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1、1,2,1. The radio says there will be much,_(rain) this afternoon,2. Look! The road_ (build) by the,workers,3. The teacher often gets us,_(try) out new ideas,4. _(when) you see him, he is,setting his mind to study his lessons,5. I broke the glass. The woman looked at me,_(straight) and angrily,rain,is

2、 being,to try,When,straightly,3,6. Of all the books, I like it _(well,for its not interesting at all,7. It is _(terrible) cold today,isnt it,8.They are waiting for you at the front,_(enter) to the building,9. At last I saw the stars,_(appear) in the sky. I,couldnt find them any more,10. Why dont you

3、 like the story? Its,_ (interest) one that I,have ever heard of,best,terribly,entrance,appear,the most interesting,4,11.Ill spend as much money as I can,_(decorate) my house,12. Thanks to the _(invent,work. We are living better and better,13. He _(angry) pointed at my,nose and said shouted,14. He to

4、ld me he would tell us something,_(surprise,15. He has been very ill, but the doctor says he is,now out of _ (dangerous,to decorate,inventors,anger,surprising,danger,5,16. This year alone, there _(be,many new buildings here,17. How _(noise) they are talking,over there,18. You can travel _(safety,by

5、train than by air,19. The rice _(grow) in South,China tastes nice,20. There are many more,trees_(plant,have been,noisy,more safely,grown,to be planted,6,21. They left for Kaifeng,_(leave) their son by themselves,22.The thief was brought in, with his hands,_(tie) behind his back,23. Whats the number

6、of the Smiths,flight_ (leave) Beijing,24. The more he said, the _(angry) we felt,25. Which colour is _(bad), Green, white,or black,26. The physics teacher told us that water _(freeze,below zero,leaving,tying,leaving,angrier,the worst,freezes,7,27. _(safe) comes first,28. For_(who) are you going to,b

7、uy a present,29. Kate likes _(fish) best of all,the food,30. What is the _(high) of that,mountain,31. Look! How _(terrible) he is,coughing,32. The parks in Suzhou are nicer than _,that ) in Shanghai,Safety,whom,fishing,height,terribly,those,8,33. Do you think Lu Xun was one of the greatest,writers i

8、n the _(twenty) century,34.Sally was going to start work the,_(follow) month,35. The porridge,smells_(terrible,36.He was so _(luck) that he didnt,catch the last train,37. There will be _(rain)and it wont,be_(rain) tomorrow,twentieth,following,terrible,lucky,rain,rainy,9,38. His father doesnt let him

9、 _(smoke,39. _(luck), he failed the English exam,this time,40. He has _(always) been there,before, has he,41. I went to the biggest _(scientist,museum in town yesterday,42. _(when) you are free, you can,come,43. By the time we got there, the train,_(be,away for ten minutes,44. Well have fun _(learn)

10、 English well,smoke,Unluckily,never,science,When,had been,learning,10,45. All those foreign _(thief) have,been caught,46. Is Australia the _(three,largest island country in the world,47. Look, our dog Colly is,lying_(comfort) on the grass,_(enjoy) its sunbath,48. What a _(please) it is for,me to pla

11、y the piano with you,49. There are a lot of differences between John,and _( I.,thieves,third,comfortable,enjoying,pleasure,me,11,50. It is _(pain) to get an injection,51. Mother asked the Greens to help,_(they) to some pears,52. A few big eggs _(lay) by,these ducks last night,53. The cake_(make)by h

12、er was eaten,by her,54. He felt _(true) sorry for,what he said,55. Our _(know) of the universe,is growing all the time,painful,themselves,were laid,made,truly,knowledge,12,56. Our physics teacher told us that light,_(travel) faster than sound,57. Tom had two of his_ (tooth,_(pull) out last year,58.

13、Its _(wet) today than,yesterday,58. Even though he is eighty years old, he,never gives up_(learn,59. He can work out the problem,_(exact,travels,teeth,pulled,wetter,learning,exactly,13,60. That means we must have smaller families,with fewer, but _(heath) children,61. Its snowing _(heavy) when,he got

14、 home today than yesterday,62.His fathers _(dead) made,him very sad,63. It was the first newspaper,_(sell) on train in America,64. Japan is a _(develop) country,but China is a _ (develop) one,healthier,heavily,death,sold,developed,developing,14,65. A: What can I do for you? B: Three _,piece ) of bre

15、ad, please,66. Do English people shake hands as often as,_ (German ),67. Many world-famous _(sing) and,_ (dance) like to give their performances,in the Shanghai Grand Theatre,68. Who is the _ (invent) of telephone,69. Who is the _ (win), Tom or Jack,pieces,Germans,singers,dancers,inventor,winner,15,

16、70. You are a very good _ (cook,71. Lu Xun was one of the greatest _,write) in the world,72. There are different kinds of _ (fish) in,the sea,73. Last week I caught two _ (thief,with a policeman,74. Uncle Li used to be a cook, but now he is,the _ (manage) of a restaurant,cook,writers,fishes,thieves,

17、manager,16,75. He met some _ (China) in London,76. There were several _ (sheep) in the,field,77. “Who is the _ (drive) of the car?” the,policeman asked,78. She picked up a wallet, but couldnt find its,_ (own,79. The citys air is polluted by many _,factory,Chinese,sheep,driver,owner,factories,17,80.

18、Im sure there are _ (mouse) in that,house,81. The bright boy later became a famous,_ (science,82. They cant help_(plant) trees because of,his headache,83. My son has decided to change another job,His _ (decide) surprised us all,84. The _ (develop) of digital television,is very,fast in recent years,m

19、ice,scientist,plant,decision,development,18,85. How many times have you been to the Great,Wall? _. (one,86. _ of the newspapers published in,Shanghai are in foreign language. (2/5,87. Ive read _ pieces of sports news,about the 15th Doha Asian Games. (twelfth,88. Which is the _ biggest continent in,the world? (two,89. I like Tokyo very much. I,_(come)here since l was five years,old,Once,Two fifths,twelve,second,have been,19,90.When you heat the ice, it turns into water,_ (qui


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