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人教版八年级上 Unit-1 Topic 2练习卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . -Will Bob help me look after my pet dog when Im away.-Of course. He wont _your request. He loves animals a lot.Aput downBwrite downCturn downDtake down2 . Lets stay at home and _ com-puter games.AplaysBto playCplay3 . Would you mind doing the dishes? _ACertainly.BOf course not. Ill do them in a minute.CSorry, I wont.DYes, I mind.4 . Someone with an Internet connection can find information much _ than they can find it in printed forms.AeasierBeasiestCmore easilyDmost easily5 . Which city is _,Beijing,Shanghai or Fuzhou?AbeautifulBmore beautifulCmost beautifulDthe most beautiful6 . Why Lily go shopping with us this Saturday? Ive no idea. She often her grandfather every weekend.Awont; visitsBnot; will visitCwont; will visitDdont; visits7 . Mr. Green _ Alice in 2004 .Agot married withBmarried withCmarried toDgot married to8 . Audrey won OscarBest Actress her role in the film Roman Holiday.Aa; to; forBan; for; forCa; of; forDan; for; of9 . Mike is very _. He always loses his keys.AcarefulBcarefullyCcarelessDcarelessly10 . (题文)哪个字母可以停车?AC BPCODK11 . You are _ to return the book to the library in two weeks .AsupposedBwantedCshoutedDthought12 . Playing computer games too oftenour eyes.Ais helpful toBis harmful toCis good for13 . The girlred is Jane.AtoBinCfrom14 . Dad, could I stay out late tonight?_. You have to get up early tomorrow morning.AYes, sureBNo, you cantCAll rightDSorry, I cant二、补全对话6选5II.情景交际A: Hi , Tom . You look so worried .15 . .B: We are going to have a basketball game against Class Two . But Jack fell ill . He cant take part in it . A: I am sorry to hear that. B: David ,16 . .A: Sure. What is it?B:17 . .A: Id be glad to. But Im not good at playing basketball. B: Never mind. Im sure you can do it well. A: I will do my best.18 . .B: Of course not.19 . . A: OK . Thank you very much. See you later . B: See you. AWould you mind teaching me?Bcould you please do me a favor?CWhats wrong with you?DWill you join us?ELets practice it together after school. FIm sorry about it.三、完型填空Sam had a dog. Its name was Tod. It was very helpful, but it ate too much. So he didnt like it, he wantedto_it. He _Tod and put it in a small boat. He rowed the boat to the_of a big river. Just as he_the poor animal into the river, the boat began to go down._the man and Tod_into the river.Tod was able to swim,_Sam couldnt. The dog bit the rope (绳子) and broke (破坏) it. It tried its bestto swim _Sam to save him. The man was saved, so he was very thankful to the dog and he didnt want to kill thedog_. From then on, he gave the dog as_food as it wanted.20 . AsellBbuyCbeatDkill21 . AtiedBpulledCpushedDclosed22 . AfrontBfootCsideDmiddle23 . AthrewBcarriedCsentDbrought24 . AneitherBnorCeachDboth25 . AfellBswamClostDjumped26 . AbecauseBthoughCbutDwhen27 . AwithBtowardsCoverDinto28 . Ano moreBany moreCno longerDnot more29 . AlittleBfewCmanyDmuch四、句型转换按要求完成句子30 . These are her baseballs. (改为-般疑间旬)_baseballs?31 . That is his computer. (改为否定句That_his computer.32 . These are pencil boxes. (对画线部分提问)_these?33 . Is that her ruler?(作肯定回答)_,_.34 . you,thank,you,for,help(.)(连词成句)_五、根据首字母、中文提示填空请根据下列句子汉语注释、音标或句意,在答题卷上标有题号的横线上,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式,每空只写一词。35 . There are many big companies and _(国际的) banks in New York.36 . Ladies and gentlemen,may I see your_ (护照)?37 . Finally, the climber _ (设法完成) to get to the top of the mountain.38 . The buildings in that poor town look far_(丑)than the ones here.39 . Im afraid he doesnt have enough _(经验)in teaching.40 . Huang shan ,in the _ (南方) part of An hui Province, is Chinas famous tourist attraction.41 . How long can I _ the book? (借)42 . Its said that the best way to improve your spoken English is to study_. (国外)43 . It is amazing that a cow has four _ (胃).44 . I think the film will be a great_ skses.45 . Toms mother gives three_ pandz to him every week.46 . Can the government do something to reduce(减少)water_plu n.47 . Thank you for helping me carry the heavy box.Its my_48 . We often use computers for sending and _emails.49 . Why was Andy angry with Kate?Because he invited her to his birthday but she_.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。manage realise simple amaze what50 . It was _ that she knew nothing about the event.51 . The firefighters _ to put out the fire at last.52 . _ difficulty he may meet, he will overcome it.53 . I dont want to buy the car_ because I dont like it.54 . As soon as we_ something was wrong, we moved the children away.七、完成句子55 . 周六下午你能来参加我的聚会吗?当然了,我很乐意。/对不起,我不能。_you _my party on Saturday afternoon?Sure,Id _./Im_,Icant.56 . 太遗憾了,那下次吧。Thats too bad.Maybe_57 . 萨姆要一直待到下周三才走。Sam _.next Wednesday.58 . 周一晚上你能跟我们出去闲逛吗?Can you _with us on Monday night?二、课堂巩固训练八、单词填空七、首字母填空阅读短文,根据短文内容及首字母提示,在空白处填入一个适当的单词。Exercise not only improves your appearance, but a59 . improves your health. Health experts (专家) advise people to c60 . physical activities that they find fun. So, what are some of the most popular forms (形式) of exercise in the USA? Walking tops the list. It is considered to be the easiest way to get exercise. You can walk at any time and any p61 . . Walking is also said to be the least harmful to the knees and feet. So, its a w62 . choice for the old. A63 . popular form of exercise is jogging. In the 1970s, Bill Bowerman brought jogging to the USAHe did so after seeing the popularity of the activity during a trip to New Zealand in the 1960s. He started the f64 . jogging club in America. He also helped find Nike. Swimming is also very popular. It was the second most popular sporting activity in America in 2008. The top activity was walking. When on


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