



1、七年级期末单选复习1. He is too_, so he has no time to visit his grandparents.A. fat B. healthy C. busy D. happy2. -Do you eat meat_vegetables? -Yes, I do.A. or B. but C. and D. so3. -Can you come tomorrow? -Sure. See you_.A. again B. then C. next D. well4. _is great _all of you here today.A. It; see B. It; t

2、o see C. That; see D. That; to see5. Tom doesnt do _exercise. So hes not healthy.A. all B. many C. some D. any6. Id like to hear_ you Jane. Please write to me.A. from B. about C. with D. over7. Every night, Bob watches his cat_.A. to sleep B. to sleeping C. sleep D. sleeps8. Li Na usually bys CDs_he

3、r favourite songs.A. for B. in C. of D. at9. These are Lilys books. Please_.A. buy them for her B. buys them for her C. give them to her D. gives them to her10. Her clothes_always new.A. is B. am C. are D. be11.-_emails do you write to your friends every week? - About fourA. How much B. What C. How

4、D. How many12. Lily gets_ information about science from books.A. some B. an C. a few D. many13. For breakfast, I like to have bread _ and then drink milk.A. first B. only C. finally D. next14. Can you connect the connect _the computer?A. in B. for C. to D. on15. I want to do my homework. Can I _the

5、 computer?A. look at B. talk to C. turn on D. play with16. His sister often uses her computer _emails.A. to send B. sends C. send D. sending17. I will go on a trip _Shanghai.A. on B. to C. at D. for18. Can you do your homework?A. also B. only C. even D. alone19. -Where is your aunt?-Look! There_.A.

6、is she B. she is C. is a woman D. the woman is 20. Some apples and ice cream_on the table.A. are B. is C. am D. be21. -Has she got a new abook?-_. Her new book is blue. A. Yes, she has B. No, she hasnt C. Yes, she does D. No, she doesnt22. Lets _ some chicken.A. eat B. eating C. eats D. to eat23. Th

7、e bread is delicious, _ I dont like it. A. and B. but C. or D. so24. Its healthy_vegetables every day. A. eat B. eats C. eating D. to eat25. -What _furniture are there in the room?-Desks and chairs. A. kinds B. kinds of C. kind D. kind of26. Dont eat _meat. Its bad for you. A. much too B. many too C

8、. too much D. to many27. _ the food for lunch or dinner, Mum?A. Are B. Is C. Do D. Does28. -Is milk good_my teeth?- Yes, it is.A. at B. to C. for D. with29. My sister likes _on Sunday. A. goes shopping B. going shopping C. goes shop D. going shop30.The students _ a break at 11:00 in the morning.A. h

9、ave B. go C. see D. put31. I dont like the weather here_ its too hot. A. or B. so C. but D. because32. Kate_ homework after dinner every day.A. makes B. make C. does D. do33. Li Yuxiu is from_ and she is _.A. China;Chinese B. Chinese; Chinese C. China; China D. Chinese; China34. There _ a pen on the

10、 desk, but there _two pencils on it. A. isnt; arent B. are; isnt C. isnt; are D. are; arent35. _Sunday evening, I watch TV _ my brother.A. In; for B. On; for C. In; with D. On; with 36. This_ and those _are good. A. tomato; orange B. tomato; oranges C. tomatoes; oranges D. tomatoes; oranges37. Its i

11、mportant to eat_.A. nice B. fine C. well D. good38. -lets go swimming tomorrow morning.-_.A. Good idea B. Thank you C.Yes, of course D. Youre welcome39. I have fish and rice _vegetables_lunch.A. with; at B. with; for C. in; at D. in; for40. -Do you like maths _English?-English. A. and B. so C. but D

12、. or41. This is a photo _my family.A. in B. on C. of D. at42. -Are the boys_? -No, they are_.A. American; China B. America; China C. American; Chinese D. America; Chinese 43._! Lets go swimming!A. What a hot day B. What hot a dayC. What hot the day D. What hot day44. Are those men_?A. farm worker B.

