. completeC. considerD. control23. Of course we have such a lot in _; weve been friends for years. A. agreementB. connection C. communication D. common24. His new book _ this week, and Im looking forward to it. A. comes onB. comes alongC. comes outD. comes over 25. They had faced one difficulty after _ with bravery and determination. A. anotherB. the otherC. otherD. others26. If anything goes _ your wishes, dont be sad. There might be something cheerful _ the corner. A. beyond; inB. out of; atC. against; aroundD. for; on27. I made a speech on my graduation ceremony, and my mother was _ to tears. A. almostB. beyondC. close D. about 28. Look, there are so many _ in the sky. Its going to rain. A. cloudsB. clothes C. coals D. coins 29. John has been in hospital for months, and he isnt getting _ better. A. bitB. anyC. anywayD. always 30. Study hard, _ youll pass the exam. A. becauseB. beforeC. butD. and 31. If anything _ to him, please call me as soon as possible.A. happenB. happensC. is happenedD. happened32. You may go fishing if your work _.A. is doneB. will be doneC. doneD. does33. Betty and her classmates are going to _ a school magazine, and the magazine _ New Standard.A. start; will callB. be started; will be calledC. start; will be calledD. be started; will call34. You _ to the ball. Why didnt you go?A. invitedB. are invitedC. will invitedD. were invited35. The old people and the children must _ in our country.A. take good careB. be taken good careC. take good care ofD. be taken good care of36. The Olympic Games _ every four years.A. are held B. were held C. are holding D. will hold37. Our English teacher, Mrs. Black, _ in our school since 1992.A. works B. worked C. will work D. has worked 38. What are the neighbors doing, Joe? Oh, they _ a party. A. have B. had C. are having D. have had39. I _ the CDs to you if I have time tomorrow. A. return B. returned C. have returned D. will return40. Its raining. When did it start? As far as I know, it _ for three hours.A. rains B. rained C. has rained D. will rain二、完形填空(共12分,每小题1分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意。然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。The One MomentA large crowd of anxious teenagers tried to crowd into the huge building all at once, but, of course, were unsuccessful. I got out of my moms silver Volvo and 41 in the middle of the parking lot, examining the old building. What was beyond those 42 , red double doors? I didnt have an answer. My feelings were indescribable. I was nervous, but 43 at the same time. Knots(结) were turning inside my stomach. My curiosity was getting the better of me. I got the 44 to walk up to the doors, but I couldnt open them just yet. I had to pause (stop) and 45 . Whatever lay beyond those doors could change my 46 forever! I didnt know what the results would be. I wasnt sure that I wanted to imagine them 47 . My trembling arm 48 and took hold of the handle. A gust of wind blew into my face 49 I opened the door. My heart was 50 rapidly and I stopped breathing. I stepped forward with my right foot and the door shut 51 me. The nervousness left my stomach, but the excitement 52 with me. I had finally entered high school. I had been waiting for this moment my whole life.41. A. satB. stoodC. layD. stopped42. A. heavyB. smallC. bigD. light43. A. anxiousB. happyC. surprisedD. excited44. A. strengthB. powerC. abilityD. courage45. A. waitB. thinkC. repairD. doubt46. A. thought B. journeyC. schoolD. life47. A. eitherB. tooC. yetD. even48. A. gave upB. held upC. reached outD. came out49. A. untilB. whileC. beforeD. as50. A. jumpingB. beatingC. hittingD. knocking51. A. beforeB. besideC. behindD. above52. A. stayedB. walkedC. disappearedD. agreed三、阅读理解(共38分,每小题2分)阅读下面的五篇短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。 (A)Landing card Welcome to the United States of America1. First (Given) name William_2. Date of birth (dd/mm/yy) 12/08/94_3. Flight no. AA3751_4. Number of family members traveling with you None_5. Country of citizenship Spain_6. Purpose of visit To see family_7. Are you carrying any of these things: Food, animal, plants, guns or cash over 10,000? Some chocolate_8. Have you had any illnesses in the last 3 months? No_9. How long will you be staying in the USA? Two weeks_10. Is this your first visit to the USA? No_11. In which city will you spend the most time during your stay? 12. What is your next destination? Madrid, Spain_53. When is Williams birthday?A. August 8 C. December 8 B. August 12 D. December 1254. Where is William from?A. America. C. England.B. Spain. D. New York.55. How long will William stay in the USA?A. Two weeks. C. Two months. B. One