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1、1. With lots of papers to be typed, the manager asked his secretary to work extra hours that night. (type)2. With lots of papers to type, the secretary had to stay up. (type)3. With many problems solved, the manager could eventually set aside adequate time for a holiday. (solve)4. With many problems

2、 to solve, the manager felt an urge to be left alone (leave). 5. Having narrowly escaped being caught cheating in the exam many times, he dared not do that again. (escape)6. Having been told many times, he still cant remember it. (tell)7. Luckily, he only had one leg injured/hurt in the accident, wh

3、ich claimed many lives. (have)8. I wont have you getting away with telling lies. (get)9. Not aware of danger approaching, they sat around chatting with each other as usual till swallowed by the volcano in a flash. (aware)10. What annoys us most is that he is always making fun of the disabled. (annoy

4、)11. I wonder where it was that I met you before. (it)12. I have no idea whether I can adapt to the lifestyle there. (adapt)13. You can never imagine what great difficulty I had in finding your home. (difficulty)14. You can never imagine how difficult it was for me to find your home. (difficult)15.

5、Every time I accompanied her to the teacher, she would buy me a candy. (accompany)16. Each time he meets with difficulties, he will turn to me. (meet)17. Once (it is) seen, it will never be forgotten. (once)18. Whatever you do and wherever you go, I will be right here waiting for you. (whatever)19.

6、He gave us a vivid description of the scene (which/that) he had witnessed. (witness)20. He had two of his books published last year, neither of which has/have sold well ever since. (sell)21. The first place (that) we visited is not accessible now. (visit) 我们参观的第一个地方现在进不去了。22. I will never forget the

7、 days (which/that) we spent together in the countryside. (spend)23. May I share your car to school? Mine is being repaired in the garage. (repair)*24. Being addicted to computer games as well as consuming alcohol and tobacco is bound to be harmful to health. (bound)25. He couldnt have left for Beiji

8、ng; I saw him just now. (leave)26. I would appreciate it if you could ring me up and tell me the news. (appreciate)27. That was the third time that his house had been turned upside down. (upside)28. Its only the second time she has had access to the Internet. (access)29. It was only in this way that

9、 you can achieve your target. (achieve)30. Not until he resigned from the office did he realize he didnt conduct himself well and was not adequate to the job. (resign) 31. Keep in mind that it is what you do, not what you say that makes a difference to the result. (mind)32. It never occurred to me that he would cut out drinking. (cut)33. As is mentioned above, where there are competitions, there exists teamwork. (mention)34. Concentrate all your energy on your study, or you will be left behind. (concentrat


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