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1、外文文献JavaSeiver Pages tin Technology - Comparison with ASPWhile JavaSener Pages teclinology and Microsoft Active Server Pages are similar in many ways, there are also a nimiber of differences that exist. And these differences aie just as sigiiificaut as the siniilaiities, and have far-reachiiig impli

2、cations for the developers who use them as well as the organizations that adopt them as part of their overall Web-based architecture,JSP Technology: An Open Approachhi many ways, the biggest difference between JSP and ASP teclmologies lies in the approach to the software design itself JSP technology

3、 is designed to be both platfonii and seiver independent, created with input from a broader community of took server, and database vendors. In contrasts ASP is a Microsoft tecluiology that relies priiiiarily on Microsoft technologies,P latfonii aiid Server Indep endenceJSP teclinology adlieres to th

4、e Write Once, Run AnywhereTM philosophy of the JavaTM arcliitechire. Instead of being tied to a single platfbnn or vendor, JSP teclinology can nin on any Web server and is supported by a wide variety of tools from multiple vendors.Because it uses ActiveX controls for its components ASP technology is

5、 basically restricted to Microsoft Windows-based platforms. Offered primarily as a featixre of Microsoft IIS ASP technology does not work easily on a broader range of Web servers because ActiveX objects are platfbnn specific.Although ASP technology is available on other platfbniis tlirougli third-pa

6、rty porting prodiicts, to access components and interact with other services, the ActiveX objects must be present on the selected platform. If not p resent, a bridge to a platfbnu supporting them is required.Open Development Process t Open SourceSiin developed JSP technology using the Java Conmninit

7、y Process. Since 1995, Sim has used this open process to develop and revise Java teclinology and specifications in cooperatiou with the international Java community. Working with Suii in the JSP efifoil are authoring tool vendors (such as Macromedia), container companies (such as Apache and Netscape

8、). end users, consultants.and others.Going forward, Siiu is licensing the latest versions of JSP and JavaTM Servlet (JSP 1.1 and Java Seivlet 2.2) source code to Apache to be developed and released under the Apache developmeiit process. Apache, Sun, and a number of other companies and individuals wi

9、ll openly develop a robust reference implementation (RI) that is freely available to any company or individual. Additional information cau be found at /.The JSP application programming interface (API) has undoubtedly benefited and will continue to benefit - from the input of

10、this extended coiniiiunity. In contrast. ASP teclmology is a specifically Microsoft initiative, developed in a proprietary process.ASP Technology JSP TechnologyWeb Server Microsoft IIS or Personal Web Server Any Web server, including Apache Netscape, and IISPlatfbnns Microsoft Windows 1 Most popular

11、 platforms, including the Solaiis Op erating Environment, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, Linux and other UNIX platfbnn implementations.Accessing other platfbnns requires third-party ASP porting prodiicts.For a company selecting the components of a growing. Web-based infbniiation architecture, JSP techno

12、logy provides a flexible open choice that works with a wide variety of vendors tools and reflects industry input and collaboration.The DevelopeFs PerspectiveBoth ASP and JSP technologies let developers separate content generation fiom layout by accessing components from the page. ASP supports the CO

13、M model, while JSP technology provides components based on JavaBeansTM technology or JSP tags. As noted previously. the differences ouhveigli the similarities.Extensible JSP TagsThe first difference apparent to aiiy page author are the JSP tags themselves, While both ASP and JSP use a combination of

14、 tags and scripting to create dynamic Web pages* JSP teclmology enables developers to extend the JSP tags available, JSP developers can create custom tag libraries, so page authors can access more ftmctionality using XML-like tags aud depend less on scripting- With custom tags* developers can shield

15、 page authors from the complexities of page creation logic and extend key functions to a broader range of authors.Reusability Across PlatformsDevelopers will also notice the focus on reusability. The JSP components (Enterprise JavaBeansTM, JavaBeans, or custom JSP tags) aie reusable across platfbnns

16、- An Enterprise JavaBean component accessing legacy databases can serve distributed systems on both UNIX and Microsoft Windows platforms. And the tag extension capability of JSP teclinology gives developers an easy, XML-like interface for sliaiTiig packaged functionality with page designers througho

17、ut tlie enteiprise.This component-based model speeds application development because it enables developers to:Build quick prototype applications using lightweight subcomponents, then integiate additional functionality as it becomes availableLeverage work done elsewhere iii the organization aud encap

18、sulate it in a JavaBeaii or Enterprise JavaBean com po nentThe Java AdvantageJSP technology uses the Java language for scripting, while ASP pages use Microsoft ABScript or JSchpt, The Java language is a mature, powerful and scalable prograinming language that provides many benefits over the Basic-ba