week. D. One month.56. Where can you find the card?A. At the school. C. In the airplane. B. At the bus stop. D. In the hospital.B Which country grows the most tea? The answer is India. It grows three times as much as China. Which country drinks the most tea? Its neither China nor Japan. Its Great Britain.In the wild, tea plants may be 30 feet tall. But a plant grown for market is pruned. Pruning keeps the plant only three or four feet tall. This is an easy height for tea picking. Only the two top leaves and bud of each new shoot are picked. So to make money, tea plantations must be huge.In general, there are two kinds of tea. Black tea and green tea. Black tea is fermented. In the process, the tea loses nearly all of its healthy qualities. Green tea is steamed right after the leaves are picked. Green tea retains its healthy qualities. For example, it may prevent heart disease.How did we get tea bag? The answer: by accident. Tea merchants used to send samples in tin boxes. This was costly. One merchant thought of a cheaper way. He sent samples in small silk bags. Customers would cut open the bag. They would brew the leaves as usual. One customer put the bag into a pot. Then he just poured hot water over it. And the tea bag was born.Shen Nong was the first to drink tea. (Shen was a Chinese emperor.) This was about 2737 B.C. Shen had bad digestion. So he drank several cups of hot water daily. One day something happened. Leaves from a wild tea tree fell into the hot water pot. The next cup was poured. The water was now colored. Shen sipped it. He liked it. He drank it all. Shen was proud of his new drink. He served it to his guests. Word spread. People thought this way. Tea is good enough for the Emperor. So it must be good enough for the people. Tea became the drink of China. 57. The best title for this passage should be _. A. Black Tea B. Tea Plant C. About Tea D. Tea Bag58. One difference between green tea and black tea is that green tea _. A. must be pruned B. has a better taste C. is fermented D. is healthier59. What does the underlined word “retains” mean? A. Keeps. B. Makes. C. Produces. D. Loses. 60. We can know from this passage that _. A. tea bag was invented by a merchant B. tea is better than any other drink C. tea is popular in many countries D. tea only grows in warm climatesCGeography is the study of Earth and its climates. Scientists use it to study global warming and track the weather. Governments use it to learn where people live and work and to plan what to do with the land. It is now easier than ever to use geography because of a science called space technology.The United States launched its first satellite in 1958. Some space missions that followed were geographical studies. In fact, earth science is a big part of the work of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).Astronauts looked out of the space shuttle. They decided to take photographs of Earth from their vantage point. Over the years, picture quality improved. Shuttle photography now shows land features, such as rivers. It can even show the streets of large cities. Photos of the same places at different times show how the land is changing.NASA does not use just photographs, though. In 1958 it launched TIROS (the Television Infrared Observation Satellite). This first use of a satellite to study Earth was effective in giving weather forecasts. It led to the creation of new space tools to use in geography. The Landsat Program began in 1972. This satellite sent detailed views of Earth from space. The pictures were so precise that scientists could count the number and kinds of crops in a field. Landsat showed where Earths surface had faults along which earthquakes might happen. This information helped in the planning of new cities and factories. Landsat also made discoveries. In Antarctica it located ranges of unknown mountains. It pinpointed small lakes in Virginia that were no ton maps. Landsat, now more advanced, still flies today.Another space tool is Earth Observing-1 (EO-1). This spacecraft flies right behind Landsat. It takes pictures of the same sites. The two sets of pictures, viewed together, show how cities grow and how other places, such as rain forests, become smaller over time. This helps scientists learn how people affect geography.One of the newest space tools is the Geographical Information Systems (GIS). GIS is computer software that helps scientists to study Earth. GIS is different from earlier space tools. Businesses, schools, and even average people not just the government can use it to show them how changes in the planet might affect them.61. Why do governments