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Unit4 What sthebestmovietheater SectionA2 Grammarfocus 3c 1 Whatisthe 最好的电影院 togoto 2 TownCinema It sthe 离家最近 Grammarfocus closesttohome bestmovietheater 根据课本内容 完成下列句子 3 Andyoucanbuytickets 最快地 there 4 Whichis 最差的 clothesstoreintown 5 DreamClothes It s 差一些 BlueMoon themost quickly theworst worsethan 6 Ithas 最差的服务 7 Whatdoyou 认为 970AM 8 Ithink970AMis 十分差 Ithas 最差的音乐 theworstservice thinkof prettybad theworstmusic What sthebestmovietheatertogoto TownCinema It stheclosesttohome Andyoucanbuyticketsthemostquicklythere Whichistheworstclothesstoreintown 可以去的最好的电影院是哪家 市电影院 它离家最近 并且在那儿可以最快买到票 镇上最差的服装店是哪家 DreamClothes It sworsethanBlueMoon Ithastheworstservice Whatdoyouthinkof970AM Ithink970AMisprettybad Ithastheworstmusic 我认为调幅970兆赫很差 它的音乐是最差的 你认为调幅970兆赫怎么样 梦幻服装店 它比蓝月亮服装店还差 它的服务是最差的 3 以辅音 元音 辅音结尾的单词 先写最后一个字母 再 est 2 以不发音的字母e结尾的 st 1 一般在词尾 est 原形 最高级 形容词最高级 cheap cheapest close closest big biggest 规则变化 用于三者或三者以上的人或事物相比较 5 多音节词和部分双音节词前加themost comfortable themostcomfortable 4 以辅音字母 y结尾的单词 变y为i est early earliest cheaply the mostcheaplycarefully the mostcarefully 6 以ly结尾的副词的最高级都是在其前面加 the most the可以不加 形容词和副词比较级和最高级的构成不规则变化 fine fat heavy thin new close popular comfortable finer finest fatter fattest heavier heaviest thinner thinnest newer newest closer closest morepopularmostpopular morecomfortablemostcomfortable betterbest far little worseworst moremost fartherfarthest lessleast good well bad ill many much 原级 比较级 最高级 3a Practice Fillintheblankswiththecorrectformsofthewordsinbrackets 1 Wewenttothe bad restaurantintownlastnight Themenuhadonly10dishesandtheservicewasnotgoodatall 2 BlueMoonis good butMiller sis good intown better worst thebest 3 TheBigScreenis expensive thanmostcinemas butCinemaCityis expensive 4 MovieCityhasthe bad service butwecansitthe comfortably there moreexpensive themostexpensive worst mostcomfortably 5 JohnnyDeppactedthe good inthatmovie He smuch good thanotheractorsatfindingthe interesting roles better best themostinteresting 3 最高级 of 同类比较 in 范围比较 2 序数词修饰最高级 the应放在序数词之前 形容词和副词的最高级的用法 Tomisthetallestofthethree Tomruns the fastestinourclass Mikeisthesecondtalleststudentinourclass 1 形容词最高级前须加the 副词最高级前the可以省略Tomisthetalleststudentinourclass 4 表示三者或三者以上比较 可用 Which Who 谓语 最高级 or 表示 Whoisthetallest Tom Mike orJack Tomruns the fastestinourclass 5 oneof 形容词最高级 名词复数表示 最 之一 Jackisoneofthetalleststudentsinourclass 6 形容词最高级的意思可用比较级来表达 比较级 thananyother 单数名词比较级 thantheother 复数名词 ShanghaiisthebiggestcityinChina ShanghaiisbiggerthantheothercitiesinChina ShanghaiisbiggerthananyothercityinChina 1 比较级 and 比较级 表示 越来越 2 the 比较级 the 比较级 表示 越 越 Hebecomeshealthierandhealthier Themoreyouexercise thehealthieryouwillbe Thegirlbecomesmoreandmorebeautiful 形容词和副词比较级 1 比较级 and 比较级越来越 2 the 比较级 the 比较级越 越 3 youare mistakesyouwillmake 你越仔细 做错的题目就越少 4 youeat you llbe 你吃得越多 就越胖 Themorecareful thefewer Themore thefatter 1 Thegirlbecomes 越来越漂亮 moreandmorebeautiful 2 Theweatherisgetting 越来越槽糕 worseandworse 1 Ithasthe clothingstoreintown A goodestB gooddestC bestD better2 Thisclothingstoreis thanthatone A badB worseC theworstD worst3 Thisbookis ofall A cheapestB cheapC cheaperD thecheapest Choosethebestanswer 4 Thisisoneof filmsofthisyear A moreexcitingB excitingC themostexcitingD mostexciting 5 Thiswatchis thanthatone A muchexpensiveB expensiverC moreexpensiverD muchmoreexpensive 班级之最 Canyoufindsome best fromourclassmates 1 Whoisthefunnieststudent 2 Whoisthemostseriousstudent 3 Whoisthetalleststudent 4 Whoisthemosthard workingstudent 5 Whoisthemostpopularstudent 3b Thinkofthreestoresthatsellsimilarthingsinyourtownandfillinthechart Thenwritesixsentencesusingtheinformationinthechart PinkRose NewWorld FunkyHouse GoodFriends BargainHouse NewFashion 1 NewWorldhasthebestserviceintown 2 3 4 5 6 FunkyHousehasthebestqualityintown PinkHousehastheworstserviceintown Goodfriendshastheworstqualityintown BargainHouseisthecheapestintown NewFashionisthemostexpensiveintown Thinkofthreerestaurantsforlunchnearyourhome Fillinthechart Thentalkinyourgroupandchoosethebestone 3c BlueMoon SuperHouse Danny s Myhouse 400m 300m 500m themostdeliciousfoodgoodservice cheapestworstfood themostexpensivethebestservice Danny sisthebestonebecauseit stheclosesttomyhouse Ithasthemostdeliciousfood Ithasgoodservice too Talking 1 Lilyis early thanLucy 2 Whogoes slowly TomorJim 3 Th


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