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湘少版(三起)英语四年级下册Unit 7 Today is Saturday单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . My aunt is _!( )Ayoung and oldBshort and tallCtall and strong2 . I_music class today. ( )AhaveBcanChas3 . I need_ a bike.Ato rideBridesCto rides4 . They_going to Hainan.AisBareCam5 . Today is Monday. Tomorrow is_.( )ATuesdayBThursdayCFriday6 . is the third day of a week. ( )AMondayBTuesdayCWednesdayDSunday二、情景交际7 . 当你想表达它是一条鱼时,应该说:( )AIts a fish.BIts a lion.8 . 今天是Peter的生日,你应该对他说:_ ( )AHappy birthday!BThank you.9 . 你告诉别人你的动物朋友长着大眼睛,可以说:( )AMy animal friend has big eyes.BMy animal friend has big ears.CMy animal friend has long eyes.10 . 老师对同学们说“请坐! “应该说:_( )AStand up, please!BSit down, please!11 . 你看到一个非常漂亮的铅笔袋时,你会说:AThis is a nice pencil case.BWhat a nice pencil !CWhat a nice pencil case !三、填空题写出单词的完全形式或缩写形式.12 . Sunday_13 . Monday_14 . Tuesday_15 . Wednesday_16 . Thurs._17 . Fri._18 . Saturday_19 . Its_四、单词拼写根据汉语提示,补全单词.20 . m_s_c(音乐)21 . t_day(今天)22 . cl_ss(课)23 . T_sday(星期二)24 . t_m_rr_w(明天)五、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F). A golden-week(黄金周)is coming. Lingling has a seven days off. On Monday, she has an English class in the afternoon. On Tuesday, she dances with her good friends. On Wednesday, she has math class in the morning. On Thursday, she meets her grandparents the whole day. On Friday, she sweeps the floor at home. On weekend, she finishes homework at her home. How busy she is!25 . Lingling has a seven days off. (_)26 . On Monday, she has an English class in the morning. (_)27 . On Wednesday, she has math class in the afternoon. (_)28 . On Thursday, she meets her grandparents the whole day. (_)29 . How busy she is! (_)六、匹配题Read and match. (英汉对对碰。)A我们一起玩吧!B认识你也很高兴。C摸摸你的鼻子。D这是我的脚。E你好吗?30 . Nice to meet you, too. (_)31 . Lets play! (_)32 . This is my foot. (_)33 . How are you? (_)34 . Touch your nose. (_)35 . 读一读,连一连。1. a Christmas treeA2. a big dinnerB3. Happy New Year!C4. a pre


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