study geography according to the passage? A. To improve the environment. B. To make the land use plan. C. To make new discoveries. D. To count the crops in a field.62. Which of the following is true according to the passage? A. The U.S. satellite program began in 1972.B. Landsat was able to take pictures of other planets.C. TIROS was successful in giving weather forecasts.D. GIS can only be used by the government.63. EO-1 takes photographs of the same places as Landsat because _. A. the two groups of pictures can show the changes of Earth B. EO-1 is practicing for future photography missions C. Landsat is out of date and new pictures are needed D. Landsat cant send detailed views of Earth from space 64. From the passage, we can infer that _. A. GIS is the newest computer to study Earth B. NASA only depends on photos to study Earth C. satellite pictures can give more detailed information D. recent U.S. satellites are as advanced as the old ones DOver the last 70 years, researchers have been studying happy and unhappy people and finally found out ten factors that make a difference. Our feelings of well-being at any moment are decided to a certain degree by genes. However, of all the factors, wealth and age are the top two.Money can buy a degree of happiness. But once you can afford to feed, clothe and house yourself, each extra dollar makes less and less difference. Researchers find that, on average, wealthier people are happier. But the link between money and happiness is complex. In the past half-century, the average income has sharply increased in developed countries, yet happiness levels have remained almost the same. Once your basic needs are met, money only seems to increase happiness if you have more than your friends, neighbors and colleagues.“Dollars buy status (social position), and status makes people feel better,” say some experts, which helps explain why people who can seek status in other ways, scientists or actors, for example, may happily accept relatively poorly-paid jobs.In his research, Professor Alex Michalos found that the people whose desires, not just for money, but for friends, family, job, health, rose furthest beyond what they already had, tended to be less happy than those who felt a smaller gap. Indeed, the size of the gap predicted happiness about five times better than income alone. “The gap measures just blow away the measures of only income.”says Michalos.Another factor that has to do with happiness is age. Old age may not be so bad “Given all the problems of aging, how could the elderly be more satisfied?” asks Professor Laura Carstensen. In one survey, Carstensen interviewed 184 people between the ages of 18 and 94, and asked them to fill out an emotion questionnaire. She found that old people reported positive emotions just as often as young people. Some scientists suggest older people may expect life to be harder and learn to live with it, or theyre more realistic about their time running out. Older people have learned to focus on things that make them happy and let go of those that dont.“People realize not only what they have, but also that what they have cannot last forever,” she says. “A goodbye kiss to a husband or wife at the age of 85, for example, may bring far more complex emotional responses than a similar kiss to a boy or girl friend at the age of 20.”65. Some actors would like to accept poorly-paid jobs because the jobs_.A. make them feel much betterB. provide chances to make friendsC. improve their social positionD. satisfy their professional interests66. Professor Alex Michalos found that people feel less happy if _.A. the gap between reality and desire is bigger B. they have a stronger desire for friendshipC. the hope for good health is much greaterD. their income is far below their expectation67. We can infer from the passage that older people _.A. would like to have more goodbye kisses than young peopleB. are used to living a hard life because they are kind to othersC. express their positive opinions just as some young people do D. find it easier to feel happy because they are more realistic 68. According to the passage, the feeling of happiness _. A. increases gradually with age B. is controlled partly by desires C. has little to do with wealthD. is decided mostly by genesEAlthough cliff diving may bring great excitement, its a very dangerous sport that people should be careful about. It is completely wrong to think that the diver is cushioned by the water belowthis could not be further from the truth. When jumping from a cliff that is over 70 feet high, a diver hits the


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