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1、Lesson 32: A lost ship,一艘沉船 -Dee,New words and expression 生词和短语,salvage n. 营救,救助,打捞 salvage goods from fire 从火中抢救货物 salvage the patient 拯救病人 salvage your time 节省时间 salvage archaeology/boat/ money 抢救性的考古/营救船/救助的钱,cargo n.货物,cargo : the goods carried by ship, plane or vehicle (通常用于船运) The ship has a c

2、argo of 1000 tons. cargo vessel 货船 goods: the goods carried by plane or train 也可以做形容词。做形容词时只表示铁路运输。常指商店里的商品。 a goods train 货物列车 Trains are used to carry goods and passengers. 火车是用来运送货物和旅客的,scour vt.彻底搜查,scour : go through The house has been searched/scoured for the hidden bullions.为了找到被藏起来的金条,整个房子都被

3、彻底找过了。 search 指寻找丢失的东西或被认为是存在的东西 比look for 更正式 I have been searching everywhere but I cant find the key. hunt 指漫无边际的寻找急需的东西 We spent a week hunting for the puma. scour 表示彻底的搜查一个特定的范围 并暗示花费更大的力气 They scour the woods for the child. 三个词的共同特点:search/scour/hunt都可以+ for 表示目的,chest n.箱子,chest: a large stro

4、ng box in which valuable objects are kept case(总称) / suitcase (手提箱) / safe(保险箱)/ trunk(汽车尾箱)/ dustbin(垃圾箱) find n. : sth good or valuable The little restaurant is quite a find. The garden is a good find,piece v. 拼成整体,piece n. : part a piece of cake / a piece of news v. : put parts together to form a

5、 whole piece together 拼凑 They piece the log book together. 他们把航海日记拼凑在一起 Piece up : 修补,拼合 Please piece up the dress. 请把裙子缝补一下 Piece a quilt. 拼缝一下被子,convoy n. 护航,in a convoy护航 under a convoy被护航,submarine n. 潜水艇,关于sub前缀的用法: 1表示下 如: subway(地铁) /substructure(下层建筑)/subsoil(下层土)/ subnormal(低于正常的) 2表示次、准、亚

6、如: subtropics(亚热带) / sub college(准大学)/ sub continent( 次大陆) 3表示副、分支、下级、下属 如: subeditor(副编辑) / subagent(副代理人) /subhead (副标题)/ sub office(分办事处) 4表示接近的 如: subadult(接近成年的)/ sub teen (13以下) / subequal(接近相等的,约等于) 5表示再 如: subdivide(再分)/ sublet(转租)/subculture(再培养,naval n. 海军的,naval port 军港 naval power 制海权 na

7、vy n. 海军 voyage n. 海上航行 navigation n. 航海术 navigate v. 航海,航行,Text 课文,The salvage operation had been a complete failure,译文:打捞工作彻底的失败了。 请背熟上面这个句子 My examination is a complete failure. Their experiment had been a complete failure,The small ship, Elkor, which had been searching the Barents Sea for weeks,

8、 was on its way home,译文:这艘小船爱尔克号在巴伦支海上搜索已经好几个星期了,现在正在返回途中。 定语从句。Which 指代 the small ship, Elkor,A radio message from the mainland had been received by the ships captain instructing him to give up the search,The captain had received a radio message from the mainland instructing him to give up the sear

9、ch.。 船长收到了从大陆上发来的电报,指示他放弃搜索。 背熟这句话。在这句话中,instructing进一步说明a radio message的内容。 instruct sb. to do sth. 指示命令某人做某事(在第五课已经学过) the editor sent a fax to the journalist instructing him to get statistics. 这位编辑给这位记者发了一份传真,指示他马上开始获取数据,The captain knew what another attempt would be made later, for the sunken sh

