



英语培优作业9一、 单项选择(20分)( )1. I often hear Mary _ in her room. A. sing B. singing C. to sing D. sang( )2. They knocked him down and _ him of this bag. A. rob B. robbed C. steal D. stole( )3. Sally doesnt have to be made _. She always works hard. A. learn B. to learn C. learned D. learning( )4. He said that he was attacked with a knife and bled to _. A. die B. death C. dead D. dying( )5. He _ heavily after running a moment ago. A. breath B. breathe C. breathing D. breathed( )6. What can help the police solve a case or find who is the real criminal?A. Fingerprints B. Footprints C. Blood D. All the above( )7. Avatar, a science fiction film directed by James Cameron, has been a great _ in film history. A. success B. successful C. successfully D. succeed( )8. He said that he had met her two years _. A. before B. ago C. for 2 years D. since 2 years ago( )9. Were not sure _ it will rain or not tomorrow.A. if B. whether C. that D. why( )10. Well have to clean the plates before Mother home.A. will come B. will go C. comes D. goes( )11. - Could you tell me _ the weather _ in your hometown? - We have quite different four seasons in a year.A. how was, like B. what is, like C. how, was like D. what, is like( )12. I saw a man _ blood on his shirt.A. with B. have C. has D. had( )13. - Do you know_? - Sorry, I dont know.A. when the shop opens B. when is the shop open C. when does the shop open D. when will the shop open( )14. Jim works too much and often forgets to have meals. _, he doesnt have good health.A. At last B. Anyway C. As a result D. As well( )15. The bad boy was often seen _ the things in the shops.A. to steal B. to stealing C. steal D. stole( )16.The man _ blue is my father. He is often_ blue clothes. A. dresses, dressed in B. wears, dressing inC. put on, dressing in D. in, dressed in( )17.What did you talk about just now? My father asked me _.A. who I was going to Shanghai with B. where am I with my friendsC. when would I go home D. if I have finished my homework( )18. I think we _ to read more to improve our English. A. should B. ought C. had better D. must( )19. The man had no evidence to prove _ not guilty. A. him B. his C. he D. himself( )20. -Why do you like staying in Kunming? - Because the weather there is _ too hot _ too cold all the year round. A. either; or B. neither; nor C. both; and D. not only; but also二、完形填空(15分)Mr. Smith was an old miser (守财奴). He had a lot of 1 , but he never bought anything 2 . He and his wife lived in an old house outside the town. He often went to the shop 3 in order to save some money. In the 4 , as soon as it was dark in the room, he 5 . He had no TV but bought a cheap radio and often 6 the advertisements.The old man had no 7 , his wife was often ill. He wouldnt send her to the hospital. He thought he would 8 much to the doctors if they looked her over. He bought a few medical books and bought some 9 for her.One night, Mrs. Smith felt unwell. She had got a bad headache. She asked her husband to 10 a doctor, but he didnt agree. He brought out some pills and made her 11 them. But it was no use.The old woman began to 12 at home. Mr. Smith locked the door and went in another room and 13 there. The next morning, when he woke up, he came into her 14 to see if she was all right. But he found the poor woman had died. He hurried to the telephone, but 15 his mind at once. He ran out and shouted to the servant (佣人), “Dont cook breakfast for Mrs. Smith this morning, Linda!”( )1. A. books B. shoes C. clothes D. money( )2. A. bad B. good C. expensive D. cheap( )3. A. on foot B. by car C. by taxi D. by motorbike( )4. A. day B. afternoon C. midnight D. night( )5. A. went to danceB. went to the cinema C. read newspaper D. went to bed ( )6. A. listened to B. watched C. mended D. looked at( )7. A. brothers B. sisters C. uncles D. children( )8. A. pass B. tell C. pay D. sell( )9. A. food B. medicine C. fruit D. vegetables( )10. A. look for B. take care of C. catch up with D. send for( )11. A. take B. drink C. to take D. to drink( )12. A. laugh B. sing C. cry D. dance( )13. A. slept B. played C. worked D. drank( )14. A. workplace B. bedroom C. library D. office( )15. A. kept B. finished C. changed D. forgot三、阅读理解(20分)AIts time to pack your bags and get ready to go on a summer holiday! Ever wondered what Europeans(欧洲人) do for their holiday? Maybe travel to other countries, visit friends or families? Well, they do all of these! Most people in Europe get about three or four weeks of holiday time a year. Lots of people choose to go away in the summer when its warmer. In Sweden, many companies close down for the whole of July and nearly everyone takes their holiday then! Its common for many Swedish(瑞典的) families to go and stay in their second home, often in a forest or by the sea. Italians like to go to the coast or walk in the hills and eat special food. Some British people go to the seaside when weather is good. The Queens birthday is really in April but she celebrates it in June when the weather is better! British people often like to go abroad to places like sunny Spain and France. Europeansoften travel abroad for their holiday now because its cheap. The EU(欧盟) also makes it easy for Europeans to travel. They dont need a passport(护照) to travel in Europe! Lots of Europeans like to buy “package holiday”. This means they get their flight, hotel and even food for a very cheap price. Lots of families also like to go camping, too.