13、 farm workers C. farms worker D. farms workers45. My friends and I are not in _. A. same the class B. the same class C. same a class D. a same class46. Helen_ a big family. There are thirteen people in it.A. have B. are C. has D. is47. In the classroom, my friend Henry is on _left.A. him B. his C. m

14、e D. my48.Whats _the playground?A. on right of B. on the right of C. on right D. on the right49. There are_ students near the school gate.A. lot B. a lot C. lot of D. a lot of 50. -Where are my pens?-_on the chair.A. There is B It is C. There are D. They are51. -Whats in the box?-_.A. I like the boo

15、ks B. The books are small C. Therere some books D. Theyre my books52. -Whats your bag like?-_.A. Its here B. Its big C. Its her bag D. Its a dog53. _Bill and Jacks mother.A. This is B. There is C. These are D. There are54. There are_pens in my bag, but there arent _pencils in it.A. any; some B. some

16、; any C. some; some D. any; any55. Guangzhou is the _ of Guangdong.A. capital B. city C. picture D. map56.-How areyou?-_A. How are you? B. Im twelve C. Fine, thanks D. Im Tom.57. -_is Kate?-Shes thirteen. A. How many B How C. How old D. What58.This is _apple . _apple is good. A. an; The B. the; An C

17、. an; A D. the; A59. -Whats this in English?-_.A. Its a telephone B. Yes, its a telephone C. Thats a telephone D. no, its a telephone60. Whats the weather like _Guangzhou _winter?A. in; on B. of; on C. in; in D. of; in 61. -Do you _her name?-Yes. Its Betty.A. say B. write C. like D. know62. -Can you

18、 help me , please?-_.A. Thank you B. Youre welcome C. Good idea D. Yes, of course63.-_?-No, Im from Shanghai.A. Are you from Cambridge. B. Where are you fromC. Are you in Grade 7 D. What grade are you in 64. - Is this your book? -_. Its her book.A. Yes, it is B. Yes, she is C. No, it isnt D. No, she

19、 isnt65.-The desks are big. _. _the chairs? -Theyre big too.A. What colour are B. What about C. How are D. Where are66. Not_ likes playing sports.A. everyone B. all C. boy D. girl67._to your teacher in class.A. Draws B. Draw C. Listens D.Listen68.-_is your birthday?-Monday.A. How B. What C. Where D.

20、 What day69. Can your brother play_?A. basketball B. basketballs C. a basketball D. the basketball70. _Gina. This is _book.A. Im; my B. Im; I C. Shes; his D. Hes; her71. Welcome _ our home!A. in B. at C. to D. on72.Thats a girl. Her name is_.A. Wang Xiaohong B. Wang Xiao Hong C. Wang xiaohong D. Wan

21、g xiao hong73. His full name is Ronald Wilson Reagan. His family name is _.A. Ronald B. Wilson C Reagan D. Wilson Reagan74. Liu Wei is _China. He is _Class3 Grade7.A. from; in B. /; in C. /;/ D. from; /75. This is _mother.A. Kate and Nancys B. Kates and NancyC. Kates and Nancys D. Kate and Nancy76.

22、I am _my sister. And my dog is _my left. A. next; on B. to; in C.next to; on D. next to; in 77. -_those?-_my teachers. A. Whore; It is B. Whatre; Those are C. Whore; Theyre D. Whatre; They are78. -_? -I am a doctor.A. what does he do B. Whats your name C. Whats your job D. Whats your sister79. Annas

23、 job is _a hospital.A. on B. in C. at D. of80-_is this woman?-Its my mother.A. Who B. What C. How D. Where81. _ a book and two pens on the desk.A. There is B. There areC. This is D. These82. There is a picture_ the wall. There is a hole(洞)_the wall.A. in;in B. on; on C. on; in D. in; on83. The boy i

24、s _the blackboard. A. at the front of B. at front ofC. at front D . in front84. - How_water do you have?-Only a little.A. much B. many C. a few D. little85. The Greens are having _in the _room.A. dinner; dining B. diner; dinningC. dinner; dinning D. diner; dining86. John is standing_ Gina and Jim.A.

25、 on B. among C. between D. in87. I like flowers. I hope to study at a school _many flowers and trees in it .A. in B. with C. on D. by88. There_ a bed and two chairs in my bedroom.A . are B. is C. have D. has89. There arent any_on the table.A. apples B. beef C. chicken D. meat90. Mary often has eggs and bread_breakfast.A. with B. for C. on D. at91. These boxes are _heavy. A. a bit B. a bit of


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