



1、非谓语动词 1. We all know that television has so many advantages: it keeps us_ (了解最近的新闻), and also provides entertainment. (inform) 2. I meant _ (拜访) you, but I was so busy. (call) 3. Toms parents do not allow Tom _ (自已一个人去游泳). (go) 4. Prices of daily goods _ (网上选购的) can be lower than store prices at the

2、 present. (buy) 5. _ (被自然之美所吸引), the two girls from Paris decided to spend another two days on the farm. (attract) 6. Peter could do nothing but _ (向妈妈承认) that he was wrong. (admit) 7. Having a trip in the beautiful city is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains _ (看) whether they will en

3、joy it. (see) 8. Since telegrams are paid by the word and every word costs money, people always try _ (使用) as few words as possible. (use) 9. _ (考虑到他还只是个小孩), we didnt punish him. (consider) 10. I dont know whether you happen _ (听说过) that Im going to study in England next month. (hear) 11. Though _ (

4、缺钱), he managed to build a new house. (lack) 12. I dont believe what you have said. It is not like her, an excellent student, _ (考试作弊). (cheat) 13. A great deal of work has been done _ (提高人民的生活水平). (improve) 14. _ (迷失在大山里) for a few days, the three boys were finally saved by the local farmers. (lose

5、) 15. The ending of the novel is that the millionaire died without anyone _ (知道) where the coins were hidden. (know) 16. The agreements let governments trace the money _ (藏匿在国外的) and make it easier to punish officials who have fled overseas. (hide) 17. Each day, about one hundred thousand cars cross

6、 the bridge, _ (带人们) to and from the big city. (take) 18. Coins usually are made of many different kinds of metal _ (混合在一起). (mix) . 19. The most popular way _ (泡茶) in offices is to take a cup or a pot of hot wafer and drop into it a cotton bag with tea. (make) 20. It is a daily newspaper, _ (星期一到星期

7、六出版) with a Sunday edition of Business Weekly each week. (come) 21. Often hundreds of dead baby bats can be found _ (躺在地上) at the foot of a tree. (lie). 22. Any packet _ (没被正确打包的) will not be accepted by the post office. (wrap) 23. The lab _ (明年将要建的) will be more advanced than the old one. (build) 2

8、4. _ (创办于1636年), Harvard University is one of the most famous universities in the United States. (found) 25. _ (生活在北京) for quite a few years. Mr. Green has little difficulty understanding Chinese now. (live) 26. The old man came upstairs with his right hand _ (拄着拐杖) for support. (hold) 27. _ (与整个地球的

9、大小相比), the highest mountain does not seem high at all. (compare) 28. The article _ (正在写的) now will appear in tomorrows newspaper. (write) 29. _ (不希望碰见) anybody, he entered the room through the back door. (wish) 30. After the Arab states won independence, great emphasis was laid on expanding educatio

10、n, with girls as well as boys _(受到鼓励)go to school. (encourage) 31. I know they have tried their best _ (实现他们的梦想). (realize) 32. _ (穿着白色的制服), he looks more like a cook than a doctor. (dress) 33. Although we have made much progress, there are still many troublesome problems that remain _ (解决). (solve)

11、 34. It is no use _ (和我爸爸辩论), because he will never change his mind. (debate) 35. Not _ (被录用) by the big company, she was greatly depressed. (employ) 36. On the Non-smoking Day the organization is asking all smokers _ (停止吸烟) for 24 hours. (give) 37. We certainly do! We have a special department devo

12、ted to _ (设计最好的广告) for your particular company. (design) 38. The doctor says that the patient should avoid _ (干过重的活儿) after she leaves hospital. (do) 39. _ (被诊断患有) H1N1 flu, Mary was sent to a better hospital to be treated. (diagnose) 40. The beautiful flowers _ (栽种在房子周围的) attracted a lot of village

13、rs. (plant) 41. It is important for modem young people _ (掌握至少两门外语). (master) 42. The policeman rushed into the room only to find the old man _ (躺在地上). (lie) 43. When _ (被问到) why he walked in without permission, he just stared at us and said nothing. (ask) 44. She could felt her heart _ (跳动) wildly

14、when she stepped onto the stage for the first time. (beat) 45. If you are planning _ (购买) a digital camera, it is recommended that you should know about the different types available on the market first. (buy) 46. _ (在漆黑的夜里看), lights on top of tall buildings look like starsin the sky. (see) 47. The

15、small children will get _ (迷惑) if they are asked to learn too much at a time. (confuse) 48. What I want to suggest now is _ (推迟) the meeting to next month. (put) 49. _ (没有做正确), the little boy wanted to try it again. (do) 50. _ (被咬过两次), the postman refused to deriver our letters unless we chained our