( )1. The Europeans usually go on holidays in A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter( )2. What Europeans do for their holiday doesnt include_. A. Travelling to their countries B. Visiting their friends C. Visiting their families D. Packing their bags ( )3. In , many companies close down for a whole of July and nearly everyone takes their holiday. A. Europe B. Sweden C. Britain D. Spain ( )4. They celebrate the Queens birthday in _. A. April B. May C. June D. July( )5. Europeans often travel abroad for their holiday now because . A. they dont need a passport in EU B. it is cheap C. they can get flight, hotel and food for a cheap price D. both A and B.BLike hundreds of other young people of all countries who take part in our language courses, you can make the most of your holidays by studying French in an interesting way and, at the same time, discover one of Frances most beautiful areasNice!Our summer course lasts 3 weeks in July and August. Youre welcome to come at any time between July and August 6.You can choose to stay at a host family, but we suggest you stay at our international summer camp. It makes it easy to meet other people and make new friends. Whats more, you can have your classes in the same building which is close to the beach! A free bus service brings you to and from classes if you are living in a French host family or enables you to get into the centre of town if you are living at the summer camp.Whenever you choose to come, well organize short trips, parties, sports and other activities and motivate you to speak French.Your stay in Nice will therefore not only be an educational one, but also an enjoyable experience. Besides offering you many opportunities to meet other people from different cultures, we will do everything to make sure your stay will be unforgettable!( )6. How long is the summer course? A. Two months. B. Three weeks. C. One month. D. Eight weeks.( )7. According to the passage, they suggest the students stay _ during the study. A. at the summer camp B. in the hotel C. at their friends homes D. in the centre of town( )8. During the course, students can _. A. travel all over France B. never leave the camp C. learn French and make friends D. swim alone in the sea( )9.What does the underlined word “motivate”in the third paragraph mean? A.激发 B.感谢 C.阻止 D.妨碍( )10. What youve read above is _. A. A travel diary B. An advertisement C. An introduction to France D.A piece of news四、任务型阅读(10分)It was a cold, rainy day when the phone rang in Detective Kirks office. He got up and reached for the phone. Oh, Mr. Kirk please help me! My husband has just been murdered and I need your help to find this crazed killer! a voice rang through the phone. Kirk stood up wide-eyed. I am on my way, stay put! He ran over to the coat hook on the wall, took his raincoat, and ran out the glass doors of First Guess Detective Agency. His little green car was parked in front of the agency, but it was hard to see through all the fog and rain. He went in and began on his ten-minute drive out of town. A long winding(蜿蜒的) road led him the to a beautiful country home. He parked his car in front of the big house and carefully got out. While walking up the long sidewalk Kirk imagined he could smell the death around this house. He knocked on the door and took another look at the house. Well, its about time! a tired and scary-looking woman screamed. You must be Detective Kirk. Come in, please, and hurry. Yes, I am Detective Kirk. Sorry for the wait, but its hard to find your home in this weather. Do you mind if I take a short look around? Kirk replied to her in a soft, yet firm, voice.He walked around her house slowly, trying to pick up any clues he could, but he couldnt see anything that helped him. Mrs. Earls was looking at him all the time after he came in and he could feel her eyes on the back of his neck. CrimeA murderVictimA womans 1._2._Cold, 3._ and rainyPlaceIn a big 4._ out of townKirks actionsWent to scene of the crime by5._6._ his car in front of the womans house7._ around the house slowly and tried to find cluesKirks feelHe imagined he could smell the 8._ around the house.He could feel the woman was looking at him from 9._.CluesCould see 10._ helpful1 2. 3. 4. 5._6. 7. 8. 9. 10._五、词汇(15分)1. The body of the 22-year-old man was found in the _(门口)of the cinema.2. One of the _(工程师) is from Australia.3. Putting down _(敌人)is our duty to protect our country.4. He _(敢)not go out alone at night.5. The criminal has been in _(监狱) for 2 two years because of robbery6. I think we will have to move to another place for _(safe).7. Be careful! There may be some _ ( thief ) on the bus.8. The dogs sudden _( dead) made the family very sad .9. The police supposed that there were two _(attack).10. Dont go out now. Its raining more and more _(heavy).11. Its reported that Amy _(suppose) to be the most popular Campus star.12. The missing boy was last seen _(play) in the woods nearby.13. You _(progress) much since last month. I feel proud of you.14. Dont move, or your cut _(bleed).15. Why _ they _ (kidnap) by you yesterday? 六、首字母填空(10分) We are in a world full of competition. Our parents compete with others in their offices,


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