10、ip he was trying to find had been carrying a precious cargo of gold bullion,make (another) attempt 再一次尝试 译文:船长知道,今后还会另作一次尝试,因为他在设法寻找的那艘沉船装载了贵重的金砖,Despite the message, the captain of the Elkor decided to try once more,译文:尽管有那份电报,但爱尔克号船长决定再试一次。 dispite = in spite of try once more 代替 make another attem

11、pt 为了避免重复,The seabed was scoured with powerful nets and there was tremendous excitement on board when a chest was raised from the bottom,译文:他们用了又大又结实的渔网在海底拖。当一只大箱子从海底被打捞上来时,船上的人兴奋极了。 Searching the seabed need a lot of time and energy. 所以我们用的动词是scour,语气要比seach 强烈。 重点掌握there was tremendous excitement

12、在正式的书面语中,我们常用there is tremendous excitement这个结构。但是在口语中,我们还是直接采用形容词excited. People on board felt excited. There was tremendous excitement before the game,Though the crew were at first under the impression that the lost ship had been found, the contents of the sea-chest proved them wrong,译文:虽然,开始时船员们以

13、为沉船已经被找到,但是从海底捞起的箱子里的东西证明他们错了 under the impression = thinking that 认为 Im under the impression that he is the manager of the store. He is under the impression that youll help him,What they had in fact found was a ship which had been sunk many years before,译文:实际上,他们所找到的是艘多年前的沉船。 由what引导的主语从句。 注意课文中出现的

14、两个形容词sunk和sunken。 做定语只用sunken. 而过去分词的普通用法, 既可以用sunk也可以用sunken,一般来讲用sunk. The ship had sunk. a sunken ship,The chest contained the personal belongings of a seaman, Alan Fielding,译文:箱子里装着一个Alan Fielding海员的私人物品。 personal belongings 个人所属物品,There were books, clothing and photographs, tighter with letters

15、, which the seaman had once received from his wife,译文:有书、衣物和照片,同时还有他妻子写给他的信件。 together with 还有 He together with his classmate went to the zoo and they enjoyed themselves,The captain of the Elkor ordered his men to salvage as much as possible from the wreck,译文:爱尔克号船长命令船员尽可能从沉船里多打捞些东西上来。 salvage as mu

16、ch as possible = salvage as much as they could,Nothing of value was found, but the numerous items which were brought to the surface,译文:虽然没有找到什么值钱的东西,但是被打捞上来的一些物件倒是颇为有趣的。 nothing of value = valuble Very much interesting = of great interest 极有意思的 Of great importance = of great significance 非常重要的 of no

17、 consequence = of no importance 无足轻重的 of no interest 没有意思 numerous = countless,In another sea-chest, which contained the belongings of a ships officer, there was an unfinished letter which had been written on March 14th,1943,译文:在另一只箱子有装着一位海军军官的东西。有一封1943年3月4日未写完的信件。 本句的主干是In another sea-chest, there

18、 was an unfinished letter which had been written on March 14th,1943. Which(指代chest )contained the belongings of a ships officer = there were the belongings of ship officer in the chest,The captain learnt from the letter that the name of the lost ship was the Karen,译文:船长从这封信中知道这艘船叫卡伦号。 learn form 从得知

19、,The most valuable find of all was the ships log book, parts of which it(形式主语)was still possible to read,译文:在所有打捞上来的东西中最有价值的是这艘沉船的航海日志。某些部分仍然能看清楚。 Which在句中指代log book,而it是形式主语,句子可以变成 parts of the log book it was still possible to read.进而变成 it was still possible to read parts of the log book,From this

20、 the captain was able to piece tighter all the information that had come to light,译文:船长可以把自己掌握的资料综合起来。 that had come to light.做定语从句修饰information Come to light = become known = emerge 被公开,被发现(不及物动词短语,要用主动语态) The secret came to light after his death. bring sth. to light = review 把公布于众 The two brothers review the secret. The two brothers brought the secret to light,The Karen had been sailing in a convoy to Russia when she was torpedoed by an enemy submarine,译文


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