16、 dog up. (bite) 51. _ (沉浸在深深的思考中), he didnt hear the doorbell ring. (absorb) 52. One of the best ways _ (练习你的英语) is to speak to a foreigner. (practice) 53. _ (上次实验成功了), she was more confident of another success in the coming one. (succeed) 54. The easiest way to get todays news is _ (看今天的报纸). (read)

17、 55. She told the child _ (待在那儿) till she came back. (stay) 56. My aunt invited me to go to the movies, but I said I had rather _ (去野炊) with the girls. (go) 57. He decided to put off _ (做结论) till he collected enough information. (make) 58. _ (一般说来), a snake wont attack a man unless it is bothered. (

18、speak) 59. It was impossible _ (避免不受影响). (avoid) 60. The birthday party of Tom, _ (出席) by thirty guests, was a great success. (attend) 61. In early times, most people were too busy _ (谋生) to have many hobbies. (make) 62. Those who have developed hobbies never need _ (担忧) what to do with their new-fo

19、und leisure hours. (worry) 63. Columbus was considered _ (发现) the great land of America. (discover) 64. We are thinking of _ (写一首歌) for the party. (write) 65. There is a man at the reception desk who seems very angry and I think he means _ (找麻烦). (make) 66. _ (多给我一天时间), I can make it better. (give)

20、67. _ (讨论了这个问题), they decided to make a new plan. (discuss) 68. He was delighted for _ (被录用) by the big company. (hire) 69. I found it pleasant _ (沿着海边走). (walk) 70. _ (匆匆完成), this composition is not satisfactory. (finish) 71. The purpose of the organization is to greet all newcomers to the city and

21、 _ (给他们提供) any necessary information. (provide) 72. With the plane _ (要起飞) in ten minutes, all the passengers on board were asked to turn off their mobile phones. (take) 73. _ (邀请了他) here to speak, wed better go to his lecture. (invite) 74. A small dark-haired boy _ (名叫查理卓别林) was often seen waiting

22、outside the back entrance of theatres. (name) 75. He could sing and dance, and he knew how _ (使人们发笑). (make) 76. _ (完成了工作) ahead of time, they were given a long holiday. (finish) 77. In Latin countries women often greet _ (彼此将脸颊贴在一起) while exchanging greetings. (put) 78. The manager said that no mat

23、ter what happened, he would have the work _ (在12小时内完成). (finish) 79. He was disappointed to find his suggestion _ (被拒绝), so he kept silent. (turn) 80. According to the research, _ (吃早餐) can improve our thinking ability and keep us at top mental performance. (have) 8l. They have great difficulty in _

24、 (生活在国外) because they couldnt speak the local language. (live) 82. Nowadays, too many children are addicted to _ (看电视) which will lead to poor eyesight and make them lack communication with others. (watch) 83. There is no point in _ (掩盖真相) for the sake of friendship. (hide) 84. _ (要完成这本书), I need an

25、other four months of hard work. (complete) 85. _ (考虑到实验的重要性), they checked the result again and again. (consider) 86. When he heard his mothers steps on the stairs, he pretended _ (在做家庭作业). (do) 87. In order to speak English well, we should practice _ (说英语) both in and out of class. (speak) 88. As w

26、e all know, _ (从月亮上看), the earth looks blue. (see) 89. _ (坐在大厅里), I talked with the journalist about my life during the past ten years. (sit) 90. _ (跟着) by a new student, the teacher came into the classroom. (follow) 参考答案 1. informed about the latest news 2. to call on 3. to go swimming alone 4. bou

27、ght through the Internet 5. Attracted by the beauty of nature 6. admit to his mother 7. to be seen 8. to use 9. Considering he was just a little boy 10. to have heard 11. lacking money 12. to cheat in the exam 13. to improve the peoples living standard 14. Lost in the mountains 15. knowing 16. hidde

28、n abroad 17. taking people 18. mixed together 19. to make tea 20. coming out from Monday to Saturday 21. lying on the ground 22. not wrapped properly 23. to be built next year 24. Founded in 1636 25. Having lived in Beijing 26. holding a stick 27. Compared with the size of the whole earth 28. being

29、written 29. Not wishing to meet 30. being encouraged 31. to realize their dreams 32. Dressed in a white uniform 33. to be solved 34. debating with my father 35. having been employed 36. to give up smoking 37. designing the best advertisement 38. doing heavy work 39. Diagnosed with 40. planted around the house 41. to master at least two foreign languages 42. lying on the ground 43. asked 44. beating 45. to buy 46. Seen in the dark night 47. confused 48. to put off 49. Not having done it right 50. Hav


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