



达标用英语口语怎么说 【达标用英语口语怎么说】 reach the standard; up to the standard 例句: The results of the sample for the test have shown that the quantity of fatty substance in milk is appropriate to the standard . 采样检验的结果表明牛奶中的脂肪含量达标。 We ve met our goals , but just barely 我们已经完成了我们的目标,只不过是勉强达标。 And until we all meet the terms of this contract , 除非我们当中每人都达标 Our products are surely of standard quality 我们的产品绝对质量达标。 Certificate of the national authoritative detected standardized 国家检测达标产品证书 Pengda standard components manufacturing co . , ltd 鹏达标准件有限公司 To assess compliance with the statutory wqos 检测水质指标的达标率 Ventilation for acceptable indoor air quality , addenda h 达标的室内空气质量用通风设备.补充件h To step up annual inspection and on - road spot checks of in - use vehicles 新增的机动车排气达标率达 【达标的英语口语表达】 达标的的英文: meet safety standards 参考例句: policy of One Order, Two Goals 一控双达标政策 Starting now, using three years, all corporations will adhere to standardized sluicing 从现在起用三年多的时间,所有的企业都要做到达标排放。 This standard must be attained by 1995, except that plants using scrubbers to meet the standards are given until 1997 这个标准必须在1995年兑现,那些使用涤气器达标的工厂最迟到1997年必须兑现。 If a SIP for a nonattainment area is inadequate, EPA must issue a federal implementation plan within two years 对于一个非达标区来说,如果州实施计划是不当的,环境保护局必须在两年之内发布一个联邦实施计划。 meet是什么意思: n. 运动会,体育比赛,猎狐运动 v. 相遇,相逢,遇见,相识,结识,开会,经历,支付 They boycotted the meeting. 他们拒绝参加那个会议。 Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. 很高兴理解你。 我也很高兴理解你。 Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. 很高兴理解你。 我也很高兴理解你。 safety是什么意思: n. 安全;平安;安全设施 There is safety in numbers 人多势众 The death of wolves is the safety of sheep 狼死羊安 In the multitude of counsellors there is safety 谋士多,保安全 standards是什么意思: n. 标准,水平,规格;行为标准;产品规格;旗帜 adj. 普通的,正常的;符合标准的;有性的;标准的 This is the standard spelling. 这是标准拼法。 This is a standard map. 这是一份有性的地图。 utilitarian standard 功利效的标准 【达成用英语口语怎么说】 达成的英文: reach accomplish 参考例句: Manage to; get to 达成;设法 come to an accommodation 达成妥协 The issue is unresolved and certain to remain controversial 结论尚未达成,显然还将继续争议。 The issue is unresolved and certain to remain controversial. 结论尚未达成,显然还将继续争议。 establish a structure and (a) programme(s) to implement the policy and achieve objectives and targets. 建立架构与方案实施政策和达成目标与标的。 From the start we were in a race: could we find Grivas before the Colonial Office stitched up a ramshackle deal? 我们从一开始就处于竞赛状态:我们能在殖民部达成草率的交易之前找到格里瓦斯呢? Arrive at 达成,提出 Make it; get to 成功;达成目标;赶上 How did you do it? 你是怎样达成它的? The two sides agreed on a cease-fire 双方达成停火协议。 【达成的英语说法】 reach (agreement); conclude 例句: At long last a compromise was agreed on . 通过互让最终达成折衷协议。 A compromise was reached on that very day . 就在这个天,他们达成妥协。 He found the king in no mood to come to terms . 他发现国王无意达成协议。 Here was a real basis for bargaining . 这是达成协议的真正基础。 The two superpowers reached an accord . 两个超级大国达成协议


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