19、sed scripting languages. For example the Java language provides superior performance to the inteipreted VEScript or JScript languages. Because they use Java technology aiid are com piled into Java servlets, JSP pages provide a gateway to the entire suite of seiver-side Java libraries for HTTP-aware

20、applications.The Java language makes the developers job easier in other ways as well. For example it helps protect against system crashes while ASP applications on Windows NT systems are susceptible to crashing. The Java language also helps in the aiea of memory management by providing protection ag

21、ainst memoiy leaks and hard-to-find pointer bugs that can slow application deployment. Plus, JSP provides the robust exception handling necessary for real-world applications.Easier MaintenanceApplications using JSP teclinology are easier to mamtaiii over time than ASP-based applications.Scripting la

22、nguages are fine for small applications but do not scale well to manage large, complex applications. Because the Java language is structured, it is easier to biiild aud mamtaiu large* modular applications with it.JSP technologys emphasis on components over scripting makes it easier to revise content

23、 without affecting logic or revise logic without changing content.The Enteiprise JavaBeans architecture encapsulates the enterprise logic, such as database access, security and transaction integrity aiid isolates it from the application itselfBecause JSP technology is an open, cross-platform archite

24、cturet Web servers, platforms, and other components can be easily upgiaded or switched without affecting JSP-based applications. Tliis makes JSP suitable for real-world Web applications* where constant change and growth is the norm.ASP Technology JSP TechnologyReusable Cross-Platfbrm Components No J

25、avaBeaiis Enteiprise JavaBeans, custom JSP tagsSecurity Against System Crashes No YesMemory Leak Protection No Yes Scrip ting Language YBScript, JScript Java Customizable Tags No YesScalability in the EnteipriseThe Java 2 Platform. Enterprise Edition (J2EE) is the Java architectuie for developing mu

26、ltitier enteiprise applications. As part of J2EE, JSP pages have access to all J2EE components, including JavaBeans and Enterprise JavaBeans components and Java senlets, JSP pages aie actually compiled into servlets, so tliey have all of the benefits of tliese flexible, seiver-side Java applicatioii

27、s. The J2EE platfbnn containers manage the complexities of enteiprise applications, including transaction management and resource pooling.JSP p ages have access to all of the standard J2EE services, including: Java Naming and Directoiy IiiterfaceTM APIJDBCTM API (comniunicatiug with relational datab

28、ases)JavaMailTM (classes supporting Java-based mail and messaging applications) JavaTM Message Service (JMS)Tlirough J2EE, JSP pages can interact with enteiprise systems in many ways. J2EE supports two CORBA-compliant technologies: Java IDL and RMI-IIOR With Enterprise JavaBeans technology JSP pages

29、 can access databases using higli-leveh object-relational mappings.Finally, because JSP technology was developed through the Java Coniuiimity Process it has wide sup port from took Web server and app lication sen er vendors. This enables users and partners take a best-of-breed approach, selecting th

30、e best tools for their specific applications while protecting their investment in code and in personnel training,ASP Technology JSP TechnologyCompatible with Legacy Databases Yes (COM) Yes (using JDBC API)Ability to Integrate with Data Sources Works with any ODBC-compliant database Works with any OD

31、BC- and JDBC technology-compliant databaseComponents COM components JavaBeans , Enterprise JavaBeaiis , or extensible JSP tagsExtensive Tool Support Yes Yes中文译文JavaServer Pages(JSP)和微软 Active Server Pages 技术比较第一眼看上去,JavaServer Pages(JSP)和微软的Active Server Pages技术有很 多相似之处。它们都是为基于Web的应用中开发动态页面部分而设计的。在一

32、 定程度上,它们都是通过使用由页面本身调用的组件技术,使开发人员能够把编 程逻辑与页面设计分割开来;而且都提供了 CGI脚本的替代品,使页面开发变 得更加方便、快捷。尽管 JavaSeiver Pages(JSP)技术和微软的 Active Server Pages(ASP)在很多方 而有相似Z处,但是也存在着许多差异。而且这些差异与相似Z处同样显著,对 于使用这些技术的开发人员和采用这些技术作为整体Web应用架构组成部分的 机构,有着极其深远的影响。JSP技术:一种开放方式的技术在很多方而中,JSP和ASP技术最大的差异在于软件设计的方式本身。JSP 技术被设计为与平台和服务器无关的,它是广

33、大的工具、服务器和数据库厂商共 同支持和参与的结晶。相反,ASP是一种微软的技术,主要依赖于微软的半台和 各项技术。与平台和服务器的无关性JSP技术坚持了 Java架构的“编写一次,在任何地方运行”的理念。JSP技术 不是与单一平台或厂商捆绑的,而是可以运行在任何Web服务器上的,而且它 得到了众多厂商的很多种工具的支持。由于ASP技术是使用ActiveX控制其组件的,它基本上被限定在微软的基 于Windows的平台上。它主要是被提供作为微软的ns的一个特性,由于ActiveX 对象是平台专用的,所以,ASP技术无法方便的在广大的Web服务器上运行。尽管通过使用第三方提供的移植产品,可以使AS

34、P技术在其它平台上得以 使用,但是,要想访问组件并与其它服务实现交互,ActiveX对象必须出现在所 选择的平台上,否则,必须有一个连接桥梁(Bridge)使之与某个支持它们的平 台进行连接。开放的开发流程,开放资源Sun公司是通过Jaw Coiuiuiuiity Process来开发JSP技术的。从1995年,Sxiu 公司一直采用这种开放的工作流程与国际Java联盟合作开发和修改Java技术及 其规范。在JSP领域与Sun公司共同发起努力的包括很多公司,其中有工具提供 商(如Macromedia)、容器开发公司(如Apache和Netscape)、最终用户、咨询 顾问、以及其它参与者.更进

35、一步,Sun公司将JSP和Java Servlet的最新版本 (JSP1.1和Ser4et2.2 )的源代码授权给Apache,通过Apache开发工作流程 进行开发和发布。Apache. Sun和其它一些公司及个人将开放地开发一个健壮的 参考实现(RI),它是对任何公司和个人免费使用的。更详细的信息请参见 http:/yj /JSP的应用开发接口(API)毫无疑问是受益于、而且将继续获益于其广泛 的、町扩展的开发联盟。相反,ASP技术是明确地由微软主导着,在一种封闭的 工作流程中开发。ASP技术与JSP技术相比较Web 服务器 ASP 用 Microsoft

36、 IIS 或 Personal Web 服务器 JSP 用任何 Web 服务器,包括 Apache, Netscape 和 IIS 平台ASP在Microsoft Windows (访问其它平台需要第三方的ASP移植产品) JSP在大多数流行平台,包括Solaris操作系统,Microsoft windows, Mac OS, Linux,和其它Unix平台a 对于正在选择不断增加的组件和基尸Web的信息架构的公司,JSP技术提供了一 种灵活的、开放的选择,你将可以选择众多厂商的I:具进行工作,它们反应着业 界的趋势和合作。从开发人员的角度看ASP和JSP技术都能够使开发人员通过从页而访问组件

37、实现内容生成和页面布 W的分离。ASP支持COM模式,而JSP技术提供了皋于JavaBeans技术的组件 和JSP标记。向前面提到的,二者的差异超过了其相似之处。可扩展的JSP标记展现在任 何页面作者面前的第一个差别就是JSP标记本身。尽管ASP和JSP都是通过标 记和脚本的组合使用来实现动态Web页面生成,JSP技术允许开发人员扩展可用 的JSP标记。JSP开发人员能够创建个性化标记库(Custom Tag Libraries),这样 页ffi作者能够使用类似XML的标记來实现更多的功能,而尽量少地依赖于脚本。 使用个性化标记,开发人员能够使页面作者不被复杂的页面生成逻辑困扰,并且 可以为更

38、广泛的作者提供关键功能。跨平台的可重用性开发人员同样关注可重用性。JSP组件(Enteiprise JavaBeans. JavaBeans 或个性化JSP标记)是可以跨平台重复使用的。一个访问已有的数据库的 Enterprise JavaBean组件能够同时在UNIX和Microsoft Windows平台上支持分布 式系统。而且,JSP技术的标记扩展能力为开发人员提供了一种方便的,类似 XML的接口,它们可以用于与整个企业内的页面设计人员共亨这些封装的功能。 这种基于组件的模式加速了应用的开发,因为它能够使开发人员通过使用轻 负载(lighhveight)的子组件來快速地开发出应用的原型,

39、等其它附加功能开发出 来后再将它们集成进来;共亨机构内其它部门的工作成果,并将其封装在 JavaBean 或 Enterprise JavaBean 组件中Java的优势JSP技术是使用Java语言作为其脚本语言的,而ASP页面中是使用微软的 -BScript或者JScripto Java语言是一种成熟的、功能强大的和具有可伸缩性的编 程语言,与基于Basic的脚木语言相比它具有很多优势。例如,兀va语言与基于 解释执行的BScript或JScript相比有更髙的性能。由丁 JSP页面使用Java技术 并且会被编译成Java Servlets,它们为HTTP应用提供了一个连接全部服务器端 Java类库的网关。Java语言在其它方面同样使编程人员的工作更简便。例如,它帮助防备系统 朋溃,而在Windows NT系统上的ASP应用容易受到系统j折溃的影响。Java语 言在内存管理方面同样很有帮助,它提供了针对影响应用部署的内存泄漏以及 很难发现的指针错误的保护。另外,JSP提供


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